33 research outputs found

    ChimerDB—a knowledgebase for fusion sequences

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    Chromosome translocation and gene fusion are frequent events in the human genome and are often the cause of many types of tumor. ChimerDB is the database of fusion sequences encompassing bioinformatics analysis of mRNA and expressed sequence tag (EST) sequences in the GenBank, manual collection of literature data and integration with other known database such as OMIM. Our bioinformatics analysis identifies the fusion transcripts that have non-overlapping alignments at multiple genomic loci. Fusion events at exon–exon borders are selected to filter out the cloning artifacts in cDNA library preparation. The result is classified into two groups—genuine chromosome translocation and fusion between neighboring genes owing to intergenic splicing. We also integrated manually collected literature and OMIM data for chromosome translocation as an aid to assess the validity of each fusion event. The database is available at for human, mouse and rat genomes

    ECgene: genome annotation for alternative splicing

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    ECgene provides annotation for gene structure, function and expression, taking alternative splicing events into consideration. The gene-modeling algorithm combines the genome-based expressed sequence tag (EST) clustering and graph-theoretic transcript assembly procedures. The website provides several viewers and applications that have many unique features useful for the analysis of the transcript structure and gene expression. The summary viewer shows the gene summary and the essence of other annotation programs. The genome browser and the transcript viewer are available for comparing the gene structure of splice variants. Changes in the functional domains by alternative splicing can be seen at a glance in the transcript viewer. We also provide two unique ways of analyzing gene expression. The SAGE tags deduced from the assembled transcripts are used to delineate quantitative expression patterns from SAGE libraries available publically. Furthermore, the cDNA libraries of EST sequences in each cluster are used to infer qualitative expression patterns. It should be noted that the ECgene website provides annotation for the whole transcriptome, not just the alternatively spliced genes. Currently, ECgene supports the human, mouse and rat genomes. The ECgene suite of tools and programs is available at http://genome.ewha.ac.kr/ECgene/

    Phenotype-Genotype analysis of caucasian patients with high risk of osteoarthritis.

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    Background: Osteoarthritis (OA) is a common cause of disability and pain around the world. Epidemiologic studies of family history have revealed evidence of genetic influence on OA. Although many efforts have been devoted to exploring genetic biomarkers, the mechanism behind this complex disease remains unclear. The identified genetic risk variants only explain a small proportion of the disease phenotype. Traditional genome-wide association study (GWAS) focuses on radiographic evidence of OA and excludes sex chromosome information in the analysis. However, gender differences in OA are multifactorial, with a higher frequency in women, indicating that the chromosome X plays an essential role in OA pathology. Furthermore, the prevalence of comorbidities among patients with OA is high, indicating multiple diseases share a similar genetic susceptibility to OA. Methods: In this study, we performed GWAS of OA and OA-associated key comorbidities on 3366 OA patient data obtained from the Osteoarthritis Initiative (OAI). We performed Mendelian randomization to identify the possible causal relationship between OA and OA-related clinical features. Results: One significant OA-associated locus rs2305570 was identified through sex-specific genome-wide association. By calculating the LD score, we found OA is positively correlated with heart disease and stroke. A strong genetic correlation was observed between knee OA and inflammatory disease, including eczema, multiple sclerosis, and Crohn\u27s disease. Our study also found that knee alignment is one of the major risk factors in OA development, and we surprisingly found knee pain is not a causative factor of OA, although it was the most common symptom of OA. Conclusion: We investigated several significant positive/negative genetic correlations between OA and common chronic diseases, suggesting substantial genetic overlaps between OA and these traits. The sex-specific association analysis supports the critical role of chromosome X in OA development in females

    ECgene: an alternative splicing database update

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    ECgene () was developed to provide functional annotation for alternatively spliced genes. The applications encompass the genome-based transcript modeling for alternative splicing (AS), domain analysis with Gene Ontology (GO) annotation and expression analysis based on the EST and SAGE data. We have expanded the ECgene's AS modeling and EST clustering to nine organisms for which sufficient EST data are available in the GenBank. As for the human genome, we have also introduced several new applications to analyze differential expression. ECprofiler is an ontology-based candidate gene search system that allows users to select an arbitrary combination of gene expression pattern and GO functional categories. DEGEST is a database of differentially expressed genes and isoforms based on the EST information. Importantly, gene expression is analyzed at three distinctive levels—gene, isoform and exon levels. The user interfaces for functional and expression analyses have been substantially improved. ASviewer is a dedicated java application that visualizes the transcript structure and functional features of alternatively spliced variants. The SAGE part of the expression module provides many additional features including SNP, differential expression and alternative tag positions

    ChimerDB 2.0—a knowledgebase for fusion genes updated

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    Chromosome translocations and gene fusions are frequent events in the human genome and have been found to cause diverse types of tumor. ChimerDB is a knowledgebase of fusion genes identified from bioinformatics analysis of transcript sequences in the GenBank and various other public resources such as the Sanger cancer genome project (CGP), OMIM, PubMed and the Mitelman’s database. In this updated version, we significantly modified the algorithm of identifying fusion transcripts. Specifically, the new algorithm is more sensitive and has detected 2699 fusion transcripts with high confidence. Furthermore, it can identify interchromosomal translocations as well as the intrachromosomal deletions or inversions of large DNA segments. Importantly, results from the analysis of next-generation sequencing data in the short read archives are incorporated as well. We updated and integrated all contents (GenBank, Sanger CGP, OMIM, PubMed publications and the Mitelman’s database), and the user-interface has been improved to support diverse types of searches and to enhance the user convenience especially in browsing PubMed articles. We also developed a new alignment viewer that should facilitate examining reliability of fusion transcripts and inferring functional significance. We expect ChimerDB 2.0, available at http://ercsb.ewha.ac.kr/fusiongene, to be a valuable tool in identifying biomarkers and drug targets

    COVIDanno, COVID-19 annotation in human

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    Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), the etiologic agent of coronavirus disease 19 (COVID-19), has caused a global health crisis. Despite ongoing efforts to treat patients, there is no universal prevention or cure available. One of the feasible approaches will be identifying the key genes from SARS-CoV-2-infected cells. SARS-CoV-2-infected in vitro model, allows easy control of the experimental conditions, obtaining reproducible results, and monitoring of infection progression. Currently, accumulating RNA-seq data from SARS-CoV-2 in vitro models urgently needs systematic translation and interpretation. To fill this gap, we built COVIDanno, COVID-19 annotation in humans, available at http://biomedbdc.wchscu.cn/COVIDanno/. The aim of this resource is to provide a reference resource of intensive functional annotations of differentially expressed genes (DEGs) among different time points of COVID-19 infection in human in vitro models. To do this, we performed differential expression analysis for 136 individual datasets across 13 tissue types. In total, we identified 4,935 DEGs. We performed multiple bioinformatics/computational biology studies for these DEGs. Furthermore, we developed a novel tool to help users predict the status of SARS-CoV-2 infection for a given sample. COVIDanno will be a valuable resource for identifying SARS-CoV-2-related genes and understanding their potential functional roles in different time points and multiple tissue types

    The Integrative Studies on the Functional A-to-I RNA Editing Events in Human Cancers

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    Adenosine-to-inosine (A-to-I) RNA editing, constituting nearly 90% of all RNA editing events in humans, has been reported to contribute to the tumorigenesis in diverse cancers. However, the comprehensive map for functional A-to-I RNA editing events in cancers is still insufficient. To fill this gap, we systematically and intensively analyzed multiple tumorigenic mechanisms of A-to-I RNA editing events in samples across 33 cancer types from The Cancer Genome Atlas. For individual candidate among ∼ 1,500,000 quantified RNA editing events, we performed diverse types of downstream functional annotations. Finally, we identified 24,236 potentially functional A-to-I RNA editing events, including the cases in APOL1, IGFBP3, GRIA2, BLCAP, and miR-589-3p. These events might play crucial roles in the scenarios of tumorigenesis, due to their tumor-related editing frequencies or probable effects on altered expression profiles, protein functions, splicing patterns, and microRNA regulations of tumor genes. Our functional A-to-I RNA editing events (https://ccsm.uth.edu/CAeditome/) will help better understand the cancer pathology from the A-to-I RNA editing aspect