24 research outputs found

    Ligand-Enhanced Negative Images Optimized for Docking Rescoring

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    Despite the pivotal role of molecular docking in modern drug discovery, the default docking scoring functions often fail to recognize active ligands in virtual screening campaigns. Negative image-based rescoring improves docking enrichment by comparing the shape/electrostatic potential (ESP) of the flexible docking poses against the target protein's inverted cavity volume. By optimizing these negative image-based (NIB) models using a greedy search, the docking rescoring yield can be improved massively and consistently. Here, a fundamental modification is implemented to this shape-focused pharmacophore modelling approach-actual ligand 3D coordinates are incorporated into the NIB models for the optimization. This hybrid approach, labelled as ligand-enhanced brute-force negative image-based optimization (LBR-NiB), takes the best from both worlds, i.e., the all-roundedness of the NIB models and the difficult to emulate atomic arrangements of actual protein-bound small-molecule ligands. Thorough benchmarking, focused on proinflammatory targets, shows that the LBR-NiB routinely improves the docking enrichment over prior iterations of the R-NiB methodology. This boost can be massive, if the added ligand information provides truly essential binding information that was lacking or completely missing from the cavity-based NIB model. On a practical level, the results indicate that the LBR-NiB typically works well when the added ligand 3D data originates from a high-quality source, such as X-ray crystallography, and, yet, the NIB model compositions can also sometimes be improved by fusing into them, for example, with flexibly docked solvent molecules. In short, the study demonstrates that the protein-bound ligands can be used to improve the shape/ESP features of the negative images for effective docking rescoring use in virtual screening

    Optimization of Cavity-Based Negative Images to Boost Docking Enrichment in Virtual Screening

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    Molecular docking is a key in silico method used routinely in modern drug discovery projects. Although docking provides high-quality ligand binding predictions, it regularly fails to separate the active compounds from the inactive ones. In negative image-based rescoring (R-NiB), the shape/electrostatic potential (ESP) of docking poses is compared to the negative image of the protein’s ligand binding cavity. While R-NiB often improves the docking yield considerably, the cavity-based models do not reach their full potential without expert editing. Accordingly, a greedy search-driven methodology, brute force negative image-based optimization (BR-NiB), is presented for optimizing the models via iterative editing and benchmarking. Thorough and unbiased training, testing and stringent validation with a multitude of drug targets, and alternative docking software show that BR-NiB ensures excellent docking efficacy. BR-NiB can be considered as a new type of shape-focused pharmacophore modeling, where the optimized models contain only the most vital cavity information needed for effectively filtering docked actives from the inactive or decoy compounds. Finally, the BR-NiB code for performing the automated optimization is provided free-of-charge under MIT license via GitHub (https://github.com/jvlehtonen/brutenib) for boosting the success rates of docking-based virtual screening campaigns. </p

    Ligand-Enhanced Negative Images Optimized for Docking Rescoring

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    Despite the pivotal role of molecular docking in modern drug discovery, the default docking scoring functions often fail to recognize active ligands in virtual screening campaigns. Negative image-based rescoring improves docking enrichment by comparing the shape/electrostatic potential (ESP) of the flexible docking poses against the target protein&rsquo;s inverted cavity volume. By optimizing these negative image-based (NIB) models using a greedy search, the docking rescoring yield can be improved massively and consistently. Here, a fundamental modification is implemented to this shape-focused pharmacophore modelling approach&mdash;actual ligand 3D coordinates are incorporated into the NIB models for the optimization. This hybrid approach, labelled as ligand-enhanced brute-force negative image-based optimization (LBR-NiB), takes the best from both worlds, i.e., the all-roundedness of the NIB models and the difficult to emulate atomic arrangements of actual protein-bound small-molecule ligands. Thorough benchmarking, focused on proinflammatory targets, shows that the LBR-NiB routinely improves the docking enrichment over prior iterations of the R-NiB methodology. This boost can be massive, if the added ligand information provides truly essential binding information that was lacking or completely missing from the cavity-based NIB model. On a practical level, the results indicate that the LBR-NiB typically works well when the added ligand 3D data originates from a high-quality source, such as X-ray crystallography, and, yet, the NIB model compositions can also sometimes be improved by fusing into them, for example, with flexibly docked solvent molecules. In short, the study demonstrates that the protein-bound ligands can be used to improve the shape/ESP features of the negative images for effective docking rescoring use in virtual screening

    Rokotusohjelman muutokset vuonna 2003.

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    Digitalisoinnin hyödyntäminen vesihuoltoverkostojen kunnonhallinnassa

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    Tiivistelmä Digitalisaation hyödyntäminen verkosto-omaisuuden hallinnassa vaihtelee vesilaitosten välillä. Oulun yliopiston keräämässä selvityksessä kartoitettiin, mikä tilanne eri kokoisissa laitoksissa tällä hetkellä on digitaalisten aineistojen ja menetelmien hyödyntämisen suhteen, kuinka laitokset tunnistavat digitalisaation mahdollisuuksia ja mitä laitokset toivoisivat tehtävän digitaalisten järjestelmien ja menetelmien edistämiseksi