3 research outputs found

    Non-polar contaminants in estuarine waters: new extraction methods and passive sampling choices

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    248 p.The huge amounts of anthropogenic organic micro-pollutants released to environmental waters due to human daily activities have bequeathed many countries the legacy of organic pollution in water. Their persistence in the aquatic environments disrupsts the natural processes and thus, the need of a continous monitoring of these contaminants is endlessly revealed in several international environmental legislations. Therefore, the principal aim of this work is the development of analytical methods to determine priority and emerging organic pollutants in environmental water samples, mainly in estuarine and effluent water from WWTPs

    Itsas ingurumenerako mikrokutsatzaile organiko hidrofobikoen presentzia eta eraginak aztertzeko estrategien taxutzea

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    The efects of hydrophobic microcontaminants such as alkylphenols, organophosphorus compounds, organochloride pesticides, phthalates and musk fragances were studied in mussels. The proposed analytical strategy is based on the combination of passive sampling studies, bioconcentration measurements of micropollutants in mussels, environmental NMR metabolomics of two tissues (gonad, muscle) and hemolymph of mussels and histological analysis. By means of this work, it was verified the feasibility of this strategy in controlled conditions with intent to use it in future environmental studies. The micropollutants mixture was responsible of early spawning in mussels. In fact, the most significant metabolic changes were observed in the same day that spawning took place.; Lan honetan, ingurumen analisirako metodologia planteamendu berri bat proposatu da. Horretarako, kimikariek eta biologoek baldintza kontrolatuetako esposizioa egiteko elkarlanean jardun genuen. Esperimentu honetan, muskuiluak eta lagin-biltze pasiboko tresnak hainbat mikrokutsatzaile hidrofoboren eraginpean jarri ziren. Batetik, kutsatzaileen kontzentrazioak neurtu ziren, lagin-biltze puntualen zein lagin-biltze pasiboen bitartez. Bestetik, muskuiluetan kutsatzaileen kontzentrazioak neurtu ziren. Biologoek, euren aldetik, muskuiluen azterketa histopatologikoa egin zuten. Azkenik, NMR-n oinarritutako metabolomika erabili zen muskuiluek kutsatzaileen aurrean ematen zuten erantzuna aztertzeko. Lau estrategien konbinazioarekin, kausa (kokteleko mikrokutsatzaileen kontzentrazioak eta muskuiluek metatutakoa) eta eragindako efektuak (histologia azterketetan behatutakoak) hobeto uler ditzakegu. Kutsatzaileek eragiten dituzten aldaketak ulertzeko eta ondorioak azaltzeko metabolomika baliabide erabilgarria dela ondorioztatu genuen. Kutsatzaileen koktelak errute goiztiarra eragin zien muskuiluei; izan ere, NMR metabolomika erabiliz, aldaketa metaboliko nabarienak errute-egunean ikusi ziren