174 research outputs found

    Retroperitoneal fibrosis: a case of a patient (63y/o) treated with low-dose methotrexate (MTX) and 6-methylprednisolone (6-MP)

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    Retroperitoneal fibrosis (RPF), is a rare fibroinflammatory disease. The pathogenesis of RPF is still unclear and numerous theories have been reported such as environmental factors, immunologic process, genetic component, local inflammation and advanced atherosclerosis. RPF is characterized by the presence of a particular retroperitoneal fibrotic tissue which is white, woody and involving retroperitoneal structures such as the great vessels, ureters and psoas muscle. The main complication of RPF is the obstruction of local structures such as the ureters due to the fibrosis and the treatment of this aspect represents the main challenge for this pathology. RPF medical treatment consists of corticosteroids or/and immunosuppressive therapy. We report a case of a patient (63y/o) affected by idiopathic RPF treated with low-dose methotrexate (MTX) and 6-methylprednisolone (6-MP) for two years, describing and confirming the effectiveness and safety of a long-term low-dose MTX and 6-MP treatment

    Italian immunization calendar implementation: Time to optimize number of vaccination appointments?

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    In the Italian vaccination schedule, at least six vaccination appointments are scheduled in the first year of life. This implies more discomfort for both the patient and the parents. This was particularly evident during the COVID-19 pandemic, during which several appointments were missed. A UK experience with three injectable vaccines and an oral one co-administered at the same appointment (4-in-1) at 2 and 4 months of age showed interesting results. The vaccination coverage was high, consistent with previous practice, and no relevant increase in adverse events was reported. Translating the UK experience into the Italian context would not be immediate, due to several organizational and social issues. Nevertheless, this option warrants some further considerations, which are discussed in this manuscript

    Routine immunization of older adults and frail people during the SARS-COV2-pandemic in Italy: a national survey by Italia Longeva

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    Despite the availability of safe and effective vaccines, older adults and frail people (OAFs) remain far from accomplishing the recommended coverage targets. The SARS-CoV-2 pandemics strongly affected the supply and coverage of routine vaccines, especially for OAFs, but it also suggested innovative solutions to catch up with the immunization schedules we were late with. Italia Longeva, the National Association for Active Longevity established in 2011 by the Ministry of Health, realized this research aiming to collect and share local good practices for the routine immunization of OAFs implemented during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. We surveyed 12 local health directors from 9 Regions (with a potential covered area of about 24 million inhabitants) between January and March 2021. Starting from the 2018 Thomas and Lorenzetti’s Cochrane Review, a “snowball” search of scientific and grey literature was performed to create and validate a 27-items semi-structured questionnaire used to collect information during the interviews. Full methods are available online (https://www.italialongeva.it/). A wide range of organizational models and settings for immunization supply to OAFs were found across regions. The local implementation of the 27 interventions to increase vaccination coverage among OAFs identified through the literature review ranges from 0% to 100%, with higher rates for interventions targeting the professionals (i.e. audits), lower when aimed to increase the vaccine offer (i.e. active calls) or its accessibility (i.e. home vaccination). Seven good local practices have been identified and described: Mass Vaccination Centre; drivethrough Vaccination; Mobile vaccination clinics; co-administration; collaboration within different organization; Electronic immunization registries; standardized immunization pathways. Literature suggests many effective interventions to improve immunization of OAFs, but their implementation at local level shows huge heterogeneity. Providers should combine several interventions adequate to the specific context (organizational models, interoperability, urban or rural context, etc) and share good practice

    New insight of human-IgH 3′regulatory regions in immunoglobulins switch

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    Background: Several studies in animal models have demonstrated the role of the 3′ Regulatory Region (3′RR) in the B cell maturation in mammals. In healthy humans, the concentration of each class of circulating immunoglobulins (Igs) has stable but different levels, due to several control mechanisms that also involve a duplicated version of the 3′RR on the chromosome 14 (chr14). The classes’ equilibrium can be altered during infections and in other pathological conditions. Material and methods: We studied the concentrations of IgA, IgM, IgG classes and IgG subclasses in a cohort of 1235 people having immunoglobulin concentrations within normal range to determine the presence of any correlation between the Igs serum concentrations, age and ratio among Ig classes and IgG subclasses in healthy humans. Furthermore, we assessed the concentrations of IgE and the allelic frequency of 3′RR1 hs1.2 enhancer in a group of 115 subjects with high levels of circulating IgE due to acute exacerbation of allergic asthma and in a control group of 118 healthy subjects. Results: In both children and adult subjects, the concentrations of the four IgG subclasses decreased from IgG1 to IgG4. Furthermore, the 3′RR1 enhancer hs1.2 alleles contribute to the control of the IgG subclasses levels, but it does not affect the IgE levels. Conclusion: The 3′RR1 controls IgG and IgE through different mechanisms, only in the IgG case involving the hs1.2 alleles. Thus, considering the IgH constant genes loci on the chromosome 14 and the multiple steps of switch that rearrange the whole region, we found that in humans the classes of Igs are modulated by mechanisms involving a complex interaction and transition between 3′RR1 and 3′RR2, also in physiological conditions

    A microdialysis technique for continuous subcutaneous glucose monitoring in diabetic patients (part 1)

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    Lettre de Louis Phélypeaux de Pontchartrain (secrétaire d'Etat de la Marine et de la Maison du roi) à Gabriel Nicolas de La Reynie (lieutenant général de police de Paris) datée du 27 mars 1693. In: Correspondance administrative sous le règne de Louis XIV, recueillie et mise en ordre par G. B. Depping. Tome II. Administration de la justice – Police – Galères. Paris : Imprimerie nationale, 1851. pp. 613-614

    Preventive Newborn Male Circumcision: What Is the Child's Best Interest?

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    Preventive newborn male circumcision has been at the center of scientific debate for many years. The reason for promoting preventive newborn male circumcision, is the reduction of the incidence of UTIs (in the first six months of life), penile cancer, transmission of STDs/HIV infection/AIDS. However preventive interventions in the newborn involving violations of bodily integrity elicit several ethical questions. In this article, we reviewed the literature regarding circumcision, the prevention of UTIs, penile cancer, transmission of STDs/HIV infection/AIDS and complications of this practice in the neonatal period. The very limited reduction of incidence of UTIs and the uncertain preventive role of newborn male circumcision towards penile cancer, STDs/HIV infection and AIDS, makes it difficult to justify male circumcision in newborns. Moreover, the challenge in obtaining a unanimous opinion on newborn male circumcision derives from the fact that, as a preventive intervention, it requires evaluation criteria that are not comparable to those of therapeutic treatments. Since preventive male circumcision determines permanent alteration of the body, some authors believe that it can be used only in subjects that are capable of giving their valid consent. In the case of a newborn, the ″child's best interest″ should be used as a standard, but preventive newborn male circumcision does not satisfy it

    Health communication in covid-19 era: Experiences from the italian vaccinarsì network websites

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    In 2013, in a bid to combat Vaccine Hesitancy (VH) and provide information on vaccines by communicating with the general public and the health community (e.g., healthcare workers and public health operators), the Italian Society of Hygiene and Preventive Medicine (S.It.I.) published the national website “VaccinarSì”. The project was subsequently extended to ten Italian Regions. This led to the creation of the VaccinarSì Network, whose websites are publicly owned. The aim of this work was to present the framework of the websites of the VaccinarSì Network and to analyse user behaviour in the pre-COVID-19-era (dating from each website’s publication until 31 January 2020) and in the COVID-19-era (from 1 February 2020 to 31 January 2021). Some metrics such as the number of visits to the site (sessions, number of users and average session duration), user behaviour (pages viewed, bounce rate and organic search) and the session acquisition path (direct traffic, referrals and social traffic) were searched, extrapolated and processed with Google Analytics. Qualitative and normally distributed quantitative variables were summarised with their absolute (relative) frequencies and means. Statistical differences between the means of the two periods were evaluated through paired t-test. A two-tailed p-value less than 0.05 was considered to be statistically significant. When the total values recorded over the period were compared, an overall increase in metrics was observed—the number of individual users, visits and individual pageviews rose in a statistically significant way. Our study aimed to highlight how combining disciplines such as health education and digital communication via Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) represents the best strategy to support citizens. This approach gives them the tools to become independent and responsible players that are capable of voluntarily and consciously choosing to adhere to vaccination programs. The VaccinarSì Network’s goal for the future is to reach an even wider audience. By building each user’s critical knowledge, this network enables users to be active components of a wider, more empowered community

    Ozone as adjuvant support in the treatment of covid-19: a preliminary report of probiozovid trial

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    This article has been accepted for publication and undergone full peer review but has not been through the copyediting, typesetting, pagination and proofreading process, which may lead to differences between this version and the Version of Record. Please cite this article as doi: 10.1002/jmv.26636.Rationale: The evaluation of new therapeutic resources against COVID-19 represents a priority in clinical research considering the minimal options currently available. Objectives: To evaluate the adjuvant use of systemic oxygen-ozone administration in the early control of disease progression in patients with COVID-19 pneumonia. Methods: PROBIOZOVID is an ongoing, interventional, randomized, prospective, double-arm trial enrolling patient with COVID-19 pneumonia. From a total of 85 patients screened, 28 were recruited. Patients were randomly divided into ozone- autohemotherapy group (14) and control group (14). The procedure consisted in a daily double-treatment with systemic Oxygen-Ozone administration for 7 days. All patients were treated with ad interim best available therapy. Measurements and Main Results: The primary outcome was delta in the number of patients requiring orotracheal-intubation despite treatment. Secondary outcome was the difference of mortality between the two groups. Moreover, haematological parameters were compared before and after treatment. No differences in the characteristics between groups were observed at baseline. As a preliminary report we have observed that one patient for each group needed intubation and was transferred to ITU. No deaths were observed at 7-14 days of follow up. Thirty-day mortality was 8,3% for ozone group and 10% for controls. Ozone therapy didn’t significantly influence inflammation markers, haematology profile and lymphocyte subpopulations of patients treated. Ozone therapy had an impact on the need for the ventilatory support, although didn’t reach statistical significance. Finally, no adverse events related to the use of ozone-autohemotherapy were reported. Conclusions: Preliminary results, although not showing statistically significant benefits of ozone on COVID-19, did not report any toxicity
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