27 research outputs found

    New AMS 14C dates track the arrival and spread of broomcorn millet cultivation and agricultural change in prehistoric Europe

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    Broomcorn millet (Panicum miliaceum L.) is not one of the founder crops domesticated in Southwest Asia in the early Holocene, but was domesticated in northeast China by 6000 bc. In Europe, millet was reported in Early Neolithic contexts formed by 6000 bc, but recent radiocarbon dating of a dozen 'early' grains cast doubt on these claims. Archaeobotanical evidence reveals that millet was common in Europe from the 2nd millennium bc, when major societal and economic transformations took place in the Bronze Age. We conducted an extensive programme of AMS-dating of charred broomcorn millet grains from 75 prehistoric sites in Europe. Our Bayesian model reveals that millet cultivation began in Europe at the earliest during the sixteenth century bc, and spread rapidly during the fifteenth/fourteenth centuries bc. Broomcorn millet succeeds in exceptionally wide range of growing conditions and completes its lifecycle in less than three summer months. Offering an additional harvest and thus surplus food/fodder, it likely was a transformative innovation in European prehistoric agriculture previously based mainly on (winter) cropping of wheat and barley. We provide a new, high-resolution chronological framework for this key agricultural development that likely contributed to far-reaching changes in lifestyle in late 2nd millennium bc Europe

    Diversity of Pseudomonas species associated with soft rot of plants in Poland

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    A total of 94 pectolytic and 60 nonpectolytic Pseudomonas isolates were obtained from 250 samples of rotted vegetable specimens representing various economically important vegetables. The isolates were identified on the basis of standard biochemical tests. Pseudomonas fluorescens biovar V and II and Pseudomonas putida were the most abundant species among pectolytic isolates and Pseudomonas fluorescens biovar I among nonpectolytic ones. Only 3 Pseudomonas viridiflava isolates were identified and all of them were obtained from potato. Isolates of pectolytic phenotype were scattered among nonpectolytic ones irrespective of their taxonomical status. Isolates identified biochemically, as Pseudomonas marginalis were also present in nonpectolytic group. PCR method is unsuitable for identification and differentiation of bacteria belonging to pectolytic fluorescens Pseudomonas group due to great diversity of species. However, the results of PCR amplification of the genes encoding pectate lyase suggest that genes responsible for production of this enzyme may also be present in isolates of nonpectolytic phenotype.Z 250 pr贸b, z r贸偶nych gatunk贸w ro艣lin warzywnych z objawami mokrej zgnilizny wyodr臋bniono 94 izolaty pektynolitycznych i 60 izolat贸w nie pektynolitycznych bakterii z rodzaju Pseudomonas. Identyfikacj臋 i r贸偶nicowanie izolat贸w przeprowadzono przy zastosowaniu standardowych test贸w fizjologiczno-biochemicznych. Spo艣r贸d izolat贸w z grupy pektolitycznych Pseudomonas najliczniej wyst臋powa艂 gatunek P. fluorescens, kt贸ry by艂 reprezentowany przez 4 biowary (opr贸cz czwartego), przy czym dominowa艂y biowary II i V. Mniej licznie wyst臋powa艂 gatunek P. putida, a P. viridiflava by艂 reprezentowany jedynie przez 3 izolaty, pochodz膮ce z ziemniaka. Podobna by艂a struktura populacji izolat贸w z grupy niepektolitycznych Pseudomonas. Metoda PCR okaza艂a si臋 by膰 ma艂o przydatna do wykrywania i r贸偶nicowania izolat贸w z grupy pektolitycznych Pseudomonas ze wzgl臋du na du偶e ich zr贸偶nicowanie. Amplifikacja DNA metod膮 PCR wykaza艂a, 偶e geny koduj膮ce enzym liazy pektynowej wyst臋puj膮 tak偶e w izolatach niepektolitycznych rodzaju Pseudomonas

    Susceptibility of potato cultivars to bacterial soft rot - Erwinia carotovora subsp. carotovora

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    During our study we examined 19 most popular Polish potato cultivars. Susceptibility of tubers to bacterial infection was assessed by two methods: direct injection of bacterial suspension into tuber tissue and clay-inoculation method. The cultivars were divided into three groups: tolerant, relatively susceptible and susceptible. Elida, Bila and Vistula proved to be the most susceptible potato cultivars whereas Ekra and Mila the most resistant. Some of the cultivars such as Oda had resistant peel and susceptible tissue. Therefore during storage of Oda-like cultivars healthy and undamaged tubers are so important.Najwa偶niejsz膮 rol臋 w ograniczaniu chor贸b bakteryjnych odgrywa profilaktyka, mi臋dzy innymi stosowanie odmian odpornych lub wykazuj膮cych wysok膮 tolerancj臋 w stosunku do patogena. Nasze badania obj臋艂y 19 powszechnie uprawianych w Polsce odmian ziemniaka. Ocen臋 podatno艣ci bulw ziemniaka na infekcj臋 bakteryjn膮 oraz gnicie przeprowadzono dwiema metodami: metod膮 powierzchniowej inokulacji przy pomocy gliny zawieraj膮cej bakterie oraz metod膮 iniekcji mi膮偶szu zawiesin膮 bakteryjn膮 ko艅c贸wkami pipet. Na podstawie uzyskanych wynik贸w badane odmiany zosta艂y zaliczone do trzech grup: tolerancyjne, 艣rednio wra偶liwe i podatne. Najwra偶liwszymi odmianami okaza艂y si臋 Elida, Bila i Vistula, za艣 najodporniejsze by艂y Ekra i Mila. Niekt贸re odmiany, takie jak np. Oda, charakteryzowa艂y si臋 odporn膮 sk贸rk膮 i podatnym mi膮偶szem. W ich przypadku szczeg贸lnie wa偶ne jest wi臋c przechowywanie zdrowych i nieuszkodzonych mechanicznie bulw. Opisane badania mog膮 by膰 wykorzystane przy doborze odmian ziemniaka w uprawie w zale偶no艣ci od warunk贸w klimatycznych, a tak偶e w przechowalnictwie

    Seed transmission of Pepino mosaic virus in tomato

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    In this manuscript we provide evidence for the seed transmission of Pepino mosaic virus (PepMV) in tomato. Fruit was harvested from a tomato crop artificially infected with both European and CH2 genotypes of PepMV and more than 100,000 seeds were extracted and cleaned using an enzymatic treatment without disinfection. Infection assays using indicator plants confirmed the presence of viable virus on the seeds. Seeds were distributed to ten different laboratories in three separate batches, where they were germinated and the young plants tested by ELISA. In total over 87,000 plants were tested and 23 positives detected, indicating an overall transmission rate of 0.026%. However, the observed seed transmission rates varied from 0.005% to 0.057%, depending on the seed batch used. Results clearly showed that PepMV can be transmitted from seeds contaminated with virus to seedlings, highlighting the risk of using seeds from PepMV-infected plants and the potential for seed transmission to contribute to the further spread of PepM