30 research outputs found

    Whole-exome sequencing enables correct diagnosis and surgical management of rare inherited childhood anemia

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    Correct diagnosis of inherited bone marrow failure syndromes is a challenge because of the significant overlap in clinical presentation of these disorders. Establishing right genetic diagnosis is crucial for patients' optimal clinical management and family counseling. A nondysmorphic infant reported here developed severe transfusion-dependent anemia and met clinical criteria for diagnosis of Diamond-Blackfan anemia (DBA). However, whole-exome sequencing demonstrated that the child was a compound heterozygote for a paternally inherited pathogenic truncating variant (SPTA1 c.4975 C>T) and a novel maternally inherited missense variant of uncertain significance (SPTA1 c.5029 G>A) within the spectrin gene, consistent with hereditary hemolytic anemia due to disruption of red blood cell (RBC) cytoskeleton. Ektacytometry demonstrated abnormal membrane flexibility of the child's RBCs. Scanning electron microscopy revealed morphological aberrations of the patient's RBCs. Both parents were found to have mild hereditary elliptocytosis. Importantly, patients with severe RBC membrane defects may be successfully managed with splenectomy to minimize peripheral destruction of misshapen RBCs, whereas patients with DBA require lifelong transfusions, steroid therapy, or hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. As suggested by the WES findings, splenectomy rendered our patient transfusion-independent, improving the family's quality of life and preventing transfusion-related iron overload. This case illustrates the utility of whole-exome sequencing in clinical care of children with genetic disorders of unclear presentation

    Neuroinflammation in Autoimmune Disease and Primary Brain Tumors: The Quest for Striking the Right Balance

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    According to classical dogma, the central nervous system (CNS) is defined as an immune privileged space. The basis of this theory was rooted in an incomplete understanding of the CNS microenvironment, however, recent advances such as the identification of resident dendritic cells (DC) in the brain and the presence of CNS lymphatics have deepened our understanding of the neuro-immune axis and revolutionized the field of neuroimmunology. It is now understood that many pathological conditions induce an immune response in the CNS, and that in many ways, the CNS is an immunologically distinct organ. Hyperactivity of neuro-immune axis can lead to primary neuroinflammatory diseases such as multiple sclerosis and antibody-mediated encephalitis, whereas immunosuppressive mechanisms promote the development and survival of primary brain tumors. On the therapeutic front, attempts are being made to target CNS pathologies using various forms of immunotherapy. One of the most actively investigated areas of CNS immunotherapy is for the treatment of glioblastoma (GBM), the most common primary brain tumor in adults. In this review, we provide an up to date overview of the neuro-immune axis in steady state and discuss the mechanisms underlying neuroinflammation in autoimmune neuroinflammatory disease as well as in the development and progression of brain tumors. In addition, we detail the current understanding of the interactions that characterize the primary brain tumor microenvironment and the implications of the neuro-immune axis on the development of successful therapeutic strategies for the treatment of CNS malignancies

    IL-4 impairs wound healing potential in the skin by repressing fibronectin expression

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    BACKGROUND: Atopic dermatitis (AD) is characterized by intense pruritis and is a common childhood inflammatory disease. Many factors are known to affect AD development, including the pleiotropic cytokine IL-4. Yet little is known regarding the direct effects of IL-4 on keratinocyte function. OBJECTIVE AND METHODS: In this report RNA sequencing and functional assays were used to define the effect of the allergic environment on primary keratinocyte function and wound repair in mice. RESULTS: Acute or chronic stimulation by IL-4 modified expression of more than 1000 genes expressed in human keratinocytes that are involved in a broad spectrum of nonoverlapping functions. Among the IL-4-induced changes, repression of fibronectin critically impaired the human keratinocyte wound response. Moreover, in mouse models of spontaneous and induced AD-like lesions, there was delayed re-epithelialization. Importantly, topical treatment with fibronectin restored the epidermal repair response. CONCLUSION: Keratinocyte gene expression is critically shaped by IL-4, altering cell fate decisions, which are likely important for the clinical manifestations and pathology of allergic skin disease

    Numbers of long-term hematopoietic stem cells from bone marrow of fanca and fancc knockout mice can be greatly enhanced by their collection and processing in physioxia conditions

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    Fanconi anemia (FA) is associated with bone marrow failure. Bone marrow (BM) from patients with FA and fanca−/− and fancc−/− mice are deficient in hematopoietic stem (HSCs) and progenitor cells (HPCs). Decreased HSCs/HPCs compromise their use in human and mouse hematopoietic cell transplantation (HCT) and gene therapy to correct genetic defects causing FA. We reported increased collection of HSCs from mouse bone marrow and mobilized peripheral blood, and human cord blood of normal donors after collection/processing in low (3%) oxygen (physioxia). We assessed comparative contents of long-term (LT)-HSCs from BM of fanca−/− and fancc−/− when collected/processed at 3% O2, in order to negate effects of extra physiological shock stress (EPHOSS) induced by collection/processing in ambient air. Collection/processing of BM from fanca−/− and fancc−/− mice in physioxia demonstrated a ≥3-fold increase in LT-HSCs compared to that in ambient air. This was associated with decreased phenotypic multipotential progenitor cells and functional granulocyte macrophage, erythroid, and multi-potential progenitors, results similar to that for BM from normal donor mice. Increased collection of HSCs could have clinical applicability for gene therapy and HCT

    FANCA safeguards interphase and mitosis during hematopoiesis in vivo

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    The Fanconi anemia (FA/BRCA) signaling network controls multiple genome-housekeeping checkpoints, from interphase DNA repair to mitosis. The in vivo role of abnormal cell division in FA remains unknown. Here, we quantified the origins of genomic instability in FA patients and mice in vivo and ex vivo. We found that both mitotic errors and interphase DNA damage significantly contribute to genomic instability during FA-deficient hematopoiesis and in nonhematopoietic human and murine FA primary cells. Super-resolution microscopy coupled with functional assays revealed that FANCA shuttles to the pericentriolar material to regulate spindle assembly at mitotic entry. Loss of FA signaling rendered cells hypersensitive to spindle chemotherapeutics and allowed escape from the chemotherapy-induced spindle assembly checkpoint. In support of these findings, direct comparison of DNA crosslinking and anti-mitotic chemotherapeutics in primary FANCA−/− cells revealed genomic instability originating through divergent cell cycle checkpoint aberrations. Our data indicate that FA/BRCA signaling functions as an in vivo gatekeeper of genomic integrity throughout interphase and mitosis, which may have implications for future targeted therapies in FA and FA-deficient cancers