45 research outputs found

    Aspidiotus bornmuelleri Lindinger, 1911, rev. comb. (Hemiptera: Coccomorpha: Diaspididae), a neglected endemic species from Macaronesia, with comments on the genus Cryptophyllaspis, and further notes on the scale insect fauna of Canary Islands, Spain

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    Cryptophyllaspis bornmuelleri (Lindinger) (Hemiptera: Diaspididae), an endemic plant-galling species from the Canary Islands, has been recollected in Tenerife. The galls induced by this species on Globularia salicina leaves and the diaspidid adult female are redescribed and illustrated. Detailed study of the species has resulted in the combination Aspidiotus bornmuelleri Lindinger being revived, with C. bornmuelleri sunk as a junior synonym. Its taxonomic history, and comments on the genus Cryptophyllaspis and the other species pertaining to it, are reported. Further data on the scale insect fauna of Canary Islands are also presented

    Fertility sparing treatment for bilateral borderline ovarian tumor. A case report and management strategy explication

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    A bilateral adnexal mass with suspected carcinosis could be a challenging experience for the gynecologist especially in fertile age and in patients with a desire for pregnancy. A 26-year-old patient who came to the outpatient clinical observation for bilateral, multilocular pelvic masses, with more than 4 papillary structures, color score 2, hypomobile compared to the uterus and rectum, respectively of 65 and 68mm in maximum diameter, free liquid in the abdomen and suspected for ovarian neoplasm. Positive tumor markers and a strong desire of a Fertility Sparing Treatment (FST). A 2-steps surgical approach managed to perform a diagnosis of bilateral ovarian borderline tumor with implants and a fertility sparing surgery. Harvesting and cryopreserving oocytes prior to the cytoreductive intervention was successfully performed

    Aspidiotus bornmuelleri Lindinger, 1911, Rev. Comb. (Hemiptera: Coccomorpha: Diaspididae), a neglected endemic species from Macaronesia, with comments on the genus Cryptophyllaspis, and further notes on the scale insect fauna of Canary Islands, Spain

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    Cryptophyllaspis bornmuelleri (Lindinger) (Hemiptera: Diaspididae), an endemic plant-galling species from the Canary Islands, has been re-collected in Tenerife. The galls induced by this species on Globularia salicina leaves and the diaspidid adult female are redescribed and illustrated. Detailed study of the species has resulted in the combination Aspidiotus bornmuelleri Lindinger being revived, with C. bornmuelleri sunk as a junior synonym. Its taxonomic history, and comments on the genus Cryptophyllaspis and the other species pertaining to it, are reported. Further data on the scale insect fauna of Canary Islands are also presente

    Alien scale insects (Hemiptera Coccoidea) in European and Mediterranean countries: the fate of new and old introductions. Phytoparasitica 42 (5): 713-721

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    This contribution focuses on recent interceptions and introductions of alien scale insects and their current distribution in European and Mediterranean countries. Data and collections were gathered in markets, nurseries, and botanical gardens, mostly in Italy, either indoors or outdoors. New or recent records of the following alien species are presented: Exallomochlus hispidus (Morrison); Ferrisia virgata (Cockerell) (Pseudococcidae); Coccus viridis (Green); Milviscutulus mangiferae (Green) (Coccidae); Aonidiella orientalis (Newstead); Aspidiotus destructor Signoret; Aulacaspis tubercularis Newstead; Fiorinia fioriniae Targioni Tozzet ti ; Lepidosaphes pinnaeformis (Bouché); Pseudaulacaspis brimblecombei Williams (Diaspididae). New data and pest status of Phoenicococcus marlatti Cockerell (Phoenicococcidae) and Trabutina mannipara (Hemprich & Ehrenberg) (Pseudococcidae) are also re- ported. The possible repeated introductions of the latter from North Africa to south Italy by trans-Mediterranean winds, is hypothesized

    Description of female nymphal instars and adult female of Kermes echinatus Balachowsky (Hemiptera, Coccoidea, Kermesidae) based on specimens from Crete and mainland Greece. Zootaxa, 3878:

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    The first-instar nymph, second- and third-instar female nymphs and the adult female of Kermes echinatus Balachowsky (Hemiptera, Coccoidea, Kermesidae) are described and illustrated; micrographs of morphological details are also provid- ed. The species was collected on the island of Crete (Greece) and on mainland Greece, new localities for this species, and are compared with Israeli specimens from where it was originally described

    First record of Phenacoccus defectus in Italy, with comments on Phenacoccus solani and Phenacoccus solenopsis

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    The alien mealybug Phenacoccus defectus Ferris (Rhynchota Pseudococcidae) is recorded in Italy for the first time. The species was first starting from 2009 on potted plants of Aeonium arboreum, Echeveria sp., Sedum palmeri, Sempervivum tectorum (Cras- sulaceae) and Senecio citriformis (Asteraceae). Comments on the morphologically very similar Phenacoccus solani Ferris and Phenacoccus solenopsis Tinsley are discussed

    New data on the distribution of scale insects (Hemiptera, Coccomorpha)

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    This paper reports new country records of some scale insect species (Hemiptera Coccomorpha) from countries of Palearctic, Afrotropical and Neotropical regions, based on specimens preserved in the collections of DAFNAE (University of Padova, Italy) and DiSSPA (University of Bari, Italy). New host plants are also reported. The scale insects recorded belong to the families Asterolecaniidae, Coccidae, Diaspididae, Monophlebidae, Ortheziidae and PseudococcidaeNouvelles données sur la distribution de Cochenilles (Hemiptera Coccomorpha). Nous rendons compte des nouvelles récoltes de quelques espèces de Cochenilles provenant de différents pays des régions Paléarctique, Afrotropicale et Neotropicale, spécimens conservés dans les collections des Départements DAFNAE (Université de Padoue, Italie) et DiSSPA (Université de Bari, Italie). La liste des plantes-hôtes nouvelles est également fournie. Les espèces concernées appartiennent aux familles des Asterolecaniidae, Coccidae, Diaspididae, Monophlebidae, Ortheziidae et Pseudococcida

    Check list e considerazioni biogeografiche sulle cocciniglie (Hemiptera, Coccoidea) di Sardegna XXIV CNIE, Orosei, 9-14 giugno 2014: 101(Poster) ISBN: 978\u201088\u201097934\u201003\u20105

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    In base a recenti reperti la fauna di Hemiptera Coccoidea di Sardegna viene aggiornata e ad ogni specie viene attribuito un corotipo. Il numero di cocciniglie note finora per l\u2019isola \ue8 di 110 specie su un totale circa 400 specie note per la fauna italiana. Alcune specie di nuova segnalazione per l\u2019isola sono Peliococcus chersonensis (Kiritshenko) (Pseudococcidae), Exaerotopus formiceticola Newstead (Coccidae), Getulaspis bupleuri (Marchal) e Odonaspis ruthae Kotinsky (Diaspididae). Il recente ritrovamento della specie esotica invasiva Protopulvinaria pyriformis (Cockerell) (Coccidae) conferma la continua introduzione accidentale di specie legate al commercio di ornamentali. Le specie esotiche introdotte rappresentano, infatti, il 20% delle cocciniglie note per l\u2019intera Sardegna, mentre le specie del corotipo Mediterraneo o W-Mediterraneo costituiscono il 28% della fauna nota. Alti corotipi abbastanza rappresentati sono, ad esempio, il Turanico-Europeo e il Turanico-Europeo-Mediterraneo (10%) o corotipi a larga distribuzione nella Paleartide o W-paleartici (10%). Cinque specie risultano finora descritte e note solo per la Sardegna, ma la scarsit\ue0 di ricerche faunistiche coccidologiche che connota l\u2019area mediterranea, non consente al momento di considerarle veri endemismi. Nonostante recenti contributi la fauna coccidologica di Sardegna appare ancora largamente poco nota per consentire una analisi biogeografica attendibile

    First record of Phenacoccus defectus in Italy, with comments on Phenacoccus solani and Phenacoccus solenopsis Bulletin of Insectology 66 (2): 209-211, ISSN 1721-8861

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    The alien mealybug Phenacoccus defectus Ferris (Rhynchota Pseudococcidae) is recorded in Italy for the first time. The species was first starting from 2009 on potted plants of Aeonium arboreum, Echeveria sp., Sedum palmeri, Sempervivum tectorum (Crassulaceae) and Senecio citriformis (Asteraceae). Comments on the morphologically very similar Phenacoccus solani Ferris and Phenacoccus solenopsis Tinsley are discussed. Key words: Pseudococcidae, mealybugs, Crassulaceae