72 research outputs found

    Predicting the relationship between molecular marker heterozygosity and hybrid performance using RAPD markers in rice (Oryza sativa L.)

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    Successful prediction of heterosis and performance of F1-hybrids from genetic similarity of their parents based on molecular markers has been reported in various  crops. Estimation of genetic diversity and distance among various rice (Oryza sativa L.) genotypes and the correlation between genetic distance (GD) and hybrid performance would determine breeding strategies, define heterotic groups and predict future hybrid performance. In the present study, we surveyed genetic  divergence among 26 rice genotypes using DNA markers and assessed the relationship between genetic distance and hybrid performance of 64 hybrids in a Line x Tester (4 lines x 16 testers) mating design. The 64 F1 hybrids together with the 20 parents were evaluated for nine traits of agronomic importance, including yield,  in a replicated field trial. The 20 parents along with the other six rice varieties were examined for DNA polymorphism using 53 random decamer oligonucleotide primers of which 36 primers generated clear banding profiles. A total of 245 polymorphic variants were generated and based on the polymorphism data, genetic distances (GDs) ranged from 0.23 to 0.53. Heterosis was observed in hybrids for most of the traits and yield exhibited the highest heterosis among the nine traits examined. The correlation values of GDs with F1 performance were mostly non-significant, except for days to 50% flowering and test weight. The correlations of GDs with mid parent, better-parent heterosis and standard heterosis were not significant enough to be of predictive value. However, when specific combining ability (SCA) value was correlated with GD values of a group of hybrid (BPT 5204), there was high significance pertaining to a particular hybrid with relatively higher yield. These results indicated that GDs based on the random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers may be useful for predicting heterotic combinations in rice and support the idea that the level of correlation between hybrid performance and genetic divergence is dependent on the germplasm used.Key words: Oryza sativa, hybrid rice, predicting heterosis, random amplified polymorphic DNA, genetic diversity, genetic distance, specific combining ability, yield prediction

    Enhanced production of cellulases by various fungal cultures in solid state fermentation of cassava waste

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    Cellulases are a group of hydrolytic enzymes capable of degrading cellulose to the smaller glucose units. These enzymes are produced by fungi and bacteria. The solid waste of sago industry using cassava tubers was fermented by Aspergillus niger, Aspergillus terreus and Rhizopus stolonifer in solid state fermentation. The cassava waste contained dry wt of 13.4% cellulose and 2.9% protein by dry weight. The highest cellulase activity was observed on the 10th day in R. stolonifer mediated fermentation. R. stolonifer was more efficient in bioconverting cassava waste into fungal protein (9%) compared to A. niger and A. terreus

    Awareness of lifestyle modification in females diagnosed with polycystic ovarian syndrome in India: explorative study

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    Background: Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) adversely affect women at varying stages of their life and imperative to emphasis on prevention strategies since incidence of PCOS is on the rise. Study aims to explore perception on PCOS, awareness on life style modification, emotional attributes, concern regarding PCOS and utilization of physiotherapy services.Methods: The study was conducted in Mumbai and Navi Mumbai, India. Self-made validated questionnaire was administered. Descriptive analysis was done. Perception on PCOS, lifestyle modification, emotional attribution and biggest concern were calculated as absolute frequencies and were reported as overall percentages. Chi square test was applied on the demographic factor’s influence on level of awareness.Results: 21% of the respondents are very well aware about PCOS. 51% reported as doctor was their main source of information about PCOS. 81% expressed that PCOS is manageable one. 62% aware that exercise helps in the management of PCOS. Out of this, 39% are doing exercise on a regular basis. However all the study participants reported, they have not had any consultation from physiotherapist for their structured exercise program.32% attributed to anxiety after the diagnosis of PCOS. 64% of the respondents aware that changing in diet or eating habits can influence in PCOS. However 95% of the subjects concurred to follow life style modification.Conclusions: Efforts need to intensify in creating awareness on the general public about PCOS. Absolute majority of the study participant uncoerced to follow lifestyle modification however emphasis needs to address on multidisciplinary approach in managing PCOS

    Screening of winery and olive mill wastes for lignocellulolytic enzyme production from Aspergillus species by solid-state fermentation

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    Wastes from olive oil and wine industries (as exhausted grape marc, vineshoot trimmings, two-phase olive mill waste, vinasses, and olive mill wastewater) were evaluated for lignocellulolytic enzyme production (as endocellulases, endoxylanases, and feruloyl esterases) by solid-state fermentation (SSF) with Aspergillus niger, Aspergillus ibericus, and Aspergillus uvarum. To study the effect of different solid medium composition and time in enzyme production, a PlackettBurman experimental design was used. Variables that had a higher positive effect in lignocellulolytic enzyme production were urea, time, and exhausted grape marc. The maximum values of enzymatic activity per unit of substrate dry mass were found with A. niger for feruloyl esterase. Enzymatic extracts from SSF with A. niger achieved maximum feruloyl esterase activity (89.53 U/g) and endoxylanase activity (3.06 U/g) and with A. uvarum for endocellulase activity (6.77 U/g). The enzyme cocktails obtained in the SSF extracts may have applications in biorefinery industries.Jose Manuel Salgado is grateful for the postdoctoral fellowship (EX-2010-0402) of the Education Ministry of Spanish Government. Luis Abrunhosa was supported by the grant SFRH/BPD/43922/2008 from Fundacao para a Ciencia e Tecnologia-FCT, Portugal

    Global Transcriptome Analysis of Combined Abiotic Stress Signaling Genes Unravels Key Players in Oryza sativa L.: An In silico Approach

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    Combined abiotic stress (CAbS) affects the field grown plants simultaneously. The multigenic and quantitative nature of uncontrollable abiotic stresses complicates the process of understanding the stress response by plants. Considering this, we analyzed the CAbS response of C3 model plant, Oryza sativa by meta-analysis. The datasets of commonly expressed genes by drought, salinity, submergence, metal, natural expression, biotic, and abiotic stresses were data mined through publically accessible transcriptomic abiotic stress (AbS) responsive datasets. Of which 1,175, 12,821, and 42,877 genes were commonly expressed in meta differential, individual differential, and unchanged expressions respectively. Highly regulated 100 differentially expressed AbS genes were derived through integrative meta-analysis of expression data (INMEX). Of this 30 genes were identified from AbS gene families through expression atlas that were computationally analyzed for their physicochemical properties. All AbS genes were physically mapped against O. sativa genome. Comparative mapping of these genes demonstrated the orthologous relationship with related C4 panicoid genome. In silico expression analysis of these genes showed differential expression patterns in different developmental tissues. Protein–protein interaction of these genes, represented the complexity of AbS. Computational expression profiling of candidate genes in response to multiple stresses suggested the putative involvement of OS05G0350900, OS02G0612700, OS05G0104200, OS03G0596200, OS12G0225900, OS07G0152000, OS08G0119500, OS06G0594700, and Os01g0393100 in CAbS. These potential candidate genes need to be studied further to decipher their functional roles in AbS dynamics

    Association Between Anthropometric Factors and Balance Among Elderly Fallers and Non-Fallers: A Cross-Sectional Study

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    Purpose: Falls are an emerging public health problem causing a cascade of medical, functional, and socio-economic consequences. Apart from other widely explored risk factors affecting balance, anthropometric factors are also known to have an impact on balance. However, this relationship hasn’t been studied extensively in older adults. This study aimed to evaluate the relationship between the anthropometric factors such as Body Mass Index (BMI), Body Fat Mass (BFM), Waist-Hip Ratio (WHR), Lower Limb Length (LLL), Foot Length (FL) and balance in the elderly among fallers and non-fallers. Method: This cross-sectional study was performed on 100 fallers and 100 non-fallers, aged 60 years and above. These participants were recruited by a stratified random sampling technique from Navi Mumbai region. All the above anthropometric factors were measured and recorded. Each participant’s balance was assessed using the Mini-BESTest scale. Obtained scores were analysed in SPSS software; descriptive statistics, Spearman correlation coefficient, and Z scores were applied. Results: A sample size of 100 non-fallers, 50% male and 50% females, participated in this study. Among those participants classified as “fallers,” 56% were males and 44% were females. The mean age of the non-fallers was 66±5.01 and the mean age of the fallers was 67.72±6.73. In fallers, WHR showed good negative correlation (r= -.807), BFM as moderate (r= -.577) and BMI as fair (r= -.426) whereas in non-fallers, BMI showed moderate (r= -.546) and fair negative correlation for both WHR (r= -.303) and BFM (r= -.441). However, LLL and FL in both groups show little or no correlation. The Association of all anthropometric factors with the balance between fallers and non-fallers showed no-significant difference. It may be inter-group variance for age, gender and BMI, as participants were not matched for these variables during the recruiting phase. Additionally, the reason for the fall was not explored, thus adding to the limitations of our study. Conclusion: This study demonstrated the impact of increased WHR, BFM and BMI on balance in the elderly fallers and non-fallers. Thus, it is important to screen these factors while assessing biological risk factors for predicting falls. This study further recommends exploring the normative value for anthropometric factors in a healthy elderly population

    Awareness of lifestyle modification in females diagnosed with polycystic ovarian syndrome in India: explorative study

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    Background: Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) adversely affect women at varying stages of their life and imperative to emphasis on prevention strategies since incidence of PCOS is on the rise. Study aims to explore perception on PCOS, awareness on life style modification, emotional attributes, concern regarding PCOS and utilization of physiotherapy services.Methods: The study was conducted in Mumbai and Navi Mumbai, India. Self-made validated questionnaire was administered. Descriptive analysis was done. Perception on PCOS, lifestyle modification, emotional attribution and biggest concern were calculated as absolute frequencies and were reported as overall percentages. Chi square test was applied on the demographic factor’s influence on level of awareness.Results: 21% of the respondents are very well aware about PCOS. 51% reported as doctor was their main source of information about PCOS. 81% expressed that PCOS is manageable one. 62% aware that exercise helps in the management of PCOS. Out of this, 39% are doing exercise on a regular basis. However all the study participants reported, they have not had any consultation from physiotherapist for their structured exercise program.32% attributed to anxiety after the diagnosis of PCOS. 64% of the respondents aware that changing in diet or eating habits can influence in PCOS. However 95% of the subjects concurred to follow life style modification.Conclusions: Efforts need to intensify in creating awareness on the general public about PCOS. Absolute majority of the study participant uncoerced to follow lifestyle modification however emphasis needs to address on multidisciplinary approach in managing PCOS
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