39 research outputs found

    Learning Arm/Hand Coordination with an Altered Visual Input

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    The focus of this study was to test a novel tool for the analysis of motor coordination with an altered visual input. The altered visual input was created using special glasses that presented the view as recorded by a video camera placed at various positions around the subject. The camera was positioned at a frontal (F), lateral (L), or top (T) position with respect to the subject. We studied the differences between the arm-end (wrist) trajectories while grasping an object between altered vision (F, L, and T conditions) and normal vision (N) in ten subjects. The outcome measures from the analysis were the trajectory errors, the movement parameters, and the time of execution. We found substantial trajectory errors and an increased execution time at the baseline of the study. We also found that trajectory errors decreased in all conditions after three days of practice with the altered vision in the F condition only for 20 minutes per day, suggesting that recalibration of the visual systems occurred relatively quickly. These results indicate that this recalibration occurs via movement training in an altered condition. The results also suggest that recalibration is more difficult to achieve for altered vision in the F and L conditions compared to the T condition. This study has direct implications on the design of new rehabilitation systems

    Kvantitativna i kvalitativna procena obrasca hoda kod bolesnika sa Parkinsonovom bolešću

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    Background/Aim. Postural impairments and gait disorders in Parkinson's disease (PD) affect limits of stability, impaire postural adjustment, and evoke poor responses to perturbation. In the later stage of the disease, some patients can suffer from episodic features such as freezing of gait (FOG). Objective gait assessment and monitoring progress of the disease can give clinicians and therapist important information about changes in gait pattern and potential gait deviations, in order to prevent concomitant falls. The aim of this study was to propose a method for identification of freezing episodes and gait disturbances in patients with PD. A wireless inertial sensor system can be used to provide follow-up of the treatment effects or progress of the disease. Methods. The system is simple for mounting a subject, comfortable, simple for installing and recording, reliable and provides high-quality sensor data. A total of 12 patients were recorded and tested. Software calculates various gait parameters that could be estimated. User friendly visual tool provides information about changes in gait characteristics, either in a form of spectrogram or by observing spatiotemporal parameters. Based on these parameters, the algorithm performs classification of strides and identification of FOG types. Results. The described stride classification was merged with an algorithm for stride reconstruction resulting in a useful graphical tool that allows clinicians to inspect and analyze subject's movements. Conclusion. The described gait assessment system can be used for detection and categorization of gait disturbances by applying rule-based classification based on stride length, stride time, and frequency of the shank segment movements. The method provides an valuable graphical interface which is easy to interpret and provides clinicians and therapists with valuable information regarding the temporal changes in gait.Uvod/Cilj. Poremećaji hoda i ravnoteže kod bolesnika sa Parkinsonovom bolešću (PD) uključuju i poremećaje stabilnosti, održavanja ravnoteže prilikom hoda i nemogućnost adekvatne reakcije na iznenadne perturbacije. U kasnijim fazama bolesti neki bolesnici razvijaju i epizode motornog bloka, odnosno 'frizing' tokom hoda. Objektivno praćenje i merenje karakteristika hoda i promena obrasca hoda tokom progresije bolesti mogu pomoći kliničarima jer ukazuju na promene koje bi dovele do padova i ugrozile bolesnika. Cilj rada bio je razvoj metode koja bi identifikovala ovakve epizode kod bolesnika sa Parkinsonovom bolesti. Razvijeni bežični sistem sa senzorima mogao bi se koristiti za posmatranje efekata terapije ili progresije bolesti. Metode. U radu je prikazan sistem za objektivnu procenu obrasca hoda. Korišćenjem bežičnog senzorskog sistema koji koristi akcelerometre, žiroskope i senzore sile, moguće je dobiti procenu parametara hoda, ali i identifikovati 'frizing' epizode karakteristične za PD. Uz pomoć ovog sistema snimljeno je 12 bolesnika, te je na osnovu snimljenih signala razvijen novi softverski alat koji omogućava praćenje parametara hoda. Rezultati. Na osnovu dužine koraka, trajanja koraka i frekvencije pokreta, razvijen je algoritam za klasifikaciju tipova koraka i uočavanje promena frekvencija pokreta tokom hoda. Prikaz rezultata ovog sistema je dat kroz primer jednog bolesnika. Zaključak. Opisani sistem za procenu hoda može biti korišćen za kategorizaciju poremećaja hoda kroz posmatranje promena u dužini i trajanju koraka, kao i frekvencija segmenata noge. Razvijeni metod omogućava iliustrativni prikaz i grafički interfejs koji je jednostavan za interpretaciju i omogućava dobijanje informacija koje kliničarima mogu ukazati na trenutne promene u obrascu hoda

    Tradicionalna hrana u Srbiji - izvori, recepti i profili masnih kiselina

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    Traditional foods play a major role in traditions of different cultures and regions for thousands of years while preparation methods of traditional foods are part of the folklore of a country or a region. This paper presents recipes and fatty acid profiles of selected commonly consumed traditional foods in Serbia. The obtained fatty acid composition data are used for making conclusions about meals which are commonly consumed in Serbia. Traditional Serbian dairy products, cheese and kajmak, contained 70% SFAs (mostly palmitic acid). Commonly used meal in Serbian cuisine, prebranac, also contained palmitic acid and oleic acid (38.67% and 35.58% respectively), while linoleic acid was presented with 17.34%, similarly to vanilice. Ajvar, frequently used as a salad, is rich in linoleic acid (49.12%) but less rich in palmitic acid. Trans fatty acids were found in very small amounts in all foods.Tradicionalna hrana ima važnu ulogu u različitim kulturama i regionima, dok načini njene pripreme predstavljaju deo običaja zemlje ili regiona. U ovom radu su predstavljeni recepti i masno-kiselinski profili nekih od uobičajeno konzumiranih tradicionalnih jela u Srbiji. Tradicionalni srpski mlečni proizvodi, sir i kajmak, sadržavali su 70% zasićenih masnih kiselina, uglavnom palmitinske kiseline. Često konzumirano jelo prebranac, sadržavalo je 38.67% palmitinske i 35.58% oleinske kiseline, dok je sadržaj linolne kiseline bio 17.34%. Ajvar, često korišćen kao salata, ima visok sadržaj linolne kiseline (49.12%). Detektovani su veoma mali sadržaji trans masnih kiselina u svim ispitivanim uzorcima hrane. Globalizacija i internacionalizacija tržišta hrane doprinose riziku nestajanja tradicionalne hrane, te su podaci o njoj važni za očuvanje kulturnog nasleđa

    JOURNAL OF AUTOMATIC CONTROL, UNIVERSITY OF BELGRADE, VOL. 18(2):63-71, 2008© Neural Prostheses for Walking Restoration

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    Abstract — We review the state of the art of multi-channel electrical stimulation (ES) systems with surface electrodes for assistance in the standing and walking of paraplegics and hemiplegics. For the group of complete paraplegics, walking achieved with available ES systems is below their expectations, especially since these systems cannot compete with mobility provided to them by a wheelchair. However, standing and walking with ES systems are beneficial because they contribute to the improvement of physiological functions. For individuals who can stand with some arm support (e.g., paraplegics with incomplete injury and hemiplegics), the current ES systems are an effective augmentation of walking. We suggest that an ES system for walking of incomplete paraplegics and hemiplegics will be better accepted if the stimulation is regulated by a rulebased control, that is, a preprogrammed, sensor-triggered activation of several muscles resulting in normal walking. We present a method to obtain muscle activity profiles from simulation of a customized model of the patient that can be used for the synthesis of rules for control. Index Terms—electrical stimulation, neural prosthesis, paraplegia, hemiplegia, standing, walkin

    Computerized method for arm movement assessment in Parkinson's disease and cerebellar syndrome patients

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    In clinical setting, the symptoms of the impaired motor behavior in patients with different neurological diseases are identified by classical tests incorporated in clinical neurological examination. New computerized methods for objective motor assessment have been recently suggested in the literature. We developed computerized method for assessment and evaluation of arm movement in patients with Parkinson's disease (PD) in early phase and in patients with cerebellar syndrome. Method is based on automatic acquisition of hand coordinates during drawing of line and circle, and offline analysis of kinematic parameters (time duration, path length, mean and maximal velocity, velocity profile, and precision). Clinical application is in recognition and follow-up of the impaired kinematic parameters, specific for these two groups of patients. AIM We propose computerized method that consists of two motor tasks: Task 1- drawing a line defined with end points; and Task 2 - drawing a circle defined by referential model. The first task was rather simple with defined direction, and the second included continuous change of the direction that required permanent adjustment. The aim was to detect which kinematic parameters were particularly different in PD and in patients with cerebellar syndrome in relation to healthy controls, and then to apply this method as an additional instrument in clinical evaluation. METHODS Hand trajectories were assessed during simple self-paced 1) point-to-point movement-Task 1; and 2) circle-Task 2, by cordless magnetic mouse in a hand on digitizing board (Drawing board III, 305x457 mm, GTCO Cal Comp Inc). The subjects were seated in a relaxed manner on the chair adjusted to the table height, and instructed not to correct drawn line during performance of a task. The first session was for practicing the tests only, and in the next session, the subjects repeated 5 times each task. All sessions were videotaped with CCD camera. Testing included three groups: 10 Parkinsonian patients, 8 patients with cerebellar syndrome and 10 healthy controls, age matched, with not known neurologic motor or sensory disorders. Data were obtained using custom-made software written in C++, and stored in computer for further analysis. Data were analyzed using the Excel (ver. 9.0) and MatLab (ver. 6.0). The following kinematic parameters were calculated: time duration, path length, mean and maximal velocity, velocity profile and precision, and then statistically processed. Generalized linear model was formed in SPSS 10.0. RESULTS The data from all subjects and from all trials for two tasks were first visually inspected. In the first task, PD patients significantly differed in relation to controls in the following parameters: mean and maximal velocity, while in the second task, time duration and mean velocity were significantly different. For patients with cerebellar syndrome in relation to controls, mean and maximal velocity, and path length were significantly different for the first task, while in the second task, path length. For the task to draw a line, both groups of patients had statistically smaller mean and maximal velocities in respect to controls, and for the drawing of a circle, none parameter was at the same time statistically different for both groups in regard to controls. Between the two groups of patients, the only statistically different kinematic parameter was the length of drawn line. The velocity profile for the same task was shown as characteristic for the three groups. CONCLUSION Identifying the abnormal kinetic parameters of hand movement as well as their correlation with classical clinical signs could be highly important in the process of patient's motor control status evaluation, and could enable better understanding of the course and prognosis of specific pathological entity