18 research outputs found

    Helichrysum microphyllum subsp. tyrrhenicum, Its Root-Associated Microorganisms, and Wood Chips Represent an Integrated Green Technology for the Remediation of Petroleum Hydrocarbon-Contaminated Soils

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    Phytoremediation and the use of suitable amendments are well-known technologies for the mitigation of petroleum hydrocarbon (PHC) contaminations in terrestrial ecosystems. Our study is aimed at combining these two approaches to maximize their favorable effects. To this purpose, Helichrysum microphyllum subsp. tyrrhenicum, a Mediterranean shrub growing on sandy and semiarid soils, was selected. The weathered PHC-polluted matrix (3.3 ± 0.8 g kg−1 dry weight) from a disused industrial site was employed as the cultivation substrate with (WCAM) or without (UNAM) the addition and mixing of wood chips. Under the greenhouse conditions, the species showed a survival rate higher than 90% in the UNAM while the amendment administration restored the totality of the plant survival. At the end of the greenhouse test (nine months), the treatment with the wood chips significantly increased the moisture, dehydrogenase activity and abundance of the microbial populations of the PHC degraders in the substrate. Cogently, the residual amount of PHCs was significantly lower in the UNAM (3–92% of the initial quantity) than in the WCAM (3–14% of the initial quantity). Moreover, the crown diameter was significantly higher in the WCAM plants. Overall, the results establish the combined technology as a novel approach for landscaping and the bioremediation of sites chronically injured by PHC-weathered contaminations

    An ex vivo human tumour assay reveals distinct patterns of EGFR trafficking in squamous cell carcinoma correlating to therapeutic outcomes

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    EGFR overexpression is associated with squamous cell carcinoma development. Altered endocytosis and polarization of receptor tyrosine kinases, including EGFR, affect migration and invasion in 3D culture. These studies have been completed via genetic sequencing, cell line or 3D in vitro and in vivo murine models. Here we describe an imaging method that allows ex-vivo examination of ligand-induced endocytosis of EGFR in non-dissociated human tumours. We analyzed sets of tumour samples from advanced cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma and Head and Neck squamous cell carcinoma, actinic keratosis, intra-epidermal carcinoma and cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma. We demonstrate that EGFR endocytosis is dysregulated in advanced SCC and correlates with anti-EGFR monoclonal antibody therapy outcomes. In actinic keratosis, intra-epidermal carcinoma and well-differentiated cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma different patterns of epidermal growth factor ligand uptake and binding were observed at the leading edge of different dysplastic lesions, suggesting that these differences in EGFR endocytosis might influence the metastatic potential of dysplastic squamous epithelium. These studies in live ex-vivo human tumours confirm that endocytosis dysregulation is a physiological event in human tumours and has therapeutic implications

    The high-frequency upgrade of the Sardinia Radio Telescope

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    We present the status of the Sardinia Radio Telescope (SRT) and its forthcoming update planned in the next few years. The post-process scenario of the upgraded infrastructure will allow the national and international scientific community to use the SRT for the study of the Universe at high radio frequencies (up to 116 GHz), both in single dish and in interferometric mode. A telescope like SRT, operating at high frequencies, represents a unique resource for the scientific community. The telescope will be ideal for mapping quickly and with relatively high angular resolution extended radio emissions characterized by low surface brightness. It will also be essential for spectroscopic and polarimetric studies of both Galactic and extragalactic radio sources. With the use of the interferometric technique, SRT and the other Italian antennas (Medicina and Noto) will operate within the national and international radiotelescope network, allowing astronomers to obtain images of radio sources at very high angular resolution

    Status of the High-Frequency Upgrade of the Sardinia Radio Telescope

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    The Sardinia Radio Telescope is going through a major upgrade aimed at observing the universe at up to 116 GHz. A budget of 18.700.000 E has been awarded to the Italian National Institute of Astrophysics to acquire new state-of-the-art receivers, back-end, and high-performance computing, to develop a sophisticated metrology system and to upgrade the infrastructure and laboratories. This contribution draws the status of the whole project at eight months from the end of the funding scheme planned for August 2022


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    For the health of workers it is necessary to consider, together with traditional risks (noise, vibrations, microclimate etc.), risks deriving from repetitive movements, which can generate muscolo-skeletal disorders. These risks can be found in artisan dairies, where the limited use of machinery and the rapid successive passages for processing the milk require high-frequency repetitive manual movements. The study analysed the risks of repetitive movements for workers in a dairy, using the OCRA method. Various risk-involving operations emerged, which require the re-planning of the workplace. The proposed interventions have not involved high costs for the dairy, or a loss of productivity


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    This work has analysed the principal risks for workers, with respect to current legislation, resulting from noise, microclimate and other risks related to the production system and use of machinery, in a number of dairies having similar production systems and capacities. Noise emission values fell within the range for which current directives require the employer to inform his workers on the risks related with noise production. Measurements of the microclimate have identified different situations that depend on the workers’ clothing and activity. In the transformation area workers experience a comfortable environment during the winter which tends to be slightly hot during summer. In the latter case it is necessary to improve the ventilation system of the area since little could be done to improve the clothing. During packaging the lower rates of metabolic energy utilization, result in a slightly cold environment during winter while being still hot in summer. In the former case it is necessary to act on the clothing while in the latter intervention on the ventilation system is required. With respect to the maturing areas heavier clothing is necessary. Other risks related to the machinery used, the workplace and the behaviour of the workers have been identified. In particular, the lack of use of adequate P.P.E.s during different activities has been observed. This makes it necessary for the employer to give the necessary importance to the education and training of the workers

    La valorizzazione energetica dei residui colturali arborei: applicazione dell’analisi spaziale e valutazione della sostenibilità economica e ambientale

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    The use of biomass for energy is one of the promising alternatives identified by the European Union to reduce the greenhouse gases emissions and for the energy supply security. The aim of this research is to analyze the potential production, economic and environmental sustainability of the energy produced from the vineyards and olive orchards pruning at the 4 municipalities of Umbria Region. Geo-spatial, economic and environment analysis have been conducted. The integrated approach was used to estimate the total quantity of biomass produced in that area, identify a logistic network for its transportation and finally based on which a power plant has been suggested. The chain costs and the potential profit margins were also calculated and the resulted CO2 emissions into the atmosphere were also been estimated. The results have shown that the fragmentation and the dispersion of agricultural activities as well as technical and logistical decisions affect noticeably the economical and environmental (both in terms of energy balance and CO2 emissions) sustainability of the proposed agri-energetic chain


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    In Italy arboreal crops, in particular vine and olive, cover a surface area of around 19.6×109 m2 from which about 4.6×109 kg of pruning are cut. These by-products are currently ploughed into the soil or else harvested and burned in open fields. On the other hand such materials would be more useful as an energy source. If these materials are to be used as fuel, it is important to know their calorific value. The calorific value is significantly influenced by the moisture content of wood. This work has evaluated the changes in moisture content and calorific value with time for different harvesting and storage systems of vine and olive pruning. The observed decrease in the moisture content of the vine and olive pruning depended on the storage system utilized, in particular on the product compression ratio and air circulation. Some differences were observed between the results obtained for vine and olive pruning. The time required for these materials to obtain their best energetic performance was identified at 32 weeks from their harvesting. Harvesting with balers and forwarding costs are about 6.21×10-2 €/kg for vine pruning and 4.64×10-2 €/kg for olive pruning. They are very similar to the price currently offered for energy biomass in Italy (5.00×10-2 €/kg). While the cost actually paid to plough pruning into the soil amounts to about 2.50×10-2 €/kg. Therefore the energy chain encourages a cost-and-benefit analysis