415 research outputs found

    Continued Neutron Star Crust Cooling of the 11 Hz X-Ray Pulsar in Terzan 5: A Challenge to Heating and Cooling Models?

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    The transient neutron star low-mass X-ray binary and 11 Hz X-ray pulsar IGR J17480-2446 in the globular cluster Terzan 5 exhibited an 11-week accretion outburst in 2010. Chandra observations performed within five months after the end of the outburst revealed evidence that the crust of the neutron star became substantially heated during the accretion episode and was subsequently cooling in quiescence. This provides the rare opportunity to probe the structure and composition of the crust. Here, we report on new Chandra observations of Terzan 5 that extend the monitoring to ~2.2 yr into quiescence. We find that the thermal flux and neutron star temperature have continued to decrease, but remain significantly above the values that were measured before the 2010 accretion phase. This suggests that the crust has not thermally relaxed yet, and may continue to cool. Such behavior is difficult to explain within our current understanding of heating and cooling of transiently accreting neutron stars. Alternatively, the quiescent emission may have settled at a higher observed equilibrium level (for the same interior temperature), in which case the neutron star crust may have fully cooled.Comment: Accepted to ApJ without revision. Updated references and fixed few typos to match published version. 7 pages, 3 figures, 3 table

    Faint X-ray Sources in the Globular Cluster Terzan 5

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    We report our analysis of a Chandra X-ray observation of the rich globular cluster Terzan 5, in which we detect 50 sources to a limiting 1.0-6 keV X-ray luminosity of 3*10^{31} ergs/s within the half-mass radius of the cluster. Thirty-three of these have L_X>10^{32} ergs/s, the largest number yet seen in any globular cluster. In addition to the quiescent low-mass X-ray binary (LMXB, identified by Wijnands et al.), another 12 relatively soft sources may be quiescent LMXBs. We compare the X-ray colors of the harder sources in Terzan 5 to the Galactic Center sources studied by Muno and collaborators, and find the Galactic Center sources to have harder X-ray colors, indicating a possible difference in the populations. We cannot clearly identify a metallicity dependence in the production of low-luminosity X-ray binaries in Galactic globular clusters, but a metallicity dependence of the form suggested by Jordan et al. for extragalactic LMXBs is consistent with our data.Comment: 15 pages, 10 figures (3 color). Resubmitted to ApJ after incorporating referee comments. v2: Added references to introductio

    Two years of INTEGRAL monitoring of GRS 1915+105 Part 1: multiwavelength coverage with INTEGRAL, RXTE, and the Ryle radio Telescope

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    (Abridged) We report the results of monitoring observations of the Galactic microquasar GRS 1915+105 performed simultaneously with INTEGRAL and RXTE Ryle . We present the results of the whole \integral campaign, report the sources that are detected and their fluxes and identify the classes of variability in which GRS 1915+105 is found. The accretion ejection connections are studied in a model independent manner through the source light curves, hardness ratio, and color color diagrams. During a period of steady ``hard'' X-ray state (the so-called class chi) we observe a steady radio flux. We then turn to 3 particular observations during which we observe several types of soft X-ray dips and spikes cycles, followed by radio flares. During these observations GRS 1915+105 is in the so-called nu, lambda, and beta classes of variability. The observation of ejections during class lambda are the first ever reported. We generalize the fact that a (non-major) discrete ejection always occurs, in GRS 1915+105, as a response to an X-ray sequence composed of a spectrally hard X-ray dip terminated by an X-ray spike marking the disappearance of the hard X-ray emission above 18 keV. We also identify the trigger of the ejection as this X-ray spike. A possible correlation between the amplitude of the radio flare and the duration of the X-ray dip is found in our data. In this case the X-ray dips prior to ejections could be seen as the time during which the source accumulates energy and material that is ejected later.Comment: 17 pages, 14 figures. Accepted for publication in ApJ, scheduled for the March 20, 2008, vol676 issue. Table 3 has been degrade

    SN1993J VLBI (I): The Center of the Explosion and a Limit on Anisotropic Expansion

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    Phase-referenced VLBI observations of supernova 1993J at 24 epochs, from 50 days after shock breakout to the present, allowed us to determine the coordinates of the explosion center relative to the quasi-stationary core of the host galaxy M81 with an accuracy of 45 micro-arcsec, and to determine the nominal proper motion of the geometric center of the radio shell with an accuracy of 9micro-arcsec/yr. The uncertainties correspond to 160 AU for the position and 160 km/s for the proper motion at the distance of the source of 3.63 Mpc. After correcting for the expected galactic proper motion of the supernova around the core of M81 using HI rotation curves, we obtain a peculiar proper motion of the radio shell center of only 320 +/- 160 km/s to the south, which limits any possible one-sided expansion of the shell. We also find that the shell is highly circular, the outer contours in fact being circular to within 3%. Combining our proper motion values with the degree of circular symmetry, we find that the expansion of the shockfront from the explosion center is isotropic to within 5.5% in the plane of the sky. This is a more fundamental result on isotropic expansion than can be derived from the circularity of the images alone. The brightness of the radio shell, however, varies along the ridge and systematically changes with time. The degree of isotropy in the expansion of the shockfront contrasts with the asymmetries and polarization found in optical spectral lines. Asymmetric density distributions in the ejecta or more likely in the circumstellar medium, are favored to reconcile the radio and optical results. We see no sign of any disk-like density distribution of the circumstellar material, with the average axis ratio of the radio shell of SN1993J being less than 1.04.Comment: 21 pages, LaTex + 5 Figures (encapulsated PostScript), Accepted for Publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Discovery of Radio Outbursts in the Active Nucleus of M81

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    The low-luminosity active galactic nucleus of M81 has been monitored at centimeter wavelengths since early 1993 as a by-product of radio programs to study the radio emission from Supernova 1993J. The extensive data sets reveal that the nucleus experienced several radio outbursts during the monitoring period. At 2 and 3.6 cm, the main outburst occurred roughly in the beginning of 1993 September and lasted for approximately three months; at longer wavelengths, the maximum flux density decreases, and the onset of the burst is delayed. These characteristics qualitatively resemble the standard model for adiabatically expanding radio sources, although certain discrepancies between the observations and the theoretical predictions suggest that the model is too simplistic. In addition to the large-amplitude, prolonged variations, we also detected milder changes in the flux density at 3.6 cm and possibly at 6 cm on short (less than 1 day) timescales. We discuss a possible association between the radio activity and an optical flare observed during the period that the nucleus was monitored at radio wavelengths.Comment: To appear in The Astronomical Journal. Latex, 18 pages including embedded figures and table

    X-ray variability during the quiescent state of the neutron-star X-ray transient in the globular cluster NGC 6440

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    The globular cluster NGC 6440 is known to harbor a bright neutron-star X-ray transient. We observed the globular cluster with Chandra on two occasions when the bright transient was in its quiescent state in July 2000 and June 2003 (both observations were made nearly 2 years after the end of their preceding outbursts). The quiescent spectrum during the first observation is well represented by a two component model (a neutron-star atmosphere model plus a power-law component which dominates at energies above 2 keV). During the second observation (which was roughly of equal duration to the first observation) we found that the power-law component could no longer be detected. Our spectral fits indicate that the effective temperature of the neutron-star surface was consistent between the two observations. We conclude that the effect of the change in power-law component caused the 0.5-10 keV flux to be a factor of ~2 lower during the second observation compared to the first observation. We discuss plausible explanations for the variations, including variable residual accretion onto the neutron star magnetosphere or some variation in the interaction of the pulsar wind with the matter still outflowing from the companion star.Comment: 18 pages, 3 color figs, 1 b&w figures, 3 tables; discussion expanded; accepted for publication in Ap

    A One-sided, Highly Relativistic Jet from Cygnus X-3

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    Very Long Baseline Array images of the X-ray binary, Cygnus X-3, were obtained 2, 4 and 7 days after the peak of a 10 Jy flare on 4 February 1997. The first two images show a curved one-sided jet, the third a scatter-broadened disc, presumably at the position of the core. The jet curvature changes from the first to the second epoch, which strongly suggests a precessing jet. The ratio of the flux density in the approaching to that in the (undetected) receding jet is > 330; if this asymmetry is due to Doppler boosting, the implied jet speed is > 0.81c. Precessing jet model fits, together with the assumptions that the jet is intrinsically symmetric and was ejected during or after the major flare, yield the following constraints: the jet inclination to the line of sight must be < 14 degrees; the cone opening angle must be < 12 degrees; and the precession period must be > 60 days.Comment: 12 pages 7 figures, accepted by Ap

    The Unusual X-ray Binaries of the Globular Cluster NGC 6652

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    Our 5 ks Chandra ACIS-S observation of the globular cluster NGC 6652 detected 7 X-ray sources, 3 of which are previously unidentified. This cluster hosts a well-known bright low-mass X-ray binary, source A (or XB 1832-330). Source B shows unusual rapid flaring variability, with an average L_X(0.5-10 keV) ~2*10^{34} ergs/s, but with minutes-long flares up to L_X=9*10^{34} ergs/s. Its spectrum can be fit by an absorbed power-law of photon index Gamma~1.24, and hardens as the countrate decreases. This suggests that part or all of the variation might be due to obscuration by the rim of a highly inclined accretion disk. Sources C and D, with L_X ~10^{33} ergs/s, have soft and unusual spectra. Source C requires a very soft component, with a spectrum peaking at 0.5 keV, which might be the hot polar cap of a magnetically accreting polar cataclysmic variable. Source D shows a soft spectrum (fit by a power-law of photon index ~2.3) with marginal evidence for an emission line around 1 keV; its nature is unclear. The faint new sources E, F, and G have luminosities of 1-2*10^{32} ergs/s, if associated with the cluster (which is likely). E and F have relatively hard spectra (consistent with power-laws with photon index ~1.5). G lacks soft photons, suggesting absorption with N_H>10^{22} cm^{-2}.Comment: ApJ, in press. 9 pages, 9 figures (3 in color

    Water vapour at high redshift: Arecibo monitoring of the megamaser in MG J0414+0534

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    The study of water masers at cosmological distances would allow us to investigate the parsec-scale environment around powerful radio sources, to probe the physical conditions of the molecular gas in the inner parsecs of quasars, and to estimate their nuclear engine masses in the early universe. To derive this information, the nature of the maser source, jet or disk-maser, needs to be assessed through a detailed investigation of the observational characteristics of the line emission. We monitored the maser line in the lensed quasar MGJ0414+0534 at z = 2.64 with the 300-m Arecibo telescope for ~15 months to detect possible additional maser components and to measure a potential velocity drift of the lines. In addition, we follow the maser and continuum emissions to reveal significant variations in their flux density and to determine correlation or time-lag, if any, between them. The main maser line profile is complex and can be resolved into a number of broad features with line widths of 30-160 km/s. A new maser component was tentatively detected in October 2008 that is redshifted by 470 km/s w.r.t the systemic velocity of the quasar. The line width of the main maser feature increased by a factor of two between the Effelsberg and EVLA observations reported by Impellizzeri et al. (2008) and the first epoch of the Arecibo monitoring campaign. After correcting for the lens magnification, we find that the total H2O isotropic luminosity of the maser in MGJ0414+0534 is now ~30,000 Lsun, making this source the most luminous ever discovered.[Abridged]Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in A&
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