757 research outputs found
Analysis of parametric oscillatory instability in Fabry-Perot cavity with Gauss and Laguerre-Gauss main mode profile
We calculate the parametric instabilities in Fabry-Perot cavities of Advanced
VIRGO and LIGO interferometers with different main mode profiles. All unstable
combinations of elastic and Stokes modes both for the case with TEM00 and LG33
as a carriers are deduced.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figure
A Study on Employee's Perception towards Women Leadership Effectiveness
This study examined the employee’s perception towards women leadership effectiveness. Data was gathered through distributed questionnaires answered by 60 respondents from SOCSO staffs in Penang branch. Data was analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS v.16) where descriptive analysis was used to analyze the demographic variable. T-test and ANOVA analysis was used to find the difference of perception towards women leadership effectiveness. Besides that, Pearson Correlation analysis was used to analyze the relationship between women leader behavioral factors (communication skills,usage of power, decision making skills and personal character) and women
leadership effectiveness. Findings of the study revealed that there is no difference between demography factors (gender, age, educational level and length of service) towards women leadership effectiveness. The findings also
show that there is a significant relationship between women leaders behavioral and women leadership effectiveness
We are Family: Family History of Diabetes among African Americans and its Association to Perceived Severity, Knowledge of Risk Factors, and Physical Activity Levels
This cross-sectional study sought to describe an association between family history of type-2 diabetes and the awareness of risk factors, perceived threat and physical activity levels in African Americans. With a prevalence of 11.8%, African Americans remain disproportionately affected by the epidemic of diabetes. A risk factor that cannot be modified, but is important and closely linked with diabetes expression, family history, can be a considerable tool in promoting behavior change and reducing the risk of developing the condition in African Americans. A self-report questionnaire was administered to 133 church going African Americans, with 55 of them with a positive family history of type-2 diabetes (41.4%) and 78 (58.6%) without. None of the participants had been previously been diagnosed with type-2 diabetes. The results from the study indicated that African Americans with positive family history had a greater knowledge of risk factors, were more likely to indicate that their concern about the disease influences their eating habits and physical activity, and engaged in significantly more physical activity than those with no family history
Naša je budućnost u očima promatrača – inicijativa za globalni investicijski međunarodni ugovor
The existing international investment regime is not based on a multilateral international organization. This essay argues for the conclusion of an international, legally binding, global investment treaty (GIT), under the auspices of the United Nations (UN). Its wide mandate and equality of votes will ensure the appropriate context for creating a fairer international investment regime, balancing between a strong capitalist agenda and a contemporary outlook on social justice. Concluding a GIT under the auspices of the UN would primarily mean the systematic overseeing of its implementation across the globe and would provide the necessary context, resources and forum for discussion. It should emphasize the right to development, and consolidate and harmonise the main principles of international economic law, balancing them with other competing principles of international law, and moreover constitute an international investment court. Further, a GIT should promote investment and address the topic of corporate social responsibility related to the operations of multinational enterprises. The conclusion of a GIT would open new investment opportunities worldwide and provide an organised framework for development, with more legal certainty for investors. Public international law should offer new guidancePostojeći međunarodni investicijski režim nije utemeljen na multilateralnoj međunarodnoj organizaciji. Autorica se zalaže za sklapanje pravno obvezujućeg globalnog investicijskog međunarodnog ugovora (GIT) pod okriljem Ujedinjenih nacija (UN). Široki mandat i jednakost glasova u UN-u, omogućit će odgovarajući kontekst za stvaranje pravičnijeg investicijskog režima, balansirajući između snažnih kapitalističkih težnji i suvremenog pogleda na društvenu pravednost. Postojanje takvog međunarodnog ugovora prvenstveno će značiti njegovu sustavnu implementaciju diljem svijeta, te dati potreban kontekst, resurse i forum za diskusije.GIT bi trebao istaknuti pravo na razvoj, konsolidirati i harmonizirati glavne principe međunarodnog prava ekonomije s ostalim principima međunarodnog prava, te uspostaviti međunarodni investicijski sud. Jednako tako, GIT bi trebao promicati investicije i društvenu odgovornost multinacionalnih kompanija. Sklapanje GIT-a otvorilo bi nove investicijske mogućnosti diljem svijeta, te dalo organizirani okvir za razvoj, s više pravne sigurnosti za ulagače. Međunarodno javno pravo treba ponuditi novi smjer
Asynchronous Execution of Python Code on Task Based Runtime Systems
Despite advancements in the areas of parallel and distributed computing, the
complexity of programming on High Performance Computing (HPC) resources has
deterred many domain experts, especially in the areas of machine learning and
artificial intelligence (AI), from utilizing performance benefits of such
systems. Researchers and scientists favor high-productivity languages to avoid
the inconvenience of programming in low-level languages and costs of acquiring
the necessary skills required for programming at this level. In recent years,
Python, with the support of linear algebra libraries like NumPy, has gained
popularity despite facing limitations which prevent this code from distributed
runs. Here we present a solution which maintains both high level programming
abstractions as well as parallel and distributed efficiency. Phylanx, is an
asynchronous array processing toolkit which transforms Python and NumPy
operations into code which can be executed in parallel on HPC resources by
mapping Python and NumPy functions and variables into a dependency tree
executed by HPX, a general purpose, parallel, task-based runtime system written
in C++. Phylanx additionally provides introspection and visualization
capabilities for debugging and performance analysis. We have tested the
foundations of our approach by comparing our implementation of widely used
machine learning algorithms to accepted NumPy standards
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