2 research outputs found

    Francisella tularensis Schu S4 lipopolysaccharide core sugar and o-antigen mutants are attenuated in a mouse model of tularemia

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    The virulence factors mediating Francisella pathogenesis are being investigated, with an emphasis on understanding how the organism evades innate immunity mechanisms. Francisella tularensis produces a lipopolysaccharide (LPS) that is essentially inert and a polysaccharide capsule that helps the organism to evade detection by components of innate immunity. Using an F. tularensis Schu S4 mutant library, we identified strains that are disrupted for capsule and O-antigen production. These serum-sensitive strains lack both capsule production and O-antigen laddering. Analysis of the predicted protein sequences for the disrupted genes (FTT1236 and FTT1238c) revealed similarity to those for waa (rfa) biosynthetic genes in other bacteria. Mass spectrometry further revealed that these proteins are involved in LPS core sugar biosynthesis and the ligation of O antigen to the LPS core sugars. The 50% lethal dose (LD(50)) values of these strains are increased 100- to 1,000-fold for mice. Histopathology revealed that the immune response to the F. tularensis mutant strains was significantly different from that observed with wild-type-infected mice. The lung tissue from mutant-infected mice had widespread necrotic debris, but the spleens lacked necrosis and displayed neutrophilia. In contrast, the lungs of wild-type-infected mice had nominal necrosis, but the spleens had widespread necrosis. These data indicate that murine death caused by wild-type strains occurs by a mechanism different from that by which the mutant strains kill mice. Mice immunized with these mutant strains displayed >10-fold protective effects against virulent type A F. tularensis challenge

    Phosphoethanolamine Transferase LptA in Haemophilus ducreyi Modifies Lipid A and Contributes to Human Defensin Resistance In Vitro

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    Haemophilus ducreyi resists the cytotoxic effects of human antimicrobial peptides (APs), including α-defensins, β-defensins, and the cathelicidin LL-37. Resistance to LL-37, mediated by the sensitive to antimicrobial peptide (Sap) transporter, is required for H. ducreyi virulence in humans. Cationic APs are attracted to the negatively charged bacterial cell surface. In other gram-negative bacteria, modification of lipopolysaccharide or lipooligosaccharide (LOS) by the addition of positively charged moieties, such as phosphoethanolamine (PEA), confers AP resistance by means of electrostatic repulsion. H. ducreyi LOS has PEA modifications at two sites, and we identified three genes (lptA, ptdA, and ptdB) in H. ducreyi with homology to a family of bacterial PEA transferases. We generated non-polar, unmarked mutants with deletions in one, two, or all three putative PEA transferase genes. The triple mutant was significantly more susceptible to both α- and β-defensins; complementation of all three genes restored parental levels of AP resistance. Deletion of all three PEA transferase genes also resulted in a significant increase in the negativity of the mutant cell surface. Mass spectrometric analysis revealed that LptA was required for PEA modification of lipid A; PtdA and PtdB did not affect PEA modification of LOS. In human inoculation experiments, the triple mutant was as virulent as its parent strain. While this is the first identified mechanism of resistance to α-defensins in H. ducreyi, our in vivo data suggest that resistance to cathelicidin LL-37 may be more important than defensin resistance to H. ducreyi pathogenesis