211 research outputs found

    The French-American Relationship, its Impact on the UN and the Reshaping of International Intervention 1990-2011

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    The relationship between the us and France has profoundly affected the process of international intervention, use of force and humanitarian actions in the conflicts across the world since 1990. Military interventions and decision making in international affairs has been the result of the balance of powers inside the UN Security Council from the end of the Cold War onwards. From the peak of 9/11 to the low of the Iraq war the French-American relations have constantly kept the international agenda alive. With the changes in both the US and French administrations in the past 4 years, with the overall EU dynamic, as well as with the developments in MENA (Middle East-North Africa) in recent months, the interaction between those two main actors of the trans-Atlantic partnership, has gained new dimensions. The present paper attempts to analyze the consequences of the French-American relations of the past 2 decades on the UN system and on the legitimacy of international interventions

    Enseñanza biblioteconómica en el marco de la universidad «Transilvania» de Brasov-Rumanía

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    El propósito del artículo es presentar brevemente la especialidad Bibliología- Museología del Colegio Universitario en el marco de la Universidad «TRANSILVANIA» de Brasov-Rumania. Se analiza el plano de estudios y se centra en el Laboratorio de Bibliología realizado por medio del proyecto COLLIMUS haciendo resaltar el centro de investigación bibliográfica para aportar mejoramientos al proceso de enseñanza y enriquecer la cooperación nacional e internacional.The aim of this article is to give a brief introduction to the specialization Library Science- Museum Studies at the University College within the framework of the «Transilvania» University of Brasov, Rumania. The curriculum is analyzed focusing on the Laboratory of Library Science set up by means of the COLLIMUS (College of Library Science and Museum Studies) Project. The role of the Center for Bibliographical Research in bringing improvements to the teaching process and enriching national and international cooperation is highlighted

    The Influence of Language on the Collective Perception of Alterity: A Study on the Image of Turks in the Greek Media and the Potential for Education

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    Abstract‘Eat your food, child, or else the Turk will come and take you away’. This is a common Greek stereotype about the Turks, illustrating them as bogeyman. But why Greeks have a bad image of their eastern neighbors? The present study has its source of inspiration in a wider research we are currently undergoing, related to the Greek-Turkish relations in the second half of the 20th century and the stereotypes about the Turkish people, promoted by the Greek media. In this paper we aim at remonstrating that the Greek press reinforces ethnic categorization and stereotypes during the bilateral crises, thus cultivating a negative image of the neighbor

    Teaching English as a Foreign Language in Romanian Primary Education

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    AbstractThis paper aims at briefly outlining recent European trends in foreign language teaching and, from this perspective, to analyze current curricular documents that regulate foreign/English language teaching in Romanian primary education, in order to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the ongoing programs. In addition, based on the findings of our analysis, the paper further investigates the situation of teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) in Romanian primary education by conducting 7 stakeholders interviews (three teachers, two parents and two students) so as to attempt to describe the state of things and, if necessary, to suggest some improvement guidelines

    Voies de signalisation activées par les cristaux d'urate monosodique dans les neutrophiles humains

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    Les polymorphonucléaires neutrophiles sont les principales cellules effectrices du système immunitaire inné. Les cristaux d'urate monosodique sont l'agent étiologique de l'arthrite goutteuse. L'interaction directe entre les neutrophiles humains et les cristaux d'UMS est essentielle pour le déclenchement de la crise de goutte aiguë. Le principal objectif de ce projet de recherche est d'identifier les voies de signalisation activées par les cristaux d'UMS et de caractériser leurs fonctions dans les réponses des neutrophiles humains

    The most westward European occurrence point for Dreissena bugensis (Andrusov 1897)

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    The occurence of Dreissena bugensis (Andrusov 1897) from the Romanian Danube is reported. This represents the most westward occurrence point of quagga mussel in Europe

    Preliminary Investigation of Experimental Research on Savory (Satureja hortensis L.) In Vitro Modeling Possibility Using the Calogenesis Technique

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    Investigating the possibilities for in vitro plant modeling by using the calogenesis technique is one of the ways to exploit cell plasticity – the vegetable type, which plant biotechnology now offers an alternative for obtaining biomass as a source of raw material in various industries. One of the known plants cultivated by humans since ancient time, and recognized in the contemporary period as a dedicated source of plant material for different industries, because it has properties that recommend its use in food, medicine and beekeeping, is savory (Satureja hortensis L.). Our preliminary experimental research aimed at investigating the possibility of in vitro modeling of savory (Satureja hortensis L.) by using the calogenesis technique. This paper presents the experimental results which have been achieved by investigating the possibility of practical achievement, both by establishing aseptic cultures using savory (Satureja hortensis L.) seeds, and also by in vitro modeling of savory (Satureja hortensis L.) explants, considering the leaf, cotyledon, epicotyl, hypocotyl and radicle, in under to obtain callus by the influence of exogenous phytohormones (BA, TDZ and 2,4-D)