4 research outputs found

    La problématique de la Coopération Sino- Camerounaise Face à la Zone F CFA: Enjeux et Perspectives

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    L’objectif de cette étude vise l’identification des raisons ou motivations et les attentes relatives à la coopération sino-camerounaise en zone F CFA. En effet, les innovations favorisant la coopération bilatérale ou multilatérale en cette période des TIC et particulièrement la fibre sous-marine, incite à la diversification des partenaires autre que la France et singulièrement la chine. Pour y parvenir, il était question pour nous de dépouiller les rapports d’enquête à ce sujet, de parcourir une série de bibliographie et des notes de lecture afin de mieux cerner la pertinence de cette politique d’ouverture en matière de coopération avec l’extérieur. Ce qui nous a permis à partir du test de Dorbin-Watson, d’arriver aux résultats selon les quels, les années de forte présence chinoise se justifient par un montant de crédit à l’économie trop élevé et des dépôts élevés également, notamment ces dernières années des câbles et fibres sous-marine des techniques de l’information et de la communication. Les recommandations du genre rester dans la zone F CFA en coopérant avec la chine, conduit à la libre transférabilité des capitaux, à la sécurité monétaire à travers le compte d’opération du trésor français serait devenu une réalité agissante à l’heure des TIC. This paper focuses on identifying the reasons, motivations, and the results of the cooperation between China and Cameroon in the CFA zone F. In regards to internet application, Cameroon needs diversification of its relationship with China and other partners. In order to achieve this objective, a quest and Durbin-Watson test was carried out to obtain an economic model which explains the evolution of the credit for investment in the CFA zone F. This, however, is necessary for the development of the countries. The test produced important results in fighting against poverty in Cameroon through China’s investment

    La Gestion du Risque de Micro-crédit: La Nécessité du Diagnostic Financier: Cas de la PME MIGEG Microfinance S.A.

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    The reduction of the losses related to credit outstanding payment is very necessary in the micro finance institutions in general, and the SME of micro finance MIGEG* S.A in particular. Here, we carried out a study concerning the management of micro credits risk which result to losses due to non-refund. The method that was proposed in this study is that of the financial diagnosis which operates in two phases. The first phase involves the use of the data collected during the interview to analyze the morality of the customer (Phase 1), while the second phase involves the use of the financial and accounting quantitative data to analyze the financial health of the customer (Phase 2).The diagnosis method considered is that of Dupont which allows us to considerably reduce the percentage of credits outstanding payment. Consequently, it also helps to improve the company’s funds. The proposed method will help the managers to detect the risks of application for credit. The bank will thus grant only the credit bonds related to the highest refunds. This, however, will further lead to the following results: For MIGEG S.A to be viable, it must insist on the ratio of the assets. This refers to the sales of the credits to promote refunds without risk. On the other hand, MIGEG S.A will insist on the ratio of the financial lever, debt and assets, in order to promote the prefinancing of the risk credits. Therefore, it will help to avoid credits related to the guarantees such as the land certificate, inheritance etc

    Le Financement Des Pme « Africaines » : La Nécessité Du Crédit-Bail Et La Bourse Des Valeurs

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    Confronted with the growing scarcity of resources in the global scale, the international political dialogue, in accordance with the Monterry consensus (2002) and the Doha conference (2008), recommends the reinforcement of internal resources mobilization in developing countries to achieve the Millennium Development Goals. In the case of Cameroon, emphasis is put on leasing as a form of financing, so as to enable a company to acquire production equipment; that is, goods that will enhance production in a company. Moreover, the financing of SME centered on the stock exchange speculations as possible alternatives of long-term SME financing, i.e. for more than five years and based on tangible fixed assets, can be an orientation to the fight against poverty in Africa. To succeed, the main objective of this study consist of evaluating the leasing performance between 1994 and 2008 practiced in cameroonian banking system, following the 2007-2008 economic and financial world crisis. What will not be possible without insisting on the Durban Watson test for the period of 1994-2008; thus, evaluating the role of leasing and the Stock Market in the SME financing. The present study identifies suitable strategies to improve the output and the effectiveness of leasing. In addition, investigations will lead to results that can contribute to decrease the bank loan application shares rejected by the banks in short and long periods; the stock market will take over. The methodological approach will focus on data collection, statistical and econometric analysis which estimates the output and the performance of leasing in development, financing and poverty in Cameroon. The recommendations will reinforce the Cameroon banks’ capacities to finance development and the fight against poverty by leasing

    Politiques Publiques, Insertion Des Jeunes Et Secteurs d’Emplois d’Actualite

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    This paper focuses on open public policies that are related to youth employment and hence to human capital or skills training. From the objective of this study, it is important to recognize that debates around public development policies, focused on external openness and youth employment, have always existed in both developed and underdeveloped countries. Inspired by all these debates, we were able to develop our hypothesis and, subsequently, an adequate methodology to verify them. This shows a causality between the variables: external openness, employment and qualifying training or public policy. Thus, we will start from the neoclassical economic theory that relates production, capital, and employment to develop our econometric model. We, therefore, found that it is appropriate to use VAR (value at risk) modeling to analyze the interrelationship between the variables: open access, human capital and employment. The data come from the World Bank, specifically from the "World Development Indicators" , which has earned us a longitudinal sectional study over the period from 1979 to 2014. It uses Word and Excel software to ensure the processing of our data as well as Eviews for the analysis of our data. In this way, we arrive at the result and the recommendations according to which it is necessary to upgrade the GESP (strategy documents for growth and employment in Cameroon). In their elaboration in August 2009, they were focused on the global economic crisis in providing, among other things, appropriate responses to the problems raised by the so-called crisis. This has also placed growth and employment in Cameroon at the center of their actions. To this end, the integration of young people should start from public policies according to the sectors of news and concerns of the jobs of subcontracting and the jobs of transition. It insists on the formations qualifying and, in the long run, the auto employment of the young people