56 research outputs found

    Administrator Practices That Support Job Satisfaction of Special Education Teachers In Rural Southwest Virginia: A Collective Case Study

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    The purpose of this collective case study was to describe special education teacher and administrator perceptions of administrator practices that support job satisfaction of special education teachers in a rural Southwest Virginia public school district. The theory guiding this study is Herzberg’s motivational-hygiene theory of job satisfaction (1959). Purposeful convenience sampling was used to select 11 participants who are administrators or special education teachers who currently work in the rural public school setting. Face-to-face interviews, observations, and a focus group were used in order to seek to answer the questions: How do special education teachers and administrators describe practices that support job satisfaction of rural special education teachers? How do administrator practices that motivate special education teachers increase job satisfaction? How do administrator practices that improve the school environment influence special education teacher perceptions of job satisfaction? How does enriching the school environment by an administrator influence the job satisfaction of special education teachers? Analysis of the data was performed using categorical aggregation to identify codes and themes, which were then used to determine what is meaningful to the study in the data collected. Results showed that when administrators initiate practices that support the job satisfaction of rural special education teachers and enrich the school environment, it is likely that job satisfaction will increase which may influence special education teacher decisions to remain in their positions

    Modelling of the aiding mixed convection in a vertical rectangular channel

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    Paper presented at the 9th International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics, Malta, 16-18 July, 2012.Many researchers have analyzed laminar and turbulent mixed convection in channel flows, however, despite their wide investigations, there are still many cases which are not well understood and difficult to predict. Investigations of heat transfer in the laminar-turbulent (transition) region under the effect of buoyancy (mixed convection) are rather limited. In this paper the results on numerical investigation of the local aiding mixed convection heat transfer in the laminar-turbulent (transition) region in a vertical rectangular channel are presented. Numerical 3D steady state simulations have been performed using Ansys Fluent code in air flow. Modelling has been performed using laminar and transitional (kkl-ω, SST and Re Stress ω) models. Modelling results demonstrate that vortexes exist in the central part of the channel. This makes velocity profiles asymmetrical. The results of numerical modeling have been compared with the results of experiments performed at the same conditions and previous results of 2D numerical modelling using laminar modeldc201

    Prediction of radiation doses during the dismantling of a maintenance cooling reservoir of RBMK-1500 reactor

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    Decommissioning of the Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant involves multiple problems. Personnel radiation safety during the dismantling activities is one of them. In order to assess the optimal personnel radiation safety, the modelling is performed by means of computer code "VISIPLAN 3D ALARA Planning tool" developed by SCK CEN (Belgium). In this paper it was used for the evaluation of direct gamma radiation from the radioactive equipment to personnel when carrying out dismantling activities and selection of gamma radiation shielding geometry (structure), shielding materials and positions. A modelling of radiation doses during the dismantling of the maintenance cooling reservoir (MCR) of RBMK-1500 reactor has been performed in this paper. The basic MCR model's development was based on internal contamination and the existing geometrical data. The assessment of workers exposure was performed to comply with ALARA. The effective doses to the workers were calculated for different strategies of reservoir dismantling. The impacts of dismantling tools, shielding types, variation of parameters such as shielding distance, shielding installation time and exhaust ventilation flow rate during the dismantling of reservoir on effective doses were analyzed. The total effective personnel doses were obtained by summarizing the effective personnel doses from various sources of exposure, i.e., direct radiation from radioactive equipment, internal radiation due to inhalation of radioactive aerosols, and direct radiation from radioactive aerosols arising during hot cutting in premises

    Modeling of the Radiation Doses during Dismantling of RBMK-1500 Reactor Pressurized Tanks from Emergency Core Cooling System

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    Decommissioning of the Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant involves multiple problems. One of them is personnel radiation safety during the performance of dismantling activities. In this paper, modeling results of radiation doses during the dismantling of the pressurized tank from the emergency core cooling system (ECCS PT) of RBMK-1500 reactor are presented. The radiological surveys indicate that the inner surface of the ECCS PT is contaminated with radioactive products of corrosion and sediments due to the radioactive water. The effective doses to the workers have been modeled for different strategies of ECCS PT dismantling. In order to select the optimal personnel radiation safety, the modeling has been performed by the means of computer code “VISIPLAN 3D ALARA Planning tool” developed by SCK CEN (Belgium). The impacts of dismantling tools, shielding types, and extract ventilation flow rate on effective doses during the dismantling of ECCS PT have been analyzed. The total effective personnel doses have been obtained by summarizing the effective personnel doses from various sources of exposure, that is, direct radiation from radioactive equipment, internal radiation due to inhalation of radioactive aerosols, and direct radiation from radioactive aerosols arising during hot cutting in premises. The uncertainty of the collective doses is also presented in this paper

    Comparative analysis of numerical methods used for thermal modeling of spent nuclear fuel dry storage systems

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    Management of spent nuclear fuel is a very important part in the whole cycle of nuclear energy generation. Usually “dry” storage technology in casks is selected for the interim storage of spent nuclear fuel for up to 50 years after pre-storage time in water pools. In this paper, two case studies were carried out to highlight the differences and similarities between Ukraine and Lithuania in spent nuclear fuel storage.Управління відпрацьованим ядерним паливом є дуже важливою частиною всього циклу виробництва ядерної енергії. Зазвичай технологія «сухого» зберігання в контейнерах вибирається для тимчасового зберігання відпрацьованого ядерного палива протягом до 50 років після часу попереднього зберігання у водних басейнах. У цій статті були проведені два тематичних дослідження, щоб підкреслити відмінності і подібності між Україною та Литвою в області зберігання відпрацьованого ядерного палива.Управление отработанным ядерным топливом является очень важной частью всего цикла производства ядерной энергии. Обычно технология «сухого» хранения в контейнерах выбирается для временного хранения отработанного ядерного топлива в течение до 50 лет после времени предварительного хранения в водных бассейнах. В этой статье были проведены два тематических исследования, чтобы подчеркнуть различия и сходства между Украиной и Литвой в области хранения отработавшего ядерного топлива


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    ABSTRACT Seimas (Parliament of Lithuania) approved updated National Energy strategy where it is indicated that first Unit will be shutdown before the year 2005 and second Unit in 2009 if funding for decommissioning is available from EU and other donors. In accordance to Ignalina NPP Unit 1 Closure Law the Government of Lithuania approved the Ignalina NPP Unit 1 Decommissioning Program until year 2005. For enforcement of this program, the plan of measures for implementation of the program was prepared and approved by the Minister of Economy. The plan consists of two parts, namely technicalenvironmental and social-economic. Technical-environmental measures are mostly oriented to the safe management of spent nuclear fuel and operational radioactive waste stored at the plant and preparation of licensing documents for Unit 1 decommissioning. Social-economic measures are oriented to mitigate negative social and economic impact on Lithuania, inhabitants of the region, and, particularly, on the staff of Ignalina NPP by means of creating favorable conditions for a balanced social and economic development of the region. In this paper analysis of planned activities, licensing requirements for decommissioning, progress in preparation of the Final Decommissioning Plan is discussed

    Alien Registration- Poskas, Stanley (Guilford, Piscataquis County)

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