4 research outputs found

    Корелацијата помеѓу КЕП индексот на 12-годишни деца и концентрацијата на флуорот во водата за пиење од Југоисточниот регион на Република Македонија

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    The aim of this study was to determine the correlation between the DMFT (Decayed, Missing, Filling Teeth) index of 12-year-old children from the Southeast region of R. Macedonia and the concentration of fluorine in drinking water from the populated areas where children live. Material and methods: A total of 129 children from 2 central and 2 regional primary schools were enrolled in the examination, and the DMFT index was determined in these children. They live in 2 different cities and 2 different villages. Four water samples were taken from the examined area to determine the fluorine concentration by the electrochemical method using the pH / ISE meter-Thermo-Orion with a special F-electrode (Thermo Orion Ion Plus Fluoride Electrode) at the Institute for Public Health. Spearman's method was used to determine the correlation between the specified variables. Results: The total number of children in the examined sample was 129, of whom 70 (54.3%) were male and 59 (45.7%) were female. The average DMFT index in this group of children was 1.94, with a standard deviation of ± 2.5. Maximum concentration of fluorine in drinking water of 1.36 ppmF was determined in the village Bansko, and 0.36 ppmF in the village Murtino, while the minimum (0.08 ppmF) in the city of Strumica. Correlation of the DMFT index in 12-year-old children from the Southeast region and the concentration of fluorine in the drinking water had a negative, indirect correlation, with the value of the coefficient r = - 0.1655. Conclusion: The correlation between the DMFT index and the concentration of drinking water is a negative, indirect correlation, and statistically, this correlation is highly significant (p<0.05).Целта на оваа студија беше да се утврди корелацијата помеѓу КЕП (Кариес, Екстракција, Пломба) индексот на 12-годишни деца и концентрацијата на флуорот во водата за пиење од населените места каде што децата живеат. Материјал и методи: Во испитувањето беа опфатени 129 ученици од 2 централни и 2 подрачни основни училишта, на кои им се одреди КЕП индексот. Децата живеат во градот Струмица и 3 различни села. Деветнаесет примероци на вода беа земени од испитуваната област за да се одреди концентрацијата на флуор со помош на електрохемиски метод користејќи го јонометарот (pH/ISE meter-Thermo-Orion) со специјална Ф-електрода (Thermo Orion Ion Plus Fluoride Electrode) на Институтот за јавно здравје. За одредување на корелацијата помеѓу одредените варијабли беше користен Spearman-овиот метод. Резултати: Вкупниот број деца во испитуваниот примерок изнесуваше 129, од кои 59 (45,7%) беа од женски и 70 (54,3%) од машки пол. Просечниот КЕП индекс кај оваа група деца изнесуваше 1,94,  со стандардна девијација од ±2,5. Максимални концентрации на флуор во водата за пиење од 1,36 ppmF беа утврдени во селото Банско и од 0,36 ppmF во селото Муртино, додека минимални (0,08 ppmF) во градот Струмица. Корелацијата помеѓу вредноста на КЕП индексот кај децата на возраст од 12 години од Југоисточниот регион и концентрацијата на флуорот во водата за пиење постоеше негативна, индиректна корелација, со вредност на коефициентот r =-0,16. Заклучок: Корелацијата помеѓу КЕП индексот и концентрацијата на водата за пиење е негативна, индиректна корелација, и оваа корелација е статистички значајна (p˂ 0,05)

    Morphological aberrations of the width of attached gingiva and their influence

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    Since many years, a great number of studies have been discussing the role of attached gingiva in marginal periodontal behavior, either accepting that a minimum of 2.0 mm of width is required to maintain marginal periodontal health or suggesting that width is negligible if excellent oral hygiene is performed, yet areas with narrow width of attached gingiva seem to be prone to periodontal attachment loss. Therefore the main aim of our study was to determine the influence, if any, of different widths of attached gingiva on attachment loss. The survey was carried out on 209 lower incisor due to extraction. Prior to extraction plague index, index of gingival bleeding upon probing, and gingival inflammation (Sillnes Loe) were noted for each tooth. Afterwards the width of attached gingiva in lower vestibule was measured. After extraction the periodontally involved part of the root was carefully scaled and cleaned in running water and then stained for 10 seconds in 0.1% toludine blue to facilitate the measurement of attachment loss. Loss of attachment was then measured along the long axis of the tooth from cemento–enamel junction to the most coronal level of the stained periodontal ligament on the vestibular, distal and lingual surface. Obtained data were divided into two groups according to the previously measured width of attached gingiva. -Group1 teeth extracted from regions with attached gingiva equal or more than 2 mm (n=115) -Group2 teeth extracted from regions with attached gingiva less than 2 mm. (n=94) Obtained data showed statistically significant higher values of plague and gingival indices for the second group. Attachment loss was significantly higher in regions with inadequate width of attached gingiva

    Oral hygiene and dental morbidity at 15 year old children in Shtip

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    The main purpose of this study is to determine the correlation between the condition of the oral health and social - economic conditions and attitudes for development of the dental health among the children. The researches includes selected groups of pupils at the age of 15 years from Shtip to whom has been fulfilled socioeconomic factors of life and the indexes KEP, KIP, KIO and OHI were determined. The results of the questionnaire (pupil) indicate the conclusion that there is a statistically significant difference (p <0.01) for the difference of the values related to the influence of the dietary versus the oral health and when and how it should be maintained among the participants from the experimental groups A and B

    When to extract a compromised tooth

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    There are often questions and doubts concerning the decision-making process in regard to the prognosis of an individual tooth. Unfortunately in dentistry, as in all biologic sciences, there are no straightforward answers to questions. Decisions concerning the survival of the tooth are often made by specialists without any uniform criteria, usually only on the base of their previous experience. This article will look at the literature in this area to help the practitioner in the decision-making process what to do with the compromised tooth. In order to help clinicians to make better choice, factors and variables that can influence the final decision are discussed as factors influencing initial assessment, periodontal disease severity, fur-cation involvement, ethological factors, restorative and other factors. Although there are many literature data concerning this subject, no simplified and precise criteria are offered; so further work should be done in attempt to make some more uniform criteria concerning this subject