6 research outputs found

    Повернення в Ніжин (корпус документів з епістолярію І.Г. Спаського)

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    Підготовка до друку та переднє слово Наталії ДМИТРЕНКО (Ніжин), коментарі Сергія ЗОЗУЛІ (Київ–Ніжин): Уперше вводиться до наукового обігу корпус джерел з епістолярію українського та російського радянського історика-нумізмата, музейника І.Г. Спаського. Корпус джерел який містить кореспонденцію, отриману відомим науковцем від кореспондентів-ніжинців, і де, здебільшого, відображена “ніжинська тематика” – проблеми збереження культурної спадщини Ніжина, післявоєнного розвитку міста тощо.Подготовка к печати и предисловие Наталии ДМИТРЕНКО (Нежин), комментарии Сергея ЗОЗУЛИ (Киев–Нежин): Впервые вводится в научный оборот корпус источников из эпистолярия украинского и российского советского историка-нумизмата, музейщика И.Г. Спасского. Корпус источников содержит корреспонденцию, полученную известным ученым от корреспондентов-нежинцев, и в котором преимущественно отображена “нежинская тематика” – проблемы сохранения культурного наследия Нежина, послевоенного развития города и т.п.Preparation to the print and preface of Nataliya DMYTRENKO (Nizhyn), comments of Serhiy ZOZULYA (Kyiv–Nizhyn): The corps of sources from the epistolary legacy of the Ukrainian and Russian soviet historiannumismatist and museum worker I.G. Spas’kiy is entered to the scientific appeal in the first time. This corps of sources contains correspondence got the known scientist from Nizhynians and contains mostly “Nizhyn themes” – problems of protect of Nizhyn’s cultural legacy, post-war development of this town etc

    Management of post-acute COVID-19 patients in geriatric rehabilitation: EuGMS guidance

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    Purpose To describe a guidance on the management of post-acute COVID 19 patients in geriatric rehabilitation. Methods The guidance is based on guidelines for post-acute COVID-19 geriatric rehabilitation developed in the Netherlands, updated with recent insights from literature, related guidance from other countries and disciplines, and combined with experiences from experts in countries participating in the Geriatric Rehabilitation Special Interest Group of the European Geriatric Medicine Society. Results This guidance for post-acute COVID-19 rehabilitation is divided into a section addressing general recommendations for geriatric rehabilitation and a section addressing specific processes and procedures. The Sect. "General recommendations for geriatric rehabilitation" addresses: (1) general requirements for post-acute COVID-19 rehabilitation and (2) critical aspects for quality assurance during COVID-19 pandemic. The Sect. "Specific processes and procedures", addresses the following topics: (1) patient selection; (2) admission; (3) treatment; (4) discharge; and (5) follow-up and monitoring. Conclusion Providing tailored geriatric rehabilitation treatment to post-acute COVID-19 patients is a challenge for which the guidance is designed to provide support. There is a strong need for additional evidence on COVID-19 geriatric rehabilitation including developing an understanding of risk profiles of older patients living with frailty to develop individualised treatment regimes. The present guidance will be regularly updated based on additional evidence from practice and research.Key summary pointsAim To describe a guidance on the management of post-acute COVID 19 patients in geriatric rehabilitation. Findings This guidance addresses general requirements for post-acute COVID-19 geriatric rehabilitation and critical aspects for quality assurance during the COVID-19 pandemic. Furthermore, the guidance describes relevant care processes and procedures divided in five topics: patient selection; admission; treatment; discharge; and follow-up and monitoring. Message This guidance is designed to provide support to care professionals involved in the geriatric rehabilitation treatment of post-acute COVID-19 patients.Public Health and primary careGeriatrics in primary car

    Handover structure and quality in the acute medical assessment unit: a prospective observational study.

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    Objectives: Inadequate patient handovers are associated with the occurrence of medical errors. The objective of the present study was to explore the structure and quality of handovers in the acute medical assessment unit. Methods: A prospective observational study was conducted in an academic hospital in the Netherlands. Handover structure was observed by ordering handover information according to the elements of the Situation, Background, Assessment, Recommendation, and Read back (SBAR-R) handover tool. Handover quality was measured by means of a questionnaire, i.e., the rating tool for handover quality, and by assessing situation awareness of the degree to which professionals after a handover agreed on the complexity of the patient's care needs. Results: A total of 71 handovers were observed. In most handovers, different elements of the SBAR-R were used frequently (median, 7.5 elements; range, 2.0–15.0). On the quality of handovers, 109 respondents (44.1%) completed the questionnaire. On a 0-to-100 scale, median scores on information transfer were 67.9 (interquartile range [IQR],17.9), 75.0 (IQR, 25.0) on shared understanding, and 75.0 (IQR, 16.7) on working atmosphere. Agreement in situation awareness was 70.0%. Conclusions: Handovers in the acute medical assessment unit were poorly structured; however, the perceived quality of handovers was substantial. Implementing the SBAR-R may be an effective strategy to improve handover practice and situation awareness, although further study to its applicability in acute medical assessment units is necessary

    Exploring perinatal shift-to-shift handover communication and process: an observational study.

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    Rationale, aims and objectives: Loss of situation awareness (SA) by health professionals during handover is a major threat to patient safety in perinatal care. SA refers to knowing what is going on around. Adequate handover communication and process may support situation assessment, a precursor of SA. This study describes current practices and opinions of perinatal handover to identify potential improvements. Methods: Structured direct observations of shift-to-shift patient handovers (n = 70) in an academic perinatal setting were used to measure handover communication (presence and order of levels of SA: current situation, background, assessment and recommendation) and process (duration, interruptions/distractions, eye contact, active inquiry and reading information back). Afterwards, receivers' opinions of handover communication (n = 51) were measured by means of a questionnaire. Results: All levels of SA were present in 7% of handovers, the current situation in 86%, the background in 99%, an assessment in 24% and a recommendation in 46%. In 77% of handovers the background was mentioned first, followed by the current situation. Forty-four per cent of handovers took 2 minutes or more per patient. In 52% distractions occurred, in 43% there was no active inquiry, in 32% no eye contact and in 97% information was not read back. The overall mean of the receivers' opinions of handover communication was 4.1 (standard deviation ± 0.7; scale 1–5, where 5 is excellent). Conclusions: Perinatal handovers are currently at risk for inadequate situation assessment because of variability and limitations in handover communication and process. However, receivers' opinions of handover communication were very positive, indicating a lack of awareness of patient safety threats during handover. Therefore, the staff's awareness of current limitations should be raised, for example through video reflection or simulation training. (aut.ref.

    Management of post-acute COVID-19 patients in geriatric rehabilitation: EuGMS guidance

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    Purpose To describe a guidance on the management of post-acute COVID 19 patients in geriatric rehabilitation. Methods The guidance is based on guidelines for post-acute COVID-19 geriatric rehabilitation developed in the Netherlands, updated with recent insights from literature, related guidance from other countries and disciplines, and combined with experiences from experts in countries participating in the Geriatric Rehabilitation Special Interest Group of the European Geriatric Medicine Society. Results This guidance for post-acute COVID-19 rehabilitation is divided into a section addressing general recommendations for geriatric rehabilitation and a section addressing specific processes and procedures. The Sect. "General recommendations for geriatric rehabilitation" addresses: (1) general requirements for post-acute COVID-19 rehabilitation and (2) critical aspects for quality assurance during COVID-19 pandemic. The Sect. "Specific processes and procedures", addresses the following topics: (1) patient selection; (2) admission; (3) treatment; (4) discharge; and (5) follow-up and monitoring. Conclusion Providing tailored geriatric rehabilitation treatment to post-acute COVID-19 patients is a challenge for which the guidance is designed to provide support. There is a strong need for additional evidence on COVID-19 geriatric rehabilitation including developing an understanding of risk profiles of older patients living with frailty to develop individualised treatment regimes. The present guidance will be regularly updated based on additional evidence from practice and research.Key summary pointsAim To describe a guidance on the management of post-acute COVID 19 patients in geriatric rehabilitation. Findings This guidance addresses general requirements for post-acute COVID-19 geriatric rehabilitation and critical aspects for quality assurance during the COVID-19 pandemic. Furthermore, the guidance describes relevant care processes and procedures divided in five topics: patient selection; admission; treatment; discharge; and follow-up and monitoring. Message This guidance is designed to provide support to care professionals involved in the geriatric rehabilitation treatment of post-acute COVID-19 patients