33 research outputs found

    Food-grade Pickering stabilisation of foams by in situ hydrophobisation of calcium carbonate particles

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    © 2016 Elsevier Ltd The aim of this study was to investigate the possibility of stabilising foam bubbles in water by adsorption of calcium carbonate (CaCO 3 ) particles. Because CaCO 3 is hydrophilic and not surface-active, particles were hydrophobised in situ with several emulsifiers. The used emulsifiers were food-grade and negatively charged at the pH employed. The effect of particle addition on foamability and foam stability of solutions containing either β-lactoglobulin, sodium caseinate, Quillaja, sodium dodecanoate (SD) or sodium stearoyl-2-lactylate (SSL) was studied. It was found that the ability of the emulsifiers to induce surface activity such that the particles are able to adsorb to the air-water interface is related to their structure. The structure needs to consist of a well-defined hydrophobic part and a charged part. Large emulsifiers with a complex structure, such as β-lactoglobulin, sodium caseinate and Quillaja, were able to partially hydrophobise the particles but were not able to act synergistically with the particles to increase the foam stability. Low molecular weight emulsifiers, however, consisting of a single tail with one charged group, such as SD and SSL, adsorbed at the particle surface rendering the particles partially hydrophobic such that they adsorb to the air-water interface. In a subsequent investigation, the pH was changed to a value typical for food products (pH 6–7) and the addition of milk salts on the foamability and foam stability was assessed. Based on these results, the use of food-grade CaCO 3 particles hydrophobised in situ with food-grade surfactants (SD or SSL) to prepare ultra-stable aqueous foams is demonstrated

    Antibubbles enable tunable payload release with low-intensity ultrasound

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    The benefits of ultrasound are its ease-of-use and its ability to precisely deliver energy in opaque and complex media. However, most materials responsive to ultrasound show a weak response, requiring the use of high powers, which are associated with undesirable streaming, cavitation, or temperature rise. These effects hinder response control and may even cause damage to the medium where the ultrasound is applied. Moreover, materials that are currently in use rely on all-or-nothing effects, limiting the ability to fine-tune the response of the material on the fly. For these reasons, there is a need for materials that can respond to low intensity ultrasound with programmable responses. Here it is demonstrated that antibubbles are a low-intensity-ultrasound-responsive material system that can controllably release a payload using acoustic pressures in the kPa range. Varying their size and composition tunes the release pressure, and the response can be switched between a single release and stepwise release across multiple ultrasound pulses. Observations using confocal and high-speed microscopy revealed different ways that can lead to release. These findings lay the groundwork to design antibubbles that controllably respond to low-intensity ultrasound, opening a wide range of applications ranging from ultrasound-responsive material systems to carriers for targeted delivery.Comment: Main Text: 14 pages, 4 figures. Embedded SI: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Ultrasound homogenises suspensions of hydrophobic particles

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    Hydrophobic particles inherently resist being suspended. Hydrophobic particles might be regarded as tiny solid particles surrounded by a thin gaseous shell. It has been hypothesised that hydrophobic particles act as cavitation nuclei. This cavitation behaviour would explain the translation speeds observed when hydrophobic polystyrene microspheres were driven through a liquid medium by means of ultrasound.5 These translation speeds corresponded to those observed with gas microbubbles of similar sizes. If hydrophobic particles do have a thin gaseous layer surrounding the solid cores, a sound field of sufficient pressure amplitude might force the gas layer to form and inertial cavity and subsequently fragment during the collapse phase. In this study, we investigated whether hydrophobic particles can be forced to suspend by using ultrasound. Hydrophobic particles of the materials C65 and ZnO can be forced to be suspended in water using ultrasound. The high-speed observations confirm that hydrophobic particles can act as cavitation nuclei. The lack of cavitation after the first pulse indicates that the gas layer surrounding the hydrophobic particle dissolves after inertial cavitation.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures (7 frames), Submitted to the 39th Symposium on UltraSonic Electronics (USE2019

    Encapsulation of Lactobacillus casei (ATCC 393) by Pickering-Stabilized Antibubbles as a New Method to Protect Bacteria against Low pH

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    Pickering-stabilized antibubbles were used as a new method to encapsulate Lactobacillus casei. Antibubbles consist of one or more liquid droplets within a shell of gas. The antibubbles were prepared from a water-in-oil-in-water (W/O/W) emulsion stabilized by silica particles, which was then freeze-dried to remove the water and oil phases, before being subsequently reconstituted in water. Different oil phases and aqueous phase compositions were tested for their effect on the survival of the bacteria. The survival of L. casei after encapsulation using decane was 29.8 ± 2.1% in antibubbles containing 10% (w/v) maltodextrin plus 8% (w/v) sucrose, which is comparable to the survival when bacteria were freeze-dried without being encapsulated. Encapsulation within antibubbles led to a 10 to 30 times higher survival of L. casei at pH 2 in comparison with unencapsulated bacteria. This study shows that probiotics can be encapsulated within a shell of gas through the use of antibubbles and that this protects probiotics against a low pH

    Preparation of acid-responsive antibubbles from CaCO3-based Pickering emulsions.

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    HYPOTHESIS: Hydrophobized fumed silica particles were previously reported for producing antibubbles that are quite stable in neutral as well as in acidic media. To produce acid-responsive antibubbles (e.g., for gastric drug delivery), the silica nanoparticles must be replaced by suitable particles, e.g., calcium carbonate (CaCO 3), which can degrade at low pH to release the encapsulated drug. EXPERIMENTS: Two variants of CaCO 3-stabilized antibubbles were prepared (by using CaCO 3 particles pre-coated with stearic acid, or by using native CaCO 3 particles in combination with sodium stearoyl lactylate) and drug release was compared with classic antibubbles produced with hydrophobized fumed silica particles. FINDINGS: CaCO 3 particles (pre-coated with stearic acid) can be used to produce stable antibubbles, which provided an entrapment efficiency of a model drug (methylene blue, MB) of around 85%. A burst release of MB (∼60%) from the antibubbles was observed at pH 2 (i.e., the pH of the stomach), which was further increased to 80% during the next 30 min. On the contrary, at neutral pH, about 70% of the drug remained encapsulated for at least 2 h. We further demonstrated that the acidic conditions led to the desorption of CaCO 3 particles from the air-liquid interface resulting in the destabilization of the antibubbles and the release of drug-containing cores

    Triple-Emulsion-Based Antibubbles: A Step Forward in Fabricating Novel Multi-Drug Delivery Systems

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    Developing carriers capable of efficiently transporting both hydrophilic and lipophilic payloads is a captivating focus within the pharmaceutical and drug delivery research domain. Antibubbles, constituting an innovative encapsulation system designed for drug delivery purposes, have garnered scientific interest thanks to their distinctive water-in-air-in-water (W 1/A/W 2) structure. However, in contrast to their precursor, i.e., nanoparticle-stabilized W 1/O/W 2 double emulsion, traditional antibubbles lack the ability to accommodate a lipophilic payload, as the intermediary (volatile) oil layer of the emulsion is replaced by air during the antibubble fabrication process. Therefore, here, we report the fabrication of triple-emulsion-based antibubbles (O 1/W 1/A/W 2), in which the inner aqueous phase was loaded with a nanoemulsion stabilized by various proteins, including whey, soy, or pea protein isolates. As model drugs, we employed the dyes Nile red in the oil phase and methylene blue in the aqueous phase. The produced antibubbles were characterized regarding their size distribution, entrapment efficiency, and stability. The produced antibubbles demonstrated substantial entrapment efficiencies for both lipophilic (ranging from 80% to 90%) and hydrophilic (ranging from 70% to 82%) components while also exhibiting an appreciable degree of stability during an extended rehydration period of two weeks. The observed variations among different antibubble variants were primarily attributed to differences in protein concentration rather than the type of protein used

    Sonic cracking of calcium carbonate-encapsulated microbubbles observed at moderate acoustic amplitudes

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    Theranostic agents are materials that act both as tracers during diagnostic imaging and as vehicles carrying and releasing therapeutics during treatment. Ultrasound- triggered theranostic agents comprise shell-encapsulated microbubbles that pulsate during low-amplitude ultrasonic imaging and release their payload upon higher-amplitude sonication whilst simultaneously assisting in the permeation of target tissue. High-amplitude release may be undesirable due to unwanted side effects related to inertial cavitation. However, low-amplitude release from microbubbles typically requires thin encapsulating shells, which in turn may be permanently disrupted under diagnostic imaging conditions. The purpose of this study was to investigate the suitability for theranostic applications of a novel microbubble agent with thick shells composed of calcium carbonate. Hydrophobised calcium carbonate-encapsulated microbubbles of radii between 1.0 μm and 11 μm were subjected to short ultrasound pulses of 1-MHz ultrasound at acoustic amplitudes of 0.5 MPa or less, which corresponds to low mechanical indices. During sonication, high-speed video footage was recorded at a frame rate of ten million frames per second. We observed pulsations but no gas release at a 0.1-MPa amplitude and intra-encapsulation fragmentation during sonication at a 0.3-MPa amplitude. At 0.5-MPa amplitude sonication, release was observed from more than 70% of the microbubbles in the field of view. This finding indicates that the microbubbles were stable scatterers during 0.1-MPa sonication, but instable vehicles during 0.5-MPa sonication. The pressures used in this study to observe release were too low to allow for unwanted inertial cavitation. In conclusion, therefore, the microbubbles studied were a promising theranostic agent whose contents could be released at moderate acoustic amplitudes.Peer reviewe

    On the rigidity of four hundred Pickering-stabilised microbubbles

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    This study explores the rigidity of Pickering-stabilised microbubbles subjected to low-amplitude ultrasound. Such microbubbles might be suitable ultrasound contrast agents. Using an adapted Rayleigh-Plesset equation, we modelled the dynamics of microbubbles with a 7.6-N m-1 shell stiffness under 1-MHz, 0.2-MPa sonication. Such dynamics were observed experimentally, too, using high-speed photography. The maximum expansions were agreeing with those predicted for Pickering-stabilised microbubbles. Subjecting microbubbles to multiple time-delayed pulses yielded the same result. We conclude that Pickering-stabilised microbubbles remain very stable at low acoustic amplitudes.acceptedVersionPeer reviewe