12 research outputs found

    Myocarditis following COVID – 19 mRNA vaccine administration

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    Development of effective vaccines marked the beginning of the end for COVID-19 pandemic. Even though they represent key factor in combatting the disease, adverse events were reported following the administration of Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna mRNA vaccines and among them myocarditis. The aim of this review was to present key points of myocarditis following the administration of Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna mRNA vaccines like: epidemiological characteristics, clinical features, investigation and treatment

    Vertebrobasilar insufficiency due to subclavian-vertebral artery steal

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    Subclavian-vertebral artery steal is an occurrence of a retrograde blood flow in the ipsilateral vertebral artery when an occlusion or hemodynamically significant stenosis of the subclavian artery proximal to the origination of the vertebral artery impair normal blood flow to the arm and the brainste

    Produktivnost i kakvoća hibrida krmnog sirka S. Sioux i Grazer N na obiteljskim gospodarstvima

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the yield and fodder quality of interpolated fodder sorghum as a second (additional) crop. The research was carried out on 4 family farms in lowland of northern Croatia between the Sava and Drava rivers. The area is densely populated, but the agricultural land is fragmented, unsuitably managed and utilized, and consists of different soil types. During the three-year trial carried out in different locations and conditions, the average green matter (GM) yield was 85.4 t ha-1 (73.0 – 93.3), while the dry matter (DM) yield was 14.11 t ha-1 (12.93-15.17). The mean crude fiber (CF) on DM concentration basis was 29.8 % (57.4 NDF, 28.8 % ADF and 13.8 % ADL), crude protein (CP) constituted 11.28 %, digestible crude protein (DCP) stood at 7.75 % and 6.38 MJ NEL. On average there were 1093 kg ha-1 DCP and 90.00 GJ NEL.U nizinskom području sjeverne Hrvatske između rijeka Save i Drave koja su gusto naseljena na usitnjenim i nedovoljno uređenim površinama, različitih tipova tala, malih obiteljskih gospodarstava provedena su istraživanja interpolacije krmnog sirka kao druge kulture (naknadna kultura). Utvrđivani su prinosi i kakvoća proizvedene krme. U trogodišnjem prosjeku na četiri gospodarstva na različitim lokacijama i uvjetima postignuto je u prosjeku 85,4 (73,0 do 93,3) t/ha zelene mase, odnosno 14,11 (12,93-15,17) t/ha suhe tvari. U prosjeku u suhoj tvari (ST) je utvrđeno 29,8 % surovih vlakana (57,4 NDF, 28,8 % ADF i 13,8 % LDF), 11,28 % surovih, odnosno 7,75 % probavljivih surovih bjelančevina (PSB) i 6,38 MJ NEL u kg ST. U prosjeku je postignuto 1093 kg/ha PSB, odnosno 90,00 GJ NEL

    The sexual differences in gene expression in the human cerebral cortex

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    Neokorteks, filogenetski najmlađi dio mozga, određuje ljude kao vrstu, a spolne razlike u ekspresiji gena imaju ključnu ulogu u strukturalnoj, kognitivnoj i funkcionalnoj različitosti moždane kore muškaraca i žena. Sastoji se od šest slojeva koji se razvijaju složenim histogenetskim procesima kao što su neurogeneza i migracija iz fetalnog telencefalona, a karakterističan izgled joj daju brojne vijuge i brazde. Podijeljena je na 52 kortikalna polja sa specifičnom citoarhitektonskom građom i funkcijom uz jedinstven skup ulazno-izlaznih neuronskih veza što je odraz različite genske ekspresije. Različitost genske ekspresije proizlazi iz njene različite regulacije djelovanjem transkripcijskih i epigenetskih mehanizama kako bi samo određeni geni došli do izražaja. Geni eksprimirani u neokorteksu čine 81, 8 % od ukupnog broja protein-kodirajućih gena, a raznolikost njihove ekspresije ovisi o razdoblju života, području moždane kore i spolu. Spolne razlike proizlaze iz zajedničkog utjecaja spolnih kromosoma i spolnih steroidnih hormona te se ostvaruje djelovanjem epigenetskih mehanizama i preko nuklearnih receptora. Smatra se da se spolne razlike u ekspresiji gena pojavljuju u svim dijelovima ljudskog mozga te da utječu na približno 2,5 % od ukupnog broja eksprimiranih gena. Veća podložnost muškaraca i žena određenim psihičkim, neurološkim i neurorazvojnim poremećajima također je pod utjecajem različite genske ekspresije. Uvriježeno je mišljenje da spolne razlike u ekspresiji gena utječu na strukturne, fiziološke i funkcionalne razlike između muškog i ženskog mozga koje se očituju različitim kognitivnim prilagodbama na iste svakodnevne zahtjeve.The neocortex, phylogenetically the youngest part of the brain, defines humans as a species and sexual differences in gene expression play a key role in the structural, cognitive, and functional differences between male and female cortex. It consists of six layers which are a product of complex histogenetic processes like neurogenesis and migration derived from the fetal telencephalon. Numerous gyri and sulci give it its characteristic appearance. It is divided into 52 cortical areas with specific cytoarchitecture and function accompanied by a unique set of input-output neural connections that reflect different gene expressions. The diversity of gene expression is acquired by transcriptional and epigenetic mechanisms so that only certain genes become prominent. Genes expressed in the neocortex make up about 81.8 % of the total number of protein-coding genes and its diverse expression depends on the life period, neocortical region and sex. Sexual differences arise from the joint influence of sex chromosomes and sex steroid hormones and are realized by the activity of epigenetic mechanisms and through nuclear receptors. Sexual differences in gene expression are thought to occur in all parts of the human brain and affect approximately 2.5% of the total number of expressed genes. Higher susceptibility of men and women to certain mental and neurodevelopmental disorders is also influenced by different gene expression. It is widely believed that sexual differences in gene expression affect structural, physiological and functional differences between male and female brains which are manifested by different cognitive adaptations to the similar demands of everyday life

    The sexual differences in gene expression in the human cerebral cortex

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    Neokorteks, filogenetski najmlađi dio mozga, određuje ljude kao vrstu, a spolne razlike u ekspresiji gena imaju ključnu ulogu u strukturalnoj, kognitivnoj i funkcionalnoj različitosti moždane kore muškaraca i žena. Sastoji se od šest slojeva koji se razvijaju složenim histogenetskim procesima kao što su neurogeneza i migracija iz fetalnog telencefalona, a karakterističan izgled joj daju brojne vijuge i brazde. Podijeljena je na 52 kortikalna polja sa specifičnom citoarhitektonskom građom i funkcijom uz jedinstven skup ulazno-izlaznih neuronskih veza što je odraz različite genske ekspresije. Različitost genske ekspresije proizlazi iz njene različite regulacije djelovanjem transkripcijskih i epigenetskih mehanizama kako bi samo određeni geni došli do izražaja. Geni eksprimirani u neokorteksu čine 81, 8 % od ukupnog broja protein-kodirajućih gena, a raznolikost njihove ekspresije ovisi o razdoblju života, području moždane kore i spolu. Spolne razlike proizlaze iz zajedničkog utjecaja spolnih kromosoma i spolnih steroidnih hormona te se ostvaruje djelovanjem epigenetskih mehanizama i preko nuklearnih receptora. Smatra se da se spolne razlike u ekspresiji gena pojavljuju u svim dijelovima ljudskog mozga te da utječu na približno 2,5 % od ukupnog broja eksprimiranih gena. Veća podložnost muškaraca i žena određenim psihičkim, neurološkim i neurorazvojnim poremećajima također je pod utjecajem različite genske ekspresije. Uvriježeno je mišljenje da spolne razlike u ekspresiji gena utječu na strukturne, fiziološke i funkcionalne razlike između muškog i ženskog mozga koje se očituju različitim kognitivnim prilagodbama na iste svakodnevne zahtjeve.The neocortex, phylogenetically the youngest part of the brain, defines humans as a species and sexual differences in gene expression play a key role in the structural, cognitive, and functional differences between male and female cortex. It consists of six layers which are a product of complex histogenetic processes like neurogenesis and migration derived from the fetal telencephalon. Numerous gyri and sulci give it its characteristic appearance. It is divided into 52 cortical areas with specific cytoarchitecture and function accompanied by a unique set of input-output neural connections that reflect different gene expressions. The diversity of gene expression is acquired by transcriptional and epigenetic mechanisms so that only certain genes become prominent. Genes expressed in the neocortex make up about 81.8 % of the total number of protein-coding genes and its diverse expression depends on the life period, neocortical region and sex. Sexual differences arise from the joint influence of sex chromosomes and sex steroid hormones and are realized by the activity of epigenetic mechanisms and through nuclear receptors. Sexual differences in gene expression are thought to occur in all parts of the human brain and affect approximately 2.5% of the total number of expressed genes. Higher susceptibility of men and women to certain mental and neurodevelopmental disorders is also influenced by different gene expression. It is widely believed that sexual differences in gene expression affect structural, physiological and functional differences between male and female brains which are manifested by different cognitive adaptations to the similar demands of everyday life

    The sexual differences in gene expression in the human cerebral cortex

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    Neokorteks, filogenetski najmlađi dio mozga, određuje ljude kao vrstu, a spolne razlike u ekspresiji gena imaju ključnu ulogu u strukturalnoj, kognitivnoj i funkcionalnoj različitosti moždane kore muškaraca i žena. Sastoji se od šest slojeva koji se razvijaju složenim histogenetskim procesima kao što su neurogeneza i migracija iz fetalnog telencefalona, a karakterističan izgled joj daju brojne vijuge i brazde. Podijeljena je na 52 kortikalna polja sa specifičnom citoarhitektonskom građom i funkcijom uz jedinstven skup ulazno-izlaznih neuronskih veza što je odraz različite genske ekspresije. Različitost genske ekspresije proizlazi iz njene različite regulacije djelovanjem transkripcijskih i epigenetskih mehanizama kako bi samo određeni geni došli do izražaja. Geni eksprimirani u neokorteksu čine 81, 8 % od ukupnog broja protein-kodirajućih gena, a raznolikost njihove ekspresije ovisi o razdoblju života, području moždane kore i spolu. Spolne razlike proizlaze iz zajedničkog utjecaja spolnih kromosoma i spolnih steroidnih hormona te se ostvaruje djelovanjem epigenetskih mehanizama i preko nuklearnih receptora. Smatra se da se spolne razlike u ekspresiji gena pojavljuju u svim dijelovima ljudskog mozga te da utječu na približno 2,5 % od ukupnog broja eksprimiranih gena. Veća podložnost muškaraca i žena određenim psihičkim, neurološkim i neurorazvojnim poremećajima također je pod utjecajem različite genske ekspresije. Uvriježeno je mišljenje da spolne razlike u ekspresiji gena utječu na strukturne, fiziološke i funkcionalne razlike između muškog i ženskog mozga koje se očituju različitim kognitivnim prilagodbama na iste svakodnevne zahtjeve.The neocortex, phylogenetically the youngest part of the brain, defines humans as a species and sexual differences in gene expression play a key role in the structural, cognitive, and functional differences between male and female cortex. It consists of six layers which are a product of complex histogenetic processes like neurogenesis and migration derived from the fetal telencephalon. Numerous gyri and sulci give it its characteristic appearance. It is divided into 52 cortical areas with specific cytoarchitecture and function accompanied by a unique set of input-output neural connections that reflect different gene expressions. The diversity of gene expression is acquired by transcriptional and epigenetic mechanisms so that only certain genes become prominent. Genes expressed in the neocortex make up about 81.8 % of the total number of protein-coding genes and its diverse expression depends on the life period, neocortical region and sex. Sexual differences arise from the joint influence of sex chromosomes and sex steroid hormones and are realized by the activity of epigenetic mechanisms and through nuclear receptors. Sexual differences in gene expression are thought to occur in all parts of the human brain and affect approximately 2.5% of the total number of expressed genes. Higher susceptibility of men and women to certain mental and neurodevelopmental disorders is also influenced by different gene expression. It is widely believed that sexual differences in gene expression affect structural, physiological and functional differences between male and female brains which are manifested by different cognitive adaptations to the similar demands of everyday life