158 research outputs found

    OFDM-PWM scheme for visible light communications

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    In this paper, we propose an improved hybrid optical orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (O-OFDM) and pulse-width modulation (PWM) scheme for visible light communications. In this scheme, a bipolar O-OFDM signal is converted into a PWM format where the leading and trailing edges convey the frame synchronization and modulated information, respectively. The proposed scheme is insensitive to the non-linearity of the light emitting diode (LED) as LEDs are switched ‘on’ and ‘off’ between two points. Therefore, the tight requirement on the high peak-to-average-power-ratio (PAPR) in O-OFDM is no longer a major issue. The simulation and experimental results demonstrate that the proposed scheme offers an improved bit error rate performance compared to the traditional asymmetrically clipped O-OFDM (ACO-OFDM)


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    The global picture had dramatically changed the lifestyles of Nigerian citizens pushing them into various fast-eating cultures with more instant and tasty meals, and the attendant gradual relegation of our traditional rich eating cultures. Studies were carried in eight Local Government Areas of Nigeria from the four Agro-Ecological Zones (AEZs) namely: moist savanna (Oyo State), humid forest (Lagos State), mid-altitude (Abuja) and dry Savanna (Kaduna State). Stratified multistage sampling technique with structured questionnaires from 1641 respondents and focus group discussions (FGDs) were employed to identify the maize-based dishes consumed and determined the frequency of consumption. The demographic characteristics revealed that 54.8% of the respondents were male. Residents in the rural area were more (56.8%) and majority of the respondents were between the ages of 26-45 years (67.6%), while more Christians (57.88%) participated in the study than any other religion. Results showed that thirty–two maize-based dishes were identified, of which ten were frequently consumed. Ogi was the most popular maize-based dish (73.5%) consumed in the AEZs while corn pudding was the least consumed (28.5%). There were significant differences (p<0.05) in all the sensory attributes measured. The low consumption of majority of the maize-based dishes raises concern for the current campaign on mobilizing local biodiversity which has been reported to be one of the food based intervention strategies for solving nutrition problems among population groups

    Evaluation of Efflux-Mediated Resistance and Biofilm Formation in Virulent Pseudomonas aeruginosa Associated with Healthcare Infections

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    Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a significant pathogen identified with healthcare-associated infections. The present study evaluates the role of biofilm and efflux pump activities in influencing high-level resistance in virulent P. aeruginosa strains in clinical infection. Phenotypic resistance in biotyped Pseudomonas aeruginosa (n = 147) from diagnosed disease conditions was classified based on multiple antibiotic resistance (MAR) indices and analysed with logistic regression for risk factors. Efflux pump activity, biofilm formation, and virulence factors were analysed for optimal association in Pseudomonas infection using receiver operation characteristics (ROC). Agespecificity (OR [CI] = 0.986 [0.946–1.027]), gender (OR [CI] = 1.44 [0.211–9.827]) and infection sources (OR [CI] = 0.860 [0.438–1.688]) were risk variables for multidrug resistance (MDR)-P. aeruginosa infection (p < 0.05). Biofilm formers caused 48.2% and 18.5% otorrhea and wound infections (95% CI = 0.820–1.032; p = 0.001) respectively and more than 30% multidrug resistance (MDR) strains demonstrated high-level efflux pump activity (95% CI = 0.762–1.016; p = 0.001), protease (95% CI = 0.112–0.480; p = 0.003), lipase (95% CI = 0.143–0.523; p = 0.001), and hemolysin (95% CI = 1.109–1.780; p = 0.001). Resistance relatedness of more than 80% and 60% to cell wall biosynthesis inhibitors (ceftazidime, ceffproxil, augumentin, ampicillin) and, DNA translational and transcriptional inhibitors (gentamicin, ciprofloxacin, ofloxacin, nitrofurantoin) were observed (p < 0.05). Strong efflux correlation (r = 0.85, p = 0.034) with MDR strains, with high predictive performances in efflux pump activity (ROC-AUC 0.78), biofilm formation (ROC-AUC 0.520), and virulence hierarchical-clustering. Combine activities of the expressed efflux pump and biofilm formation in MDR-P. aeruginosa pose risk to clinical management and infection control

    Descriptive epidemiology of cholera outbreak in Nigeria, January-November, 2018: implications for the global roadmap strategy

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    Background: The cholera outbreak in 2018 in Nigeria reaffirms its public health threat to the country. Evidence on the current epidemiology of cholera required for the design and implementation of appropriate interventions towards attaining the global roadmap strategic goals for cholera elimination however seems lacking. Thus, this study aimed at addressing this gap by describing the epidemiology of the 2018 cholera outbreak in Nigeria. Methods: This was a retrospective analysis of surveillance data collected between January 1st and November 19th, 2018. A cholera case was defined as an individual aged 2 years or older presenting with acute watery diarrhoea and severe dehydration or dying from acute watery diarrhoea. Descriptive analyses were performed and presented with respect to person, time and place using appropriate statistics. Results: There were 43,996 cholera cases and 836 cholera deaths across 20 states in Nigeria during the outbreak period, with an attack rate (AR) of 127.43/100,000 population and a case fatality rate (CFR) of 1.90%. Individuals aged 15 years or older (47.76%) were the most affected age group, but the proportion of affected males and females was about the same (49.00 and 51.00% respectively). The outbreak was characterised by four distinct epidemic waves, with higher number of deaths recorded in the third and fourth waves. States from the north-west and north-east regions of the country recorded the highest ARs while those from the north-central recorded the highest CFRs. Conclusion: The severity and wide-geographical distribution of cholera cases and deaths during the 2018 outbreak are indicative of an elevated burden, which was more notable in the northern region of the country. Overall, the findings reaffirm the strategic role of a multi-sectoral approach in the design and implementation of public health interventions aimed at preventing and controlling cholera in Nigeri

    Structural and properties of Zn-Al2O3-SiC nano-composite coatings by direct electrolytic process

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    In this paper, Zn-SiC and Zn-Al2O3-SiC composite coating were fabricated by electrodeposition technique from sulfates bath. The resulting composite coating was carried out by adding Al2O3/SiC particulate to a zinc-containing bath. The properties of the composite coating were investigated by SEM equipped with EDS, XRD, and AFM. The electrochemical behavior of the coating alloy was evaluated in 3.65 % NaCl with linear polarization technique and mechanically examined by durascan microhardness tester. The morphology of the thermal treated coatings at 400 °C in 6 h was viewed with high optical microscope (OPM). The results show hardness, thermal stability, and anti-corrosion properties of Zn-Al2O3-SiC were improved significantly as against Zn- SiC coating matrixes. This was attributed to dispersive strengthening effect and grain induced effort of Al2O3/SiC particulate. The decrease in corrosion and thermal stability at 15 g/L of SiC concentration may be as a result of agglomeration and the superimposed particle in the plating bath

    Utilization of nanochitosan in the sterilization of ponds and water treatment for aquaculture

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    Water pollution constitutes the leading cause of infant mortality, neonatal deformities, and shrinkage of man’s average life expectancy. Pollutants come from point and nonpoint sources; and water pollution arises from the discharge of wastewater containing undesirable impurities used for domestic, agricultural, and industrial purposes. More so, high nutrient and wastewater runoffs from fish production systems contribute to the fouling and eutrophication of recipient water bodies. Hence, aquaculture which is inextricably linked to the natural environment is challenged by the dearth of appropriate water quantity and quality, militating against fish, and fishery production. Nanochitosans as polysaccharides produced by the alkalescent deacetylation of chitin, comprise a series of 2-deoxy-2 (acetylamino) glucose linked by ß-(1-4) glycosidic linkages. They are naturally formed from the deacetylation of shellfish shells and exoskeletons of aquatic arthropods and crustaceans. The unique attributes of chitin confer a wide range of biotechnological applications on the polymer, observed in flocculation as a wastewater treatment and purification route initiated by chitosan. This chapter highlights nanochitosan properties of aquaculture relevance; and elucidates the purification potentials of nanochitosan, compared to inorganic coagulants and organic polymeric flocculants. Effects of chitosan on contaminants and microorganisms, as well as applications in fish pathogens detection, fish disease diagnosis, and control are discussed

    Nanochitosan derived from marine bacteria

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    Nanochitosans are polysaccharides produced by the alkalescent deacetylation of chitin and comprise a series of 2-deoxy-2 (acetylamino) glucose linked by ß-(1-4) glycosidic linkages. These are naturally formed from the deacetylation of shellfish shells and the exoskeleton of aquatic arthropods and crustaceans. Reports of chitosan production from unicellular marine bacteria inhabiting the sea, and possessing distinct animal- and plant-like characteristics abound. This capacity to synthesize chitosan from chitin arises from response to stress under extreme environmental conditions, as a means of survival. Consequently, the microencapsulation of these nanocarriers results in new and improved chitosan nanoparticles, nanochitosan. This nontoxic bioactive material which can serve as an antibacterial agent, gene delivery vector as well as carrier for protein and drug release as compared with chitosan, is limited by its nonspecific molecular weight and higher composition of deacetylated chitin. This chapter highlights the biology and diversity of nanochitosan-producing marine bacteria, including the factors influencing their activities, survival, and distribution. More so, the applications of marine bacterial nanochitosans in transfection and gene delivery; wound healing and drug delivery; feed supplement development and antimicrobial activity are discussed

    Assessment of the Performance of Osmotically Driven Polymeric Membrane Processes

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    The universal water scarceness and the extensive ordeals with energy cost in conjunction with the undesirable ecological effects have advanced the improvement of novel osmotically driven membrane processes. Membrane processes which are osmotically driven are developing type of membrane separation procedures that apply concentrated brines to separate liquid streams. They are adaptable in various applications; hence, allow them to be an attractive substitute for drug release, wastewater treatment and the production and recovery of energy. Although, internal concentration polarization (ICP) occurs in membrane practises which are osmotically driven as a consequence of hindered diffusion of solute in a porous stratum, their interest has even increased. Here we review two natural membrane processes that are osmotically driven; Forward osmosis (FO) and Pressure retarded osmosis (PRO). Thus, the major points are as follows: 1) it was highlighted in this review, that the major developments in FO process, important for the process efficiency is to choose a suitable membrane and draw solution. 2) The recent evaluation, understanding and optimizing the activities of fouling throughout the osmotic dilution of seawater employing FO was discussed. 3) Recent advancements of FO in the application of food processing was reviewed. 4) It was highlighted that the main concept of PRO for power generation is the energy of mixing that offers great assessment of the nonexpansion work which could be generated from mixing; nonetheless, the development of effective membranes with appropriate arrangement and performance is needed for the advancement of PRO process for power generation. 5) One major challenge of osmotically driven membrane processes, most recent developments and model development to predict their performances were discussed
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