159 research outputs found

    Diachronic Profile of The Evolution of Travel Writing Genre

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    The intention of this paper is to provide an overview of the development and the characteristics of the travelogue genre with reference to recent theoretical and literary publications on this issue. At the center of our attention is the impact of motivations for traveling and of the perceptions of the world on the creation of certain travel paradigms, giving also an overview of the socio-historical and other circumstances that have conditioned the continuity or the interruption of the conventions of travel writing through the ages.Keywords: travelogue, travel paradigms, travel writer.

    Josip Modrić’s Travelogues about Montenegro

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    Rad analizira putopisne napise o Crnoj Gori Zadranina Josipa (Joze) Modrića, novinara i publicista, bečkog studenta, koji se potpisivao i kao Giuseppe Modrich i Modric, a pisao je i objavljivao svoje radove na talijanskom jeziku. Istraženi su povodi njegovih dviju posjeta Crnoj Gori 1892. i 1902. kao i njegova imagološka slika te zemlje i njenih stanovnika, Crnogoraca, koja se dijelom poklapa, a dijelom odstupa od uvriježene, stereotipne slike o njima u europskim putopisnim zapisima s konca 19. i početkom 20. stoljeća. U svojim je putopisima Josip Modrić dao znatan doprinos formiranju, usvajanju i promjeni diskurzivne prakse o kraljevini Crnoj Gori toga vremena, u vremenu kad se, zbog specifičnih povijesnih okolnosti vezanih za dinastije Savoia i Petrović, bilježi znatan porast interesa talijanske javnosti za ovu prekojadransku zemlju.The paper analyses travel writings about Montenegro by a journalist, publicist and a Viennese student, Josip (Jozo) Modrić of Zadar, who also signed Giuseppe Modrich and Modric, and who wrote and published his works in Italian as well. The motives of his two visits to Montenegro in 1892 and 1902 were investigated, as well as his idealised image of that country and its inhabitants, Montenegrins, which partially coincides with and somewhat deviates from the stereotypical picture of them in European travel writing from the late 19th and early 20th century. In his travel books, Josip Modric contributed significantly to the formation, acceptance and change of the discursive practice of the kingdom of Montenegro of that time, when, due to the specific historical circumstances linked with the Savoy and Petrović dynasties, there was a significant increase in the interest of the Italian public in this overseas country

    Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) and Its Possibilities as Instrument of Formal, Nonformal, Informal and Lifelong Learning

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    In this chapter, we present the definition, development, and providers of massive open online courses (MOOC). We also explain the advantages and disadvantages of MOOC. We also present the structure of participants of MOOC, and also the motivation of participants is analyzed. Some basic statistics of realization and success of participants are also displayed. In one part of this chapter, the authors present case study of MOOC implementation in formal education in Belgrade Polytechnic (BP) College. For informal learning, a MOOC for welding is presented. This MOOC is planned to be organized on faculty of mechanical engineering at Belgrade University. During MOOC, participants also expanded their knowledge base and in that way they created possibilities for rerun of MOOC on a higher level. In that way, a participant can attend the same course after a couple of years and then will upgrade his knowledge. This attribute makes MOOC an instrument for lifelong learning

    Effect of structural heterogeneity on the fracture mechanics parameters of welded joints of A.387 steel

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    Radi potpunijeg razumevanja uzroka i načina pojave i rasta prslina u zavarenim spojevima čelika A-387 Gr.11 predviđenog za rad u uslovima povišene temperature i pritiska, potrebno je da se utvrdi kako heterogenost strukture i mehaničkih svojstava zavarenog spoja, utiče na žilavost loma i pojavu i rast zamorne prsline. Ispitivanjem CT i Šarpi epruveta sa iniciranom zamornom prslinom data je ocena kako heterogenost strukture i mehaničkih svojstava zavarenog spoja utiču na parametre žilavosti loma i brzinu rasta zamorne prsline.For better understanding of the phenomenon of crack initiation and propagation in welded joints of A-387 Gr. 11 steel designed for high-temperature and high-pressure applications, it is necessary to determine the effect of the heterogeneity of microstructural and mechanical properties on fracture toughness and fatigue crack initiation and propagation. Based on the tests conducted with pre-cracked CT and Charpy size specimens, the effect of the heterogeneity of the microstructural and mechanical properties of welded joints on fracture toughness and fatigue-crack growth parameters was determined

    Effect of structural heterogeneity on the fracture mechanics parameters of welded joints of A.387 steel

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    Radi potpunijeg razumevanja uzroka i načina pojave i rasta prslina u zavarenim spojevima čelika A-387 Gr.11 predviđenog za rad u uslovima povišene temperature i pritiska, potrebno je da se utvrdi kako heterogenost strukture i mehaničkih svojstava zavarenog spoja, utiče na žilavost loma i pojavu i rast zamorne prsline. Ispitivanjem CT i Šarpi epruveta sa iniciranom zamornom prslinom data je ocena kako heterogenost strukture i mehaničkih svojstava zavarenog spoja utiču na parametre žilavosti loma i brzinu rasta zamorne prsline.For better understanding of the phenomenon of crack initiation and propagation in welded joints of A-387 Gr. 11 steel designed for high-temperature and high-pressure applications, it is necessary to determine the effect of the heterogeneity of microstructural and mechanical properties on fracture toughness and fatigue crack initiation and propagation. Based on the tests conducted with pre-cracked CT and Charpy size specimens, the effect of the heterogeneity of the microstructural and mechanical properties of welded joints on fracture toughness and fatigue-crack growth parameters was determined

    Mašinski materijali 1

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    Predgovor Ovaj udžbenik je namenjen studentima koji slušaju predmet Mašinski materijali 1, na osnovnim akademskim studijama u drugom semestru sa fondom časova 1+1, a napisan je prema nastavnom planu i programu. Osnovna namena ovog udžbenika je da pomogne studentima u savladavanju osnovnih znanja iz nauke o materija- lima, koja su im potrebna u toku daljeg studiranja. Pred autorima je bilo velikih dilema kako, da na jasan način izlože veoma komplikovanu i raznovrsnu materiju, imajući u vidu da prethodno stečeno srednjoškolsko znanje studenata, iz fizike i hemije, nije ujednačeno. Nakon uvodnih razmatranja o istorijskom razvoju i podeli materijala, prelazi se na strukturu atoma i veze između atoma, kao i na kristalnu strukturu materijala i greške u kristalnoj strukturi. Objašnjen je mehanizam difuzije u čvrstom stanju, mehanička svojstva materijala, kao i oštećenja i vrste lomova u materijalima. Takođe je razmatrana teorija legura i osnovne vrste dvokomponentnih dijagrama stanja. Nastavnim planom i programom je predviđeno da se osim metalnih materijala razmatraju, u manjoj meri, polimeri, keramike i kompozitni materijali. Imajući u vidu stalni razvoj materijala kao i pojavu novih inženjerskih materijala, svakako se vodilo računa da se i njima posveti odgovarajuća pažnja. Na kraju knjige navedena je i literatura koja može da se koristi u cilju proširenja znanja iz oblasti nauke o materijalima. Tokom pisanja ove knjige ideja je bila da se materija izloži u što jasnijem, a donekle, i popularnom stilu da bi bila dostupna i razumljiva studentima sa manjim obimom predznanja iz ove oblasti. Zbog toga, strogo se vodilo računa da se, gde god je to moguće, reči zamene dobrom slikom ili dijagramom. Ukoliko uspešno savladaju ovo gradivo studenti mogu biti sigurni da će imati solidnu osnovu za savladavanje gradiva iz određenih predmeta tokom studiranja, kao i da će u praksi primeniti stečeno znanje. Autori se zahvaljuju recenzentima i kolegama na korisnim primedbama i sugestijama. Posebno se zahvaljujemo profesorima dr Veri Šijački Žeravčić i dr Nenadu Radoviću koji su svojim korisnim predlozima i sugestijama doprineli poboljšanju kvaliteta knjige. Takođe se zahvaljujemo dr Draganu Cvetkoviću za pruženu moralnu podršku i nesebičnu pomoć pri tehničkoj obradi. Svojim studentima želimo puno uspeha u životu i daljem studiranju

    The influence of heat input on the toughness and fracture mechanism of surface weld metal

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    Surface welding is a way to extend the exploitation life of damaged parts and constructions and the heat input has a major influence on the weldment properties. In this paper is shown the influence of the heat input on the toughness and the fracture mechanism of the surface welded joint. Surface welding of high carbon steel with self shielded wire was conducted with three different heat inputs (6kJ/cm, 10 kJ/cm and 16 kJ/cm). Total impact energy, crack initiation and crack propagation energy were estimated at room temperature, -20 degrees C and -40 degrees C. Fracture analysis of fractured surfaces was also conducted and it has been found that increasing of heat input leads to an increase of share of transgranular brittle fracture, what is in complete accordance with the obtained energy values. Based on all obtained results, the optimum value of heat input for welding procedure applied was defined

    The effect of heat input on the fracture behaviour of surface weld metal of rail steel

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    Surface welding of rail steel with self-shielded wire was conducted with different heat inputs, and the influence of welding heat input on the total impact energy and its components, crack growth rate and fracture mechanism was systematically investigated. It is shown that toughness decreases as heat input increases, but, with a temperature decrease, these differences are not so marked. An increase of heat input leads to increasing the share of transgranular brittle fracture, what is in complete accordance with the obtained energy values. It is established that fatigue life increases when increasing the welding heat input, while resistance to crack growth decreases in the final deposit layer up to the HAZ at all heat inputs. Based on obtained results, the optimal value of heat input is defined for the selected welding procedure

    The effect of heat input on the fracture behaviour of surface weld metal of rail steel

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    Surface welding of rail steel with self-shielded wire was conducted with different heat inputs, and the influence of welding heat input on the total impact energy and its components, crack growth rate and fracture mechanism was systematically investigated. It is shown that toughness decreases as heat input increases, but, with a temperature decrease, these differences are not so marked. An increase of heat input leads to increasing the share of transgranular brittle fracture, what is in complete accordance with the obtained energy values. It is established that fatigue life increases when increasing the welding heat input, while resistance to crack growth decreases in the final deposit layer up to the HAZ at all heat inputs. Based on obtained results, the optimal value of heat input is defined for the selected welding procedure

    Material toughness assessment using different parameters obtained by Charpy Pendulum

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    Na instrumentiranom Šarpi klatnu može se ukupna energija loma razdvojiti na energiju inicijacije i energiju rasta prsline. To je iskorišćeno u ovom radu za ispitivanje udarne žilavost E postupkom zavarenog spoja čelika, mikrolegiranog niobijumom, vanadijumom i titanom. Izmerena je tvrdoća spoja, i izvedena su makro- i mikrostrukturna ispitivanja. Merenjem poprečne deformacije epruveta posle loma, fraktografskim pregledom i određivanjem udela krtog loma na površini preloma dobijeni su dodatni podaci o mehanizmu loma. Poređenje svih praćenih parametara omogućava ocenu sklonosti materijala ka krtom lomu, otpornosti na nastanak i rast prsline i potencijalnih mesta nastanka loma.It is possible to divide total impact energy on instrumented Charpy pendulum into energies for crack initiation and growth. This is applied in this paper for impact toughness testing of the joint, welded by E procedure in the steel, microalloyed with niobium, vanadium and titanium. Hardness of the joint was measured, and macro- and microstructural analysis has been performed. By measuring of lateral extension of specimens after fracture, fractography and brittle fracture appearance on fracture surface additional data about fracture mechanisms are obtained. The comparison of all considered parameters enables assessment of material susceptibility to brittle fracture, crack initiation and growth resistance and potential sites of fracture occurrence