770 research outputs found

    Digital migration and state : threat or benefit : [abstract]

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    The soil types in the protected area “Chinar dere”, village of Topolovo, municipality of Assenovgrad, were studied. For this purpose, 4 soil samples from depth of 0-20cm and from different locations in the area – under cereal plants, sunflower, vineyard, and natural meadows, were collected. The soil samples were analyzed with respect to humus content, mechanical characteristics, sorption capacity, pH in water and in KCL, and exchangeable acidity /H+ and AL+/. On the basis of the conducted analyses the soil types were defined as koluvium soils suitable for growing various vineyard cultivars, and among the fruit cultivars they are suitable for growing plums, cherries, sour cherries, walnuts, apricots, and peaches. These soil types are also suitable mainly for growing small-leaved tobacco, and in the higher regions – raspberries. In the case when the subterranean waters are closer to the surface, the soils are suitable for growing forage crops or can be used as meadows

    Self and Other representations in contemporary Russian discourse on migration

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    This thesis is a discourse-analytical study of SELF and OTHER representations in contemporary Russian discourse on migration. The overall aim of this thesis is to explore how SELF and OTHER discourse participants are represented in pro-governmental discourse, to which extent the ideology of pro-governmental media discourse can be classified as discriminatory towards migrants and how it changes in the period between the years 2006 and 2009. The discussion is based on the results of the discourse analysis of the corpus of texts collected from three various sources. Firstly, the pro-governmental moderate corpus of media articles collected from the website of the Moscow City Council in August – November 2006 is compared to the corpus of texts collected from the website of the radical anti-migrant movement DPNI. The purpose of this comparative study is to establish the extent of commonalities through the analysis of referential-categorizing and evaluative strategies between thee two types of discourse. Moreover, in the instances of represented discourse, it is important to understand how journalists position themselves and the readers with respect to the evaluative force of the statements. The results received from the analysis of these strategies are used to construct discourse space ontology for SELF and OTHER representations. Secondly, the moderate corpus is extended to receive more data for the analysis of conceptual imagery, i.e. metaphors. The analysis of metaphors confirms tendencies typical of migration discourse but also has its special pattern which is attributed to sociocultural specifics explored through the examination of conceptual blends. The evaluative dimension constitutes an important aspect of the discourse analysis of conceptual imagery. Finally, a multimodal corpus of verbal and visual data representing a protest action by the pro-governmental youth movement “Molodaia Gvardiia” at the end of 2008 – beginning of 2009 is searched for specific strategies of SELF and OTHER representation. The analysis shows an extensive use of discursive strategies typical of racist ideology used for the representation of SELF and OTHER discourse participants in pro-governmental media discourse on migration

    On the future navigability of Arctic sea routes: high-resolution projections of the Arctic Ocean and sea ice

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    The rapid Arctic summer sea ice reduction in the last decade has lead to debates in the maritime industries on the possibility of an increase in cargo transportation in the region. Average sailing times on the North Sea Route along the Siberian Coast have fallen from 20 days in the 1990s to 11 days in 2012–2013, attributed to easing sea ice conditions along the Siberian coast. However, the economic risk of exploiting the Arctic shipping routes is substantial. Here a detailed high-resolution projection of ocean and sea ice to the end of the 21st century forced with the RCP8.5 IPCC emission scenario is used to examine navigability of the Arctic sea routes. In summer, opening of large areas of the Arctic Ocean previously covered by pack ice to the wind and surface waves leads to Arctic pack ice cover evolving into the Marginal Ice Zone. The emerging state of the Arctic Ocean features more fragmented thinner sea ice, stronger winds, ocean currents and waves. By the mid 21st century, summer season sailing times along the route via the North Pole are estimated to be 13–17 days, which could make this route as fast as the North Sea Route


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    The soil types in the protected area “Chinar dere”, village of Topolovo, municipality of Assenovgrad, were studied. For this purpose, 4 soil samples from depth of 0-20cm and from different locations in the area – under cereal plants, sunflower, vineyard, and natural meadows, were collected. The soil samples were analyzed with respect to humus content, mechanical characteristics, sorption capacity, pH in water and in KCL, and exchangeable acidity /H+ and AL+/. On the basis of the conducted analyses the soil types were defined as koluvium soils suitable for growing various vineyard cultivars, and among the fruit cultivars they are suitable for growing plums, cherries, sour cherries, walnuts, apricots, and peaches. These soil types are also suitable mainly for growing small-leaved tobacco, and in the higher regions – raspberries. In the case when the subterranean waters are closer to the surface, the soils are suitable for growing forage crops or can be used as meadows.Бяха изследвани почвите в защитената местност “ Чинар –дере”, с.Тополово, община Асеновград. За целта бяха взети 4 почвени образци на дълбочина 0-20см от различни територии в местността – под житни, под слънчоглед, под лозе и под естествени ливади. Почвите бяха анализирани по отношение на хумус, механичен състав, сорбционен капацитет, рН във вода и в KCL, обменна киселинност / Н+ и AL3+/. Въз основа на извършените анализи почвите бяха охарактеризирани като делувиални почви / коluvium/ на които успешно могат да се отглеждат много сортове лози, от овощните видове добре се развиват сливи, череши, вишни, орехи, кайсии, праскови. Подходящи са също за отглеждане главно на дребнолистен тютюн, а в по-високите части – и малини. В случаите, когато подпочвените води са по-близко до повърхността, на тези почви могат да се отглеждат редица фуражни култури или да бъдат използвани като ливади

    Using artificial neural networks to solve text classification problems

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    The article is devoted to neural network text classification algorithms. This paper presents the main components of the text classification system, as well as the same problems associated with the use of the architecture of convolutional neural networks. The algorithm for obtaining vector representations of the dictionary is described


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    Goal: The systemic macroeconomic environment is represented by economic and mathematical models that describe basic conditions for transmissions. Transmission mechanisms are formed not only by monetary policy instruments but also by other macroeconomic tools and factors that launch self-organizing processes, in particular, cyclicality and economic growth. Methods: To define such transmissions, the authors used the main macroeconomic models and functions that describe the institutional sectors of the economy; consumption and investment functions; arguments and functions underlying the balance of payments; and identity of national accounts. Results: An example of non-monetary transmissions is the influence of the public sector using the model of monetary and financial markets. The proposed methodological approach can be an economic and mathematical basis for developing software systems focused on forecasting economic dynamics, predicting monetary and financial crises, and managing the development of the national economy


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    Myocardial infarction is the leading cause of death and disability worldwide. Bulgaria has increased the incidence of this disease and the average age is about 50 years old and suffers mostly males. The latest data [4, 8, 9, 10] rehabilitation of these patients reflects favorably on the quality of life. Numerous studies have shown that early conducting of cardiorehabilitation recovery, prevent future vascular incident, improved control of risk factors and improves the quality of life for patients with cardiovascular diseases [1, 5, 6]. It is generally accepted that the basis of the rehabilitation program in patients with AMI and held the PCI are dosed exercise. It includes training, control of risk factors, psychological and social assistance and exercise of low and moderate intensity [2, 3, 7]. Aim of the study is study the effect of the application of a comprehensive program for physical therapy in patients with acute myocardial infarction treated with thrombolysis.  Article visualizations