93 research outputs found

    Probabilistic risk model of digital reactor protection system

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    Multi-criteria evaluation method for freight logistics innovations

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    The objective of this study is to build up a common approach for the assessment of logistics innovations. Innovations are referred to here as best practices and are considered as existing approaches or solutions providing an answer to a relevant problem or challenge in freight transport. The impact evaluation of logistics innovations takes into account strategic targets, topics covered, transferability and novelty of the best practices. A freight specific multi-criteria analysis approach was designed for the evaluation process

    Erään tehosäätimen tuotekehitys - suunnittelu ja toteutus

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    Markkinoilla on monenlaisia valonsäätimiä, jotka toimivat erilaisilla periaatteilla. Hehkulamppu on tavallisin kuorma valonsäätimelle. Myös muiden kuormien käyttö lisääntyy jatkuvasti. Tässä työssä suunnitellaan ja toteutetaan säädin, joka pystyy säätämään kaikentyyppisiä vaihekulmasäätöperiaatteella säädettävissä olevia kuormia. Keskeinen ongelma on toteuttaa säädin, joka pystyy säätämään resistiivisiä, kapasitiivisiä ja induktiivisiä kuormia sekä näiden sekamuotoja. Idea, jonka pohjalta tämän työn kohteena oleva säädin toteutetaan, on peräisin eräästä patentista. Keskeisenä kytkevänä komponenttina on MOSFET-transistori. Tämän työn lopputuloksena on prototyyppikappale säätimestä. Säätimen mekaniikka suunnitellaan mahtumaan yksikkö-asennusrasiaan

    State-of-the-art of human reliability analysis for nuclear power plants

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    Development of illumination for machines in underground coal mines

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    Underjordiska kolgruvor är krävande miljöer att belysa. Det är mörkt i gruvan och kol syns dåligt på grund av dess låga reflektivitet. Samtidigt får ljuset inte blända och ha starka kontraster för att bevara mörkerseendet. Dessutom finns det koldamm och me-angas som kan orsaka explosion så lamporna behöver vara explosionsskyddade. I det här diplomarbetet undersöks krav och rekommendationer för belysning i underjor-diska kolgruvor, samt standarder som bör följas för att tillverka en explosionsskyddad lampa. Till diplomarbetet hör också ett produktutvecklingsprojekt av ett explosions-skyddat LED-arbetsljus för fordon och maskiner i underjordiska kolgruvor. Diplomarbetet behandlar grunderna i fotometri och explosionsskydd och presenterar standarder och deras klassificeringar av Ex-produkter. I projektdelen presenteras en lämplig ljusbild för en lampa baserat på en mängd krav och rekommendationer för belysning. Skyddsmetoderna Ex-d och Ex-m jämförs med varandra och sedan väljs en av dessa att gå vidare med i projektet. Vidare behandlas planering av viktiga delar av lam-pan och materialval. Det görs också en värmesimulering av lamphuset som visar att rostfritt stål kan, med vissa designändringar, användas som husmaterial trots dess låga värmeledningsförmåga.Underground coal mines are challenging environments to illuminate. It is dark in the mine and the visibility of coal is poor due to its low reflectivity. The light may not dazzle and cannot have sharp contrasts in order to preserve night vision. There are furthermore coal dust and methane gas that can cause explosions, so the lamps also need to be protected against explosions. This master’s thesis examines requirements and recommendations for the illumination of underground coal mines as well as the standards that apply when producing an explosion-proof LED work light for machines and vehicles in underground coal mines. The thesis examines the basics of photometry and explosion prevention and presents relevant standards and their Ex classifications. A suitable light pattern for a lamp based on various requirements and recommendations for illumination is presented in the project part of the thesis. The protection methods Ex-d and Ex-m are compared to each other and one of these is chosen for further development. The project part then continues with the design of important parts and the selection of materials. Finally, a heat simulation shows that the housing can, after some changes in the design, in fact be made out of stainless steel despite its poor heat conduction

    State-of-the-art of human reliability analysis for nuclear power plants

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    Rapid prototyping today

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    Avancerade fallstudier i riskhantering

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    The word risk is used to describe a situation that involves a possibility of something undesired to happen. The systematic process of identifying, evaluating and reducing risks is usually referred to as risk management (RM). The forerunner applications of modern RM emerge from the military, nuclear power production and finance from where the methods have subsequently spread to every field where significant unwanted uncertainties exist. Although risk is pervasive, the methods and their usage depend on the context. Therefore, the case method is a powerful tool in teaching RM. This thesis presents four educational RM case studies compiled by the author. The studies are aimed to show graduate students how some centrallUv1 methods may be used in practice and give insight in the general principles of RM. The whole process from risk identification to evaluation of implemented solutions is described. To give a multifaceted view, the cases include risk situations from different fields: poultry production, electricity retailing, mining and pension insurance business. Also a comparative analysis of the cases is conducted, where causal relationships between different properties are identified. Using the insight learnt from the cases, general guidelines and structural outlines concerning risk management are suggested. A comparative analysis of the cases highlight that the RM method selection does not only depend on the modelling properties of the phenomena and the type of loss, but also on the traditions in each field. Seemingly different fields dealing with mathematically similar phenomena could gain from interaction and exchanging of methods. Based on the type of available information, rough guidelines for when to use frequentist, Bayesian or expert elicitation methods in probability assessments is drawn. The precautionary principle should be practised in cases with significant incertitude, where a formal risk assessment cannot be conducted. The comparative analysis supports also the intuitive assumption that the extent of governmental RM through regulations depends on the ubiquity and influence of the risk. The case studies can be found at http://www.sal.hut.fi/Web-Activities/RM/

    Advanced Case Studies in Risk Management

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    The word risk is used to describe a situation that involves a possibility of something undesired to happen. The systematic process of identifying, evaluating and reducing risks is usually referred to as risk management (RM). The forerunner applications of modern RM emerge from the military, nuclear power production and finance from where the methods have subsequently spread to every field where significant unwanted uncertainties exist. Although risk is pervasive, the methods and their usage depend on the context. Therefore, the case method is a powerful tool in teaching RM. This thesis presents four educational RM case studies compiled by the author. The studies are aimed to show graduate students how some central RM methods may be used in practice and give insight in the general principles of RM. The whole process from risk identification to evaluation of implemented solutions is described. To give a multifaceted view, the cases include risk situations from different fields: poultry production, electricity retailing, mining and pension insurance business. Also a comparative analysis of the cases is conducted, where causal relationships between different properties are identified. Using the insight learnt from the cases