200 research outputs found

    Market Sampling of Landings of Commercial Fish Species in the Netherlands in 2002

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    This report contains information on the biological sampling for the market sampling program: which species are sampled, how they were caught, when and where the samples are taken (date and position), how many fish have been measured, how many fish have been aged, etc. The report gives an overview of all the biological sampling activities in 2002 by RIVO on the landings of the commercial important species of herring, mackerel, horse mackerel, blue whiting, greater argentine, sole, plaice, turbot, brill, dab, lemon sole, cod, whiting, Norway lobster and four different species of rays from all ICES areas. This biological sampling took place on landings by both the Dutch fleet as well as foreign fleets landing in the Netherlands. In addition this report contains information on the biological samples collected during research vessel surveys and discard trips both on commercial and non-commercial species

    How MicroRNA and Transcription Factor Co-regulatory Networks Affect Osteosarcoma Cell Proliferation

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    Osteosarcomas (OS) are complex bone tumors with various genomic alterations. These alterations affect the expression and function of several genes due to drastic changes in the underlying gene regulatory network. However, we know little about critical gene regulators and their functional consequences on the pathogenesis of OS. Therefore, we aimed to determine microRNA and transcription factor (TF) co-regulatory networks in OS cell proliferation. Cell proliferation is an essential part in the pathogenesis of OS and deeper understanding of its regulation might help to identify potential therapeutic targets. Based on expression data of OS cell lines divided according to their proliferative activity, we obtained 12 proliferation-related microRNAs and corresponding target genes. Therewith, microRNA and TF co-regulatory networks were generated and analyzed regarding their structure and functional influence. We identified key co-regulators comprising the microRNAs miR-9-5p, miR-138, and miR-214 and the TFs SP1 and MYC in the derived networks. These regulators are implicated in NFKB- and RB1-signaling and focal adhesion processes based on their common or interacting target genes (e.g., CDK6, CTNNB1, E2F4, HES1, ITGA6, NFKB1, NOTCH1, and SIN3A). Thus, we proposed a model of OS cell proliferation which is primarily co-regulated through the interactions of the mentioned microRNA and TF combinations. This study illustrates the benefit of systems biological approaches in the analysis of complex diseases. We integrated experimental data with publicly available information to unravel the coordinated (post)-transcriptional control of microRNAs and TFs to identify potential therapeutic targets in OS. The resulting microRNA and TF co-regulatory networks are publicly available for further exploration to generate or evaluate own hypotheses of the pathogenesis of OS (http://www.complex-systems.uni-muenster.​de/co_networks.html)

    Structuring osteosarcoma knowledge: an osteosarcoma-gene association database based on literature mining and manual annotation

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    Osteosarcoma (OS) is the most common primary bone cancer exhibiting high genomic instability. This genomic instability affects multiple genes and microRNAs to a varying extent depending on patient and tumor subtype. Massive research is ongoing to identify genes including their gene products and microRNAs that correlate with disease progression and might be used as biomarkers for OS. However, the genomic complexity hampers the identification of reliable biomarkers. Up to now, clinico-pathological factors are the key determinants to guide prognosis and therapeutic treatments. Each day, new studies about OS are published and complicate the acquisition of information to support biomarker discovery and therapeutic improvements. Thus, it is necessary to provide a structured and annotated view on the current OS knowledge that is quick and easily accessible to researchers of the field. Therefore, we developed a publicly available database and Web interface that serves as resource for OS-associated genes and microRNAs. Genes and microRNAs were collected using an automated dictionary-based gene recognition procedure followed by manual review and annotation by experts of the field. In total, 911 genes and 81 microRNAs related to 1331 PubMed abstracts were collected (last update: 29 October 2013). Users can evaluate genes and microRNAs according to their potential prognostic and therapeutic impact, the experimental procedures, the sample types, the biological contexts and microRNA target gene interactions. Additionally, a pathway enrichment analysis of the collected genes highlights different aspects of OS progression. OS requires pathways commonly deregulated in cancer but also features OS-specific alterations like deregulated osteoclast differentiation. To our knowledge, this is the first effort of an OS database containing manual reviewed and annotated up-to-date OS knowledge. It might be a useful resource especially for the bone tumor research community, as specific information about genes or microRNAs is quick and easily accessible. Hence, this platform can support the ongoing OS research and biomarker discovery

    Pedelec users get more severely injured compared to conventional cyclists

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    Background For years e-bike (Pedelec) sales have been steadily increasing. Therefore, the incidence of e-bike-related injuries and deaths has been growing. Due to clinical experience, emergency personnel are suspecting that e-bikers might be injured more severely compared to conventional bicyclists suffering from an accident. This topic has not yet been analyzed for Germany. Objective Analysis of injury severity and mortality following e-bike and conventional bicycle accidents in a level I trauma center in Germany. Material and methods Data of patients treated after a bicycle accident at the accident and emergency department as well as the clinic for traumatology and orthopedics of the Evangelical Hospital (Evangelisches Krankenhaus) Oldenburg were gathered from 1 March 2017 to 1 March 2019. Results In this study 59 electric bicycle users (e-bikers) and 164 conventional cyclists were included. The average age of e-bikers was 62 years compared to 48 years in the group of conventional cyclists. Comorbidities were significantly more frequent in the e-bike group compared to classical cyclists. The e-bikers were found to be significantly more severely injured than conventional bicyclists, the mean injury severity scores (ISS) were 5.2 and 3.4, respectively. E-bikers were admitted to the hospital more often and for longer periods than the control group. There was no significant difference in mortality. Conclusion E-bikers are more severely injured in accidents compared to conventional cyclists. Due to older age and comorbidity they form a sensitive trauma subgroup. Based on demographics, an increase of old age, more frail cyclists and a growing incidence of serious e-bike accidents is to be expected. Preventive measures, such as helmet usage and riding lessons should be introduced, especially in e-bikers. E-bikers in the emergency department should be examined and treated with special care and aggressive diagnostics. A low threshold for an initial interdisciplinary assessment (shock room management) is advised

    Deliverable 1.3: The economics of technological innovations to mitigate ecosystem effects of fishing: the pulse trawl in the North Sea

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    In this study we focused on the mitigation of the benthic impacts of the beam trawl fisheries for sole through the use of electricity as a technological innovation (pulse trawls replacing traditional beam trawl) and particularly on the economics of the gear transition. We identify drivers that probably influenced the technological change and got insight in the factors that may promote or hamper the use pulse trawl. The studies show that the pulse trawl is economically more profitable than the traditional beam trawl when targeting sole. This is particularly true when fuel prices are high and also when the landing obligation is implemented (because the catch is more selective). In the Dutch fishery, the wages of the crew operating with pulse are also higher which probably explain the support that the pulse trawl received from the crew. However this is not the case in the Belgian fleet where crew wages are based on value of landings only (as opposed to value of landings minus fuel price in the Dutch fishery). In addition to the good economic performances of the pulse trawl, non-economic factors have played a role in the uptake of the pulse trawl in the sole fishery. In particular, the information sharing amongst fisher through study groups and demonstration days have accelerated the process in the Netherlands. The support of the Dutch government was also influential. In contrast, barriers such as limiting days at sea in the North Sea for Belgian fishers and the controversial image of the pulse in Belgium may have hindered the adoption of pulse in Belgium

    Effecten voor de visserij bij de aanleg van windmolenparken binnen de 12 mijlszone

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    In 2020 moet 16% van de Nederlandse energievoorzieing duurzaam worden opgewekt. Windenergie op zee is een van de duurzame energiebronnen die Nederland gaat gebruiken om deze doelstelling te halen. Begin 2013 is besloten om een Haalbaarheidsstudie naar de (on)mogelijkheden van windenergie binnen de 12 mijlszone uit te voeren. In deze haalbaarheidsstudie worden de mogelijke effecten op de opbrengstwaarde voor de beroeps- en recreatieve visserij - indien windmolenparken worden aangelegd binnen vijf geselecteerde zoekgebieden - in kaart gebracht