448 research outputs found

    The Judge-Jury Relationship

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    Effects of Rumensin or Rumensin-Tylan combination on steer performance and liver abscess control

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    Combining Tylan with Rumensin dramatically reduced abscessed liver incidence, compared with that of steers fed a non-medicated control ration or Rumensin without Tylan. Only one steer out of 50 on the Rumensin plus Tylan combination had an abscessed liver, whereas livers from 16 of the control steers and 27 on Rumensin were condemned. There were no significant differences in daily gain among treatments; however, Rumensin plus Tylan improved feed efficiency by 9.4% compared with that of the control. Rumensin alone improved efficiency by 6%

    Single vs. reimplant programs for finishing steers

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    Finishing yearling beef steers were used to compare various implant programs in a 167-day trial. All implant programs increased daily gain ranging from 6.6 to 25.4% over non-implanted controls and improved feed efficiency ranging from .5 to 13.9%. Steers implanted with Ralgro® initially and reimplanted 75 days later with Synovex-S gained the fastest and mos

    Effect of Aureomycin and Rumensin on performance of finishing heifers

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    We used 210 yearling Hereford heifers to evaluate the efficacy of Aureomycin and Rumensin fed alone and in combination. Each product is cleared by the FDA for use in feedlot rations as an individual feed additive, however, additional clearance must be obtained to use the two products in combination in the same ration. Aureomycin effectively controlled live abscessed, and Rumensin improve feed efficiency by 8.7%


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    Chief Justice Calvert: Simple Rules Made Him Great In Memoriam.

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    Reasons for Case Reversal in Texas: A Preface.

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    Effect of water temperature on cattle performance

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    When average outside air temperature was about 40 F, water temperatures of 40, 60, Of\u27 80 F had little effect on water intakes of yearling steers and heifers. In addition, there were no significant differences in average daily feed or efficiency. No electrical energy was required to maintain water at 40 F, and it took about twice as much electricity to maintain water at 80 F instead of 60 F

    Characterization of wetland, forest, and agricultural ecosystems in Belize with airborne radar (AIRSAR)

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    The Shuttle Imaging Radar-C/X-SAR (Synthetic Aperture Radar) Experiment includes the study of wetland dynamics in the seasonal tropics. In preparation for these wetland studies, airborne P, L, and C band radar (AIRSAR) data of Belize, Guatemala, and Mexico acquired by NASA and JPL in March 1990 were analyzed. The first phase of our study focuses on AIRSAR data from the Gallon Jug test site in northwestern Belize, for which ground data were also collected during the three days prior to the overflight. One of the main objectives of the Gallon Jug study is to develop a method for characterizing wetland vegetation types and their flooding status with multifrequency polarimetric radar data