32 research outputs found

    Heat flow vs. atmospheric greenhouse on early Mars

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    Researchers derived a quantitative relationship between the effectiveness of an atmospheric greenhouse and internal heat flow in producing the morphological differences between earlier and later Martian terrains. The derivation is based on relationships previously derived by other researchers. The reasoning may be stated as follows: the CO2 mean residence time in the Martian atmosphere is almost certainly much shorter than the total time span over which early climate differences are thought to have been sustained. Therefore, recycling of previously degassed CO2 quickly becomes more important than the ongoing supply of juvenile CO2. If so, then the atmospheric CO2 pressure, and thereby the surface temperature, may be approximated mathematically as a function of the total degassed CO2 in the atmosphere plus buried material and the ratio of the atmospheric and regolith mean residence times. The latter ratio can also be expressed as a function of heat flow. Hence, it follows that the surface temperature may be expressed as a function of heat flow and the total amount of available CO2. However, the depth to the water table can simultaneously be expressed as a function of heat flow and the surface temperature (the boundary condition). Therefore, for any given values of total available CO2 and regolith conductivity, there exist coupled independent equations which relate heat flow, surface temperature, and the depth to the water table. This means we can now derive simultaneous values of surface temperature and the depth of the water table for any value of the heat flow. The derived relationship is used to evaluate the relative importance of the atmospheric greenhouse effect and the internal regolith thermal gradient in producing morphological changes for any value of the heat flow, and to assess the absolute importance of each of the values of the heat flow which are thought to be reasonable on independent geophysical grounds

    Possible origin of some channels on Alba Patera, Mars

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    Several alternative models were proposed for the origin and mode of formation of channels and valley networks on Martian volcanoes, notably Hecates Tholus, Ceraunius Tholus, and Alba Patera. Early interpretations of Mariner 9 and Viking images suggested that these features on Alba were lava channels, while those on Ceraunius Tholus were interpreted as fluvial or volcanic debris channels. Subsequent mapping of Tyrrehna Patera and Hecate Tholus has suggested that pyroclastic activity may have characterized eruptions on these volcanoes, and that at least for Hecates the channels were probably formed by fluvial erosion of unconsolidated ash deposits on the flanks of the volcano. As part of a continuing program to better understand the eruptive history of the young volcanic centers on Mars, numerous channels were identified on the flanks of Alba Patera that resemble the channels on Hecates. As a result, the possibility is being explored that some of the small channels on the flanks of Alba Patera may be fluvial in origin and potentail water sources and modes of formation are being explored

    CO2: Adsorption on palagonite and the Martian regolith

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    Possible scenarios for the evolution of the Martian climate are discussed. In the interest of determining an upper limit on the absorptive capacity of the Martian regolith, researchers examined the results of Fanale and Cannon (1971, 1974) for CO2 adsorption on nontronite and basalt. There appeared to be a strong proportionality between the capacity of the absorbent and its specific surface area. A model of the Martian climate is given that allows the researchers to make some estimates of exchangeable CO2 abundances

    Atmospheric H2O and the search for Martian brines

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    Abundant martian brines would have important implication for current theories of volatile migration on Mars, since, although the presence of metastable brines is quite plausible, any brine in the reasonably near-surface should be completely depleted on a timescale short in relation to the age of Mars. It is important to determine whether brines exist in the martian subsurface, for the current paradigm for understanding martian volatile regime requires substantial alteration if they are found to exist. It is determined, however, that the prospect for detection of a subsurface brine via atmospheric water vapor measurements is marginal. Four reasons are given for this conclusion

    Absorption of the Martian regolith: Specific surface area and missing CO(sub 2)

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    For most estimates of available regolith and initial degassed CO(sub 2) inventories, it appears that any initial inventory must have been lost to space or incorporated into carbonates. Most estimates of the total available degassed CO(sub 2) inventory are only marginally sufficient to allow for a major early greenhouse effect. It is suggested that the requirements for greenhouse warming to produce old dessicated terrain would be greatly lessened if groundwater brines rather than rainfall were involved and if a higher internal gradient were involved to raise the water (brine) table, leading to more frequent sapping

    Is regolith absorbtion the explanation for the transition from early to present Mars climate

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    Experimental data is presented for CO2 adsorption on palagonites (now thought to provide the most acceptable spectral match to Mars weathering products). When corrected for great differences in specific surface area, the adsorptive behavior exhibited by palogonites, nontronite, and basalt with respect to CO2 can be (approx.) described by the same generic equation. Using this relationship normalized to a Mars soil surface area, and the dependence of subsurface temperatures on latitude and depth, the current inventory of regolith absorbed CO2 was estimated

    The role of regolith adsorption in the transition from early to late Mars climate

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    Researchers reexamined radiative transfer models of early Mars that were advanced to show the existance of a greenhouse effect. These models were reexamined with regard to the effect that regolith adsorption may have had. It is argued that while the precipitation of carbonates has probably been an important process during Mars history, the rates at which this process could have taken place under early Mars conditions would have dropped sharply once liquid water was fairly scarce. Furthermore, conditions under which liquid water was available may have involved efficient recycling of carbonate so that steady state conditions rather than irreversible CO2 removal prevailed. In contrast, the growth of regolith surface area demands corresponding and predictable CO2 removal from the atmosphere-cap system and is fully capable of terminating any enhanced temperature regime on early Mars in the absence of any other effects

    Early Mars: The inextricable link between internal and external influences on valley network formation

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    The conditions under which the valley networks on the ancient cratered terrain on Mars formed are still highly debated within the scientific community. While liquid water was almost certainly involved, the exact mechanism of formation is uncertain. The networks most resemble terrestrial sapping channels, although some systems exhibit a runoff-dominated morphology. The major question in the formation of these networks is what, if anything, do they imply about early Martian climate? There are typically two major theories advanced to explain the presence of these networks. The first is that higher internal regolith temperatures, associated with a much higher heat flow 3.8 b.y. ago, would cause ground water to be closer to the surface than at present. Just how close to the surface ground water would have to exist in order to form these valley networks has recently been questioned. The second major theory is that early Mars had a much thicker atmosphere than at present, and an enhanced atmospheric greenhouse may have increased surface temperatures to near the freezing point of water. While recent calculations indicate that CO2 alone could not have produced the needed warming, the presence of other greenhouse gases may have contributed to surface warming