52 research outputs found

    Multi-product biorefinery from Arthrospira platensis biomass as feedstock for bioethanol and lactic acid production

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    With the aim to reach the maximum recovery of bulk and specialty bioproducts while minimizing waste generation, a multi-product biorefinery for ethanol and lactic acid production from the biomass of cyanobacterium Arthrospira platensis was investigated. Therefore, the residual biomass resulting from different pretreatments consisting of supercritical fluid extraction (SF) and microwave assisted extraction with non-polar (MN) and polar solvents (MP), previously applied on A. platensis to extract bioactive metabolites, was further valorized. In particular, it was used as a substrate for fermentation with Saccharomyces cerevisiae LPB-287 and Lactobacillus acidophilus ATCC 43121 to produce bioethanol (BE) and lactic acid (LA), respectively. The maximum concentrations achieved were 3.02 ± 0.07 g/L of BE by the MN process at 120 rpm 30 Â°C, and 9.67 ± 0.05 g/L of LA by the SF process at 120 rpm 37 Â°C. An economic analysis of BE and LA production was carried out to elucidate the impact of fermentation scale, fermenter costs, production titer, fermentation time and cyanobacterial biomass production cost. The results indicated that the critical variables are fermenter scale, equipment cost, and product titer; time process was analyzed but was not critical. As scale increased, costs tended to stabilize, but also more product was generated, which causes production costs per unit of product to sharply decrease. The median value of production cost was US1.27andUS 1.27 and US 0.39, for BE and LA, respectively, supporting the concept of cyanobacterium biomass being used for fermentation and subsequent extraction to obtain ethanol and lactic acid as end products from A. platensis

    Multi-product biorefinery from Arthrospira platensis biomass as feedstock for bioethanol and lactic acid production

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    With the aim to reach the maximum recovery of bulk and specialty bioproducts while minimizing waste generation, a multi-product biorefinery for ethanol and lactic acid production from the biomass of cyanobacterium Arthrospira platensis was investigated. Therefore, the residual biomass resulting from different pretreatments consisting of supercritical fluid extraction (SF) and microwave assisted extraction with non-polar (MN) and polar solvents (MP), previously applied on A. platensis to extract bioactive metabolites, was further valorized. In particular, it was used as a substrate for fermentation with Saccharomyces cerevisiae LPB-287 and Lactobacillus acidophilus ATCC 43121 to produce bioethanol (BE) and lactic acid (LA), respectively. The maximum concentrations achieved were 3.02 ± 0.07 g/L of BE by the MN process at 120 rpm 30 °C, and 9.67 ± 0.05 g/L of LA by the SF process at 120 rpm 37 °C. An economic analysis of BE and LA production was carried out to elucidate the impact of fermentation scale, fermenter costs, production titer, fermentation time and cyanobacterial biomass production cost. The results indicated that the critical variables are fermenter scale, equipment cost, and product titer; time process was analyzed but was not critical. As scale increased, costs tended to stabilize, but also more product was generated, which causes production costs per unit of product to sharply decrease. The median value of production cost was US1.27andUS 1.27 and US 0.39, for BE and LA, respectively, supporting the concept of cyanobacterium biomass being used for fermentation and subsequent extraction to obtain ethanol and lactic acid as end products from A. platensis

    Bioconversion of potato-processing wastes into an industrially-important chemical lactic acid

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    Lactic acid (LA) is an important biomolecule applied in food, pharmaceutical and chemical areas, mainly to produce biodegradable polymers, such as poly–lactic acid (PLA). In this work, an efficient fermentative process for LA production was developed using potato processing waste (PPW) hydrolysate with Lactobacillus pentosus. After optimization and kinetics studies, LA production reached 150 g/L with a productivity of 1.6 g/L.h in Erlenmeyer flasks. LA production was also conducted in STR where 110 g/L were reached with a productivity of 2.4 g/L.h. LA recovery consisted of a clarification step, with powdered activated carbon, with further precipi- tation at low temperature and acidification of calcium lactate for conversion to LA. The process was effective for contaminants’ removal and clarification, and LA concentration to 416 g/L. Good perspectives for LA production, recovery and clarification were observed. Future studies will be carried out for LA purification and polymeri- zation for PLA synthesis

    Mogućnosti primjene probiotika

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    Probiotics, live cells with different beneficiary characteristics, have been extensivelly studied and explored commercially in many different products in the world. Their benefits to human and animal health have been proven in hundreds of scientific research. Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium are the main probiotic groups; however, there are reports on the probiotic potential of Pediococcus, Lactococcus, Bacillus and yeasts. Some of the identified probiotic strains exhibit powerful anti-inflammatory, antiallergic and other important properties. Apart from that, the consumption of dairy and non-dairy products stimulates the immunity in different ways. Various food matrices have been used with probiotics, which are briefly documented. In this review, the history of probiotics, their application in the health and food areas and new trends in probiotic products and processes are presented.Probiotici su žive stanice koje imaju različite pozitivne osobine, pa se intenzivno proučavaju i komercijalno primjenjuju u mnogim proizvodima diljem svijeta. U više stotina znanstvenih istraživanja dokazan je njihov pozitivan učinak na zdravlje ljudi i životinja. Glavne su skupine probiotika bakterije vrste Lactobacillus i Bifidobacterium, ali spominju se i probiotička svojstva bakterija vrsta Pediococcus, Lactococcus i Bacillus, te nekih kvasaca. Neki od identificiranih probiotičkih sojeva imaju izraženi protuupalni i antialergijski učinak, pa se konzumiranjem probiotičkih mliječnih i nemliječnih proizvoda povećava imunitet. U radu su ukratko spomenute razne namirnice što se koriste u kombinaciji s probioticima. Također je dan povijesni pregled razvoja probiotika, navedene su mogućnosti njihove primjene u prehrambenoj industriji, a i u zdravstvu, te prikazani novi pravci proizvodnje probiotičkih proizvoda

    Proizvodnja ksilanaze uzgojem na čvrstoj podlozi s pomoću Aspergillus niger LPB 326 primjenom statističkog eksperimentalnog dizajna

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    Xylanase was produced by Aspergillus niger LPB 326 cultivated on lignocellulosic substrate composed by sugarcane bagasse and soybean meal in solid-state fermentation. The effects of various variables were observed and optimized by applying statistical experimental designs. The best xylanase activity was obtained in a medium containing 10 g of sugarcane bagasse and soybean meal in the ratio of 65 and 35 %, respectively, moistened to 85 % of initial water content with a nutrient salt solution composed of (in g/L): CuSO4 0.4, KH2PO4 1.5 and CoSO4 0.0012, and incubated for 4 days at 30 °C. Under these optimized conditions, a xylanase activity of 3099 IU/g of dry matter was obtained.U radu je istražena proizvodnja ksilanaze na lignoceluloznoj podlozi od otpadaka šećerne trske i sojine sačme s pomoću plijesni Aspergillus niger LPB 326. Ispitan je utjecaj različitih varijabli pa je proizvodnja optimirana primjenom statističkog eksperimentalnog dizajna. Najbolja aktivnost ksilanaze postignuta je upotrebom podloge s 10 g otpadaka šećerne trske i sojine sačme u omjeru 65:35, navlaženoj do 85 % početne vlažnosti otopinom hranjivih soli sastava (u g/L): CuSO4 0,4; KH2PO4 1,5 i CoSO4 0,0012; inkubiranoj tijekom 4 dana pri 30 °C. U tim uvjetima postignuta je aktivnost ksilanaze od 3099 IU/g suhe tvari
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