46 research outputs found


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    Analiza biljkama pristupačnoga fosfora obavezna je agrokemijska analiza tla za procjenu plodnosti i preporuku gnojidbe, a u RH u upotrebi je najčeŔće AL metoda (ekstrakcija tla s amonij-laktat otopinom uz pH 3,75). Analiza AL metodom ekstrahiranog fosfora u nekim tlima (posebice karbonatnim) može rezultirati neodgovarajućim reakcijom usjeva na utvrđenu pristupačnost fosfora i preporuku gnojidbe pa je cilj ovoga rada usporediti AL metodu s 6 različitih ekstrakcijskih metoda za utvrđivanje pristupačnosti fosfora u tlu: Olsen, Morgan, Bray 1, Bray 2, CAL i DL. Svaka metoda ima različit kemizam i pH ekstrakcijske otopine: Olsen (pH 8,5), Morgan (4,8), Bray 1 i Bray 2 (2,6), CAL (4,1) DL (3,7). S ciljem usporedbe prikupljeno je i analizirano 360 uzoraka tla s područja kontinentalne Hrvatske. Analize su obuhvaćale kemijska svojstva tla kao pH, humus, AL-P2O5 i karbonati, a tla su prema kiselosti podijeljena u dvije pH grupe i pet pH grupa. Prosječno možemo reći da količina ekstrahiranoga fosfora u mg P2O5 kg-1 opada po nizu: Bray 1> DL> AL> CAL> Bray 2> Olsen> Morgan. Statistički značajna korelacija utvrđena je u svim uzorcima između AL i Olsen metode (r= 0,88), AL i Bray 1 metode (r=0,68), Olsen i Bray 1 metode (r= 0,75), te CAL i DL metode (r=0,45) U analiziranim uzorcima utvrđene su značajne količine ukupnoga fosfora, a udio organskoga fosfora u ukupnome fosforu kretao se od 0,54% do 78,29%. Regresijski modeli razvijeni u ovome radu vrlo su jednostavni i primjenjivi, jer mogu dati nove podatke već na temelju koncentracije fosfora ekstrahiranoga određenom metodom, Å”to je dovoljno kao jedini ulazni podatak. Validacije modela dokazale su sve međuovisnosti metoda utvrđene u osnovnome setu uzoraka te potvrdile navedene preciznosti modela.Soil-P test is obligate chemical analysis for soil productivity estimation and most frequent used method in Croatia is AL method (soil extraction by ammoniumlactate solution at pH 3.75). Howewer, in some soils AL method (especially calcareous) could be inaccurate for phosphorus fertilizer recommendations and crop response could be inadequate. Hence, the aim of this research was to compare 6 different P-tests: Olsen, Morgan, Bray1, Bray 2, CAL and DL. Each of these methods had a different pH of extraction solutios: Olsen (pH 8.5), Morgan (4,8), Bray 1 and Bray 2 (2.6), CAL (4.1) DL (3.7). Aiming to compare these 7 soil tests, 360 soil samples were collected from the continental part od Croatia. The soil pH, organic matter, AL-P2O5 and % CaCO3 were analyzed. All samples were grouped according to soil pH in two groups (pHKCl 6 179 samples). Phosphorus content on the average decreased: Bray 1 > DL > AL > CAL > Bray 2> Olsen > Morgan. Significant corellations were estimeted between AL and Olsen P test (r= 0.88), AL and Bray 1 P test (r=0.68), Olsen and Bray 1 P test (r= 0,75) and CAL and DL P tests (r=0.45). In the analysed samples total phospohrus content was recorded in all samples and portion of organic phosphorus in total phosporus in soil ranged from 0.54 to 78.29 %. The developed models are very simple and useful because thay can predict soil phosphurus using only one soil test data. The models were validated and showed that all recorded corelations in this study were precise and approved the aforementioned models accuracy


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    Stationary field experiment pertaining to the winter wheat in Croatia was performed during the three seasons. This studyā€™s intention was to examine and diagnose the effect of tillage systems (TS) on soil chemical properties (soil acidity, phosphorus [P], potassium [K], and organic matter content). The TSs were as follows: CT ā€” ploughing up to 30 cm depth, DT ā€” disking up to 8-12 cm depth, LT ā€” loosening up to 35 cm depth, and NT ā€” no-tillage. The experimental design was a randomised block design in four repetitions, in which the basic TS plot amounted to 540 m2. Soil sampling for 0-30 cm soil layer was performed prior to setting up the experiment and subsequent to the three seasons with a total of 320 soil samples. Chemical analysis was performed according to standard pedological procedures. Economic indicators were calculated using economic equations and standards, whereas statistical analysis was performed with SAS 9.3 and Microsoft Excel 2016. Generated results indicate that the expressed accumulation of phosphorus and potassium appeared with a distinct vertical stratification in the systems with shallower tillage or no-tillage. At the same time, these TSs ensured the soil organic matter and soil fertility preservation. A conservable agricultural production of reduced soil tillage systems has its efficiency and vigor while providing soil degradation.Stacionarni poljski pokus za ozimu pÅ”enicu u Hrvatskoj proveden je tijekom triju sezona . Namjera ovoga istraživanja bila je ispitati i dijagnosticirati utjecaj sustava obrade tla (TSs) na kemijska svojstva tla (kiselost tla, sadržaj fosfora, kalija i organske tvari. TSs-i su bili CT ā€” oranje do 30 cm dubine; DT ā€” tanjuranje do 8-12 cm dubine; LT ā€” rahljenje do 35 cm dubine; NT ā€” bez obrade tla. Eksperimentalni dizajn je bio randomizirani blok dizajn u četiri ponavljanja, u kojem je osnovna TSs parcela bila 540 m2 . Uzorkovanje za sloj tla 0-30 cm obavljeno je prije postavljanja pokusa i nakon triju sezona s ukupno 320 uzoraka tla. Kemijska analiza provedena jer prema standardnim pedoloÅ”kim postupcima. Standardna statistička analiza provedena softverom SAS 9.3 i Microsoft Excel 2016. Dobiveni rezultati upućuju da se na sustavima s plićom obradom ili bez obrade javlja izražena akumulacija fosfora i kalija uz izraženu vertikalnu stratifikaciju. Istodobno ovi TSs-i osiguravaju konzervaciju organske tvari tla i očuvanje plodnosti tla. Poljoprivredna proizvodnja uz primjenu reduciranih sustava obrade tla ima svoju učinkovitost i snagu kroz sprječavanje degradacije tla


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    The purpose of this article was to compare soil P extraction by sodium bicarbonate solution (Olsen P) and by ammonium lactate (AL P) in calcareous soils in Croatia and to create a model for predicting AL P values using the correlation of these soil tests and common soil analysis data in Croatia. Soil samples were collected, near Opuzen city, in the valley of the River Neretva, in 2005. The results of these studies confirmed significant correlation between soil P extracted by Olsen (NaHCO3) and by ammonium lactate (AL P) solution in calcareous soils from the Neretva river valley. The developed model is useful for providing fertilizer recommendations based on AL P soil-test results from Croatian soils using existing ammonium lactateextractable P calibration expecially for the calcareous soils in Croatia in the valley of the Neretva River.Cilj ovoga rada bio je usporediti količine fosfora iz uzoraka tla različitim ekstraktivnim otopinama, otopinom natrij bikarbonata (Olsen P) i amonij laktata (AL P ) u karbonatnim tlima Hrvatske te razviti model za predviđanje količine AL P na temelju dostupnih podataka o tlu. Uzorci su prikupljeni u dolini rijeke Neretve 2005. godine. Rezultati istraživanja potvrđuju prijaÅ”njim istraživanjima utvrđenu statistički značajnu korelaciju između AL P i Oslen P metode. Razvijeni model predviđanja količine AL P na temelju analiziranih podataka o tlu može se uspjeÅ”no primjenjivati za karbonatna tla u Republici Hrvatskoj, posebice u tlima u dolini rijeke Neretve


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    A research of seed storage period and storage temperature effects upon the seed quality and seedlings traits for the seeds of two perennial ryegrass cultivars (Bartwingo and Calibra) was conducted. Seeds were stored in hermetically sealed glass dishes at four different temperatures (room temperature about 21Ā°C, 10Ā°C, -20Ā°C and -80Ā°C) and for three different periods (9, 18 and 30 months). Upon completing the storage treatments the seed and seedling traits were tested by the rolled filter paper method. The research has revealed significant effects of storage temperature, storage period, cultivar and interactions upon all the investigated traits. The highest germination energy, germination and seedling plumule length were observed after the shortest (9-month) storage period, and the least after the longest (30-month) storage period. Seedling radicule was longest after 18-month storage period and shortest after 30 months. All the investigated traits had the highest values when seeds were stored at -80Ā°C, and the least when the seeds were stored at room temperature. Cultivar Bartwingo has shown a greater germination energy and germination but Calibra has shown a greater seedling radicule and plumule length.Istraživanje utjecaja dužine i temperature skladiÅ”tenja na svojstva sjemena i klijanaca engleskoga ljulja provedeno je sa sjemenom dva kultivara (Bartwingo i Calibra). Sjeme je pohranjeno u hermetički zatvorene staklene posude na sobnoj temperaturi te na 10, -20 i -80Ā°C. Navedena svojstva mjerena su nakon 9, 18 i 30 mjeseci skladiÅ”tenja metodom rolanoga filter papira. Dobiven je značajan utjecaj temperature, dužine skladiÅ”tenja i kultivara te njihove interakcije za sva isptivana svojstva. Najveće vrijednosti za energiju klijanja i klijavost sjemena te dužinu stabljike dobivene su nakon 9 mjeseci skladiÅ”tenja, a najmanje nakon 30 mjeseci. Korijen klijanaca bio je najduži nakon 18, a najkraćinakon 30 mjeseci skladiÅ”tenja. Sva ispitivana svojstva imala su najveće vrijednostiskladiÅ”tenjem na -80Ā°C, a najmanje na sobnoj temperaturi. Kultivar Bartwingo imao je veću energiju klijanja i klijavost, a Calibra dužinu korijena i klijanaca

    The Communities of the Nematodes, Bacteria, and Fungi and the Soilā€™s Organic Matter in an Agroforestry Ecosystem in Croatia

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    An aboveā€ground plant diversity affects a below-ground biodiversity. A soil fauna diversity is important for the ecosystemsā€™ sustainability. It reflects both the abiotic conditions and the soilā€™s biotic activity. This studyā€™s objective was to assess the effect of an agroforestry system on the nematode abundance and trophic group distribution and on the bacterial and fungal abundance in the soil, as well as to analyze the links between a nematode abundance, trophic group patterns, soilā€™s microbiological status and the organic matter. A field experiment was conducted during two years in three treatments and three sampling periods. The treatments were as follows: an agricultural crop (C), a permanent walnut plantation (W), and a permanent walnut plantation with an agricultural crop (C + W). The nematodes were extracted, counted, processed and mounted on slides and ultimately determined and assigned to the trophic groups. The bacteria and fungi were extracted from the soil, grown on the plates, and counted. Our findings suggest that the studied agroforestry system (C+W) has exerted a positive effect on the soil nematodes, bacteria, and fungi, manifested as the statistically highest abundance of bacteria and fungi, but also as the highest abundance of nematodes and of a diversity of the nematode genera. The highest content of the organic matter was detected in the treatment C + W in the first sampling and in the treatments C + W and W in the second sampling. We have concluded that the combination of an agricultural crop and a permanent plantation has a great potential for better ecosystem stability and sustainability regardless of some deviations in our results. We believe that further research is necessary because the different agroforestry ecosystems may have different impacts on the soil fauna

    Utjecaj biostimulatora na prinos, hranjivu i senzornu kvalitetu plodova jagoda

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    The study was conducted as open field trial, with irrigation, with the Clery strawberry variety. The aim of the study was to investigate the effect of foliar application on berry and seaweed extract on the yield and quality of strawberry fruit (sugar, acid and anthocyanin content). The experiment was set up by random block system in 4 repetitions. The following treatments were applied to the strawberry crop: 1. control, 2. conventional NPK fertilization (10-52-10), 3. 30% reduced conventional NPK fertilization, 4. 30% reduced conventional fertilization + biostimulants. Due to arid growing conditions, NPK fertilizer was applied foliarly. Statistical analysis of the data showed significant differences between treatments in strawberry yield, and anthocyanins content. Compared to the control, the biostimulator had an effect on strawberry yield and total anthocyanin content, but not on the total soluble sugar and acid content of strawberry fruit.Istraživanje je provedeno u poljskim uvjetima, uz navodnjavanje, sa sortom jagode Clery. Cilj istraživanja bio je ispitati utjecaj folijarne primjene biostimulatora na bazi ekstrakta bobica i morskih algi na prinos i kvalitetu ploda jagode (sadržaj Å”ećera, kiselina i antocijana). Pokus je postavljen po slučajnom blok sustavu u 4 ponavljanja. Na usjevu jagoda primijenjeni su tretmani: 1. kontrola, 2. konvencionalna gnojidba NPK (10-52-10), 3. 30% reducirana konvencionalna gnojidba NPK, 4. 30% reducirana konvencionalna gnojidba + biostimulator. Zbog suÅ”nih uvjeta uzgoja NPK gnojivo primijenjeno je folijarno. Statističkom analizom podataka dobivene su značajne razlike između tretmana u prinosu ploda jagode i sadržaju ukupnih antocijanina. U usporedbi s kontrolom biostimulator imao je utjecaj na prinos jagode i sadržaj ukupnih antocijanina, ali ne na sadržaj Å”ećera i kiselina u plodu jagode


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    The metals such as Fe, Cu, Zn and Mn are the essential elements that have an important role in the human immune system. The aim of this research was to determine the concentration of nutritive values of macroelements (N, P, and K) and microelements (Fe and Zn) in a mushroom substrate and in a champignon mushroom fruiting body. A trial was conducted in the mushroom production company Romanjek LLC in Slavonski Brod, Croatia. It was conducted in four vegetation cycles on two different substrates, the one originating from Eastern Europe and the other originating from Northern Europe. At the end of the trial, the basic chemical properties of substrates and mushrooms were recorded. A comparison of investigated substrate measurements demonstrates that the highest content of elements N, P, and K was determined in the substrate 2 originating from Northern Europe, while the concentration of microelements Fe and Zn was higher in substrate 1, originating, from Eastern Europe. There was a statistically significant difference in a macroelement content in the mushrooms grown on the substrates of different origin, as well as in the transfer of Zn and Fe from a substrate to mushrooms. There was a higher accumulation of the transferred Zn in comparison to Fe in the mushrooms regardless of the origin of the substrate.Šampinjoni su jedna od ekonomski najznačajnijih jestivih vrsta gljiva, iznimno dobre nutritivne vrijednosti, koja ima važnu ulogu u zdravoj prehrani. Metali Fe, Cu, Zn i Mn su esencijalni elementi koji imaju važnu ulogu u jačanju ljudskoga imuniteta. Cilj ovoga istraživanja bio je utvrditi koncentracije makroelemenata (N, P i K) i mikroelemenata (Fe i Zn) u supstratima i plodnim tijelima gljiva. Pokus je postavljen u proizvodnji gljiva Romanjek d. o. o. (Slavonski Brod, Hrvatska) i provodio se tijekom četiri vegetacijska ciklusa na dva supstrata različitoga geografskog podrijetla. Jedan supstrat (supstrat 1) proizveden je u istočnoj Europi, a drugi (supstrat 2) u sjevernoj Europi. Na kraju pokusa analizirana su osnovna kemijska svojstva supstrata i uzoraka istraživanih gljiva. Usporedbom rezultata istraživanih supstrata ustanovljen je veći sadržaj N, P i K u supstratu 2 podrijetlom sa sjevera Europe, ali je koncentracija mikroelemenata Fe i Zn bila veća u supstratu 1, podrijetlom s istoka Europe. Statistički značajna razlika ustanovljena je u sadržaju makroelemenata u gljivama uzgojenim na supstratima različitoga podrijetla, kao i u transferu Zn i Fe iz supstrata u gljive. Osim toga, uspoređujući akumulaciju transferiranoga Zn i Fe, ustanovljena je veća akumulacija Zn u gljivama bez obzira na podrijetlo supstrata

    Usporedba u proizvodnji etanola iz kukuruza (Zea mays L.) između HTF hibrida i hibrida iz hrvatskih oplemenjivačkih programa

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    The aim of this study was to determine the differences in grain and ethanol yields between hybrids obtained from breeding programs in the Republic of Croatia and introduced HTF (High Total Fermentable) maize hybrids. The trial was conducted at three sites (Osijek, Beli Manastir and Zagreb) for two consecutive years (2012 and 2013) in three plant densities (60,000, 70,000 and 80,000 plants/ha). Pioneer HTF hybrids for the ethanol production were used as controls to assess the productivity of ethanol of hybrids from the Agricultural Institute Osijek and Bc Institute d.d. The study of ethanol production was carried out by using the Lemuz method. According to ANOVA statistical analysis, statistically significant differences in grain and ethanol yields were not found between HTF hybrids and hybrids of domestic breeding companies. Statistically significant difference was found in ethanol yield by sites (P<0.05) with highest average ethanol yield determined at Beli Manastir and the lowest in Osijek. Site Ɨ year Ɨ plant density interaction showed statistically significant difference in ethanol yield between hybrids and the most productive was the OS378 hybrid. Ethanol production of hybrids designated for this purpose did not produce higher ethanol yields than domestic hybrids from the same amount of grain.Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi razliku u proizvodnji zrna i etanola iz kukuruza između domaćih hibrida kukuruza koji se uobičajeno koriste za proizvodnju zrna i uvezenih HTF (High Total Fermentable) deklariranih hibrida za proizvodnju etanola. Poljski pokus je postavljen na 3 lokacije (Osijek, Beli Manastir, Zagreb) dvije godine uzastopno (2012, 2013) u tri gustoće sklopa (60,000, 70,000 i 80,000 biljaka/ha). Hibridi tvrtke Pioneer, deklarirani kao ā€œHTFā€ hibridi za proizvodnju etanola iz zrna kukuruza koriÅ”teni su kao kontrola za procjenu produktivnosti etanola iz domaćih hibrida Poljoprivrednog instituta Osijek i Bc Instituta d.d. Laboratorijska proizvodnja etanola utvrđena je Lemuz metodom. Sukladno ANOVA statističkoj analizi nisu utvrđene statistički značajne razlike u prinosu zrna i etanola između HTF hibrida i hibrida domaćih oplemenjivačkih kuća. Statistički značajna razlika utvrđena je u prinosu etanola po lokalitetima (P<0.05) gdje je prosječno najveći prinos etanola ostvaren u Belom Manastiru, a najmanji u Osijeku. Interakcija lokalitet Ɨ godina Ɨ gustoća biljaka imala je statistički značajan utjecaj na prinos etanola između hibrida, a najproduktivniji je bio hibrid OS378. Deklarirani namjenski hibridi za proizvodnju etanola nisu proizveli viÅ”e etanola u odnosu na domaće hibride iz iste količine zrna kukuruza


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    Evaluation of manures, composts and growing media quality should include enough properties to enable an optimal use from productivity and environmental points of view. The aim of this paper is to describe basic structure of organic fertilizer (and growing media) evaluation model to present the model example by comparison of different manures as well as example of using plant growth experiment for calculating impact of pH and EC of growing media on lettuce plant growth. The basic structure of the model includes selection of quality indicators, interpretations of indicators value, and integration of interpreted values into new indexes. The first step includes data input and selection of available data as a basic or additional indicators depending on possible use as fertilizer or growing media. The second part of the model uses inputs for calculation of derived quality indicators. The third step integrates values into three new indexes: fertilizer, growing media, and environmental index. All three indexes are calculated on the basis of three different groups of indicators: basic value indicators, additional value indicators and limiting factors. The possible range of indexes values is 0-10, where range 0-3 means low, 3-7 medium and 7-10 high quality. Comparing fresh and composted manures, higher fertilizer and environmental indexes were determined for composted manures, and the highest fertilizer index was determined for composted pig manure (9.6) whereas the lowest for fresh cattle manure (3.2). Composted manures had high environmental index (6.0-10) for conventional agriculture, but some had no value (environmental index = 0) for organic agriculture because of too high zinc, copper or cadmium concentrations. Growing media indexes were determined according to their impact on lettuce growth. Growing media with different pH and EC resulted in very significant impacts on height, dry matter mass and leaf area of lettuce seedlings. The highest lettuce seedlings with highest mass and leaf area are produced using growing media with pH close to 6 and with EC lower than 2 dSm-1. It could be concluded that conductivity approx. 3 dSm-1 has inhibitory effect on lettuce if pH is about 7 or higher. The computer model shows that raising pH and EC resulted in decreasing growth which could be expressed as increasing stress index. The lettuce height as a function of pH and EC is incorporated into the model as stress function showing increase of lettuce height by lowering EC from 4 to 1 dSm-1or pH from 7.4 to 6. The highest growing media index (8.1) was determined for mixture of composted pig manure and peat (1:1), and lowest (2.3) for composted horse manure and peat (1:2.)Ocjena kvalitete organskih gnojiva (stajska gnojiva, komposti) i supstrata treba sadržavati dovoljno informacija da omogući izbor optimalne upotrebe s proizvodnog i ekoloÅ”kog aspekta. Cilj je ovoga rada prikaz osnovne strukture modela za determinaciju indeksa ocjenjivanja kvalitete organskih gnojiva i supstrata. Osnovna struktura modela sadrži izbor i interpretaciju vrijednosti indikatora kvalitete te integraciju interpretiranih vrijednosti u nove indekse. Prvi korak uključuje unos podataka i izbor raspoloživih podataka za izračun osnovnih ili dopunskih indikatora, ovisno o indeksima i mogućim uporabama kao gnojivo ili supstrat. U drugom koraku raspoloživi podaci koriste se za izračun izvedenih indikatora kvalitete, a treći korak je integracija interpretiranih vrijednosti u tri nova indeksa: fertilizacijski indeks, indeks supstrata i ekoloÅ”ki indeks. Vrijednosti sva tri indeksa računaju se na temelju tri grupe indikatora: indikatori osnovne vrijednosti, indikatori dopunskih vrijednosti i limitirajući faktori. Raspon vrijednosti sva tri indeksa kreće se od 0-10, pri čemu raspon 0-3 znači nisku, 3-7 srednju, a 7-10 visoku kvalitetu. Usporedbom svježih i kompostiranih stajskih gnojiva, viÅ”i fertilizacijski i ekoloÅ”ki indeksi utvrđeni su za kompostirana gnojiva, najviÅ”i fertilizacijski indeks utvrđen je za kompostirani separat svinjske gnojovke (9,6), a najniži za svježi goveđi stajski gnoj (3,2). Kompostirana stajska gnojiva imaju visoki ekoloÅ”ki indeks (6,0-10) za konvencionalnu poljoprivredu, ali pojedini nemaju ekoloÅ”ku vrijednost (ekoloÅ”ki indeks = 0) za ekoloÅ”ku poljoprivredu zbog visoke koncentracije cinka, bakra ili kadmija. Indeksi supstrata utvrđeni su prema utjecaju supstrata na rast salate. Supstrati s različitim pHH2O i EC vrijednostima rezultirali su vrlo značajnim utjecajem na visinu presadnica salate, produkciju suhe tvari i povrÅ”inu lista. Najveće presadnice s najvećom masom i lisnom povrÅ”inom proizvedene su uporabom supstrata s pHH2O vrijednoŔću oko 6 i EC vrijednoŔću ispod 2 dSm-1. Može se zaključiti da konduktivitet oko 3 dSm-1 ima inhibitorni učinak na salatu ukoliko je pH supstrata oko 7 ili viÅ”i. Kompjutorski je model pokazao da povećanje pHH2O i EC rezultira smanjenim rastom salate, Å”to se može izraziti kao porast stres indeksa. Visina salate kao funkcija pHH2O i EC ugrađena je u model kao stres funkcija koja pokazuje povećanje salate smanjenjem EC vrijednosti od 4 do 1 dSm-1 ili pHH2O vrijednosti od 7,4 do 6. Najveći indeks supstrata (8,1) utvrđen je za smjesu (1:1) kompostiranog separata svinjske gnojovke i treseta, a najniži (2,3) za smjesu (1:2) kompostiranog konjskog stajskog gnojiva i treseta


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    Cilj pokusa bio je ustanoviti postoji li razlika u prinosu Å”ampinjona, ako se u proizvodnji koriste dvije CACing metode. U pokusu su koriÅ”tene metoda sa ā€žspawnomā€œ i metoda s proraslim kompostom. Rezultati pokusa pokazali su da nije bilo statistički značajne razlike između navedenih metoda. Stoga se može zaključiti da su obadvije metode dobre. Problem bi se mogao javiti kod umijeÅ”anja proraslog komposta u pokrivku zbog moguće zaraze patogenima, dok s druge strane ā€žspawnā€œ materijal je skuplja opcija. Stoga bi možda ipak bolja bila opcija umijeÅ”anja ā€žspawnaā€œ s obzirom na sigurnost po pitanju patogena.The aim of the experiment was to determine the mushrooms yield difference using two CACing methods. In the experimentā€œspawnā€ and overgrowing compost methods were used. The test results showed that there were no statistically significant differences between these methods. It can be concluded that both methods are good. The problem could occur in blending overgrowing compost because of possible contamination with pathogens, while on the other hand "spawn" material is a more expensive option. Therefore, it might still be a better option blending "spawn" to protect from pathogens