216 research outputs found

    Problemy wykorzystania potencjału turystycznego Kresów Wschodnich na Ukrainie na przykładzie obwodu Tarnopolskiego

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    Obecnie w literaturze przedmiotu turystyka sentymentalna jest formą turystyki kulturowej, która może mieć kilka celów: zwiedzanie obiektów związanych z poszukiwaniem świadomości narodowej (ważne miejsca historyczne lub znane miejscowości z dawnych czasów), wędrówkę śladami utrwalonymi w literaturze pięknej, powrót do miejsc związanych z przeszłością swoją lub przodków (np. miejsca, gdzie zostało spędzone dzieciństwo lub młodość własna lub przodków). Ponadto może posiadać cechy turystyki genealogicznej (odwiedzanie archiwów oraz innych tego typu instytucji), wiązać się z poszukiwaniem obiektów sakralnych i cmentarzy. W niniejszym artykule przedstawiono potencjał turystyczny Kresów Wschodnich na przykładzie obwodu Tarnopolskiego, który należał do II Rzeczpospolitej. Analizowany obwód posiada bogate polskie dziedzictwo kulturowe: obiekty obronne i rezydencje, kościoły oraz cmentarze o wysokiej wartości historycznej i artystycznej. Ponadto w obwodzie znajdował się kurort Zaleszczyki, bardzo znany w okresie międzywojennym. Celem opracowania jest przedstawienie problemów wykorzystania walorów turystycznych. Przeanalizowane są programy rozwoju turystyki oraz wykorzystano metodę obserwacji własnej. Zaproponowane są rozwiązania, które mogą być szansą dla rozwoju polskiej turystyki sentymentalnej na terenach Kresów Wschodnich

    Kresy Wschodnie w świadomości uczniów szkół ponadgimnazjalnych w Polsce i perspektywy rozwoju turystyki sentymentalnej

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    Eastern Borderlands (the former territories of the Republic of Poland) are an attractive destination for Poles due to the rich Polish cultural heritage. Sentimental feelings connected with Eastern Borderlands are evident in case of elder people and in relation to their origin, and to the memory of important historical events that took place in present- day Western Ukraine, Belarus, and Vilnius. What is the situation like regarding young people? Are the issues concerning the Eastern Borderlands mentioned during Polish, History, and Geography lessons, and are they present in awareness of the students? The aim of the present study is to outline the knowledge of high school students about Eastern Borderlands and its cultural heritage, as well as their willingness to travel to these territories. For this purpose, a questionnaire survey was conducted in Polish voivodeship cities. As a result, 420 correctly completed questionnaires were received. The results show that students know what the Borderlands (“Kresy” in Polish) are, but the knowledge about the Polish cultural heritage is very limited. One out of five respondents indicated that they have family members who originate from the Eastern Borderlands. Only 2% of the students were in Ukraine, however this country is not perceived as safe. Almost half (45%) of the surveyed high school students would like to visit the Eastern Borderlands, 29% do not know if they would like it or not, but the rest responded negatively

    Social-economic aspects of development of Lviv Region in conditions of modern processes of Eurointegration

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    Eurointegration is an important direction for Ukraine, especially in present political situation. Social-economic condition is very important for entering into European organizations. In this article social-economic aspects of Lviv Region, which is a border region, in conditions of modern Eurointegration are studied. On the basis of the statistic report of social-economic condition of Lviv Region of Main Department of Statistics in Lviv Region an analysis was done, which allowed making conclusions of actual condition of the region. The task of the study is to determine basic directions of regional social-economic development. Main methodological approaches are systemic, chorological and chronological and also such approaches as synergetic and informational. Demographic situation of the region is being analyzed in the article, in particular indicators of natural and mechanic movement of the population, and gender-age structure of the population is also described. Peculiarities of economic development of the region are revealed, indicators of gross regional product and index of competitiveness are analyzed. The condition and tendencies of research and innovation activity of the region are presented, and also a situation in small and medium business is depicted. The studies have demonstrated, that Lviv Region, in comparison with other regions of Ukraine, is characterized by high enough social-economic development. Non-productive branch, the part of which is a scientific potential (research and project-design establishments, higher educational institutions), financial organizations, trade enterprises and food industry, which totally can satisfy the needs of the region, are relatively well developed. At the same time there are also unfavorable demographic tendencies in the region, in particular depopulation of the population is the result of negative natural growth. Perspectives of the development of the region are proposed in the article, in particular the direction of regional strategy and cross-border cooperation

    Ethnic tourism and other similar forms of tourism in literature of Eastern Europe

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    The purpose of the study is to explore the challenges of defining what is commonly known as “ethnic tourism”. Provided here a review, comparison, integration and systematization of the definitions of the phenomenon, its facets and characteristics. In particular, such variations as sentimental tourism, ethnic tourism, nostalgic tourism, diaspora tourism, genealogy tourism, are ancestral tourism subjected to a comparative analysis. The study is based on a systemic literature review and qualitative and frequency analysis of the definitions of the phenomenon. The literature search was not limited to publications by Ukrainian authors, but included Polish and Russian available relevant literature on the topic. Offered a new definition of ethnic tourism and other definition connected with ethnic aspects. The lack of clear definitions and differences in understanding significantly impeding the development of his area of tourism. This study gives rise to more function in operation of this type of tourism in theory and practice

    Approaches to teaching high school students about environmental protection in the Greater Bielsko-Biała Metropolitan Area (Poland)

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    The purpose of the present study is to assess the level of knowledge about local environmental protection among high school students in Bielsko-Biała and the surrounding areas. This sort of knowledge is part of the curriculum and is covered in various natural science school courses, such as geography, biology, chemistry, and social sciences. Various laws and regulations mandate that ecology is part of the secondary education curriculum – “Podstawa programowa kształcenia ogólnego” (2002, 2008 a, b). The Bielsko-Biała area is known for its valuable natural resources and natural attractions. It is home to twelve protected natural areas, including: two sanctuaries, two scenic landscape parks, four nature and landscape complexes, two unique endangered ecosystems, and two protected Natura 2000 areas, as well as 62 natural landmarks. The present paper presents results of a study that was conducted by means of a survey of Bielsko-Biała’s high school students with respect to their knowledge about these protected natural areas. The results of the study revealed that the vast majority of the students do not take an interest in environmental protection issues. Moreover, the high school students displayed unsatisfactory knowledge about the protected natural areas around their city. The survey revealed that the study subjects were unable to identify the types of natural protected areas surrounding their city, let alone list or name the specific sanctuaries or natural landmarks. These disappointing findings generalize for both the students who live in Bielsko-Biała, and those who live in the distant northern provinces of the region. The results of the study stress the need for field trips and other programs aimed at advancing students’ knowledge in this area. The need to incentivize teachers to organize field trips and other events of this kind is also highlited

    Political instability equals the collapse of tourism in Ukraine?

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    The purpose of this study was to determine how political instability influences inbound tourist flows in Ukrainian cities, performance of tourism‐related businesses, and tourism‐based profits in general. This study allows us to present the impact of various events on the tourism economy in Ukraine; however, the available secondary data with the unobserved component model procedure detection give only a general overview of the situation. Thus, interviews were conducted with experts, including managers of accommodation facilities, employees of municipal tourism development departments, and researchers investigating tourism. Interviews with experts revealed opportunities, threats, and future scenarios of tourism in Ukraine in the face of five years of political instability. The results support previous findings that political instability reduces tourist traffic over the short term. On the other hand, the interviews with experts representing major province cities have shown different results for the long‐term perspective. Cities with developed tourism sectors in areas away from the place of conflict are beneficiaries of political instability. Disadvantaged are cities that had their tourist flows based on the citizens of the aggressor’s country - the Russian Federation. Cities that are underdeveloped in terms of tourism did not experience a significant impact of the political instability in eastern Ukraine

    Synthesis of tri- and tetramines containing two 2,3-dihydroxypyrrolidine moieties and their inhibitory activity toward α-mannosidases

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    Through the reductive amination of N-[(tert-butoxy)carbonyl]-2,5-dideoxy-2,5-imino-3,4-Oisopropylidene-L-ribose with tetramethylenediamine, hexamethylenediamine, 2,7- diaminofluorene, 4,4'-diaminodiphenylmethane and 1,4-(diaminomethyl)benzene, five tetramines containing two (2R,3R,4S)-2-aminomethylpyrrolidine-3,4-diol moieties have been prepared and assayed for their inhibitory activities toward 24 glycosidases. Tetramines containing the tetramethylene or benzene-1,4-dimethylene linkers are more potent αmannosidase inhibitors than simple (2R,3R,4S)-2-aminomethylpyrrolidine-3,4-diols. Triamines such as (2S,3R,4S)-bis(3,4-dihydroxy-pyrrolidin-2-ethyl)amine were also prepared and shown to be better α-mannosidase inhibitors than (2S,3R,4S)-2-(2-aminoethyl)pyrrolidin-3,4-diol.The Swiss National Science Foundation (grants n° 20-63667.00 and 2100-063567.00/1)European COST (COST D13/0001/99) programOffice Fédéral de l'Education et de la Science (Bern)Dirección General de Investigación Científica y Técnica of Spain (grant n° BQU-2001-3779)SOCRATES (EPFL/Sevilla) progra

    Synthesis of tri- and tetramines containing two 2,3-dihydroxypyrrolidine moieties and their inhibitory activity toward α-mannosidases

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    Through the reductive amination of N-[(tert-butoxy)carbonyl]-2,5-dideoxy-2, 5-imino-3,4-O-isopropylidene-L-ribose with tetramethylenediamine, hexamethylenediamine, 2,7-diaminofluorene, 4,4′-diaminodiphenylmethane and 1,4-(diaminomethyl)benzene, five tetramines containing two (2R,3R,4S)-2- aminomethylpyrrolidine-3,4-diol moieties have been prepared and assayed for their inhibitory activities toward 24 glycosidases. Tetramines containing the tetramethylene or benzene-1,4-dimethylene linkers are more potent α-mannosidase inhibitors than simple (2R,3R,4S)-2-aminomethylpyrrolidine- 3,4-diols. Triamines such as (2S,3R,4S)-bis(3,4-dihydroxy-pyrrolidin-2-ethyl) amine were also prepared and shown to be better α-mannosidase inhibitors than (2S,3R,4S)-2-(2-aminoethyl)pyrrolidin-3,4-diol