2,400 research outputs found
Cellular solid behaviour of liquid crystal colloids. 1. Phase separation and morphology
We study the phase ordering colloids suspended in a thermotropic nematic
liquid crystal below the clearing point Tni and the resulting aggregated
structure. Small (150nm) PMMA particles are dispersed in a classical liquid
crystal matrix, 5CB or MBBA. With the help of confocal microscopy we show that
small colloid particles densely aggregate on thin interfaces surrounding large
volumes of clean nematic liquid, thus forming an open cellular structure, with
the characteristic size of 10-100 micron inversely proportional to the colloid
concentration. A simple theoretical model, based on the Landau mean-field
treatment, is developed to describe the continuous phase separation and the
mechanism of cellular structure formation.Comment: Latex 2e (EPJ style) EPS figures included (poor quality to comply
with space limitations
Influence of polydispersity on the critical parameters of an effective potential model for asymmetric hard sphere mixtures
We report a Monte Carlo simulation study of the properties of highly
asymmetric binary hard sphere mixtures. This system is treated within an
effective fluid approximation in which the large particles interact through a
depletion potential (R. Roth {\em et al}, Phys. Rev. E{\bf 62} 5360 (2000))
designed to capture the effects of a virtual sea of small particles. We
generalize this depletion potential to include the effects of explicit size
dispersity in the large particles and consider the case in which the particle
diameters are distributed according to a Schulz form having degree of
polydispersity 14%. The resulting alteration (with respect to the monodisperse
limit) of the metastable fluid-fluid critical point parameters is determined
for two values of the ratio of the diameters of the small and large particles:
and . We find that inclusion of
polydispersity moves the critical point to lower reservoir volume fractions of
the small particles and high volume fractions of the large ones. The estimated
critical point parameters are found to be in good agreement with those
predicted by a generalized corresponding states argument which provides a link
to the known critical adhesion parameter of the adhesive hard sphere model.
Finite-size scaling estimates of the cluster percolation line in the one phase
fluid region indicate that inclusion of polydispersity moves the critical point
deeper into the percolating regime. This suggests that phase separation is more
likely to be preempted by dynamical arrest in polydisperse systems.Comment: 11 pages, 10 figure
Critical phenomena in colloid-polymer mixtures: interfacial tension, order parameter, susceptibility and coexistence diameter
The critical behavior of a model colloid-polymer mixture, the so-called AO
model, is studied using computer simulations and finite size scaling
techniques. Investigated are the interfacial tension, the order parameter, the
susceptibility and the coexistence diameter. Our results clearly show that the
interfacial tension vanishes at the critical point with exponent 2\nu ~ 1.26.
This is in good agreement with the 3D Ising exponent. Also calculated are
critical amplitude ratios, which are shown to be compatible with the
corresponding 3D Ising values. We additionally identify a number of subtleties
that are encountered when finite size scaling is applied to the AO model. In
particular, we find that the finite size extrapolation of the interfacial
tension is most consistent when logarithmic size dependences are ignored. This
finding is in agreement with the work of Berg et al.[Phys. Rev. B, V47 P497
(1993)]Comment: 13 pages, 16 figure
Atomic-scale perspective on the origin of attractive step interactions on Si(113)
Recent experiments have shown that steps on Si(113) surfaces self-organize
into bunches due to a competition between long-range repulsive and short-range
attractive interactions. Using empirical and tight-binding interatomic
potentials, we investigate the physical origin of the short-range attraction,
and report the formation and interaction energies of steps. We find that the
short-range attraction between steps is due to the annihilation of force
monopoles at their edges as they combine to form bunches. Our results for the
strengths of the attractive interactions are consistent with the values
determined from experimental studies on kinetics of faceting.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev B, Rapid Communication
Filling an Emulsion Drop with Motile Bacteria
We have measured the spatial distribution of motile Escherichia coli inside
spherical water droplets emulsified in oil. At low cell concentrations, the
cell density peaks at the water-oil interface; at increasing concentration, the
bulk of each droplet fills up uniformly while the surface peak remains.
Simulations and theory show that the bulk density results from a `traffic' of
cells leaving the surface layer, increasingly due to cell-cell scattering as
the surface coverage rises above . Our findings show similarities
with the physics of a rarefied gas in a spherical cavity with attractive walls.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, Supporting Information (5 pages, 5 figures
Theory and simulation of gelation, arrest and yielding in attracting colloids
We present some recent theory and simulation results addressing the phenomena
of colloidal gelation at both high and low volume fractions, in the presence of
short-range attractive interactions. We discuss the ability of mode-coupling
theory and its adaptations to address situations with strong heterogeneity in
density and/or dynamics. We include a discussion of the effect of attractions
on the shear-thinning and yield behaviour under flow.Comment: 17 pages, 6 figure
Discovering the New Standard Model: Fundamental Symmetries and Neutrinos
This White Paper describes recent progress and future opportunities in the
area of fundamental symmetries and neutrinos.Comment: Report of the Fundamental Symmetries and Neutrinos Workshop, August
10-11, 2012, Chicago, I
Theory and simulation of short-range models of globular protein solutions
We report theoretical and simulation studies of phase coexistence in model
globular protein solutions, based on short-range, central, pair potential
representations of the interaction among macro-particles. After reviewing our
previous investigations of hard-core Yukawa and generalised Lennard-Jones
potentials, we report more recent results obtained within a DLVO-like
description of lysozyme solutions in water and added salt. We show that a
one-parameter fit of this model based on Static Light Scattering and
Self-Interaction Chromatography data in the dilute protein regime, yields
demixing and crystallization curves in good agreement with experimental
protein-rich/protein-poor and solubility envelopes. The dependence of cloud and
solubility points temperature of the model on the ionic strength is also
investigated. Our findings highlight the minimal assumptions on the properties
of the microscopic interaction sufficient for a satisfactory reproduction of
the phase diagram topology of globular protein solutions.Comment: 17 pages, 8 figures, Proc. of Conference "Structural Arrest
Transitions in Colloidal Systems with Short-Range Attractions", Messina
(ITALY) 17-20 December 200
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