79 research outputs found
Developing of Computational Investigation Methodology of Newtonian Fluid in the Crescent-shaped Gap of Turbogenerator Oil-free Bearing
AbstractThe paper suggests the methodology of computational investigation of fluid and gas flow in the crescent-shaped gap of turbogenerator oil-free bearing on the basis of ANSYS CFX package. Numerical computation data have good convergence with empirical results obtained by other scientists for the same objects. Verification data prove the possibility of computational methodology implementation, at the first stage, in a limited sphere of engineering applications, particularly, when designing cooling systems for eccentric annulus of oil-free friction assemblies
Локалізація та гістологічна структура пухлин спинного мозку у хворих в Сумській області
У наш час пухлини спинного мозку, спинномозкових оболонок і кінського хвоста діагностуються не часто, але їх курабельність напряму залежить від глибини знань лікаря щодо особливостей початкових проявів захворювання, їх виявлення із формуванням індивідуального підходу до тактики ведення пацієнта, розробкою планів лікування, враховуючи можливі ускладнення та прогноз перебігу. За даними національної програми реєстру пухлин (NPCR) та програми спостереження, епідеміології та вихідних показників пухлин (SEER) в Америці за 2004-2007 рр. (охоплено 99,2% популяції) було зареєстровано 2576 злоякісних і 9136 доброякісних первинних пухлин спинного мозку. Загальна захворюваність складає 1,08 на 100000, з частотою 0,99 на 100 000 у жінок і 1,15 у чоловіків.Spinal cord tumors include tumors developing from its parenchyma, vessels, roots and membranes.The main theory of the formation of spinal cord tumors is the polyetiological dysontogenetictheory. According to this theory, hereditary factors, dysembriogenesis, trauma, carcinogenic effects, viral infection, intoxication, radiation, etc. play an important role in the development of tumors. Although scientists keep finding out more about genetic and environmental factors influencing the development of many types of tumors, spinal tumors are still a relatively unknown subject. Spinal tumors partially contain pathological genes, but in many cases, researchers don't know what causes these genetic changes
Domain structure destabilization of amorphous soft magnetic alloys with the Curie temperature above the crystallization temperature
A new method of the domain structure destabilization - thermomagnetic treatment (TMT) in high frequency magnetic field is applied to Fe60Co20Si5B15 amorphous alloy with the Curie point above the crystallization temperature. It is shown that TMT leads to improvement of the alloy magnetic properties
Increasing efficiency of equipment work for preliminary separation of non-ferrous metals
The article provides an overview of the methods for pre-sorting sulfide ores, as well as the design of separators for implementing these methods. The practical prospects of the use of radioresonance and X-ray fluorescence separation for the preliminary preparation of sulfide ores are shown. The use of not one, but two or more different physical properties of the separated ore components during radiometric beneficiation opens up additional possibilities in increasing the selectivity of this process and expanding the scope of its application. It is proposed to reduce the energy intensity of crushing processes, due to the impact on the rock electrical breakdown of ore in order to reduce its strength. In this case, the processes of crushing and grinding are replaced by processes of selective destruction along the boundaries of inclusions of the useful component. The substantiation of the technology for the separation of poor copper-zinc ores is presented. The relationship of sulfide content and electrical breakdown voltage is shown.The results of experiments in determination the specific energy consumption for the electrical processing of lean ore, depending on the sulfide content, are presented. The principle is substantiated, and a simulation model of the separation process is developed. The block diagram of the separation process algorithm is given.A description of the methodology for working with software is done. The energy costs of a new technology for the separation of poor sulfide ores are determined
Magnetic properties of modified amorfous and nanocrystalline alloys based on Fe and Co
Influence of thermal and thermomagnetic treatments conditions on the magnetic properties and time-temperature stability of amorphous and nanocrystalline alloys based on Fe and Co with additions of Mo, Hf, Zr was studied. It was established that the nanocrystallization in an alternating magnetic field of modified amorphous alloys based on Fe and Co improved significantly their static and dynamic properties and maintained the high thermal stability of the properties.Досліджено вплив умов термічних і термомагнітних обробок на магнітні властивості і температурно-часову стабільність аморфних і нанокристалічних сплавів на основі Fe і Co з домішками Mo, Hf, Zr. Встановлено, що нанокристалізація у змінному магнітному полі модифікованих аморфних сплавів на основі Fe і Co істотно покращує їх статичні і динамічні властивості, зберігаючи високу температурну стабільність властивостей.Исследовано влияние условий термических и термомагнитных обработок на магнитные свойства и температурно-временную стабильность аморфных и нанокристаллических сплавов на основе Fe и Co с добавками Mo, Hf, Zr. Установлено, что нанокристаллизация в переменном магнитном поле модифицированных аморфных сплавов на основе Fe и Co существенно улучшает их статические и динамические свойства, сохраняя высокую температурную стабильность свойств
The algorithm of constructor and technological
On the basis of the pulse-pressure model of the velocity-induced de-formation of metal pipes proposed by the authors [1] the expanding plas-ma channel of an electric spark, the influence of the collision angle and the contact point speed on the quality of welding of pipes with a tube grid of a heat exchanger were investigated. An algorithm for estimating welding zones is proposed. The applicability of the algorithm is tested on pairs of pipe made of alloy AD1 + tube made of alloy AMg6
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