7 research outputs found

    Dental Treatment As A Cause Of Anxiety [o Tratamento Odontológico Como Gerador De Ansiedade]

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    Dental treatment causes anxiety in patients and professionals. In the case of patients, the clinical aspects, mainly invasive factors, such as local anesthesia, and, in the case of professionals, their behavior may produce anxiety with their evasive answers. The need to deal with the patient's anxiety requires complex procedures of the dentists. Coupled to the dentist's own anxiety for technical preciseness and permanent clinical knowledge acquisitions, the dentist's routine turns into a physically and emotionally stressing procedure. Such a situation may worsen when the professional training of the dentist is somewhat deficient in knowledge acquisition on the doctor-patient relationship and in behavior management techniques.123609616Ayer, W.A., Corah, N.L., Behavioral factors influencing dental treatment (1984) Social sciences and dentistry: A critical bibliography, pp. 267-322. , L. K. Cohen & P. S. Bryant Eds, Berlim: QuintessenceCardoso, C. L., Loureiro, S. R. 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