23 research outputs found

    Analisis Aktivitas Dari Jamur Endofit Yang Terdapat Dalam Tumbuhan Bakau Avicennia Marina Di Tasik Ria Minahasa

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    Endofit dapat diartikan sebagai mikroba yang hidup berkoloni dalam jaringan internal tumbuhan tanpa menyebabkan efek yang merugikan secara langsung pada tumbuhan tersebut. Organisme endofitik memiliki potensi yang sangat besar untuk dieksploitasi dan menghasilkan produk alami baru yang bermanfaat di bidang kedokteran, pertanian, dan industri. Pada sisi yang lain kebutuhan terhadap obat-obatan baru yang membantu umat manusia melawan pelbagai penyakit tidak pernah berhenti, hal ini disebabkan adanya resistensi bakteri, infeksi virus, insidensi infeksi jamur, berbagai jenis tumor, infeksi parasit dan protozoa, di dalam populasi dunia sekarang ini sebagai akibat ketidakmampuan kita untuk mengatasi tidak hanya problematika kesehatan. Indonesia sebagai daerah tropis dengan keanekaragaman hayati yang cukup besar, di lain pihak, perlawanan endofit di ekosistem daerah tropis melawan organisme patogen dan predator cukup besar, sumber daya yang terbatas dan tekanan seleksi alam sangat tinggi. Hal ini menimbulkan kemungkinan besar bahwa endofit di daerah tropis seperti di negara kita merupakan sumber struktur senyawa baru dengan aktivitas biologis yang menarik untuk dikembangkan sebagai bahan obat baru. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian untuk mencari kandidat obat-obatan baru yang difokuskan pada kandidat bahan obat yang memiliki potensi antibakteri dan antikanker. Tumbuhan bakau Avicennia marina diambil dari Pantai Tasik Ria. Jamur endofit diisolasi hingga diperoleh 2 isolat galur murni Aspergillus sp. dan Acremonium sp. Kedua isolat kemudian diuji aktivitasnya terhadap bakteri patogen Staphylococcus aureus dan Escherichia coli dengan menggunakan metode ko-kultivasi. Acremonium sp. memiliki aktivitas antibakteri yang lebih kuat dibandingkan dengan jamur Aspergillus sp. terhadap bakteri S. aureus, sedangkan Aspergillus sp. menunjukkan aktivitas antibakteri yang tinggi terhadap bakteri E. coli

    Uji Efek Perasan Daun Bayam Merah (Amaranthus Tricolor) Terhadap Kadar Hemoglobin Pada Tikus Wistar (Rattus Norvegicus)

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    : Medicinal herbs has been cultivated and utilized as treatments for diseases since ancient times. Among these medicinal herbs is redleaf amaranth that is mainly utilized for treatment of anemia. This study aims to determine the effect of redleaf amaranth decoction on Wistar rat's hemoglobin level. This is an experimental study performed on Wistar rats. Readleaf amaranth was blend with water and its decoction was administered orally. Hemoglobin level was measured using blood sample taken directlu from the heart of the study animals. The result shows that redleaf amaranth decoction plays a role in elevating hemoglobin level on Wistar rats

    Uji Efek Analgesik Ekstrak Etanol Daun Gedi (Abelmoschus Manihot (L.) Medik) Pada Mencit (Mus Musculus)

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    : The objectives of the research were to find out the analgesic effect of giving Gedi (Abelmoschus manihot (L.) Medik) leaf ethanol extract orally on the number of writhing after thermal pain induction of mice. This research using 15 mice which is divided into 5 groups consisted of 1 negative control group given by the aquades, 1 positive control group given by the tramadol, and 3 experiment groups. Experiment group given by Gedi (Abelmoschus manihot (L.) Medik) leaf ethanol extract with the doses which different each other, that is 30 mg/30 g BW, 60 mg/30 g BW and 120 mg/30 g BW. Thermal pain induction was done by placing the mice on hot plate constant temperature of 550C. The mice gave respond in the way of lick its foot or even jumping. The data was collected using table, graphic and analyzed using one direction ANOVA model and it was continued with LSD test to find out the difference every treatment group. The result of analysis showed that gedi's leaf ethanol extract have the analgesic effect and the maximum effect presented at gedi leaf ethanol extract dosage 60 mg/30 g BW

    Gambaran Pengetahuan Mahasiswa Universitas Sam Ratulangi Asal Timika Papua Tentang Kesehatan Reproduksi

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    : Defines adolescents as individuals who are going through a transition period gradually achieve sexual maturity, life changes of children into adulthood and economic circumstances change from dependency to self-relative (Sarwono, 2006). Based on the projected population of Indonesia in 2000-2005, the number of adolescents aged 10-24 years about 63 million or 26.8% of the total Indonesian population where as many as 233 million of the mare students (BKKBN 2010). This study aims to reveal the knowledge a student from the University of Sam Ratulangi Manado of Timika on Reproductive Health. This research is a descriptive study with cross-sectional research methods. Sample of this research are 69 respondents. The results show that knowledge most of the respondent shave good knowledge about reproductive health (94.20%), good attitude about reproductive health (65.21%), and the action of good (65.21%). Based on the result above, Suggestions for the government or related organizations should establish rules with respect to the sexual behavior of students to improve the ethics, morality so that students are able to change the knowledge, attitude sand courses of action for the better

    Perbandingan Efek Analgesik Perasan Rimpang Jahe Merah (Zingiber Officinale Var. Rubrum Thelaide) Dengan Aspirin Dosis Terapi Pada Mencit (Mus Musculus)

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    : This research purpose to compare analgesic effect from red ginger rhizome juice to therapeutic doses of aspirin. This research is an experimental research with treatment to aspirin group and red ginger rhizome juice mice as trial animals divided into 4 groups, each group contain of 3 mice. Four treatment groups contain of the group aspirin 0,4/20 gr BB and the group of red ginger rhizome juice in 3 different doses which are 4 mg/20 gr BB, 8mg/20gr BB, 16 mg/20 gr BB. Analgesic effect we could saw with counting mice responses likes jump and lick to decrease or release the pain. Before the treatment, all of mice fasted around 11 hours, and then gave the treatment. Studied of mice's responses on the water bath take for 1 minute, on the 0 minute before treatment, and on the 30, 60, 90, 120 minutes after the treatment. Statistical analysis used ANOVA test and continued with LSD (Least Significance Different). Result from ANOVA test showed that there is real difference between the treatment groups. LSD test showed there are no real difference between the treatment group of aspirin to the treatment group of red ginger rhizome juice dose I. On the treatment group of red ginger rhizome juice dose II and dose III there is real difference to the treatment group of aspirin. The treatment group of red ginger rhizome juice dose II to dose III there is no real difference

    Pemurnian Dan Karakterisasi Lektin Dari Alga Laut Eucheuma cotonii

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    Lektin adalah protein yang mengikat monosakarida dan oligosakarida secara spesifik tetapi tanpa aktivitas katalisis (yaitu bukan enzim) dan, berbeda dengan antitibody yaitu bukanlah produk dari suatu respon sistim pertahanan tubuh.    Lektin dapat mengagglutinasi berbagai macam sel seperti limfosit, sperma, bakteri dan jamur.  Dengan sifat-sifatnya ini, lektin dapat berperan dalam pencegahan infeksi HIV dan AIDS dan pertahanan terhadap virus dan infeksi dari bakteri dan juga pencegahan terjadinya pembuahan.  Walaupun peningkatan telah dibuat melalui karakterisasi biokimia dari lektin alga laut ini, informasi tambahan diperlukan untuk pengertian yang lebih komprehensif tentang sifat-sifat, struktur bahkan fungsi biologis mereka. Penelitian ini menggunakan alga merah laut Eucheuma cotonii sebagai sumber lektin.  Pemurnian lektin menggunakan serangkaian metode yang dimulai dari ekstraksi, kolom kromatografi dan diakhiri dengan SDS-PAGE.  Penentuan karakteristiknya dilakukan melalui pengujian terhadap eritrosit dan beberapa jenis gula untuk menentukan aktivitas hemaglutinasi dan jenis gula spesifik.  Dari hasil Ekstraksi ekstrak kasar lektin diperoleh sebanyak 1.86% dari berat keringnya.  Setelah melewati kolom kromatografi dari 25 tabung yang dihasilkan  hanya diperoleh 5 tabung yang memiliki kandungan lektin.  Melalui SDS-PAGE diperoleh lektin murni dengan berat molekul 11,7 kD.  Konsentrasi terkecil lektin yang masih memiliki aktivitas hemagglutinasi adalah 2,75 µg.mL-1.  Aktivitas hemaglutinasi lektin ini dapat dihambat oleh gula L-Rhamnose dan Maltose

    Hubungan Psychological Well Being Dengan Derajat Hipertensi Pada Pasien Hipertensi Di Puskesmas Bahu Manado

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    : Hypertension is the increase in systolic blood pressure from 140 mmHg or diastolic blood pressure of 90 mmHg began appearing in two main types, essential hypertension and secondary hypertension. Psychological well being is the full achievement of the potential psychological and a situation when an individual can receive your strengths and weaknesses are, have a purpose in life, develop positive relationships with others, be an independent person, able to control the environment, and continues to grow personally . The purpose of this study to analyze relationships of psychological well being with hypertension degrees on hypertension patients in Bahu\u27s Health Center Manado. The method used is descriptive analytic with cross sectional design. The sampling technique in this research is purposive sampling with 75 samples. The data collection is done by using a questionnaire. Processing data using computer programs with chi-square test with a significance level of 95% (É‘ = 0.05). The results showed the number of respondents who have a high PWB as many as 38 respondents, and which are at the pre classification of hypertension by 40 respondents and is currently on the classification of hypertension by 35 respondents and p value = 0.001. This conclusion shows there is a relationship of psychological well being with the degree of hypertension