211 research outputs found

    АНАТОМИЈА И ФИЗИОЛОГИЈА ПОСТФОЛКЛОРНЕ ЕПСКЕ ХРОНИКЕ (Ђорђевић Белић, Смиљана. 2016. Постфолклорна епска хроника: жанр на граници и границе жанра. Београд: Институт за књижевност и уметност – Чигоја штампа)

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    АНАТОМИЈА И ФИЗИОЛОГИЈА ПОСТФОЛКЛОРНЕ ЕПСКЕ ХРОНИКЕ (Ђорђевић Белић, Смиљана. 2016. Постфолклорна епска хроника: жанр на граници и границе жанра. Београд: Институт за књижевност и уметност – Чигоја штампа

    Modul loma i modul elastičnosti drva omorike (Picea omorika Pančić/Purkyně) iz prirodnih sastojina

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    The paper presents the results of testing the bending stress of Serbian spruce wood from natural stands. In testing the samples, in addition to the modulus of rupture, the bending stress at the proportionality limit, the ratio between the stress at the proportionality limit and the modulus of rupture as well as the modulus of elasticity of wood were determined. The study included nine trees from natural stands, and a total of 261 samples were tested. Regression analysis determined the dependences of these mechanical properties on the annual ring width, the proportion of late wood and wood density, as well as the dependence of the modulus of elasticity on the modulus of rupture.U radu su prikazani rezultati ispitivanja naprezanja pri savijanju drva Pančićeve omorike podrijetlom iz prirodnih sastojina. Osim modula loma, pri ispitivanju uzoraka utvrđeni su i savojno naprezanje u točki proporcionalnosti, odnos čvrstoće na savijanje u točki proporcionalnosti i modula loma, kao i modul elastičnosti drva. Istraživanje je obuhvatilo devet stabala iz prirodnih sastojina, a ispitan je ukupno 261 uzorak. Regresijskom su analizom utvrđeni odnosi navedenih mehaničkih svojstava i širine goda, udjela kasnog drva i gustoće drva, kao i odnos modula elastičnosti i modula loma

    Influence of synthesis on composite/laminated starch-gelatine based biopolymer film properties

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    Biopolymer films have an increasing share in the packaging material sector due to a number of advantages: availability, cheapness, easy processing, degradability, etc. On the other hand, numerous methods have been developed to optimize their unfavorable properties (weaker mechanical characteristics, hydrophilicity, etc.). This paper examines the influence of the synthesis method on starch-gelatin films properties. The starch-gelatin film was synthesized in a ratio 1:1 as a composite film (C). The second sample was obtained by gelatin film lamination on starch film (L). Plain starch film was used as a control (0). Mechanical, structural and physico-chemical properties of importance for the application of packaging materials were tested on the obtained samples. All the obtained biopolymer films were transparent and easy to handle. FTIR spectroscopy identified all characteristic groups and bonds formed in composite and laminated films. The results showed a significant contribution of gelatin in the developed biopolymer films compared to the control sample. Gelatin incorporated as a film component or as a separate layer improved mechanical properties and water solubility. Slight differences were observed between composite and laminated films because the effect of the method of added gelatin is minimal compared to the sample without the addition of gelatin

    Influence of synthesis on composite/laminated starch-gelatine based biopolymer film properties

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    Biopolymer films have an increasing share in the packaging material sector due to a number of advantages: availability, cheapness, easy processing, degradability, etc. On the other hand, numerous methods have been developed to optimize their unfavorable properties (weaker mechanical characteristics, hydrophilicity, etc.). This paper examines the influence of the synthesis method on starch-gelatin films properties. The starch-gelatin film was synthesized in a ratio 1:1 as a composite film (C). The second sample was obtained by gelatin film lamination on starch film (L). Plain starch film was used as a control (0). Mechanical, structural and physico-chemical properties of importance for the application of packaging materials were tested on the obtained samples. All the obtained biopolymer films were transparent and easy to handle. FTIR spectroscopy identified all characteristic groups and bonds formed in composite and laminated films. The results showed a significant contribution of gelatin in the developed biopolymer films compared to the control sample. Gelatin incorporated as a film component or as a separate layer improved mechanical properties and water solubility. Slight differences were observed between composite and laminated films because the effect of the method of added gelatin is minimal compared to the sample without the addition of gelatin

    Influence of synthesis on composite/laminated starchgelatine based biopolymer film properties

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    Biopolymer films have an increasing share in the packaging material sector due to a number of advantages: availability, cheapness, easy processing, degradability, etc. On the other hand, numerous methods have been developed to optimize their unfavorable properties (weaker mechanical characteristics, hydrophilicity, etc.). This paper examines the influence of the synthesis method on starch-gelatin films properties. The starch-gelatin film was synthesized in a ratio 1:1 as a composite film (C). The second sample was obtained by gelatin film lamination on starch film (L). Plain starch film was used as a control (0). Mechanical, structural and physico-chemical properties of importance for the application of packaging materials were tested on the obtained samples. All the obtained biopolymer films were transparent and easy to handle. FTIR spectroscopy identified all characteristic groups and bonds formed in composite and laminated films. The results showed a significant contribution of gelatin in the developed biopolymer films compared to the control sample. Gelatin incorporated as a film component or as a separate layer improved mechanical properties and water solubility. Slight differences were observed between composite and laminated films because the effect of the method of added gelatin is minimal compared to the sample without the addition of gelatin


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    Istočna Europa danas prolazi kroz krizu koja ima mnogo obilježja: društvena, politička, gospodarska, ideološka, kulturna. Agresija Rusije na Ukrajinu događaj je koji će obilježiti budućnost Europe i globalnoga svjetskog poretka. Postojeće stanje u Istočnoj Europi, odnosno oružanom agresijom na Ukrajinu nemilosrdno su, brutalno i namjerno zgažena i prekršena sva međunarodnopravna, humanitarna i druga pravila koja reguliraju ponašanje suverenih i nezavisnih država u međunarodnim odnosima. Autori u radu ukazuju da međunarodna zajednica, odnosno Europska unija, ima ključnu ulogu u stabilnosti i sigurnosti Istočne Europe. Razvoj regionalnih odnosa u istočnom susjedstvu ovisi o pristupu Europske unije ključnim akterima poput Ukrajine. Prema tome, neophodno je prepoznavanje Ukrajine kao važnog ekonomskog i političkog aktera u Europi, što treba voditi i dubljem angažmanu s Europskom unijom. S druge strane, bitno je da se poštuju i postupno provode demokratske reforme koje će Ukrajinu približiti Europskoj uniji i osigurati joj status demokratskoga lidera u regiji.Today, Eastern Europe is going through a crisis that has many characteristics: social, political, economic, ideological, cultural. Russia’s aggression against Ukraine is an event that will mark the future of Europe and the global world order. The current situation in Eastern Europe, that is, the armed conflict in Ukraine, has mercilessly, brutally and intentionally trampled and violated all international law, humanitarian and other rules, which regulate the behavior of sovereign and independent states in international relations. In the paper, the authors point out that the international community, that is, the European Union, plays a key role in the stability and security of Eastern Europe. The development of regional relations in the Eastern neighborhood depends on the approach of the European Union to key actors such as Ukraine. Therefore, it is necessary to recognize Ukraine as an important economic and political actor in Europe, which should also lead to deeper engagement with the European Union. On the other hand, it is important to respect and gradually implement democratic reforms that will bring Ukraine closer to the European Union and ensure its status as a democratic leader in the region


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    Venous ulcerations occur in 1% of human population, being more frequent in the population over 65 years of age. The aim of this study was to evaluate the prognostic factors related to healing of venous ulcerations of the lower extremities treated with multi-layer bandage.The research was based on the prospective randomized study conducted at the Outpatient Clinic for Dermal and Sexual Diseases and Medical Center in Doljevac during the period from 2007 until 2008. The research involved a group of 50 patients of both sexes with venous ulcerations of the lower extremities. Patients were followed up for 24 weeks from the beginning of the treatment.Out of a total of 50 patients, 30 (60%) were of female sex and 20 (40%) of male sex. The mean age of the patients was 63.3±6.32 years. In thirteen patients (26%), there was no complete healing of chronical venous ulcerations. Locoregional characteristics of ulcerative changes indicated no significant difference in the average number of ulcers, their localization, duration, and average surface. The analysis made by Kendall’s tau_b correlation coefficient showed that sex and localization had no significant correlation with the healing of ulcerative changes. Infection and swelling of the lower leg showed poor but significant positive correlation with a change in the healing rate (p<0.05). Pearson's correlation coefficient showed a significant positive correlation between the number (C=0.5) and surface (C=0.7) of ulcerative changes with the healing rate (p<0.001).Venous ulceration treatment is a big social and medical problem. The number and surface of ulcerative changes present the most important healing prognostic factors