3 research outputs found

    The susceptible causes leading to the manifestation of urolithiasis to the patients of the average age

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    Spitalul clinic militar central a Forţelor Armate a Republicii Moldova, Secţia urologie, Spitalul Clinic Republican, Secţia urologie, Institutul Oncologic, Al VI-lea Congres de Urologie, Dializă şi Transplant Renal din Republica Moldova cu participare internaţională (21-23 octombrie 2015)Litiaza renală afectează predominant persoanele în vârsta cea mai aptă de muncă. Studiul prezent pe un lot de 3799 de pacienţi a avut ca scop aprecierea factorilor predispozanţi manifestării urolitiazei în anumită categorie de vârstă. Astfel, la pacienţii litiazici cu vârsta 31-60 ani s-a apreciat semnificativ mai frecvent localizare concomitentă a calculilor renali şi ureterali, dimensiuni semnificativ mai mari ai calculilor ureterali, mai frecvent detectate concremente renale multiple.Summary Urolithiasis mainly affects the persons in the able-bodied age. The present survey aims to find the main causes, which lead to the manifestation of urolithiasis to the certain age group of patients. The entire conclusion is based on the disease history of 3799 patients. The patients aged from 31-60 with lithiasis suffer more often from kidney and ureteral stones co-location, with significantly bigger ureteral stones and also are diagnosticated more often with multiple renal stones

    The influence of diabetes mellitus on blood vessels amount in case of breast cancer

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    Introduction. Breast cancer is one of the most common cancers in females worldwide. There are evidences that women with diabetes mellitus have a 40% higher risk of mortality. CD34 is a cell surface glycoprotein, which functions as a cellcell adhesion factor. Although its expression is traditionally related to hematopoietic cells, it is actually found on many other types of cells, endothelial too. Nowadays there are evidences that CD34 is a prognostic indicator by emphasizing its low expression in malignant tumors compared to benign ones. The aim of study was to determine the presence and numerical distribution of CD34+ vessels in the normal mammary gland, as well as in NST breast carcinomas, with and without diabetes mellitus type 2. Materials and methods. We processed immunohistochemically 58 invasive breast carcinomas of NST type. In 29 of cases, tumors were associated with diabetes. Results. The present study did not reveal any statistical and morphological differences in CD34 expression between compared groups. Conclusions. The expression of CD34 in breast cancer stroma is not homogenous, irrespective of association with diabetes mellitus type 2. The question if breast carcinoma and diabetes mellitus are concurrent or associated disorders remains open. Probably, the effect of carcinoma prevails in influencing the structure of the tumor microenvironment. We expect a further confirmation in larger study groups

    Aspects of evolution of the urolithiasis in different age groups

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    Spitalul clinic militar central a Forţelor Armate a Republicii Moldova, Spitalul Clinic Republican, Institutul Oncologic, Al VI-lea Congres de Urologie, Dializă şi Transplant Renal din Republica Moldova cu participare internaţională (21-23 octombrie 2015)Rezumat A fost efectuat un studiu pe un lot de 500 persoane afectate de urolitiază ce atestă o localizare concomitentă semnificativ mai frecventă a calculilor renali, ureterului superior şi mediu la pacienţii litiazici în vîrsta 31 -60 ani. La fel la acest contingent de vârstă au fost stabilite dereglări urodinamice mai accentuate şi o necesitate mai frecventă în intervenţii invazive, precum şi ESWL. Summary This investigation is based on a group of 500 patients with urolithtiasis, it emphasize that the ureteral stones location is high and medium at the patients with urolithiasis of 31-60 years old. The same ages proved to have urodynamic disorders more emphasized and a necessity of more freguent invasive surgery and ESWL