624 research outputs found

    A Case Study on Jatyadi Taila Vrana Basti in the management of Dusta Vrana with special reference to Venous Ulcer

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    Wounds may be caused by trauma or by physical chemical and microbial agents or ischemia. The word “healing” means replacement of damaged or destroyed tissue by living tissue of same kind of tissue or different. The four basic processes which take place in wound healing are - Inflammation, Wound contraction, Epithelialization and Granulation tissue formation. There are many factors which influence the wound healing like age, nutrition, hormones, co-morbid conditions, place and position of wound, blood supply to the area exposure etc.[1] But involvement of infection will not allow the wound to heal and convert it into Dusta Vrana (chronic wound). Vrana Basti (oil pooling treatment) with Jatyadi Taila helps in managing Dusta Vrana effectively by controlling the healing environment. A case of 30-year male presented with complains of non-healing ulcer in left lower limb, above the medial malleolus with slough, discharge, foul smell, discoloration of surrounding skin has been presented here. There was complete healing of the ulcer after 30 days of treatment. In this case Jatyadi Taila shows its Shodhana, Ropana and Raktaprasadana property

    Pregnancy complicated by previous cesarean section: a retrospective study

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    Background: Previous Cesarean section (CS) is one of the important causes of CS in subsequent pregnancies. Moreover, repeated cesarean sections increase maternal as well as perinatal morbidity and mortality. We conducted this study to find out outcome of pregnancies in women who had a history of previous CS.Methods: This was a retrospective study of patients of previous caesarean section for either maternal or fetal indications. The duration of study was 3 years. Total 215 patients were included in this study on the basis of a predefined inclusion and exclusion criteria. The indications, maternal and neonatal outcome were studied from medical records of the patients. Statistical analysis was done using SSPE 22.0 software.Results: Out of 215 studied cases majority of the patients belonged to age group of 21-30 years (75.35%) and were 2nd gravida (61.86%). 164 (76.28%) patients attended ANC OPD at least for 3 times during pregnancy. 73 (33.95%) patients had Hb of less than 10 gms while blood transfusion was required to be given in 11 (5.12%) patients. cesarean section was required in 172 (80%) patients out of which 166 (77.21%) patients had undergone emergency LSCS while in 6 (2.79%) patients elective LSCS was done. Scar tenderness was the most common indication for repeat cesarean section. There was no maternal mortality in any patients while there was 1 still birth and 1 neonatal death.Conclusions: Previous cesarean section is one of the important causes of CS in subsequent pregnancies hence decision of doing CS, especially primigravida, must be taken in accordance with strict guidelines and the practice of “cesarean section on demand” should be discouraged

    A Rare Case of Isolated torsion of Haematosalphinx Presenting as Acute Abdomen During Pregnancy

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    Isolated fallopian tubal torsion is a rare non obstetric cause for pain abdomen during pregnancy.We report a case of a 34 year old second gravida who presented with history of amennorrhoe of 7 months, colicky pain in the left iliac fossa , with 2 episodes of vomiting. A Trans vaginal scan revealed a left ovarian cyst. An emergency laparotomy was performed for suspected torsion or haemorrhage into an ovarian cyst. Surprisingly ovaries were normal and a congested and necrotic left tubal torsion with a tubal collection (haematosalphinx) was identified and a salpingectomy was then performed. The differential diagnosis is discussed and the literature is reviewed as it is a very rare clinical entity

    Successful Pregnancy Outcome In Maternal Crigler Najjar Syndrome Type II.

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    Estimated incidence of Crigler-Najjar syndrome(CNS) is 1 case per 1,000,000 births(1 million). The overall prevalence of CN syndrome is unknown, with only several hundred people reported to have this disease. It is interestingly very rare to encounter a pregnant adult women with congenital jaundice. Pregnancy in CN type II patients is a diagnostic and a therapeutic challenge because of the high risk of bilirubin encephalopathy with serious neurological damage as life-threatening complications for the fetus. To date 8 pregnancy outcome have been reported from 5 women and we report the6 woman with a successful 9 th pregnancy outcome. We have discussed detail history, presentation and management during pregnancy and care of the new born


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    The paper presents the investigation on cold formed steel lipped channel columns experiencing distortional and global buckling interaction under axial compression. Five cross sections are chosen based upon the limitations given in the draft IS 801 code. The cross section dimensions and length ensures equal distortional/global critical buckling loads, thus maximizing the distortional/global mode interaction effects through elastic buckling analysis using CUFSM software. The plate slenderness ratio (b/t) is within the limit to avoid local buckling. The ends of the columns are considered as Pinned-Pinned. The Numerical analysis are carried out by the finite element package ANSYS. Finite element model include the geometric and material non-linearities. Geometric imperfections are incorporated in the model by extracting distortional and global modes obtained from buckling analysis. Parametric studies are carried out by varying the yield stress as 250,350 and 550 N/mm2.Theoretical Analysis are carried out by Direct Strength Method DSM-AISI 100-2007 and Australian Standard AS/NZS:4600-2005.The results are compared and the effect of distortional and global interaction on ultimate strength is discussed


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    The food we eat plays a key aspect in determining our overall health and immunity. Improving our immunity during the Covid-19 pandemic is challenging for all age groups. So this study focused on formulating a ready to drink called probiotic fruit yogurt from less utilized passion fruits (Passiflora edulis), as a good option to build resilience in the body against infections and also to help the planters of Thandikudi hills, Tamil Nadu to promote their harvest into a valuable product. Passion fruits were procured and handled in a very hygienic manner. The formulation of stirred fruit yogurts was carried out in three different ratios (10%, 15%, and 20% pulp). These samples were standardized by sensory evaluation (9 points hedonic scale) and physicochemical parameters (pH). Fruit yogurt made from 20% passion fruit pulp scored the highest value in the mean score (8.5±0.17) for sensory evaluation except for texture. The pH value of the passion fruit yogurt was 3.5 found and it was more acidic compared to the plain yogurt value of 3.7 because of the addition of fruit pulp which was balanced by the addition of sugar/stevia. The acceptability of the stirred probiotic fruit yogurt with 20% pulp was mainly because of the flavoring compounds of the yellow passion fruit (P. edulis Sims f. flavicarpa Deg)

    Placenta Accreta Spectrum Disorder As First Trimester Pregnancy Termination Complication; Case Series

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    Placenta Accreta Spectrum (PAS) disorder is rare (2% according to ACOG) condition of pregnancy when the placenta grows deeply into myometrium. This leads to failure of placenta to separate normally from myometrium after delivery and leads to massive hemorrhage. The PAS is classified as PA (Placenta Accreta), PI (Placenta Increta) and PP ( Placenta Percreta), on basis of depth of trophoblastic invasion. Increase in no. of cesarean sections, increasing the incidence of PAS. Cesarean scar on uterus promotes placental tissue to invade deeply in subsequent pregnancy. Antenatal scanning and color imaging can detect PAS, at a very early stage. Here we are reporting 4 cases of PAS, who came to JSS Hospital with complaint of bleeding per vaginum, diagnosis is confirmed by USG. 3 of them was managed by inj. Methotrexate and hysterectomy done for 1 of them. Those who were treated with inj. Methotrexate had very good outcome for next pregnancy

    A Comparative Study of Ensemble Classifiers for Paddy Blast Disease Prediction Model

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    Paddy blast has become most epidemic disease in many rice growing countries. Various statistical methods have been used for the prediction of paddy blast but previously used methods failed in predicting diseases with good accuracy. However the need to develop new model that considers both weather factors and non weather  data called blast disease data that influences paddy disease to grow. Given this point we developed ensemble classifier based paddy disease prediction model taking weather data from January 2013 to December 2019 from Agricultural and Horticulture Research Station Kathalgere Davangere District. For the predictive model we collected 7 kinds of weather data and 7 kinds of disease related data that includes Minimum Temperature, Maximum Temperature, Temperautre Difference,Relative Humidity, Stages of Paddy Cultivation, Varities of seeds, Season of cropping and so on. It is observed and analyzed that Minimum Temperature, Humidity and Rainfall has huge correlation with occurrence of disease. Since some of the variables are non numeric to convert them to numeric data one hot encoding approach is followed and to improve efficiency of ensemble classifiers  4 different filter based features selection methods are used such as Pearson’s correlation, Mutual information, ANNOVA F Value, Chi Square. Three different ensemble classifiers are used as predictive models and classifiers are compared it is observed that Bagging ensemble technique has achieved  accuracy of 98% compared to Adaboost of 97% and Voting classifier of 88%. Other classification metrics are used evaluate different classifiers like precision, recall, F1 Score, ROC and precision recall score. Our proposed ensemble classifers for paddy blast disease prediction has achieved high precision and high recall but when the solutions of model are closely looked bagging classifier is better compared to other ensemble classifers that are proposed in predicting paddy blast disease

    Investigating Intrinsic and Extrinsic Variables During Simulated Internet Search

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    Using an eye tracker we examined decision-making processes during an internet search task. Twenty experienced homebuyers and twenty-five undergraduates from Old Dominion University viewed homes on a simulated real estate website. Several of the homes included physical properties that had the potential to negatively impact individual perceptions. These negative externalities were either easy to change (Level 1) or impossible to change (Level 2). Eye movements were analyzed to examine the relationship between participants\u27 stated preferences [verbalized preferences], revealed preferences [actual decisions[, and experience. Dwell times, fixation durations/counts, and saccade counts/amplitudes were analyzed. Results revealed that experienced homebuyers demonstrated a more refined search pattern than novice searchers. Experienced homebuyers were also less impacted by negative externalities. Furthermore, stated preferences were discrepant from revealed preferences; although participants initially stated they liked/disliked a graphic, their eye movement patterns did not reflect this trend. These results have important implications for design of user-friendly web interfaces


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    Secure time synchronization is a key requirement for many sophisticated application running on these networks. Most of the existing secure time synchronization protocols incur high communication and storage costs and are subject to a few known security attacks. In wireless sensor network (WSN), lifetime of the network is determined by the amount of energy consumption by the nodes. To improve the lifetime of the network, nodes are organized into clusters, in which the cluster head (CH) collects and aggregates the data. A special node called mobile data collector (MDC) is used to collect the data from the CH and transfer it to the base station (BS) By using proposed method MDC authenticated to CH by computing shared secret keys on the fly. Once the MDC and CH are authenticated, all the sensor nodes in the cluster are synchronized, time synchronization reduce the communication and storage requirements of each CH. Security analysis of this proposed system shows that it is highly robust against different attacks namely compromised CH, reply attack, message manipulation attack as well as pulse delay attack
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