155 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Ukuran Perusahaan Dan Faktor Regulasi Terhadap Kualitas Implementasi Corporate Governance

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    Adanya pemisahan antara fungsi kepemilikan (ownership) dan fungsi pengendalian (control) dalam hubungan keagenan sering menimbulkan masalah-masalah keagenan (agency problems). Masalah-masalah keagenan tersebut timbul karena adanya konflik atau perbedaan kepentingan antara principal (pemilik Perusahaan atau pihak yang memberikan mandat) dan agent (manajer Perusahaan atau pihak yang menerima mandat). Teori keagenan (agency theory) berusaha menjelaskan tentang penentuan kontrak yang paling efisien yang bisa membatasi konflik atau masalah keagenan (Jensen dan Meckling, 1976; Eisenhardt, 1989). Corporate governance merupakan respon Perusahaan terhadap konflik tersebut. Corporate governance merupakan cara-cara untuk memberikan keyakinan pada para pemasok dana Perusahaan akan diperolehnya return atas investasi mereka (Shleifer dan Vishny, 1997). Menurut Cadbury (1992), corporate governance adalah sistem untuk mengarahkan (direct) dan mengendalikan (control) suatu Perusahaan/korporasi. Corporate governanace merupakan salah satu elemen kunci dalammeningkatkan efesiensi ekonomis, yang meliputi serangkaian hubungan antaramanajemen Perusahaan, dewan komisaris, para pemegang saham dan stakeholderslainnya. Corporate governance juga memberikan suatu struktur yangmemfasilitasi penentuan sasaran-sasaran dari suatu Perusahaan, dan sebagaisarana untuk menentukan teknik monitoring kinerja (Darmawati, Khomsiyah dan Rika, 2004). Tujuan untuk menguji pengaruh nilai ukuran Perusahaan, dan faktor regulasi terhadap kualitas implementasi corporate governance pada Perusahaan BUMN dan Non BUMN yang terdaftar di CGPI periode 2008-2012. Metode Penelitian penelitian ini bersifat Kuantitatif, dengan rancangan kausal komparatif, menggunakan analisis regresi linier berganda untuk mengetahui pengaruh antara variabel independen yaitu Ukuran Perusahaan dan Faktor Regulasi terhadap variabel dependen yaitu Kualitas Implementasi Corporate Governace. Hasil Penelitian Secara Parsial nilai ukuran Perusahaan dan faktor regulasi berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kualitas implmentasi corporate governance

    Pengaruh Penerapan Terapi Okupasi Terhadap Penurunan Stres Pada Lansia Di Panti Werdha Damai Ranomuut Manado

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    Proses menua adalah proses alami yang disertai adanya penurunan kondisi fisik, psikologis maupun sosial yang saling berinteraksi satu sama lain. Salah satu masalah psikologis yang dapat dialami oleh lansia adalah stres. Stres adalah reaksi tubuh terhadap sesuatu yang menimbulkan tekanan Perubahan dan ketegangan emosi. Salah satu jenis terapi yang dapat digunakan untuk mengurangi stres yaitu terapi okupasi. Terapi ini berfokus pada pengenalan kemampuan yang masih ada pada seseorang, pemeliharaan dan peningkatan bertujuan untuk membentuk seseorang agar mandiri. Tujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh terapi okupasi terhadap tingkat stres pada lansia di Panti Werdha Damai Ranomuut. Desain Penelitian yang di gunakan pra eksperimental one group pre test post test. Tehnik pengambilan sampel yang di pakai ialah proposiv sampling. Sampel dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 15 orang. Hasil penelitian menggunakan Uji T-Test Paired Samples Test di dapatkan nilai p = 0,000 < α = 0,05. Kesimpulan hasil penelitian menunjukan adanya pengaruh okupasi terhadap tingkat stres pada lansia di Panti Werdha Ranomuut. Saran lebih meningkatkan mutu kesehatan terhadap lansia, terutama lansia yang mengalami stres dengan cara memberikan berbagai terapi seperti terapi okupasi

    A role for left temporal pole in the retrieval of words for unique entities

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    r r Abstract: Both lesion and functional imaging studies have implicated sectors of high-order association cortices of the left temporal lobe in the retrieval of words for objects belonging to varied conceptual categories. In particular, the cortices located in the left temporal pole have been associated with naming unique persons from faces. Because this neuroanatomical-behavioral association might be related to either the specificity of the task (retrieving a name at unique level) or to the possible preferential processing of faces by anterior temporal cortices, we performed a PET imaging experiment to test the hypothesis that the effect is related to the specificity of the word retrieval task. Normal subjects were asked to name at unique level entities from two conceptual categories: famous landmarks and famous faces. In support of the hypothesis, naming entities in both categories was associated with increases in activity in the left temporal pole. No main effect of category (faces vs. landmarks/buildings) or interaction of task and category was found in the left temporal pole. Retrieving names for unique persons and for names for unique landmarks activate the same brain region. These findings are consistent with the notion that activity in the left temporal pole is linked to the level of specificity of word retrieval rather than the conceptual class to which the stimulus belongs. Hum. Brain Mapping 13:199–212, 2001. © 2001 Wiley-Liss, Inc. Key words: left temporal pole; language; word retrieval; functional imaging; face processing; naming r

    Inferencias Espaciales en Comprensión de Texto: ¿Lingüísticas o Viso-Espaciales? Evidencia Cognitiva y de Neuroimagen

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    La comprensión de texto consiste en la construcción de una representación integrada delmismo. Las teorías clásicas suponen que ésta implica un formato verbal o proposicional.Una hipótesis más reciente asume que lo que se construye es una simulación, unarepresentación multimodal, análoga a la experiencia de estar en la situación descripta porel texto. El objetivo del presente trabajo ha sido comparar las hipótesis verbal /proposicional y la hipótesis de simulación, tomando datos conductuales y de neuroimagenmediante SPECT. Doce adultos jóvenes leyeron narraciones que requerían inferenciasespaciales, bajo el paradigma de congruencia / incongruencia, en dos condiciones:lectura para comprender las historias (Comprender), o para formarse una imagen mentalviso-espacial (Imaginería). Se administró el radiotrazador 99mTc-ECD, en dos sesionesde 16 historias por cada condición, tomando los tiempos de lectura por oración;posteriormente se adquirieron neuroimágenes en cámara gamma. El tiempo de lecturapara las oraciones que contenían una incongruencia espacial fue significativamente mayorque para las congruentes, lo cual supone que los lectores entendían la dimensión espacialdel texto. La comparación de la activación cerebral Imaginería – Comprender mostró uncantidad significativamente mayor de voxels activos en zonas posteriores (giro lingual yfusiforme derecho, cuneus izquierdo), en tanto que la comparación Comprender –Imaginería activó en mayor medida zonas fronto-temporales. Esto sugiere que lacomprensión de texto es una actividad principalmente lingüística (hipótesis verbal /proposicional); y que la actividad de zonas viso-espaciales del cerebro parece asociarse ala exigencia de formarse imágenes mentales.Text comprehension involves constructing an integrated representation of the ideas conveyed by it. Classical psycholinguistic theories assume that this construction takes on a verbal - propositional format. A recent hypothesis assumes that what is built is a simulation, a multimodal representation, analogous to the experience of being in the situation described in the text. The objective of this project was to compare the verbal / propositional and simulation hypotheses, employing convergent behavioral and neuroimaging SPECT data. Twelve young adults read stories that required inferences about space, under the consistency / inconsistency paradigm, in two conditions: reading stories to understand (Understand), or to form a mental visuo-spatial image (Imagery). The 99mTc-ECD radiotracer was administered in two sessions, in which 16 stories by each condition were read, measuring the reading time per sentence; thereafter neuroimages were acquired into the gamma camera. Reading times for sentences that contained a spatial inconsistency were significantly higher than for the consistent version, which implies that readers understood the spatial dimension of the text. Comparison of brain activation Imagery - Understand showed significantly more active voxels in posterior areas (right lingual and fusiform gyrus, left cuneus), while the comparison Understand - Imagery showed differences in frontotemporal areas. These results suggest that reading comprehension is primarily a linguistic activity (verbal / propositional hypothesis); activity in visuo-spatial areas of the brain seems to be associated with the requirement to form mental images.Fil: Burin, Debora Ines. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Psicología. Instituto de Investigaciones; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Saux, Gaston Ignacio. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Psicología; ArgentinaFil: Irrazabal, Natalia Carolina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Psicología; ArgentinaFil: Lameiro, P.. No especifíca;Fil: Saferstein, D.. No especifíca;Fil: Ponto, L.. University of Iowa Hospital and Clinics; Estados UnidosFil: Jorge, R.. University of Iowa Hospital and Clinics; Estados Unido

    Inferencias Espaciales en Comprensión de Texto: ¿Lingüísticas o Viso-Espaciales? Evidencia Cognitiva y de Neuroimagen

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    La comprensión de texto consiste en la construcción de una representación integrada delmismo. Las teorías clásicas suponen que ésta implica un formato verbal o proposicional.Una hipótesis más reciente asume que lo que se construye es una simulación, unarepresentación multimodal, análoga a la experiencia de estar en la situación descripta porel texto. El objetivo del presente trabajo ha sido comparar las hipótesis verbal /proposicional y la hipótesis de simulación, tomando datos conductuales y de neuroimagenmediante SPECT. Doce adultos jóvenes leyeron narraciones que requerían inferenciasespaciales, bajo el paradigma de congruencia / incongruencia, en dos condiciones:lectura para comprender las historias (Comprender), o para formarse una imagen mentalviso-espacial (Imaginería). Se administró el radiotrazador 99mTc-ECD, en dos sesionesde 16 historias por cada condición, tomando los tiempos de lectura por oración;posteriormente se adquirieron neuroimágenes en cámara gamma. El tiempo de lecturapara las oraciones que contenían una incongruencia espacial fue significativamente mayorque para las congruentes, lo cual supone que los lectores entendían la dimensión espacialdel texto. La comparación de la activación cerebral Imaginería – Comprender mostró uncantidad significativamente mayor de voxels activos en zonas posteriores (giro lingual yfusiforme derecho, cuneus izquierdo), en tanto que la comparación Comprender –Imaginería activó en mayor medida zonas fronto-temporales. Esto sugiere que lacomprensión de texto es una actividad principalmente lingüística (hipótesis verbal /proposicional); y que la actividad de zonas viso-espaciales del cerebro parece asociarse ala exigencia de formarse imágenes mentales.Text comprehension involves constructing an integrated representation of the ideas conveyed by it. Classical psycholinguistic theories assume that this construction takes on a verbal - propositional format. A recent hypothesis assumes that what is built is a simulation, a multimodal representation, analogous to the experience of being in the situation described in the text. The objective of this project was to compare the verbal / propositional and simulation hypotheses, employing convergent behavioral and neuroimaging SPECT data. Twelve young adults read stories that required inferences about space, under the consistency / inconsistency paradigm, in two conditions: reading stories to understand (Understand), or to form a mental visuo-spatial image (Imagery). The 99mTc-ECD radiotracer was administered in two sessions, in which 16 stories by each condition were read, measuring the reading time per sentence; thereafter neuroimages were acquired into the gamma camera. Reading times for sentences that contained a spatial inconsistency were significantly higher than for the consistent version, which implies that readers understood the spatial dimension of the text. Comparison of brain activation Imagery - Understand showed significantly more active voxels in posterior areas (right lingual and fusiform gyrus, left cuneus), while the comparison Understand - Imagery showed differences in frontotemporal areas. These results suggest that reading comprehension is primarily a linguistic activity (verbal / propositional hypothesis); activity in visuo-spatial areas of the brain seems to be associated with the requirement to form mental images.Fil: Burin, Debora Ines. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Psicología. Instituto de Investigaciones; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Saux, Gaston Ignacio. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Psicología; ArgentinaFil: Irrazabal, Natalia Carolina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Psicología; ArgentinaFil: Lameiro, P.. No especifíca;Fil: Saferstein, D.. No especifíca;Fil: Ponto, L.. University of Iowa Hospital and Clinics; Estados UnidosFil: Jorge, R.. University of Iowa Hospital and Clinics; Estados Unido

    Automated Regional Modelling (ARM) for characterization of the substorm current wedge

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    Poster, ICS-9, Seggau, Austria, May 2008Some characteristics of substorms may be determined through use of an electrojet forward modelling approach. These include the amplitude of cross-meridian electric current (0.2 to 1 MA typically), timescales (about 20 minutes to peak current and poleward extension), and amount of poleward motion (several degrees). An increase in the number of magnetic stations deployed in North America makes use of a full substorm current wedge system possible, reproducing well the perturbations observed both in the auroral zone and at subauroral stations. This provides good characterization not only of the aforementioned parameters, but also of the substorm longitudinal parameters including the central meridian. In principle, extension of near-Earth field-aligned currents into space is possible based on inversion results and field models. In practice, comparison with data from spacecraft such as THEMIS is complicated by processes in space such as plasma sheet changes at substorm onse

    A survey of current practices by the British Oculoplastic Surgery Society (BOPSS) and recommendations for delivering a sustainable multidisciplinary approach to thyroid eye disease in the United Kingdom

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    The Royal College of Physicians (RCP) and Thyroid Eye Disease Amsterdam Declaration Implementation Group (TEAMeD-5) have the common goal of improving access to high quality care for thyroid eye disease (TED). The TEAMeD-5 programme recommends all patients with moderate-to-severe TED should have access to multidisciplinary clinics (MDT) with combined Ophthalmology and Endocrinology expertise

    A statistical investigation of normal regional intra-subject heterogeneity of brain metabolism and perfusion by F-18 FDG and O-15 H(2)O PET imaging

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    BACKGROUND: The definite evaluation of the regional cerebral heterogeneity using perfusion and metabolism by a single modality of PET imaging has not been well addressed. Thus a statistical analysis of voxel variables from identical brain regions on metabolic and perfusion PET images was carried out to determine characteristics of the regional heterogeneity of F-18 FDG and O-15 H(2)O cerebral uptake in normal subjects. METHODS: Fourteen normal subjects with normal CT and/or MRI and physical examination including MMSE were scanned by both F-18 FDG and O-15 H(2)O PET within same day with head-holder and facemask. The images were co-registered and each individual voxel counts (Q) were normalized by the gloabl maximal voxel counts (M) as R = Q/M. The voxel counts were also converted to z-score map by z = (Q - mean)/SD. Twelve pairs of ROIs (24 total) were systematically placed on the z-score map at cortical locations 15-degree apart and identically for metabolism and perfusion. Inter- and intra-subject correlation coefficients (r) were computed, both globally and hemispherically, from metabolism and perfusion: between regions for the same tracer and between tracers for the same region. Moments of means and histograms were computed globally along with asymmetric indices as their hemispherical differences. RESULTS: Statistical investigations verified with data showed that, for a given scan, correlation analyses are expectedly alike regardless of variables (Q, R, z) used. The varieties of correlation (r's) of normal subjects, showing symmetry, were mostly around 0.8 and with coefficient of variations near 10%. Analyses of histograms showed non-Gaussian behavior (skew = -0.3 and kurtosis = 0.4) of metabolism on average, in contrast to near Gaussian perfusion. CONCLUSION: The co-registered cerebral metabolism and perfusion z maps demonstrated regional heterogeneity but with attractively low coefficient of variations in the correlation markers
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