10 research outputs found

    Effects of type of lesion and trimming on short-term behavior of grazing dairy cows

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    This study aimed to investigate how type of hoof injury and corrective trimming alter the behavior of dairy cows. Thirty-four lactating Holstein and Jersey cows were used. They were scored for lameness score on days –2 and 6, before and after trimming and treatment, respectively, using a numerical rating system, in which 1 = perfect gait and 5 = severely lame, and had their postural and ingestive behavior evaluated on days –1 and 6 before and after trimming and treatment, respectively. Locomotion score was analyzed using t-paired test and behavioral data were analyzed by univariate variance analysis with cows as the experimental units, according to a completely randomized design with repeated measurements. Cows with infectious hoof diseases spent less time lying down and idling, but more time standing up and feeding at the trough than those with non-infectious hoof diseases. Locomotion score and the proportion of time spent standing decreased one week after trimming and treatment, while time spent lying down increased. Trimming plus treatment and type of hoof diseases do not change ingestive behavior but change postural behavior of dairy cows

    Maternal behavior and temperament of naturalized sheep of the Pantanal

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    A conservação de animais domésticos naturalizados é ponto estratégico para a ovinocultura brasileira. Rebanhos de ovinos adaptados a ambientes extremos, como o Pantanal, representam um boa fonte de recurso genético para melhor adaptação ao clima e à vegetação alagada. Este estudo teve o objetivo de descrever o comportamento materno-filial e o temperamento de ovinos naturalizados do Pantanal, bem como correlacionar essas características com o escore de comportamento materno (ECM) e características produtivas dos cordeiros até o desmame. O estudo foi realizado na fazenda experimental da Embrapa Gado de Corte, no município de Terenos – MS, Brasil. Foram utilizadas 164 ovelhas no ano 1 e 124 ovelhas no ano 2, com idade média de 3,5±1,5 anos e peso corporal médio de 41,3±8,1 kg, mantidas em pastagem de Brachiaria brizantha cv. BRS Paiaguás. Os atributos considerados no comportamento da ovelha e de sua prole no momento do parto foram: permanência da ovelha parturiente com o rebanho, agitação da ovelha durante o parto, cuidados com o(s) cordeiro(s), facilitação da mamada, tipo de parto, tempos de latência do(s) cordeiro(s) para ficar de pé e para mamar, vocalização da ovelha e do cordeiro, sexo do(s) cordeiro(s), peso ao nascimento, ECM, além dos dados meteorológicos. Na estação de monta e após o desmame o temperamento das ovelhas foi avaliado através de dois testes: teste de arena e distância de aproximação. Os dados foram submetidos à análise descritiva e análise de fatores principais (FP). Os dados relativos ao ECM, peso ao desmame e ganho médio diário foram correlacionados com os valores do escore dos FP. A maioria das ovelhas não se afastou do rebanho, mostraram baixo grau de agitação ou inquietação, além de pouca frequência de vocalização antes do parto. Ovelhas que não se afastaram do rebanho, apresentaram-se mais rápidas para vocalizar e cuidar do cordeiro. Não houve diferença entre a raça dos cordeiros para as latências da primeira reação e levantar, no entanto cordeiros filhos de pais pantaneiros foram mais pesados ao nascimento, mais rápidos para procurar o úbere, obterem sucesso na primeira mamada do que cordeiros filhos de pais Santa Inês ou Morada Nova. No Teste de Arena, houve associação positiva entre a movimentação das ovelhas e as vocalizações de alta intensidade durante as etapas de isolamento social e na presença humana. Nas duas épocas de avaliação, cinco fatores principais (FP) foram significativos (autovalores >1). As variáveis originais com maior carga fatorial para o FP1 foram as vocalizações de alta intensidade; para o FP2 a movimentação; para o FP3 a exploração do ambiente; para o FP4 as dejeções totais no isolamento e para o FP5 a distância de fuga. As características comportamentais avaliadas ao parto e o temperamento avaliado no teste de arena não se correlacionaram com o Escore do Comportamento Materno. Concluímos que as ovelhas pantaneiras mostraram boa habilidade materna medida pelo ECM, cuidando dos cordeiros e facilitando a ingestão de colostro. No teste de arena a característica mais importante para avaliar o medo das ovelhas pantaneiras foram as vocalizações de alta intensidade. O ECM não é uma ferramenta eficiente para avaliar a habilidade materna de ovelhas naturalizadas do Pantanal, visto que não se correlacionou com nenhuma característica ao parto e no teste de arena.The conservation of naturalized domestic animals is a strategic point for Brazilian sheep farming. Sheep flocks adapted to extreme environments, such as the Pantanal, represent a good source of genetic resources for better adaptation to climate and flooded vegetation. This study aimed to describe the maternal-filial behavior of the naturalized sheep in the Pantanal region and the temperament of ewes at mating and weaning, as well as correlate the behavioral traits with the maternal behavior score (MBS) and with behavior and productive characteristics of lambs until weaning. The study was carried out at the experimental farm of Embrapa Beef Cattle Center, in the municipality of Terenos – MS, Brazil. We evaluated 164 ewes in year 1 and 124 ewes in year 2, with mean age of 3.5±1.5 years and mean body weight of 41.3±8.1 kg, grazing Brachiaria brizantha cv. BRS Paiaguás. The behavioral attributes considered in ewes and in their offspring at the moment of lambing were: distance from the flock, agitation during lambing, care of the lamb, facilitation of sucking, type of lambing, latency of the lamb(s) to raise and to suck, number of vocalizations of the ewe and lamb, lamb’s sex, birth weight, MBS and meteorological data were registered. At mating and weaning, ewe’s temperament was evaluated using two tests: arena test and the approach distance.The data were subjected to descriptive analysis and analysis of principal factors (PF). Data on MBS, body weight at weaning and mean daily weight gain were correlated with the PF score. Most of the ewe did not move away from the flock, showed a low agitation or restlessness, and low frequency of vocalization before parturition. Ewes who did not leave the flock, presented themselves faster to vocalize and take care of the lamb. There was no difference between the breed of lambs for the latencies of the first reaction and to raise, however lambs of Pantanal parents were heavier at birth, faster to look for the udder, to obtain success in the first feeding than lambs children of parents Santa Inês or Morada Nova. In the Arena Test, there was a positive association between ewes movement and high intensity vocalizations during the stages of social isolation and in human presence. In both periods, five principal factors (PF) were significant (eigenvalues >1): PF1 represented by high intensity vocalizations; the PF2 represented by the movement; the PF3 represented by the exploration of the environment; the PF4 was represented by the total dejections in the isolation phase, and the PF5 was represented by the escape distance. The behavioral characteristics assessed at parturition and the temperament assessed in the arena test did not correlate with the Maternal Behavior Score. We concluded that the Pantanal ewes showed good maternal ability measured by MBS, taking care of the lambs and facilitating the ingestion of colostrum. In the arena test the most important characteristic to evaluate the fear of the Pantanal ewes was the vocalizations of high intensity. The MBS is not an efficient tool to evaluate the maternal ability of naturalized ewes in the Pantanal, since it did not correlate with any traits at calving and arena test

    Relationship between the variables associated with the behavior, temperament, management and maternal care of sheep - a multivariate approach

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    Este estudo teve o objetivo de identificar e correlacionar as variáveis comportamentais e as características do comportamento materno-filial e do temperamento de ovinos por meio de modelos multivariados. O estudo foi dividido em três partes, nas primeiras duas, foi avaliado o comportamento materno-filial e o temperamento de ovelhas da raça Corriedale durante o período periparto; e no terceiro foi realizado um estudo retrospectivo através da análise multivariada de dados referentes ao Escore de Comportamento Materno (ECM) e o temperamento de ovelhas das raças Corriedale em diferentes manejos. As observações do comportamento das ovelhas e cordeiros ocorreram desde o início do parto até 2 horas após, quando foram registradas as seguintes observações: horário do parto, permanência da ovelha parturiente com o rebanho, grau de agitação durante o parto, cuidados com o(s) cordeiro(s), facilitação da mamada, tipo de parto, tempos de latência do(s) cordeiro(s) em ficar de pé e para mamar, vocalização da ovelha e do cordeiro, sexo do(s) cordeiro(s), peso ao nascimento, além dos dados meteorológicos. Entre 12 a 24 horas após o parto foi avaliado o ECM. A reatividade dos animais foi avaliada no Teste de Arena no dia do desmame. Os dados foram submetidos à análise de fatores principais, de correlação e médias canônicas, agrupamentos e comparação de médias dos grupos. No primeiro estudo, o ECM de ovelhas Corriedale criadas em sistema semiextensivo foi positivamente associado com a idade da ovelha, peso ao encarneiramento, escore da condição corporal no encarneiramento, peso ao desmame e atitude de facilitar a mamada. No segundo estudo, os atributos avaliados no Teste de Arena como o tempo de latência da ovelha no isolamento e na presença do observador, movimentação no isolamento, vocalizações de alta intensidade, número de micções e resistência em sair da arena foram associados a baixos valores de Escore de Comportamento Materno. No terceiro estudo, o ECM foi associado positivamente com a frequência respiratória, distância percorrida, número de vocalizações totais e defecações totais na presença do observador. Ovelhas com ECM menor apresentaram maior frequência respiratória, temperatura retal, maior número de defecações totais na presença do observador e menor número de tentativas de fuga na presença do observador. A análise multivariada mostrou-se uma ferramenta eficaz para avaliar a associação do Escore do Comportamento Materno e do temperamento de ovelhas da raça Corriedale.This study aimed to identify and correlate the behavioral variables and maternal-filial behavior characteristics and temperament of sheep using multivariate models. The study was divided into three parts, the first two evaluated the mother-filial behavior and the temperament of ewe Corriedale during the peripartum period and the third dealed with a retrospective study using multivariate analysis of data for the maternal behavior score (MBS) and the temperament of Corriedale ewe in different systems. Behavior of ewe and lambs was observed since the onset of lambing until 2 hours after parturition, when the following activities were recorded: traits such as lambing schedule, permanence of the ewe with the herd, degree of agitation during lambing, care of the lamb, facilitate suckling at birth, type of lambing, latency of the lamb to stand up and latency to suck, vocalizations of the ewe and lamb, sex of the lamb, birth weight and MBS. MBS was evaluated between 12 and 24 hours after lambing. The animal reactivity was assessed at weaning with the arena test. Data were subjected to analysis of principal factors, correlation and canonical average, groups and comparison of group means. In the first study, Corriedale ewes reared in semi-extensive system show MBS positively associated with their age, weight at mating and weaning, body condition score in mating and attitude to facilitate feeding. In the second study, the attributes evaluated in the Arena Test as the latency time of the ewe in isolation and in the presence of the observer, activity in isolation, number of high-intensity vocalization, number of urination events and resistence to leave the arena were associated with low values of score of maternal behavior. In the third study, the MBS was positively associated with respiratory rate, activity in isolation, total number of vocalizations and total defecation in the presence of the observer. Ewe with MSB showed lower respiratory rates, rectal temperature, total number of defecation in the presence of the observer and fewer escape attempts in the presence of the observer. Multivariate analysis showed to be an effective tool to evaluate the association score between maternal behavior and social temperament of ewe

    Maternal behavior and temperament of naturalized sheep of the Pantanal

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    A conservação de animais domésticos naturalizados é ponto estratégico para a ovinocultura brasileira. Rebanhos de ovinos adaptados a ambientes extremos, como o Pantanal, representam um boa fonte de recurso genético para melhor adaptação ao clima e à vegetação alagada. Este estudo teve o objetivo de descrever o comportamento materno-filial e o temperamento de ovinos naturalizados do Pantanal, bem como correlacionar essas características com o escore de comportamento materno (ECM) e características produtivas dos cordeiros até o desmame. O estudo foi realizado na fazenda experimental da Embrapa Gado de Corte, no município de Terenos – MS, Brasil. Foram utilizadas 164 ovelhas no ano 1 e 124 ovelhas no ano 2, com idade média de 3,5±1,5 anos e peso corporal médio de 41,3±8,1 kg, mantidas em pastagem de Brachiaria brizantha cv. BRS Paiaguás. Os atributos considerados no comportamento da ovelha e de sua prole no momento do parto foram: permanência da ovelha parturiente com o rebanho, agitação da ovelha durante o parto, cuidados com o(s) cordeiro(s), facilitação da mamada, tipo de parto, tempos de latência do(s) cordeiro(s) para ficar de pé e para mamar, vocalização da ovelha e do cordeiro, sexo do(s) cordeiro(s), peso ao nascimento, ECM, além dos dados meteorológicos. Na estação de monta e após o desmame o temperamento das ovelhas foi avaliado através de dois testes: teste de arena e distância de aproximação. Os dados foram submetidos à análise descritiva e análise de fatores principais (FP). Os dados relativos ao ECM, peso ao desmame e ganho médio diário foram correlacionados com os valores do escore dos FP. A maioria das ovelhas não se afastou do rebanho, mostraram baixo grau de agitação ou inquietação, além de pouca frequência de vocalização antes do parto. Ovelhas que não se afastaram do rebanho, apresentaram-se mais rápidas para vocalizar e cuidar do cordeiro. Não houve diferença entre a raça dos cordeiros para as latências da primeira reação e levantar, no entanto cordeiros filhos de pais pantaneiros foram mais pesados ao nascimento, mais rápidos para procurar o úbere, obterem sucesso na primeira mamada do que cordeiros filhos de pais Santa Inês ou Morada Nova. No Teste de Arena, houve associação positiva entre a movimentação das ovelhas e as vocalizações de alta intensidade durante as etapas de isolamento social e na presença humana. Nas duas épocas de avaliação, cinco fatores principais (FP) foram significativos (autovalores >1). As variáveis originais com maior carga fatorial para o FP1 foram as vocalizações de alta intensidade; para o FP2 a movimentação; para o FP3 a exploração do ambiente; para o FP4 as dejeções totais no isolamento e para o FP5 a distância de fuga. As características comportamentais avaliadas ao parto e o temperamento avaliado no teste de arena não se correlacionaram com o Escore do Comportamento Materno. Concluímos que as ovelhas pantaneiras mostraram boa habilidade materna medida pelo ECM, cuidando dos cordeiros e facilitando a ingestão de colostro. No teste de arena a característica mais importante para avaliar o medo das ovelhas pantaneiras foram as vocalizações de alta intensidade. O ECM não é uma ferramenta eficiente para avaliar a habilidade materna de ovelhas naturalizadas do Pantanal, visto que não se correlacionou com nenhuma característica ao parto e no teste de arena.The conservation of naturalized domestic animals is a strategic point for Brazilian sheep farming. Sheep flocks adapted to extreme environments, such as the Pantanal, represent a good source of genetic resources for better adaptation to climate and flooded vegetation. This study aimed to describe the maternal-filial behavior of the naturalized sheep in the Pantanal region and the temperament of ewes at mating and weaning, as well as correlate the behavioral traits with the maternal behavior score (MBS) and with behavior and productive characteristics of lambs until weaning. The study was carried out at the experimental farm of Embrapa Beef Cattle Center, in the municipality of Terenos – MS, Brazil. We evaluated 164 ewes in year 1 and 124 ewes in year 2, with mean age of 3.5±1.5 years and mean body weight of 41.3±8.1 kg, grazing Brachiaria brizantha cv. BRS Paiaguás. The behavioral attributes considered in ewes and in their offspring at the moment of lambing were: distance from the flock, agitation during lambing, care of the lamb, facilitation of sucking, type of lambing, latency of the lamb(s) to raise and to suck, number of vocalizations of the ewe and lamb, lamb’s sex, birth weight, MBS and meteorological data were registered. At mating and weaning, ewe’s temperament was evaluated using two tests: arena test and the approach distance.The data were subjected to descriptive analysis and analysis of principal factors (PF). Data on MBS, body weight at weaning and mean daily weight gain were correlated with the PF score. Most of the ewe did not move away from the flock, showed a low agitation or restlessness, and low frequency of vocalization before parturition. Ewes who did not leave the flock, presented themselves faster to vocalize and take care of the lamb. There was no difference between the breed of lambs for the latencies of the first reaction and to raise, however lambs of Pantanal parents were heavier at birth, faster to look for the udder, to obtain success in the first feeding than lambs children of parents Santa Inês or Morada Nova. In the Arena Test, there was a positive association between ewes movement and high intensity vocalizations during the stages of social isolation and in human presence. In both periods, five principal factors (PF) were significant (eigenvalues >1): PF1 represented by high intensity vocalizations; the PF2 represented by the movement; the PF3 represented by the exploration of the environment; the PF4 was represented by the total dejections in the isolation phase, and the PF5 was represented by the escape distance. The behavioral characteristics assessed at parturition and the temperament assessed in the arena test did not correlate with the Maternal Behavior Score. We concluded that the Pantanal ewes showed good maternal ability measured by MBS, taking care of the lambs and facilitating the ingestion of colostrum. In the arena test the most important characteristic to evaluate the fear of the Pantanal ewes was the vocalizations of high intensity. The MBS is not an efficient tool to evaluate the maternal ability of naturalized ewes in the Pantanal, since it did not correlate with any traits at calving and arena test

    Relationship between the variables associated with the behavior, temperament, management and maternal care of sheep - a multivariate approach

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    Este estudo teve o objetivo de identificar e correlacionar as variáveis comportamentais e as características do comportamento materno-filial e do temperamento de ovinos por meio de modelos multivariados. O estudo foi dividido em três partes, nas primeiras duas, foi avaliado o comportamento materno-filial e o temperamento de ovelhas da raça Corriedale durante o período periparto; e no terceiro foi realizado um estudo retrospectivo através da análise multivariada de dados referentes ao Escore de Comportamento Materno (ECM) e o temperamento de ovelhas das raças Corriedale em diferentes manejos. As observações do comportamento das ovelhas e cordeiros ocorreram desde o início do parto até 2 horas após, quando foram registradas as seguintes observações: horário do parto, permanência da ovelha parturiente com o rebanho, grau de agitação durante o parto, cuidados com o(s) cordeiro(s), facilitação da mamada, tipo de parto, tempos de latência do(s) cordeiro(s) em ficar de pé e para mamar, vocalização da ovelha e do cordeiro, sexo do(s) cordeiro(s), peso ao nascimento, além dos dados meteorológicos. Entre 12 a 24 horas após o parto foi avaliado o ECM. A reatividade dos animais foi avaliada no Teste de Arena no dia do desmame. Os dados foram submetidos à análise de fatores principais, de correlação e médias canônicas, agrupamentos e comparação de médias dos grupos. No primeiro estudo, o ECM de ovelhas Corriedale criadas em sistema semiextensivo foi positivamente associado com a idade da ovelha, peso ao encarneiramento, escore da condição corporal no encarneiramento, peso ao desmame e atitude de facilitar a mamada. No segundo estudo, os atributos avaliados no Teste de Arena como o tempo de latência da ovelha no isolamento e na presença do observador, movimentação no isolamento, vocalizações de alta intensidade, número de micções e resistência em sair da arena foram associados a baixos valores de Escore de Comportamento Materno. No terceiro estudo, o ECM foi associado positivamente com a frequência respiratória, distância percorrida, número de vocalizações totais e defecações totais na presença do observador. Ovelhas com ECM menor apresentaram maior frequência respiratória, temperatura retal, maior número de defecações totais na presença do observador e menor número de tentativas de fuga na presença do observador. A análise multivariada mostrou-se uma ferramenta eficaz para avaliar a associação do Escore do Comportamento Materno e do temperamento de ovelhas da raça Corriedale.This study aimed to identify and correlate the behavioral variables and maternal-filial behavior characteristics and temperament of sheep using multivariate models. The study was divided into three parts, the first two evaluated the mother-filial behavior and the temperament of ewe Corriedale during the peripartum period and the third dealed with a retrospective study using multivariate analysis of data for the maternal behavior score (MBS) and the temperament of Corriedale ewe in different systems. Behavior of ewe and lambs was observed since the onset of lambing until 2 hours after parturition, when the following activities were recorded: traits such as lambing schedule, permanence of the ewe with the herd, degree of agitation during lambing, care of the lamb, facilitate suckling at birth, type of lambing, latency of the lamb to stand up and latency to suck, vocalizations of the ewe and lamb, sex of the lamb, birth weight and MBS. MBS was evaluated between 12 and 24 hours after lambing. The animal reactivity was assessed at weaning with the arena test. Data were subjected to analysis of principal factors, correlation and canonical average, groups and comparison of group means. In the first study, Corriedale ewes reared in semi-extensive system show MBS positively associated with their age, weight at mating and weaning, body condition score in mating and attitude to facilitate feeding. In the second study, the attributes evaluated in the Arena Test as the latency time of the ewe in isolation and in the presence of the observer, activity in isolation, number of high-intensity vocalization, number of urination events and resistence to leave the arena were associated with low values of score of maternal behavior. In the third study, the MBS was positively associated with respiratory rate, activity in isolation, total number of vocalizations and total defecation in the presence of the observer. Ewe with MSB showed lower respiratory rates, rectal temperature, total number of defecation in the presence of the observer and fewer escape attempts in the presence of the observer. Multivariate analysis showed to be an effective tool to evaluate the association score between maternal behavior and social temperament of ewe

    Escore de comportamento materno de ovelhas para estimar a sobrevivência e o desempenho de cordeiros durante a lactação

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    Mortality of perinatal lambs and low weight at weaning cause huge liabilities to farmers. Current study describes maternal-filial behavior and evaluates the use of maternal behavior score (MBS) to estimate the behavior of ewes and lambs soon after birth, and correlate it with lamb mortality and performance during lactation. Thirty-seven Corriedale ewes were used in a completely randomized design. MBS was assessed up to 24 hours after birth, taking into consideration the distance of the ewe from the lamb at the approach of a person. Maternal behavior, placental weight, weight gain of the lambs until weaning and their survival rate were also evaluated until two hours after lambing. More than 90% of the ewes had adequate maternal behavior, with parental care, even though ewes were very sensitive to the presence of people. There was no significant correlation between MBS and maternal behavior, lamb mortality rate and live weight gain. Under these conditions, MBS was not a useful tool to estimate maternal behavior and performance of lambs.A mortalidade de cordeiros perinatal e o baixo peso ao desmame trazem enormes perdas para os ovinocultores. Este trabalho objetivou descrever o comportamento materno-filial e avaliar o uso do Escore do Comportamento Materno-Filial (ECM) como ferramenta para estimar o comportamento de ovelhas e cordeiros logo após o parto, e correlacionar com a sobrevivência e o desempenho dos cordeiros durante a lactação. Avaliaram-se 37 ovelhas da raça Corriedale em um delineamento completamente casualizado. Até 24h após o parto, avaliou-se o ECM, que considera a distância da ovelha em relação ao cordeiro no momento da aproximação de um avaliador, o comportamento materno até 2h após o parto, o peso de placenta, e o ganho de peso e sobrevivência dos cordeiros até o desmame. Mais de 90% das ovelhas apresentaram comportamento materno adequado, cuidando de suas crias, mas essas ovelhas foram muito reativas na presença do observador. Não houve correlação significativa entre o ECM e o comportamento materno ao parto, a taxa de mortalidade dos cordeiros após o parto e ao desmame, e seu ganho de peso até o desmame. Nessas condições, o ECM não mostrou ser uma ferramenta útil para estimar o comportamento materno e o desempenho de cordeiros

    Effects of type of lesion and trimming on short-term behavior of grazing dairy cows

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    This study aimed to investigate how type of hoof injury and corrective trimming alter the behavior of dairy cows. Thirty-four lactating Holstein and Jersey cows were used. They were scored for lameness score on days –2 and 6, before and after trimming and treatment, respectively, using a numerical rating system, in which 1 = perfect gait and 5 = severely lame, and had their postural and ingestive behavior evaluated on days –1 and 6 before and after trimming and treatment, respectively. Locomotion score was analyzed using t-paired test and behavioral data were analyzed by univariate variance analysis with cows as the experimental units, according to a completely randomized design with repeated measurements. Cows with infectious hoof diseases spent less time lying down and idling, but more time standing up and feeding at the trough than those with non-infectious hoof diseases. Locomotion score and the proportion of time spent standing decreased one week after trimming and treatment, while time spent lying down increased. Trimming plus treatment and type of hoof diseases do not change ingestive behavior but change postural behavior of dairy cows

    Effects of type of lesion and trimming on short-term behavior of grazing dairy cows

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    ABSTRACT This study aimed to investigate how type of hoof injury and corrective trimming alter the behavior of dairy cows. Thirty-four lactating Holstein and Jersey cows were used. They were scored for lameness score on days –2 and 6, before and after trimming and treatment, respectively, using a numerical rating system, in which 1 = perfect gait and 5 = severely lame, and had their postural and ingestive behavior evaluated on days –1 and 6 before and after trimming and treatment, respectively. Locomotion score was analyzed using t-paired test and behavioral data were analyzed by univariate variance analysis with cows as the experimental units, according to a completely randomized design with repeated measurements. Cows with infectious hoof diseases spent less time lying down and idling, but more time standing up and feeding at the trough than those with non-infectious hoof diseases. Locomotion score and the proportion of time spent standing decreased one week after trimming and treatment, while time spent lying down increased. Trimming plus treatment and type of hoof diseases do not change ingestive behavior but change postural behavior of dairy cows

    Ewe maternal behavior score to estimate lamb survival and performance during lactation

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    ABSTRACT Mortality of perinatal lambs and low weight at weaning cause huge liabilities to farmers. Current study describes maternal-filial behavior and evaluates the use of maternal behavior score (MBS) to estimate the behavior of ewes and lambs soon after birth, and correlate it with lamb mortality and performance during lactation. Thirty-seven Corriedale ewes were used in a completely randomized design. MBS was assessed up to 24 hours after birth, taking into consideration the distance of the ewe from the lamb at the approach of a person. Maternal behavior, placental weight, weight gain of the lambs until weaning and their survival rate were also evaluated until two hours after lambing. More than 90% of the ewes had adequate maternal behavior, with parental care, even though ewes were very sensitive to the presence of people. There was no significant correlation between MBS and maternal behavior, lamb mortality rate and live weight gain. Under these conditions, MBS was not a useful tool to estimate maternal behavior and performance of lambs