31 research outputs found

    Seasonal Variation in the Length-Weight Relationships and Condition Factor of Four Commercially Important Sea Cucumbers Species from Karachi Coast- Northern Arabian Sea

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    Length-weight relationships and condition assessment are a common practice in fisheries analyses; however, such information is unknown for most sea cucumber species. The present study investigated length-weight relationships and relative condition indices of four commercially important sea cucumbers: Holothuria arenicola, Holothuria atra, Holothuria pardalis and Holothuria verrucosa. Additionally, the seasonal variations obtained between three climatic seasons (pre-monsoon, monsoon and post-monsoon) were analyzed. The results showed that the four species grow allometrically, with negative allometric b values ranging from 0.84 to 1.74. There were significant differences of length-weight relationships between climatic seasons for H. arenicola and H. atra. The lower b values were observed during post-monsoon and the higher b values during monsoon in three of the four species. During the post-monsoon, the condition of the bigger individuals of H. arenicola and H. atra was lower than that of the small individuals. The differences in length-weight relationships of H. pardalis and H. verrucosa were not significant between climatic events. The higher temperatures occurred during monsoon and the lower during post-monsoon, but these data only showed a significant correlation with the relative condition factor of H. arenicola. Best condition of the individuals of H. arenicola occurred at temperatures between 22 to 31°C. Studies about environmental variables and characteristics of the substratum type are necessary in order to complement the understanding of the length-weight relationships and condition of these species

    Hábitos alimenticios de Floridichthys polyommus Hubbs, 1936 (Pisces: Cyprinodontidae) en dos sistemas lagunares costeros

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    The feeding habits of Floridichthys polyommus (Pisces: Cyprinodontidae) were determined and compared spatially and seasonally between two coastal lagoon systems in Yucatan Peninsula. A total of 445 and 561 stomach contents were analyzed from the lagoons of Puerto Viejo (Quintana Roo) and Chelem (Yucatan), respectively. This specie presents a wide trophic generalization, including 126 alimentary items in Puerto Viejo and 80 in Chelem. It consumes basically microcrustaceans, phytoplankton, and macrophytes. However, trophic preferences were different spatially and seasonally between both systems. In Puerto Viejo F. polyommus feeds on microcrustaceans, whereas in Chelem it consumes phytoplankton. Considering its trophic ontogenetic variation, smaller individuals preyed on microcrustaceans and the larger ones on phytoplankton or macrophytes. In Puerto Viejo, microcrustaceans were the principal and more abundant food during the dry season (35.1%), while during the rainy and cold seasons phytoplankton was the most representative item. Phytoplankton was always the most abundant food in Chelem all year long, with an increase in the dry season (51.6%). Spatial and seasonal trophic variation between both lagoons can be related to the food components availability in each system and to hydrological variability for each season of the year.Se determinaron y compararon espacial y estacionalmente los hábitos alimenticios de Floridichthys polyommus (Pisces: Cyprinodontidae) en dos sistemas lagunares de la península de Yucatán. Se analizaron los contenidos estomacales de 445 y 561 ejemplares correspondientes a las lagunas de Puerto Viejo (Quintana Roo) y Chelem (Yucatán), respectivamente. Esta especie presenta una amplia generalización trófica, incluyendo en su dieta 126 componentes alimenticios en Puerto Viejo y 80 en Chelem. Consume principalmente microcrustáceos, fitoplancton y macrófitas. Sin embargo, las preferencias alimenticias fueron diferentes entre ambos sistemas, tanto espacial como estacionalmente. En Puerto Viejo F. polyommus es un consumidor de microcrustáceos, mientras que en Chelem es fitoplanctófago. Considerando su variación trófica ontogenética, los ejemplares de menor talla se alimentaron principalmente de microcrustáceos y los más grandes de fitoplancton o macrófitas. En Puerto Viejo, esta especie consume principalmente microcrustáceos (35.1%) durante la época de secas, mientras que en lluvias y nortes, el fitoplancton es el más representativo. Este último grupo trófico fue en Chelem el de mayor abundancia durante las tres épocas del año y su valor se incrementó en la época de secas (51.6%). La variación trófica espacial y estacional entre ambas lagunas puede relacionarse con la disponibilidad de los recursos alimenticios en cada sistema, así como con los cambios hidrológicos en cada época climática

    Comunidades educativas saludables : prácticas pedagógicas en Colombia y México

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    134 páginas : imágenes ; 28 cm.Los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible 2030 (ODS) tienen como propósito reconocer que las intervenciones en un área, afectarán los resultados de otras y el desarrollo debe equilibrar la sostenibilidad medioambiental, económica y social. Una de esas áreas es la Educación, cuyo objetivo es el de “Garantizar una educación inclusiva, equitativa y de calidad y promover oportunidades de aprendizaje durante toda la vida para todos”. En este sentido, el Gobierno de Colombia, establece una serie de programas y políticas para los próximos años como una oportunidad clave para generar transformaciones y dar impulso político a temas de interés local, regional nacional e internacional que permitan mejorar la calidad de vida de todos los colombianos. En concordancia, la Fundación Universitaria del Área Andina como una institución educativa de carácter humanista y social, refleja en sus prácticas académicas, la cultura institucional, el énfasis formativo y el compromiso con el entorno, mediante la transformación de su contexto, el aprendizaje constante y en coherencia con su misión institucional.Introducción. -- Higienización de manos en comunidades escolares: educación para la salud. -- Educomunicación para la prevención de enfermedades zoonóticas en primarias de Yucatán, México. -- Propuesta didáctica dirigida a la promoción de educación para la salud en adolescentes. -- Educación para la salud: experiencias de intervención en Yucatán, México

    Seed germination of four amaranth species (Amaranthus spp.)

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    Amaranth (Amarantus spp.) is an important species for its benefits in human and animal nutrition, therefore, the reproduction of these species is important, supported by rigorous experiments that generate quality information. Consequently, the present work aimed to determine the germination of 20 accessions of four species of Amaranthus spp. This was carried out at the Technological Institute of Chiná, Campeche, Mexico, with seeds donated by The North Central Regional Plant Introduction Station (NCRPIS), Iowa State University, from Africa, Asia, Greece, South America, USA, and Mexico. The seeds were weighed and measured, then they were sown in Petri dishes and kept in a germination chamber at 27 ºC and a relative humidity of 54 % in the dark, every 24 hours the germinated seeds were counted and removed. The analyzes were performed using the ANOVA test to identify differences in weight, length and germination between accessions. The results did not show statistical differences in seed length, between species or between accessions, with respect to weight if there were statistical differences both between species and between accessions. The results showed that A. hypochondriacus from India had the highest weight (0.00093 ± 0.000075 g). Germination did obtain statistical differences in the different evaluation times, at 24 and 48 hours, where the highest germination was in the species A. hypochondriacus and A cruentus. Therefore, it is concluded that seed germination is different in each species and accession.Amaranthus (Amaranthus spp.) is a species of great importance that benefits human and animal nutrition; therefore, its reproduction must be based on useful information obtained from rigorous experiments. Consequently, the aim of this work was to determine the germination of 20 accessions from four Amaranthus spp. The work was carried out at the Instituto Tecnológico de Chiná, Campeche, Mexico, using seeds from Africa, Asia, Greece, South America, the US, and Mexico, donated by The North Central Regional Plant Introduction Station (NCRPIS), Iowa State University. After they were weighed and measured, the seeds were placed in Petri dishes and kept in the dark inside a germination chamber, at 27 ºC and with a 54% relative humidity. Germinated seeds were counted and removed every 24 hours. The analyses were carried out using the ANOVA test in order to identify weight, length, and germination differences between accessions. The results showed no statistical differences in seed length, neither between species nor accessions; however, there were statistical differences in the weight, both between species and between accessions. A. hypochondriacus from India recorded the highest weight (0.00093 ± 0.000075 g). Regarding germination, there were statistical differences between the various evaluation periods (24 and 48 hours): the highest germination was recorded by A. hypochondriacus and A cruentus. Therefore, the following conclusion was reached: seed germination is different between species and accessions

    Nuevos registros de aves con anormalidad pigmentaria en México y propuesta de clave dicotómica para la identificación de casos

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    Las anormalidades pigmentarias en aves han adquirido mayor importancia e interés entre la comunidad ornitológica; sin em- bargo, resulta necesario contar con una herramienta de diagnóstico apropiada que brinde los criterios para lograr un sistema de identificación entre los distintos tipos de anormalidades. Para ello, proponemos una clave dicotómica para su identificación en campo con base en terminología obtenida de literatura especializada y una asociación de caracteres fenotípicos de aves. También, reportamos la presencia de anormalidades pigmentarias en la coloración corporal y de plumaje de cinco especies de aves que han sido observadas de forma ocasional en áreas perturbadas por impacto antropogénico en Tamaulipas, México: melanismo en la tortolita mexicana (Columbina inca), aberración ino en la paloma turca (Streptopelia decaocto), aberración ino en el correcaminos norteño (Geococcyx californianus), leucismo parcial en el pijuy (Crotophaga sulcirostris) y leucismo parcial en el tordo de ojo rojo (Molothrus aeneus). Las evidencias de casos actuales sugieren un aparente aumento de especies en vida libre con variación en la pigmentación. Las causas que lo provocan aún son discutibles, por lo cual, relacionar qué factores naturales o artificiales están involucrados en estos padecimientos podrá contribuir a determinar su origen y detectar problemas a nivel de poblaciones. La clave dicotómica propuesta en la identificación de anormalidades pigmentarias puede ser una herramienta continua en contextos modernos, si se unifica la terminología empleada

    Bioeconomic modeling for a small-scale sea cucumber fishery in Yucatan, Mexico

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    <div><p>Due to the heavy exploitation of holothurians over the last few decades, it is necessary to implement fishing regulations aimed at reversing this situation. Holothurians require specific regulations that take into account their biology and ecology. Their behavior to group and form patches as a strategy for feeding, defense and reproduction, makes them vulnerable to overfishing. The higher the population density, the higher the catchability coefficient, and because they are sedentary organisms, the catchability does not change significantly until the density is very low. Hence, the stock assessment of holothurians can be improved by analyzing their spatial distribution. This paper proposes a stock assessment technique that considers the spatial distribution pattern of the sea cucumber <i>Isostichopus badionotus</i> from Yucatan, Mexico. A bioeconomic spatial model was developed to explain the interactions between fishing effort allocation, quasi-profits and the population in the short term. Because of the high price of the species and the low production costs, artisanal fishers preferred to maximize short-term quasi-profits, rather than the long-term benefits they could gain with low fishing mortality rates.</p></div

    Trajectories of density (<i>D</i>) predicted by the dynamic bioeconomic model.

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    <p>Trajectories of density (<i>D</i>) predicted by the dynamic bioeconomic model for each of the eight density levels in patch <i>a</i>. All densities converge at 0.05 (±0.01) individuals m<sup>-2</sup> in August. The images at the bottom show the spatial arrangement of density from April to September (on the first day of each month).</p

    Total abundance of <i>I</i>. <i>badionotus</i> and cumulative catch trajectories depicted by the bioeconomic simulation model.

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    <p>Total sea cucumber abundance and cumulative catch trajectories reproduced by the bioeconomic simulation model (depletion model) for patch <i>a</i>. The blue dots show the observed abundance calculated using the ordinary kriging technique, on 31 March 2013 and five months later (26 August 2013).</p