61 research outputs found

    Economic Valuation of Urban Trees: Ribnjak Park Case Study, Zagreb

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    Background and Purpose: Population growth, urbanisation and technological development are creating a growing need for urban forests and parks, which are becoming green oases for recreation and relaxation. Apart from the sociological and economic components, urban forest valuation is presented through tourism, the market value of main and secondary forest products, and the growing value of real estate in the vicinity of green areas. Environmental economics explores the optimal ratio between the costs and the benefits received from the investment in the environment. The aim of this research is monetary valuation of urban trees. Materials and Methods: A Danish model for tree value determination was applied in Ribnjak Park as a case study. The model is based on tree growing costs and the present value. It is limited by the subjective aesthetic tree value estimation, but it is used in Europe because of its practicality. Individual tree value estimation is used because of the tree damage from vehicles or new residential buildings. The method is suitable for individual trees or groups of trees, but it is not appropriate for forest stands. Twenty random selected trees from nine different tree species have been analysed in the park. Diameter at breast height, tree height, expected age, aesthetic value and location were recorded for each tree. Furthermore, ecological, social and health tree values were taken into account separately with the calculation of points. Results: According to the evaluation, the average monetary value of one tree in Ribnjak Park is 542 EUR. The average diameter at breast height is 57.86 cm with the average age of 96.14 years. Plane trees have the highest value in comparison to other sampled species. Conclusions: Tree values vary depending on age, dimension or aesthetic values. The disadvantage of this method is in the estimation of very old tree value and in high involvement of personal estimation, which creates an opportunity for future development of the model and for its modification. The calculation of urban forest values is a complex process because of its impossibility to do a market evaluation of all of the benefits that could be considered as public wealth

    Simulacija trendova cijena Ŕumskih sortimenata u Hrvatskoj na primjeru Šumarije Brinje

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    This paper presents the results of a simulation model for the prediction of sale prices of common beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) and silver fir (Abies alba Mill.) assortments in the case study of Brinje Forest Office in Croatia. The survey covers the future time frame of 140 years (starting from the year 2013). The database of realized selling prices of assortments in the period from 1997 to 2013 was used in this research. On the basis of statistical analysis of realized selling prices in the past and using the Monte Carlo method, a simulation of future prices with 500, 100, 50 and 30 simulation repetitions was made. The result of this research is the methodological basis for future forest management economic planning in the case study of Brinje Forest Office, as well as in other case studies with similar forest management characteristics. Although, in this research, timber prices applicable in Croatia have been used, the same methods could be applied in other countries, too.Članak se bavi prognoziranjem prodajnih cijena sortimenata obične bukve (Fagus sylvatica L.) i obične jele (Abies alba Mill.). Istraživanje se odnosi na studij slučaja Å umarije Brinje u Republici Hrvatskoj i obuhvaća buduće vremensko razdoblje od 140 godina (počevÅ”i od 2013.). U istraživanju je prikupljena baza podataka o ostvarenim prodajnim cijenama sortimenata drva u razdoblju 1997. ā€“ 2013. Na temelju statističke analize ostvarenih prodajnih cijena u proÅ”losti te primjenom metode Monte Carlo, napravljena je simulacija budućih cijena s 500, 100, 50 i 30 simulacijskih ponavljanja. Rezultat ovog istraživanja svojevrsna je metodoloÅ”ka podloga za buduće ekonomsko planiranje gospodarenja Å”umama Å umarije Brinje, kao i za ostale studije slučaja sličnih Å”umskogospodarskih obilježja. Iako se cijene sortimenata drva odnose na Republiku Hrvatsku, prikazana se metodologija može primijeniti i u ostalim državama

    Possibilities to Produce Additional Quantities of Woody Biomass from Small-Scale Private Forests in Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia

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    Private forests in Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia are highly fragmented into small plots of land with low productivity level and a large number of owners. Nevertheless, they are recognized in the strategic plans and programs concerning renewable energy as having a significant potential for woody biomass production. A regional research was conducted among 350 private forest owners in each of the three South-East European countries, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, and Serbia. It analyzed management activities and readiness of private forest owners to produce additional quantities of woody biomass. Smart regulation principles were selected as analytical framework in order to understand how the design of forest policy instruments, based on specific characteristics of the target groups, can contribute to the improvement of private forest ownersā€™ readiness to mobilize additional quantities of woody biomass from their forests. The results of this research indicated that although the majority of private forest owners use their forests for producing firewood to meet their own needs ā€“ 91.2% of private forest owners in Croatia, 85.0% in Bosnia and Herzegovina and 89.7% in Serbia, there is economic interest of private forest owners to produce additional quantities of woody biomass beyond their own fuelwood household consumption ā€“ 43.9% in Croatia, 45.8% in Bosnia and Herzegovina and 54.8% in Serbia. Moreover, private forest ownersā€™ socio-demographic characteristics, forest property characteristics and management objectives significantly impacted the ownersā€™ readiness to produce additional quantities of woody biomass. The readiness for woody biomass mobilization could be increased by providing different policy instruments, since this is deemed important by private forest owners. Hence, forest policy recommendations were proposed that may support the private forest ownersā€™ readiness to produce additional quantities of woody biomass

    Contingency Valuation of Croatian Arboretum Opeka

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    Background and purpose: Social aspects of forestry have always been an important factor of forest usage and management, and therefore have significant influence on its sustainability. Non-wood forest functions such as recreation, tourism, aesthetic and educational factors influence development of rural areas. Contingent valuation method has rarely been used for evaluation of protected forest areas. The aim of the article is to estimate the amount of money visitors are willing to pay for natureā€™s resources preservation in the arboretum Opeka in the North-West Croatia. Material and methods: Opeka Arboretum is situated in the Vinica municipality in northern Croatia. Located in a large park surrounding a manor, Opeka arboretum, with its 65 hectares is the largest of the three arboretums existing in Croatia today. The arboretum was founded in 1860 by the Count Marko Bombelles. Contingent valuation is a survey-based economic technique for the non-market valuation of resources, such as environmental preservation or the impact of contamination. It is also the approach that can generally be used to include what is usually referred to as the passive use component of the economic value of environmental goods. Results and conclusion: Willingness to pay for visitorā€™s use of the arboretum has been investigated using the survey and contingency valuation method on a sample of 53 respondents. Research results present high preference for arboretum benefits such as beauty of landscape, cultural and historical significance, recreation and health but low willingness to pay

    Economic Consequences of Different Management Approaches to Even-Aged Silver Fir Forests

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    Economic analysis of even-aged fir stand management was illustrated using the example of the forests of the Croatian Dinaric region, as well as their transformation into more stable unevenaged structures. Two scenarios (even-aged, uneven-aged) were simulated against the backdrop of the existing forest stand structure of future forest stand management during a 140-year period using forest growth modeling software MOSES version 3.0 in order to identify economic differences amongst different scenarios both at stand level and at forest level. The research included forest management analysis throughout the transformation period and subsequently the continuation of balanced state forest management. Moreover, the research also provided the opportunity of forest purchase within the price range from 1000 to 12,500 EUR/ha, amid assumed fluctuation of selling prices of timber assortments throughout the simulation period. Discount rates from 1% to 5% were used during the economic analysis. The research findings showed that, according to harvesting costs, Net Present Value and Internal Rate of Return, uneven-aged forest management system, including the transformation period, achieved superior economic results, albeit at discount rates that exceeded 1.24%. The conclusion was reached that, according to all economic criteria, uneven-aged mixed silver fir-beech management system is preferred compared with the pure even-aged silver fir management


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    Privatni Å”umoposjed je u posljednjih nekoliko godina zasigurno najdinamičnije područje hrvatskog Å”umarstva. Privatne Å”ume i Å”umoposjednike je potrebno ponovo sagledati u svjetlu promjene vlasničkih odnosa kao posljedice povrata imovine te promjene vlasnika u pogledu interesa prema Å”umskom posjedu. Prosječni privatni Å”umoposjed u Hrvatskoj, kao jednoj od zemalja u tranziciji, okarakteriziran je malom česticom (0,7 ha), velikim brojem Å”umoposjednika, i skromnom razinom organizacije. Ovaj rad ima cilj predstaviti osnovne karakteristike privatnog Å”umoposjeda u odnosu na njegovu veličinu, tip Å”ume, način gospodarenja, prostorni raspored te važeće zakonodavstvo. U nastavku se obrađuje postojeće stanje organiziranosti Å”umoposjednika, mogućnosti unapređenja organizacije kao i gospodarenja privatnim Å”umoposjedom. Bit će obrađena i važnost uloge novoosnovane Å”umarske savjetodavne službe kao izdanka Ministarstva regionalnog razvoja, Å”umarstva i vodnog gospodarstva u spomenutim procesima.Private forests and private forest ownership has to be reconsidered under the light of changed relationships and the ongoing process of restitution. State of private forestry in Croatia as one of the transition countries, is characterized by small property size, huge number of owners and modest level of organisation. At the same time this sector is characterized by numerous changes and noticeable development. The newly established Extension service for private forest owners under the Ministry of Regional Development, Forestry and Water Management brought private forestry into the focus, providing information, education, help and fresh ideas to the private forest owners. Results of their activities can be seen through highly increased number of private forest ownersā€™ associations and their slightly changed attitudes towards their forest property. In the future, the importance of this service can only grow because of its linking position in many processes connected to the accession to the European Union or in using the pre-accession funds. This paper also presents the main characteristics of private forest owners, their respective forest properties, state of their organisation and relating legislative

    TržiŔne karakteristike i klaster analiza nedrvnih Ŕumskih proizvoda

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    The share of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) is largely present in forestry, especially in the segment related to non-wood forest products (NWFPs) in Europe. They are also a dominant category in entrepreneurship in Serbia. Therefore, the subjects of this research were the companies operating in the sector of NWFPs, within specific statistical regions of Serbia. The database of SMEs was obtained from 119 SMEs and the share of surveyed SMEs was 81.5%. The main research method was two-step cluster analysis. Questionnaire was used for the purpose of the research. The aim of the research was to identify clusters in order to establish similarities within the defined clusters and the differences among them. Spatial distribution of specific categories of NWFPs in nature (mushrooms, medicinal and aromatic plants, honey and wild berries), contributed to the portfolio of the companies. This largely influenced clusters that are created by categories of products that are typical for certain statistical regions in Serbia.DosadaÅ”nja istraživanja potvrđuju da lokalna, regionalna, nacionalna i međunarodna trgovina nedrvnim Å”umskim proizvodima može doprinijeti kućanstvima i zajednicama koje žive u ruralnim područjima, a time i ukupnoj ekonomiji zemlje. U toj konstelaciji izdvajaju se mala i srednja poduzeća koja, uz to Å”to su nositelji gospodarskog razvoja svake zemlje, veliko značenje imaju u Å”umarstvu i djelatnostima koje se tiču uporabe nedrvnih Å”umskih proizvoda (NDÅ P) u komercijalne svrhe. Poduzeća koja su bila predmet analize primarno su orijentirana na nekoliko kategorija proizvoda (ljekovito i aromatično bilje, gljve, med i Å”umsko voće). Istraživanjem je utvrđeno da ovisno o pojedinoj regiji, dominiraju poduzeća koja su usmjerena na određenu vrstu proizvoda. Tako, u klasteru 1 (Vojvodina) najbrojnija su poduzeća koja su usmjerena na ljekovito i aromatično bilje. U klasteru 2 (Južna i Istočna Srbija) su najbrojnija poduzeća usmjerena na Å”umsko voće, dok u klasteru 3 (Å umadija i Zapadna Srbija) poduzeća su u najvećoj mjeri usmjerena u ujednačenom omjeru na preradu i plasman gljiva i Å”umskog voća. TržiÅ”ni atraktivni proizvodi mogu predstavljati važno sredstvo za gospodarski rast i održivo gospodarenje Å”umama u lokalnim zajednicama. Međutim, malo je znanja o načinima njihovog sakupljanja, prerade i plasmana, unatoč velikim prirodnim potencijalima. U tom kontekstu bi i stanovnici ruralnih područja, kao i predstavnici malih i srednjih poduzeća trebali prepoznati tržiÅ”nu relevantnost ove kategorije proizvoda, posebno imajući u vidu da u najvećoj mjeri spadaju u domenu organske proizvodnje

    Readiness of Private Forest Owners in Croatia, Serbia and Bosnia-Herzegovina to Cooperate in Forest Roads Construction and Maintenance

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    Zbog specifičnih druÅ”tveno-političkih i socio-ekonomskih prilika u regiji, problematika udruživanja privatnih Å”umoposjednika u interesne udruge do sada nije bila predmetom Å”ireg istraživanja. Na osnovi navedenoga, 2008. godine pokrenuto je istraživanje stanja privatnog Å”umoposjeda i formiranja udruga privatnih Å”umoposjednika u zemljama regije, u kojima se povijesno razvijao podjednak model vlasniÅ”tva. U radu su analizirani stavovi privatnih Å”umoposjednika prema međusobnoj suradnji i udruživanju u svrhu boljeg gospodarenja svojim posjedom, s posebnim naglaskom na izgradnju Å”umskih cesta u Hrvatskoj, Srbiji i Bosni i Hercegovini. Provedeno istraživanje ukazuje spremnost privatnih Å”umoposjednika na suradnju u aktivnostima gospodarenja Å”umoposjedom, te ukazuje na željene usluge koje bi trebale pružiti udruge privatnih Å”umoposjednika.State of private forests and needs of private forest owners have not been in the focus of forest economics and policies research in the region of South-Eastern Europe so far. The past socio-political regime used to prioritize public property and management of private forest was therefore neglected for a long time resulting in degradation of forests. The present lack of forest roads is only one of the numerous consequences and sequentially has lead to lower degree of fulfilment of different activities in private forests (silvicultural treatments, planning, and protection). Nowadays, different processes (transition, restitution, and privatisation) present in region support the development of rural areas where private forests are an important part of rural economy and overall management of natural resources. Findings of this research show that financially more demanding activities like forest roads construction and maintainance present a motive strong enough to establish interests groups like forest owners associations aiming to reach common goals. Research data was collected as a part of PRIFORT project, financed by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management of Republic of Austria. The main interest of the project was research of the state of private forests and establishment of private forest associations in countries of the South-Eastern Europe. Theoretical framework was set between the Pluralistic theory and the Theory of Collective Action through which the group behaviour was analyzed. Afterwards, some findings have been confronted with the Exchange theory where better explanations for different behaviour group patterns were found. Homogeneity and heterogeneity of groups were also defined by the Critic Mass theory. The main hypothesis was ā€œreadiness for establishing interests groups is more pronounced in connection to activities which are financially more demanding as forest roads constructionā€. Results for all three countries (Croatia, Serbia and B-H) show that private forest owners are interested in cooperation in construction and maintenance of forest roads. Generally, private forest owners are a part of elderly rural population with relatively small forest plots, mainly used for private needs (fuel wood) and with low income. Private forests are fragmented, with average plots smaller than 1 hectare. Most of the private forest owners expressed the need for having interest associations from which they would expect support in different aspects of forest management (Graph 2). The majority of forest owners expressed interest in cooperation on construction and maintenance of forest roads (Graph 1). Results and conclusions presented in this paper provide useful information for decision makers in government bodies responsible for rural development with special consideration given to possibilities of private forest sector development

    Komparativna analiza odabranih pokazatelja poslovanja državnih Å”umarskih poduzeća

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    A company that handles natural resources such as forests is a complex economic entity. In addition to economic performance at annual level, the biological component of sustainable forest management should also be considered. It is therefore extremely important to achieve efficient business performance. Financial analysis is a process of determining important business and financial characteristics of a company from accounting data. It is characterized by a wide use of financial reports and various financial indicators - key figures. The paper presents business indicators of the main state-owned forest companies in selected countries of South East Europe (Croatia, Slovenia, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and North Macedonia) using the method of comparative analysis based on financial reports (such as balance sheet and income statement). In countries where there are more than one state-owned forest companies, they were selected according to their importance for forest management and business results (share of forests, number of employees, profit and annual felling). The research results show the revenue and expenditure of the selected companies and profitability indicators such as return on equity (ROE) and return on assets (ROA). According to the annual business reports for 2017 and 2018, the company Croatian Forests Ltd. has the highest number of employees (7787 in 2018). The highest ratio ROA (32.17) and ROE (39.82) were achieved in the Slovenian state forestry company in 2017, which was founded in 2016. For 2018, the best results are achieved in the Slovenian Forest Company (SiDG), while the weakest results are achieved in the State Forest Company in North Macedonia. The profit per employee decreased in 2018 for most companies, but most significantly in North Macedonia, where it was four times lower. On the basis of the comparative analysis presented, all companies have a positive cost-benefit ratio, but long-term planning of forest management should follow biological and economic regulations to be competitive on the free market.Poduzeće koje upravlja prirodnim resursom, Å”umom, predstavlja kompleksnu ekonomsku cjelinu. Osim ekonomskih pokazatelja na godiÅ”njoj razini, dugoročno se mora voditi računa i o bioloÅ”koj komponenti potrajnog gospodarenja Å”umom. Dakle, iznimno je važno, učinkovito poslovanje. Financijska analiza je postupak utvrđivanja značajnih poslovnih i financijskih karakteristika poduzeća iz računovodstvenih podataka. Karakterizira je Å”iroka uporaba financijskih izvjeŔća i raznovrsnih financijskih indikatora ā€“ pokazatelja. U radu će se pomoću metode komparativne analize prikazati pokazatelji poslovanja u poduzećima koji gospodare Å”umama u državnom vlasniÅ”tvu Republike Hrvatske, Republike Slovenije, Republike Srbije, Bosne i Hercegovine te Sjeverne Makedonije, na temelju financijskih izvjeŔća (kao Å”to su bilanca, račun dobiti i gubitka). Kako neke zemlje posjeduju viÅ”e državnih Å”umarskih poduzeća, odabrana su ona koja gospodare većom povrÅ”inom Å”ume, brojem zaposlenih, profitabilnoŔću i godiÅ”njim etatom. KoriÅ”tenjem analize poslovanja, analizirati će se parametri koji predviđaju buduće trendove poslovanja. U radu su izračunati prihodi i rashodi odabranih poduzeća, ekonomičnost, te pokazatelji profitabilnosti, koji se najčeŔće izračunavaju kao pokazatelji povrata na vlasničku glavnicu (ROE) i pokazatelji povrata na ukupnu imovinu (ROA). Na temelju poslovnih izvjeŔća za 2017. i 2018 godinu, najveći broj zaposlenih ima tvrtka Hrvatske Å”ume d.o.o. (7787 u 2018. godini). NajviÅ”i pokazatelj ROA (32,17), i pokazatelj ROE (39,82) ostvaren je u tvrtki Slovenske državne Å”ume 2017. godine, koja je osnovana 2016. godine. U 2018 godini, najbolje poslovne rezultate ostvarila je tvrtka iz Slovenije (SiDG d.o.o.), dok su najslabiji rezultati Å”umarskog poduzeća iz Sjeverne Makedonije. Dobit po zaposlenom se za većinu poduzeća smanjila u 2018. godini, a najznačajnije upravo u Sjevernoj Makedoniji gdje je četiri puta niža. Na temelju provedene usporedne analize, iako sva poduzeća posluju ekonomično, vidljivo je da dugoročno planiranje u Å”umarstvu treba osim bioloÅ”kih slijediti i ekonomske zakonitosti, kako bi bili uspjeÅ”ni na slobodnom tržiÅ”tu

    Poslovno okruženje za razvoj sporednih Ŕumskih proizvoda u Republici Hrvatskoj

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    Pridobivanje nedrvnih Å”umskih proizvoda može pridonijeti razvoju ruralnih sredina te potaknuti organizirano skupljanje, preradu i razvoj novih poslovnih aktivnosti posebno kod malih i srednjih poduzetnika. Za potrebe istraživanja poslovnoga okruženja za razvoj sporednih Å”umskih proizvoda u Hrvatskoj prikupljene su informacije o općem stanju poslovnoga okruženja. Provedena su primarna istraživanja o preradi nedrvnih Å”umskih proizvoda poslovnih subjekata radi analize utjecaja poslovnoga okruženja na poduzetniÅ”tvo. Za prikupljanje podataka koriÅ”ten je anketni upitnik. Uzorak ispitanika (n=63) predstavljali su poslovni subjekti koji se bave preradom sporednih Å”umskih proizvoda u Hrvatskoj. Na anketu je odgovorilo 34,9% ispitanika (n=22). Rezultati su pokazali da se najviÅ”e prerađuju gljive, ljekovito, aromatično ili začinsko bilje i samonikli Å”umski proizvodi. Prema provedenoj PEST(LE) (political, economic, social, technological, legal, environmental) analizi poslovnoga okruženja ispitanici su evidentirali ukupno četiri čimbenika općega poslovnoga okruženja koji su važni za razvoj sporednih Å”umskih proizvoda. Od toga su za razvoj sporednih Å”umskih proizvoda najznačajniji čimbenici ekonomskoga okruženja (4,56) i političkoga okruženja (3,94)
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