373 research outputs found

    Teorema ergodico per catene di Markov e algoritmo PageRank di Google

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    Le catene di Markov sono processi stocastici a tempo discreto, la cui evoluzione non è deterministica ma probabilistica ed è caratterizzata dal fatto che la probabilità di passare da uno stato ad un altro non dipende dal percorso fatto fino a quel momento (cioè da tutti gli stati attraversati fino a quel momento), ma dipende esclusivamente dallo stato attuale. Nell'elaborato viene presentato un fondamentale risultato riguardante il comportamento asintotico di una particolare classe di catene di Markov a tempo discreto, ossia il Teorema ergodico. Tale risultato ci consentirà di affermare che, per tempi sufficientemente grandi, la probabilità di raggiungere un certo stato finale non dipende dallo stato di partenza. Questi risultati saranno usati per descrivere l'algoritmo PageRank di Google, sviluppato tra il 1996 e il 1998 da Sergey Brin e Larry Page, che permette di quantificare l'importanza di una pagina web e, di conseguenza, stabilire un ordine in cui presentare tali pagine

    Air-Powered Liquid Needle Free Injectors: Design, Modeling and Experimental Validation

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    Liquid needle free injectors are biomedical devices that deliver medication via the creation of high speed liquid jets without the use of hypodermic needles, have been a topic of interest in the scientific community for quite some time. This study focuses on the development and analysis of liquid jet injectors powered by air. Studies demonstrate that the majority of commercially available injectors are gas/air powered units; however there is no indication of a model that prescribes the performance characteristics of this particular type of injector. Consequently the main goal of this research is to develop and validate a model capable of predicting the behaviour of such devices. In this study, the development and analysis of a model for air-powered injectors is accomplished first by constructing a prototype injector that functions in a very similar fashion and produces jets of similar geometry and velocities as the vast majority of commercially available units. Furthermore, the injector is designed in such a way that the parameters such as, driver pressure, injection chamber length and volume as well as nozzle geometry can be varied. An initial evaluation of the prototype injector is performed to ensure it can be used to accurately conduct testing. The prototype injector is then used to validate a fluid mechanics model constructed based on previous work from Baker and Sanders [IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng. 46:235-242, 1999]. Experiments that map stagnation pressures of the jet through the use of a piezoelectric force transducer are performed in order to validate the performance of the model. These experiments describe the peak and average stagnation pressures of the jet based on the effect of different parameters such as driver pressure (400-800 kPa), nozzle size (130-250 μm) and injection chamber length (10-25 mm). The results of these tests are then compared to the behaviour prescribed by the model. An analysis of these results indicates that the present model can accurately be used to predict the performance of air-powered needle free liquid jet injectors

    Self-regulated biological transportation structures with general entropy dissipations, part I: the 1D case

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    We study self-regulating processes modeling biological transportation networks as presented in \cite{portaro2023}. In particular, we focus on the 1D setting for Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditions. We prove an existence and uniqueness result under the assumption of positivity of the diffusivity DD. We explore systematically various scenarios and gain insights into the behavior of DD and its impact on the studied system. This involves analyzing the system with a signed measure distribution of sources and sinks. Finally, we perform several numerical tests in which the solution DD touches zero, confirming the previous hints of local existence in particular cases.Comment: 22 pages, 8 figure

    Pregnancy and oral health

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    La evidencia científica indica que la presencia de enfermedad periodontal en la mujer embarazada puede tener consecuencias negativas en el resultado del embarazo. Por otro lado, la flora oral de la madre es uno de los factores más importantes de predicción de caries en un niño; con lo cual la salud oral materna debe basarse en la importancia de dismi-nuir la carga bacteriana para reducir las probabilidades de transmisión. Todo programa de prevención de caries debe incluir la asesoría a futuras madres y, por ello, es imprescindi-ble que el odontopediatra conozca en profundidad todos los aspectos relacionados con el embarazo y la salud oral, para comprender la importancia de integrar este grupo de pacientes en nuestros programas. Este trabajo de revisión bibliográfica tiene como objetivo revisar los aspectos más relevantes del embarazo y su relación con la salud oral, con especial enfoque en las consecuencias en el futuro bebé

    El derecho a la libertad individual en la detención en flagrancia dentro de las 24 horas después de cometido el delito en la comisaria de yerbateros del distrito de San Luis - Lima, 2014

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    La presente tesis lleva por título “El derecho a la libertad individual en la detención en flagrancia dentro de las 24 horas después de cometido el delito en la Comisaria de Yerbateros del distrito de San Luis - Lima, 2014” y tiene como propósito determinar la relación entre ambas variables. El diseño de investigación es no experimental con un enfoque cuantitativo y tipo de investigación básica, cuyos resultados se evidencian a través de tablas y figuras. A través de la investigación realizada con 208 abogados que concurren a la Comisaria de Yerbateros se ha logrado determinar la influencia en las variables de estudio y cuyos resultados se han obtenido a través de la aplicación del instrumento. El resultado hallado ha sido una correlación de 4,2 con un nivel de significancia del 0,05 y (p < .05); lo cual indica que la correlación es muy buena, corroborando el resultado de la influencia del derecho a la libertad frente a la detención en flagrancia dentro de las 24 horas. Finalmente, se concluye que según los hallazgos encontrados, existe una influencia significativa entre las dos variables mencionadas

    The Efficacy of Physical Therapy for Pain Management in Women with Endometriosis: A Systematic Review

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    Abstract Background: Endometriosis is a disorder in which benign endometrial tissue grows due to atypical endometrial glands that form outside of the uterus. The disorder causes pain, excessive bleeding, dyspareunia, and may affect quality of life. Common medical treatment includes NSAIDS, hormonal therapy and surgery. Non-traditional interventions such as physical therapy may also be an option. The purpose of this review is to examine the effectiveness of physical therapy in decreasing pain and improving quality of life for women with endometriosis. Methods: A review was performed August/September, 2020 using CINAHL Complete, PubMed, PEDro, and Academic Search Ultimate. Search terms included endometriosis, exercise, physical therapy, physiotherapy, and rehabilitation. Inclusion criteria were peer-reviewed randomized controlled trials, meta analyses, articles published in the last 15 years, and full text English. A hand search was also conducted. Results: 11 studies met the inclusion criteria. There were 2 level 1, 2 level 2, and 7 level 3 on the hierarchy of evidence scale included in the study. Articles were grouped into the following categories: modality therapy, physical activity, manual therapy, combined intervention and meta analysis. Conclusion: Research has shown a positive relationship between the use of combined physical therapy interventions as means of pain management for women with endometriosis. The study is inconclusive regarding use of a single intervention. The role of physical therapy for treating endometriosis needs further research to determine the best protocol for endometrial pain management.https://digitalcommons.misericordia.edu/research_posters2021/1028/thumbnail.jp

    Propuesta de cuadro de mando integral (CMI) para mejorar la gestión estratégica de las universidades privadas

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    En este trabajo se presenta una propuesta de Cuadro de Mando Integral para las universidades privadas. La propuesta tiene como objetivo fundamental mejorar la gestión estratégica de las universidades. Para conseguir este objetivo se presenta un diagnóstico de la gestión estratégica de universidades privadas, los procesos principales, un mapa estratégico, el cuadro de mando integral con indicadores en cada una de las perspectivas (grupos de interés, estudiantes / egresados, financiera, procesos internos, aprendizaje y crecimiento) y un análisis económico de la propuesta. Tiene un diseño cualitativo con un alcance descriptivo. Como resultado se obtuvo que la gestión planificación estratégica, calidad, financiera, posicionamiento y monitoreo y seguimiento son procesos clave dentro de la gestión estratégica, las relaciones de causa efecto por cada perspectiva, un sistema de 92 indicadores de gestión adaptable a universidades privadas asociativas o societarias y un análisis económico trabajado con tres tipos de escenarios: optimista, probable y pesimista. Lo que permite concluir que es un instrumento metodológico válido para el diseño del sistema de control de gestión estratégica

    The Grizzly, October 27, 2022

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    Our 2022 Homecoming King and Queen! • Historic Trees Become Nasal Nuisance • Halloween Cartoon • The Film Club Satisfies Student Interests • Halloween Word Search • Opinions: President Hannigan Made Me Cry (And Frankly, I Loved It) • Golf Teams\u27 Fall Season Brings Hope for Spring • Jack Psenicska: Smashing Ursinus Football Recordshttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/grizzlynews/1998/thumbnail.jp

    The Grizzly, March 3, 2022

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    Wismer Finally Steps Up Its Game • Meet Dr. Amoroso-O\u27Connor • Test Your Ursinus Knowledge • Opinions: Black History Month at Ursinus • Wrestling Closes a Standout Season • A Solo Seniorhttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/grizzlynews/1981/thumbnail.jp

    Testing the Properties of Radon Barrier Materials and Home Ventilation to Mitigate Indoor Radon

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    Indoor radon is the second cause of lung cancer. Mitigation strategies are based on (i) building protection with radon barrier materials, (ii) increasing home ventilation or (iii) room pressurization. A scale model room created with a porous ignimbrite rich in radon precursors was used as an analogue to test the indoor radon reduction ability of various radon barrier materials in a real room. The properties of these materials were tested with and without room pressurization by introducing outdoor air at different flow rates. The best materials reduced indoor radon up to 80% and, when the highest pressurization was applied, to 93%