5,254 research outputs found

    Groupoid normalizers of tensor products

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    We consider an inclusion B [subset of or equal to] M of finite von Neumann algebras satisfying B′∩M [subset of or equal to] B. A partial isometry vset membership, variantM is called a groupoid normalizer if vBv*,v*Bv[subset of or equal to] B. Given two such inclusions B<sub>i</sub> [subset of or equal to] M<sub>i</sub>, i=1,2, we find approximations to the groupoid normalizers of [formula] in [formula], from which we deduce that the von Neumann algebra generated by the groupoid normalizers of the tensor product is equal to the tensor product of the von Neumann algebras generated by the groupoid normalizers. Examples are given to show that this can fail without the hypothesis [formula], i=1,2. We also prove a parallel result where the groupoid normalizers are replaced by the intertwiners, those partial isometries vset membership, variantM satisfying vBv*[subset of or equal to] B and v*v,vv*[set membership, variant] B

    Full-wave simulations of electromagnetic cloaking structures

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    Based on a coordinate transformation approach, Pendry {\it et al.} have reported electromagnetically anisotropic and inhomogeneous shells that, in theory, completely shield an interior structure of arbitrary size from electromagnetic fields without perturbing the external fields. We report full-wave simulations of the cylindrical version of this cloaking structure using ideal and nonideal (but physically realizable) electromagnetic parameters in an effort to understand the challenges of realizing such a structure in practice. The simulations indicate that the performance of the electromagnetic cloaking structure is not especially sensitive to modest permittivity and permeability variations. This is in contrast to other applications of engineered electromagnetic materials, such as subwavelength focusing using negative refractive index materials. The cloaking performance degrades smoothly with increasing loss, and effective low-reflection shielding can be achieved with a cylindrical shell composed of an eight (homogeneous) layer approximation of the ideal continuous medium

    An allometry-based approach for understanding forest structure, predicting tree-size distribution and assessing the degree of disturbance

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    Tree-size distribution is one of the most investigated subjects in plant population biology. The forestry literature reports that tree-size distribution trajectories vary across different stands and/or species, while the metabolic scaling theory suggests that the tree number scales universally as -2 power of diameter. Here, we propose a simple functional scaling model in which these two opposing results are reconciled. Basic principles related to crown shape, energy optimization and the finite size scaling approach were used to define a set of relationships based on a single parameter, which allows us to predict the slope of the tree-size distributions in a steady state condition. We tested the model predictions on four temperate mountain forests. Plots (4 ha each, fully mapped) were selected with different degrees of human disturbance (semi-natural stands vs. formerly managed). Results showed that the size distribution range successfully fitted by the model is related to the degree of forest disturbance: in semi-natural forests the range is wide, while in formerly managed forests, the agreement with the model is confined to a very restricted range. We argue that simple allometric relationships, at individual level, shape the structure of the whole forest community.Comment: 22 pages, 4 figure


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    The increase of the enterprise competitiveness in the enlarged European Union imposes, firstly, a good knowledge of the competitiveness factors and a pragmatic rigorous valuation of the competitiveness at the micro level (cluster, firm, business, and product), in correlation with the competitiveness at the macro level (continent, country, and region) and the mezzo level (county, zone, and locality). New concepts, models and methods have been analysed and developed in this field: the competitiveness typology; the competitiveness metaperformances (flexibility, value, liquidity, efficiency) and factors at the micro level; the competitive capacity of enterprises; integrated valuations of the competitiveness (value in the market/segment/niche, competitiveness profile, score)

    Fine frequency shift of sigle vortex entrance and exit in superconducting loops

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    The heat capacity CpC_{p} of an array of independent aluminum rings has been measured under an external magnetic field H\vec{H} using highly sensitive ac-calorimetry based on a silicon membrane sensor. Each superconducting vortex entrance induces a phase transition and a heat capacity jump and hence CpC_{p} oscillates with H\vec{H}. This oscillatory and non-stationary behaviour measured versus the magnetic field has been studied using the Wigner-Ville distribution (a time-frequency representation). It is found that the periodicity of the heat capacity oscillations varies significantly with the magnetic field; the evolution of the period also depends on the sweeping direction of the field. This can be attributed to a different behavior between expulsion and penetration of vortices into the rings. A variation of more than 15% of the periodicity of the heat capacity jumps is observed as the magnetic field is varied. A description of this phenomenon is given using an analytical solution of the Ginzburg-Landau equations of superconductivity

    Equivalence-based Security for Querying Encrypted Databases: Theory and Application to Privacy Policy Audits

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    Motivated by the problem of simultaneously preserving confidentiality and usability of data outsourced to third-party clouds, we present two different database encryption schemes that largely hide data but reveal enough information to support a wide-range of relational queries. We provide a security definition for database encryption that captures confidentiality based on a notion of equivalence of databases from the adversary's perspective. As a specific application, we adapt an existing algorithm for finding violations of privacy policies to run on logs encrypted under our schemes and observe low to moderate overheads.Comment: CCS 2015 paper technical report, in progres