49 research outputs found

    Profesionalizaci贸n empresarial en empresas familiares: una construcci贸n te贸rica

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    La empresa familiar es una de las organizaciones productivas con mayor presencia en el mundo, sin embargo, tiene una estructura particular, ya que en ella se conjugan dos sistemas con l贸gicas distintas: la familia y la empresa. La primera act煤a en pro del bienestar del grupo familiar, y la segunda, responde a criterios de racionalidad econ贸mica. En la actualidad, estas organizaciones se enfrentan a importantes retos, uno derivado de la esfera externa, que guarda relaci贸n con el proceso de globalizaci贸n, el cual exige a las empresas un mayor nivel de competitividad; y otro propiciado por su din谩mica interna, como lo es lograr el balance entre los intereses y objetivos de la empresa y la familia. Por tanto, la profesionalizaci贸n empresarial surge como una alternativa para enfrentar o paliar dichas disyuntivas y alcanzar la longevidad de las mismas. De all铆 que el presente libro exponga los hallazgos derivados de la investigaci贸n que lo gest贸, que tuvo como objetivo construir un sistema te贸rico que fundamente el proceso de profesionalizaci贸n empresarial en las empresas de car谩cter familiar. El enfoque epistemol贸gico seguido es el emp铆rico鈥搃nductivo, el tipo de investigaci贸n siguiendo la estructura diacr贸nica del proceso de investigaci贸n transita por la fases descriptiva, y la explicativa鈥揷ontrastiva. La poblaci贸n objeto de estudio est谩 constituida por las cadenas de hipermercados y supermercados familiares en Venezuela, de cuyo comportamiento y visi贸n se deriv贸 como resultado fundamental un sistema te贸rico que orientar谩 la consecuci贸n de la profesionalizaci贸n en las empresas familiares. Con esta finalidad tendr谩n que crear las estructuras de gobierno y gesti贸n empresarial, mediante la formalizaci贸n de sistemas, 贸rganos, pr谩cticas y pol铆ticas que regulen el desempe帽o en materia organizativa, recursos humanos, estructuras de gobierno corporativo y herramientas tecnol贸gicas de apoyo a la gerencia.The family business is one of the productive organizations with greater presence in the world, however, it has a particular structure, since it combines two systems with different logics: the family and the company. The first acts for the welfare of the family group, and the second, responds to criteria of economic rationality. Currently, these organizations face important challenges, one derived from the external sphere, which is related to the process of globalization, which requires companies a greater level of competitiveness; and another one propitiated by its internal dynamics, as it is to achieve the balance between the interests and objectives of the company and the family. Therefore, business professionalization emerges as an alternative to face or mitigate these dilemmas and achieve the longevity of them. Hence, the present book exposes the findings derived from the research that created it, which aimed to build a theoretical system that supports the process of business professionalization in family businesses. The epistemological approach followed is the empirical-inductive, the type of research following the diachronic structure of the research process transits through the descriptive phases, and the explanatory-contrastive one. The population under study is constituted by chains of hypermarkets and family supermarkets in Venezuela, whose behavior and vision was derived as a fundamental result a theoretical system that will guide the achievement of professionalization in family businesses. To this end they will have to create the structures of governance and business management, through the formalization of systems, bodies, practices and policies that regulate organizational performance, human resources, corporate governance structures and technological tools to support management

    Obatoclax and Paclitaxel Synergistically Induce Apoptosis and Overcome Paclitaxel Resistance in Urothelial Cancer Cells

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    Paclitaxel is a treatment option for advanced or metastatic bladder cancer after the failure of first-line cisplatin and gemcitabine, although resistance limits its clinical benefits. Mcl-1 is an anti-apoptotic protein that promotes resistance to paclitaxel in different tumors. Obatoclax, a BH3 mimetic of the Bcl-2 family of proteins, antagonizes Mcl-1 and hence may reverse paclitaxel resistance in Mcl-1-overexpressing tumors. In this study, paclitaxel-sensitive 5637 and -resistant HT1197 bladder cancer cells were treated with paclitaxel, obatoclax, or combinations of both. Apoptosis, cell cycle, and autophagy were measured by Western blot, flow cytometry, and fluorescence microscopy. Moreover, Mcl-1 expression was analyzed by immunohistochemistry in bladder carcinoma tissues. Our results confirmed that paclitaxel alone induced Mcl-1 downregulation and apoptosis in 5637, but not in HT1197 cells; however, combinations of obatoclax and paclitaxel sensitized HT1197 cells to the treatment. In obatoclax-treated 5637 and obatoclax + paclitaxel-treated HT1197 cells, the blockade of the autophagic flux correlated with apoptosis and was associated with caspase-dependent cleavage of beclin-1. Obatoclax alone delayed the cell cycle in 5637, but not in HT1197 cells, whereas combinations of both retarded the cell cycle and reduced mitotic slippage. In conclusion, obatoclax sensitizes HT1197 cells to paclitaxel-induced apoptosis through the blockade of the autophagic flux and effects on the cell cycle. Furthermore, Mcl-1 is overexpressed in many invasive bladder carcinomas, and it is related to tumor progression, so Mcl-1 expression may be of predictive value in bladder cancer.Espa帽a, Sistema P煤blico Andaluz Biobanco y ISCIII-Red de Biobancos PT17/0015/004

    Information and communications technologies and business professionalism in family hypermarkets and supermarkets in Venezuela

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    El presente art铆culo describe las tecnolog铆as de informaci贸n y comunicaci贸n empleadas por las cadenas de hipermercados y supermercados familiares en Venezuela como una dimensi贸n fundamental de la profesionalizaci贸n empresarial. El dise帽o de investigaci贸n es no experimental de campo, con un tipo de investigaci贸n descriptivo. Se aplic贸 un cuestionario a los fundadores o sucesores de las empresas familiares bajo estudio, las cuales no pueden catalogarse como profesionalizadas tecnol贸gicamente途 su evoluci贸n ha sido incipiente en t茅rmino de propiciar la interconexi贸n con los miembros de la cadena de valorThis article describes the information and communications technologies used by the chains of family hypermarkets and supermarkets in Venezuela as a fundamental dimension of the business professionalization. The research is descriptive, with a non颅experimental research design of field. A questionnaire was applied to the founders or successors of the family companies in the study, which cannot be classified as technologically professionalized途 their evolution has been incipient in order to facilitate the interconnection with members of the value chain

    Analysis of patterns in the university world rankings webometrics, Shanghai, QS and SIR-SCimago: case Latin America

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    The internationalization and positioning of universities offers relative comparisons, studied according to different teaching and research criteria. Among the recognized rankings are the Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU) or Ranking of Shanghai, QS World University Ranking, SCimago Institutions Rankings SIR and the Web Ranking of Universities-Webometrics. Comparatively, characteristics of each one are presented in terms of scope, volume of universities positioned and evaluation criteria. The indicators associated with research and institutional capacity stand out as common criteria in the revised evaluation methodologies. Regarding Latin America, Brazil leads with its presence in the four rankings. There is a greater number of Latin American universities in QS (40%) and Webometrics (31%), in the other two rankings it does not exceed 8%

    Contextual factors that influence the entrepreneurship of family businesses in Venezuela

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    Este art铆culo constituye una reflexi贸n sobre aspectos contextuales que inciden en el desarrollo del esp铆ritu emprendedor del empresario de car谩cter familiar en Venezuela. La metodolog铆a se fundament贸 en el an谩lisis de fuentes documentales. Los resultados develan que existen serias limitaciones que disminuyen el dinamismo empresarial, como: regulaciones de precios, tipo de cambio, marco jur铆dico laboral, excesivos tr谩mites administrativos y deficiencias en los servicios p煤blicos. Frente a este escenario, existen oportunidades que se derivan de la disminuci贸n de las importaciones, que han dejado una demanda insatisfecha que posibilita la apertura de nuevas empresas que deber谩n operar en condiciones de alta incertidumbre.This article is a reflection on contextual aspects that affect the entrepreneurial spirit of the family entrepreneur in Venezuela. The methodology was based on the analysis of documentary sources. The results reveal that there are serious limitations that diminish the business dynamism, such as: price regulations, exchange rate, labor legal framework, excessive administrative procedures and deficiencies in public services. Faced with this scenario, there are opportunities that are derived from the decrease in imports, which have left an unmet demand that allows the opening of new companies that must operate in conditions of high uncertainty

    Strategic direction in family businesses

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    La contribuci贸n de las empresas familiares al desarrollo econ贸mico y aportes a la sociedad, fundamentan el objetivo de analizar la efectividad de la direcci贸n estrat茅gica en las empresas del sector servicios de distribuci贸n y comercializaci贸n de tecnolog铆a en la ciudad de Barranquilla. Metodol贸gicamente, responde a una investigaci贸n de tipo descriptiva, dise帽o no experimental de campo. Se determina la importancia de minimizar los impactos t谩cticos y operativos que afectan la sostenibilidad empresarial. Se recomienda, lograr la efectividad de gesti贸n basada en la direcci贸n estrat茅gica para superar las debilidades que presentan al configurar la estructura organizacional con la estrategia y el entornoThe contribution of family businesses to economic development and contributions to society, are based on the objective of analyzing the effectiveness of strategic management in companies in the technology distribution and marketing services sector in the city of Barranquilla. Methodologically, it responds to a research of descriptive type, non-experimental field design. The importance of minimizing the tactical and operational impacts that affect business sustainability is determined. It is recommended to achieve management effectiveness based on strategic direction to overcome the weaknesses they present in shaping the organizational structure with the strategy and the environment

    Measures of concentration and stability: two pedagogical tools for industrial organization courses

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    This document describes two pedagogical tools developed for teaching applied microeconomics, specifically the issues related to concentration, dominance, stability and asymmetry of firms. The tools make a compilation of several concentration and stability indexes used in the literature since 1945. Among the benefits of the applications are the ease and agility to perform comparative analyzes of intersectorial and/or intertemporal type in a simple and agile way; and the use of unconventional concentration and stability measures

    Dividend decisions in family hypermarkets and supermarkets in Zulia State, Venezuela

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    Este art铆culo tiene como objetivo determinar la injerencia de la familia sobre las decisiones de dividendos aplicadas por las cadenas de hipermercados y supermercados familiares en el estado Zulia, Venezuela. El dise帽o de investigaci贸n es no experimental de campo, con un tipo de estudio descriptivo, mediante la aplicaci贸n de un cuestionario a los propietarios o administradores de dichas empresas. Los resultados muestran como la decisi贸n de dividendos est谩 marcada por la cultura caracter铆stica de este tipo de empresas, proclive a la reinversi贸n de beneficios, siempre que no exista una demanda familiar con base en sus necesidades que conlleve a la exigencia de distribuci贸n de dividendos; por lo que se concluye que la toma de decisiones es influida por la visi贸n y comportamientos de los miembros de la familia propietaria de estas empresasThis article has as an objective to determine the meddling of the family over the dividend decisions applied by the chains of hypermarkets and family supermarkets that are located in Zulia State, Venezuela. The design of this investigation is of non-experimental field, the study design is descriptive, by applying a questionnaire to the owners or to the administrators of these companies. Results show that dividend decisions are characterized by the culture that these type of companies have, prone to the reinvestment of the incomes, as long as there is not a family demand based in their necessities leading to dividend distribution; so we can conclude that decision making is influenced by the vision and behavior of the members of these family owned companies

    Corporative Government and Entrepreneurial Professionalization in Family Hypermarkets and Supermarkets in Venezuela

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    La empresa familiar es reconocida por su importante presencia en el mundo, caracterizada por una estructura en la que se conjugan dos sistemas con l贸gicas distintas: la familia y la empresa; raz贸n por la que uno de sus retos es lograr el balance entre los intereses y objetivos de la empresa y la familia. El objetivo del presente art铆culo es describir el tipo de estructuras, planes y pol铆ticas de gobierno corporativo con el que operan los hipermercados y supermercados familiares en Venezuela. La investigaci贸n es no experimental de campo, con un tipo de estudio descriptivo, para lo que se utiliz贸 un cuestionario. Entre los principales resultados: a) en los hipermercados y supermercados familiares las estructuras de gobierno formalizadas son las vinculadas al sistema de propiedad, y en contraposici贸n se observa como las estructuras relacionadas con el sistema de familia son poco reconocidas e implementadas; b) la planificaci贸n de la empresa figura como una categor铆a escasamente considerada y las pol铆ticas dise帽adas son las relacionadas a las estructuras implantadas; c) Las estructuras de gobierno constituyen las plataformas para abordar y gestionar los aspectos relativos a los sistemas familia, empresa y propiedad, de forma constructiva y por separado, evitando solapamientos, o que siempre prime un sistema sobre el resto. Por ello, se concluye que se hace prioritario, potenciar y/o establecer mecanismos efectivos de gobierno en los tres 谩mbitos.The family business is recognized for its significant presence in the world, characterized by a structure in which two systems with different types of logic are joined: family and business. For this reason, one of its challenges is to achieve a balance between the interests and objectives of the business and the family. The objective of this article is to describe the type of structures, plans and policies of corporative government with which family hyper and supermarkets operate in Venezuela. This is non-experimental, field research with a descriptive type of study, for which a questionnaire was utilized. The main results include: a) in family hyper and supermarkets, the formalized structures of government are connected to the system of property, and in counter position, one can see how structures related to the family system are little recognized and implemented; b) planning the business figures as a category that is hardly considered, and the policies designed are related to the implanted structures; c) government structures constitute the platforms for approaching and managing the aspects relative to family, business and property systems, in a constructive manner and separately, avoiding overlapping or that one system is always favored over the rest. For these reasons, conclusions are that it is a priority to empower and/or establish effective government mechanisms in the three spheres

    Dividend decisions in family hypermarkets and supermarkets in Zulia State, Venezuela

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    Este art铆culo tiene como objetivo determinar la injerencia de la familia sobre las decisiones de dividendos aplicadas por las cadenas de hipermercados y supermercados familiares en el estado Zulia, Venezuela. El dise帽o de investigaci贸n es no experimental de campo, con un tipo de estudio descriptivo, mediante la aplicaci贸n de un cuestionario a los propietarios o administradores de dichas empresas. Los resultados muestran como la decisi贸n de dividendos est谩 marcada por la cultura caracter铆stica de este tipo de empresas, proclive a la reinversi贸n de beneficios, siempre que no exista una demanda familiar con base en sus necesidades que conlleve a la exigencia de distribuci贸n de dividendos; por lo que se concluye que la toma de decisiones es influida por la visi贸n y comportamientos de los miembros de la familia propietaria de estas empresas.This article has as an objective to determine the meddling of the family over the dividend decisions applied by the chains of hypermarkets and family supermarkets that are located in Zulia State, Venezuela. The design of this investigation is of non-experimental field, the study design is descriptive, by applying a questionnaire to the owners or to the administrators of these companies. Results show that dividend decisions are characterized by the culture that these type of companies have, prone to the reinvestment of the incomes, as long as there is not a family demand based in their necessities leading to dividend distribution; so we can conclude that decision making is influenced by the vision and behavior of the members of these family owned companies