114 research outputs found

    Philippe et Françoise sont-ils mieux appréciés à l’école qu'Illyas et Yasmina ?

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    La problématique des inégalités à l’école nous ramène inévitablement à la question ethnique, question taboue et phénomène qualifié « d’invisible » en France, qui nécessite une démarche scientifique particulière, fondée sur le recours à des indicateurs indirects de l’origine ethnique des élèves tels que la consonance du nom/prénom, plutôt que de l’aborder de manière directe. Des technologies permettant l’assurance de l’anonymat et actionnant ainsi comme un paravent aux identités des élèves constituent un élément susceptible de briser la relation classique maître-élève. Compte tenu de ces nouvelles conditions de travail et d’apprentissages apportées par l’utilisation des technologies, les représentations des enseignants à l’égard des performances des élèves changent-elles ? Est-ce que les éventuels changements des représentations à l’égard des performances des élèves sont dus à l’origine ethnique supposée de l’élève ?The problem of inequality in school brings us inevitably to the ethnic issue, a taboo and a phenomenon described as “invisible” in France. Hence, rather than dealing directly with this very delicate problem an approach based on the use of indirect indicators for the ethnic origin (such as the consonance of the name / first name), is required/preffered. Assuring the anonymity of students and thus operating as a screen to students’ identities, technologies constitute an element able to break the traditional teacher-student relationship. In this new work and learning environment provided by the use of technology some questions rise: Teachers representations on the cognitive potential of students are changing? They are any changes in representations with respect to cognitive performance of students due to the supposed ethnic origin of the student

    Pulmonary edema in chronic hemodialysis hypertensive patient

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    Department of Internal Medicine. Clinical Synthesis, Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, The 8th International Medical Congress for Students and Young Doctors, September 24-26, 2020Background. Cardiovascular diseases including acute pulmonary edema (EPA) are the most common causes of hospitalization in patients with chronic dialysis. Mortality due to pulmonary edema in hemodialysis patients is 10%. EPA's dramatic presentation calls for emergency care, usually in intensive care units. The purpose of this study is to present a chronic hemodialysis hypertensive patient with pulmonary edema. Case report. The 73-year-old patient presented to the Emergency Medicine department with mixed dyspnea pronounced at the minimal effort, productive cough with poor serous expectations, moderate intensity retrosternal pain, headache, general asthenia, paresthesia in the lower limbs. Known from the records of the family doctor with the diagnosis of renal hypertension for 15 years, type II diabetes mellitus, insulin-independent, terminal hemodialysis-dependent renal failure of 9 months. The patient developed the signs of acute pulmonary edema: severe dyspnea at rest, tachypnea, psychomotor agitation, obnoxious consciousness, peripheral cyanosis. The objective examination revealed evidence of alveolar edema. Respiratory frequency was 22 b/min, data of the blood arterial gases were SpO2 - 88%, fraction of inspired oxygen (FiO2) - 21%, partial pressure of O2 in the alveolar gas (pO2) - 27.3 mmHg, the ratio of partial pressure arterial oxygen and fraction of inspired oxygen (pO2/FiO2) - 1.30, partial pressure of oxygen in the arterial blood (PaO2) <60mmHg. The apexian shock in the V left intercostal space, rhythmic cardiac contractions and accentuated A2. Blood pressure was 160/90 mmHg and heart contractions were 76 b/min. Laboratory analyzes showed: anemic syndrome: hemoglobin - 102 g/dl, erythrocytes - 3.45x1012/l, and increased erythrocyte sedimentation rate – 43mm/h. Biochemical examination revealed elevated urea - 30.0 mmol/l and serum creatinine - 1184 mmol/l, hyperkaliemia - 6.0mmol/l. The electrocardiogram recorded sinus rhythm, conduction disturbances: I degree of atrioventricular block and deflected to the left of the electrical axis. Echocardiographic examination revealed: cardiomegaly, wide aortal stenosis, left and right atrium and ventricle dilation, mild concentric left ventricular hypertrophy and preserved left ventricular ejection fraction - 53%. Severe mitral valve valvulopathy III-IV degree, relaxation of the myocardium VS and signs of moderate pulmonary hypertension, increased systolic pressure in the pulmonary artery - 63 mmHg. The patient immediately was transferred to the intensive care unit. Oxygen therapy through continuous positive pressure with nasal catheter (BiPAP) had also been done. Following the treatment administered diuretics, vasodilators, digitalis, antihypertensives, opioid analgesics, the patient's condition improved.Conclusions. The peculiarities of the case study were: acute pulmonary edema in an chronic hemodialysis hypertensive patient. Early treatment should be instituted because it has a fast evolution and resolves without lasting damages

    Electrochemical synthesis of poly-3-aminophenylboronic acid in sulfuric acid solution

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    Sensors based on the complexation of boron groups with diols are an attractive alternative to detection of biologic compounds in particular dopamine. The electropolymerisation of 3- aminophenylboronic acid (APBA) in aqueous solutions on Pt electrodes has been investigated. The obtained poly-3-aminophenylboronic acid is used for the potentiometric detection of dopamine

    Hipertensiunea arterială preexistentă și impactul asupra severității la pacienții cu COVID-19

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    Background. The prevalence of pre-existing hypertension seems to be higher in COVID-19 patients who develop severe disease versus those who do not. Studies have reported hypertension as one of the most common comorbidities (30%) in patients with COVID19, frequently associated with acute respiratory disorders. Objective of the study. The aim of the study was to assess the presence of hypertension and the impact on severity of patients with COVID-19 Material and Methods. We included 92 inpatients (≥18 years old) in a prospective multicentre cohort hospitalized at Municipal Clinical Hospitals No. 1 and No. 3 (Chisinau, Moldova), the diagnosis being confirmed in laboratories specialized in SARS CoV2 RT-PCR detection. Patients were investigated clinically and paraclinically according to WHO Provisional Forms for reporting COVID-19 infection. Results. Of the 92 cases with COVID-19, (mean age 61.51±3.42 years), without gender predominance (men 51.2% determine the vs 48.8% women), 54 (58.69%) reported at least one cardiovascular comorbidities. The rate of hypertension was (34.7%) and predominated compared to the presence of diabetes (13.04%, p <0.001), cerebrovascular disease (8.6% p <0.001) and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (17.3%, p <0.001). Stratification of patients by severity revealed the coexistence of pre-existing hypertension in severe vs. non-severe COVID-19 patients (75.92% vs. 59.78%, respectively, p <0.001), with advanced age (81.23 vs 57.33 years, respectively, p <0.001) and death accounting for 7.61%. Conclusion. The presence of hypertension and advanced age in patients with COVID-19 severity of patients and increased mortality. Introducere. Prevalența hipertensiunii preexistente pare a fi mai mare la pacienții cu COVID-19 care dezvoltă boala severă. Studiile efectuate au raportat hipertensiunea ca una din cele mai frecvente comorbidități (cu o rată de până la 30%) la pacienții cu COVID19, frecvent asociată cu tulburări respiratorii acute. Scopul lucrării. Scopul studiului constă în evaluarea prezenței hipertensiunii arteriale preexistente și a impactului asupra severității pacienților cu COVID-19. Material și Metode. S-au inclus în studiul prospectiv de cohortă multicentrică 92 de pacienți (≥18 ani) cu COVID-19 spitalizați la Spitalele clinice municipale nr.1 și nr.3 din Chișinău, diagnosticul fiind confirmat în laboratoarele specializate, în detecția PCR SARS CoV2. Pacienţii au fost investigaţi clinic şi paraclinic conform formularelor provizorii ale OMS pentru raportarea cazurilor de infecție cu COVID-19. Rezultate. Din cele 92 de cazuri cu COVID-19, (vârsta medie 61, 51 ±3, 42 ani), fără predominare de gen (bărbați 51,2% vs 48,8% femei), 54 (58,69%) au raportat cel puțin o cormobiditate cardiovasculară. Rata hipertensiunii arteriale a fost de (34, 7%) și predomina comparativ cu prezența diabetului zaharat (13, 04%, p< 0,001), bolilor cerebrovasculare (8, 6% p< 0,001) și bolilor pulmonare obstructive cronice (17,3% p< 0,001). Stratificarea pacienților în funcție de severitate a relevat coexistența hipertensiunii arteriale preexistente la pacienții COVID-19 sever vs non-sever (75, 92% vs 59,78%, respectiv, p<0,001) și vârstă înaintată (81,23 vs 57,33 ani, respectiv, p<0,001), decesul constituind 7,61%. Concluzii. Prezența hipertensiunii arteriale preexistente și vârsta înaintată la pacienții cu COVID-19 determină gradul de severitate a pacienților și mortalitatea crescută

    B-type natriuretic peptide significance in patients with chronic renal disease

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    Departamentul Medicină Internă, Disciplina de sinteze clinice USMF „Nicolae Testemițanu”, Chișinău, Republica Moldova, Al VII-lea Congres de Urologie, Dializă și Transplant Renal din Republica Moldova cu participare internațională 19-21 iunie 2019Pentru evaluarea valorii serice a peptidului natriuretic atrial tip B, 66 pacieți cu boală cronică de rinichi, internați în spitalul Sfânta Treime, au fost incluși în studiu. Au fost investigate afectarea renală sau albuminuria cu o durată de cel puțin 3 luni, precum și disfuncția cardiacă. Creșterea valorilor NTproBNP la pacienții cu boală cronică de rinichi și insuiciență cardiacă a fost evidentă, ea iind direct proporțională cu valoarea numerică a fracției de ejecție a ventriculului stâng. Nu au fost determinate corelații directe dintre valorile NTproBNP și variațiile clearance-ului creatininei.In order to evaluate the serum value of B-type natriuretic peptide, 66 patients with chronic renal disease, admitted to Saint Trinity hospital, were enrolled in the study. Renal dysfunction or albuminuria for at least 3 months and cardiac dysfunction have been investigated. The increase of NTproBNP values in patients with chronic renal disease and heart failure was evident, being directly proportional to the numerical value of the left ventricular ejection fraction. No direct correlations were found between the NTproBNP level and the creatinine clearance variation

    Dislipidemia - factor de risc cardiovascular la pacienții hemodializați cronic

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    Universitatea de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie „Nicolae Testemiţanu”, Disciplina de sinteze clinice, Universitatea de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie „Nicolae Testemiţanu”, Disciplina de nefrologie și reumatologieIntroducere: Factorii de risc cardiovascular la pacienții hemodializați cronic prezintă un indice crescut de morbiditate și mortalitate și necesită o evaluare constantă. Scop: investigarea dislipidemiilor la pacienții supuși hemodializei cronice în raport cu alți factori de risc cardiovascular. Materiale și metode : 50 de pacienți cu boală renală în stadiul final, supuși hemodializei cronice. Am studiat parametrii profilului lipidic, concentrația: - colesterolului total (TC), - lipoproteinelor de înaltă densitate (HDL-C), - trigliceridelor (TG), - lipoproteinelor cu densitate mică (LDL-C), Rezultate:Pacienții cu HD au prezentat un profil aterogen marcat. Factorii de risc cardiovascular studiați (sexul, fumatul și diabetul zaharat) au avut un impact semnificativ mai mare la pacienții supuși hemodializei cronice. Concluzii : Pacienții cu hemodializă cronică au prezentat un profil aterogen marcat, predominant diabeticii supuși tratamentului de substituție a funcției renale

    Performance evaluation model of Romanian manufacturing listed companies by fuzzy AHP and TOPSIS

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    We are interested in the hierarchy of the main Romanian companies in the manufacturing industry by considering eight financial and seven non-financial indicators. Thirty three listed companies, that are non-financial institutions, were selected for the study and in order to control the reliability of the data we used the Bucharest Stock Exchange database, official data published by the Romanian Ministry of Public Finance, and the annual reports released by the companies on their websites, collecting information for the years 2011–2015. Because the human thinking is subjective and ambiguous we prefer linguistic variables, converted afterwards in triangular fuzzy numbers, to represent the importance of indicators. Our method involves the calculation of the weights of individual or categories of indicators based on Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process. Then, the level of performance for each company, separately for financial, non-financial and all indicators is obtained by TOPSIS method. We deduce an objective hierarchy of the companies on a rigorous basis, which is however dependent from the choice of indicators and the conversion scale of linguistic variables into triangular fuzzy numbers. Also, following the obtained results we concluded that the overall performance of companies for the analyzed period is significantly influenced by non-financial indicators. First published online 16 April 202