30 research outputs found
On the questions in developing computational infrastructure for Komi-Permyak
There are two main written Komi varieties, Permyak and Zyrian. These are mutually intelligible but derive from different parts of the same Komi dialect continuum,representing the varieties prominent in the vicinity and in the cities of Syktyvkar and Kudymkar,respectively. Hence,they share a vast number of features, as well as the majority of their lexicon, yet the overlap in their dialects is very complex. This paper evaluates the degree of difference in these written varieties based on changes required for computational resources in the description of these languages when adapted fromthe Komi-Zyrian original. Primarily these changes include the FST architecture, but we are also looking at its application to the Universal Dependencies annotation scheme in the morphologies of the two languages.Peer reviewe
[Effect of a probiotic strain administration in different feeding phases on α- and β-diversity and gene expression of the rumen microbiome in lactating cows] Влияние введения пробиотического штамма на разных этапах кормления на α- и β-разнообразие и экспрессию генов микробиомы рубца у лактирующих коров
In cows, there is a drastic metabolic stress caused by violations of the rumen microbiome composition during lactation. The aim of the present study was to investigate the α-and β-diversity of the rumen microbiome of lactating cows using next-generation sequencing (NGS) and gene expression assessed by qPCR, as well as evaluation of the corrective properties of a probiotic strain introduced into the rumen. The results showed that the addition of the probiotic to the diet contributed to an effective increase in the fat content of milk during the early lactation period (P ≤ 0.05). The NGS-based analysis of the rumen microbiome of the studied cows using the 16S rRNA gene sequences showed that the Shannon and Chao1 indices of α-diversity of prokaryotic communities remained unchanged during various feeding phases, as well as due to the probiotic effects. In the early lactation period and under the probiotic’s impact, the number of representatives of the Clostridia_UCG-014 and Clostridiaceae families declined by 2.4 and 1.6 times, respectively (in Group 2 as compared to Group 1, P ≤ 0.05). Expression of the bacterial Ldh-L and ldhD genes was lower by 2.9 and 13.5 times, respectively (P ≤ 0.05), when adding the probiotic to the diet in the early lactation period.
У коров возникает резкий метаболический стресс, вызванный нарушениями состава микробиома рубца в период лактации. Целью настоящего исследования явилось изучение α- и β-разнообразия микробиома рубца лактирующих коров с помощью секвенирования следующего поколения (NGS) и экспрессии генов, оцениваемой методом qPCR, а также оценка корригирующих свойств пробиотического штамма, введенного в рубец. Результаты показали, что добавление в рацион пробиотика способствовало эффективному повышению жирности молока в ранний период лактации (Р≤0,05). Анализ микробиома рубца изучаемых коров методом NGS с использованием последовательностей гена 16S рРНК показал, что индексы Шеннона и Chao1 α-разнообразия прокариотических сообществ оставались неизменными в разные фазы кормления, а также за счет пробиотических эффектов. В ранний лактационный период и под влиянием пробиотика численность представителей семейств Clostridia_UCG-014 и Clostridiaceae уменьшилась в 2,4 и 1,6 раза соответственно (во 2-й группе по сравнению с 1-й, P ≤ 0,05). Экспрессия бактериальных генов Ldh-L и ldhD была ниже в 2,9 и 13,5 раза соответственно (P ≤ 0,05) при добавлении в рацион пробиотика в ранний период лактации.
Russian authors' names: Георгий Лаптев, Дарья Тюрина, Елена Йылдырым, Лариса Ильина, Ксения Калиткина, ООО «БИОТРОФ+», Санкт-Петербургский государственный аграрный университет (ФГБОУ ВО СПбГАУ), Санкт-Петербург, Россия. Валентина Филиппова, Андрей Дубровин, Наталья Новикова, Екатерина Пономарева, ООО «БИОТРОФ», Санкт-Петербург, Россия. Хайрулламин Башир, Татьяна Сметанникова, Иван Малахов, Санкт-Петербургский государственный аграрный университет (ФГБОУ ВО СПбГАУ), Санкт-Петербург, Россия. Михаил Романов, Кентский университет, Великобритания.
(Третья международная конференция "Цифровизация сельского хозяйства и органическое производство ADOP 2023": Программа конференции и тезисы, 5–7 июня 2023 года г., Санкт-Петербург, Россия
[Analysis of changes in broiler microbiome biodiversity parameters due to intake of glyphosate and probiotic Bacillus sp. Gl-8 using next-generation sequencing] Анализ изменений параметров биоразнообразия микробиома бройлеров в результате приема глифосата и пробиотика Bacillus Sp. Gl-8 с использованием секвенирования следующего поколения
In recent years, there have been more data that the nonselective herbicide glyphosate (GLY) can negatively impact gut bacterial communities. The aim of our study was to investigate the composition of broiler caecal microbiome under chronic exposure to GLY and the introduction of a probiotic microorganism strain into the diet. 120 broilers were divided into three groups: Group 1 of control birds fed the basic diet (BD); Group 2 of experimental birds fed BD supplemented with GLY; and Group 3 of experimental birds fed BD supplemented with GLY and a probiotic strain of the microorganism Bacillus sp. GL-8. For analysis, we used the next-generation sequencing (NGS) technique. Due to the GLY administration, there was a trend of lowering the biodiversity of normal microflora representatives, along with intestinal colonization by undesirable forms of microorganisms. In particular, when adding GLY (Group 2), we observed a decreased number of Tepidimicrobium representatives (0.001 ±0.00006%) that ferment indigestible polysaccharides, while in Group 1 their content was greater (0.3 ± 0.02%; P ≤ 0.05). In Group 3 with probiotic, there was a lower number of Firmicutes (by 16.7%) and a rise in the number of Bacteroidetes (by 19.1%) as compared to Group 2 (P ≤ 0.05).
В последние годы появилось больше данных о том, что неселективный гербицид глифосат (GLY) может негативно влиять на бактериальные сообщества кишечника. Целью нашего исследования было изучение состава микробиома слепой кишки бройлеров при хроническом воздействии GLY и введении в рацион пробиотического штамма микроорганизмов. 120 бройлеров были разделены на три группы: 1 группа – контрольная птица, получавшая основной рацион (BD); 2-я группа опытных птиц, получавших BD с добавлением GLY; 3-я группа опытных птиц, получавших BD с добавлением GLY и пробиотического штамма микроорганизма Bacillus sp. GL-8. Для анализа использован метод секвенирования следующего поколения (NGS). При введении GLY отмечена тенденция к снижению биоразнообразия представителей нормальной микрофлоры, наряду с колонизацией кишечника нежелательными формами микроорганизмов. В частности, при добавлении GLY (2-я группа) наблюдалось снижение количества представителей Tepidimicrobium (0,001±0,00006%), ферментирующих неперевариваемые полисахариды, тогда как в 1-й группе их содержание было больше (0,3±0,02%; P ≤ 0,05). В 3-й группе с пробитиком отмечено меньшее количество Firmicutes (на 16,7%) и увеличение количества Bacteroidetes (на 19,1%) по сравнению со 2-й группой (P ≤ 0,05).
Russian authors' names: Георгий Лаптев, Дарья Тюрина, Елена Йылдырым, Лариса Ильина, Ксения Калиткина, ООО «БИОТРОФ+», Санкт-Петербургский государственный аграрный университет (ФГБОУ ВО СПбГАУ), Санкт-Петербург, Россия. Елена Горфинкель, Валентина Филиппова, Андрей Дубровин, Вероника Меликиди, Наталья Новикова, Виталий Молотков, Екатерина Пономарева, ООО «БИОТРОФ», Санкт-Петербург, Россия. Дмитрий Громов, Санкт-Петербургский государственный аграрный университет (ФГБОУ ВО СПбГАУ), Санкт-Петербург, Россия. Михаил Романов, Кентский университет, Великобритания.
(Третья международная конференция "Цифровизация сельского хозяйства и органическое производство ADOP 2023": Программа конференции и тезисы, 5–7 июня 2023 года г., Санкт-Петербург, Россия
Investigating adverse effects of chronic dietary exposure to herbicide glyphosate on zootechnical characteristics and clinical, biochemical and immunological blood parameters in broiler chickens
Although the herbicide glyphosate is widely used globally and considered safe, more evidence of its adverse effects on animals and humans is accumulating. The present investigation was aimed at evaluating the impact of different glyphosate concentrations on zootechnical characteristics and clinical, biochemical and immunological blood parameters in Ross 308 broiler chickens. Four groups were employed, including untreated control and three experimental groups fed diets enriched with glyphosate at doses of 10, 20 and 100 ppm that conformed to 0.5, 1 and 5 maximum residue limits, respectively. The results showed that glyphosate is a stress factor triggering a multifaceted effect on important blood parameters (e.g., white blood cell and phagocytic counts), which was shown for the first time in the experiments involving productive meat-type poultry. It was first revealed that glyphosate-induced changes in blood parameters may be related to a negative impact on the zootechnical characteristics including the digestive tract organ development and body weight gain. The study findings suggested that exposure to glyphosate in the feedstuffs can adversely affect the physiological condition and productivity of broilers
Relatório de estágio em farmácia comunitária
Relatório de estágio realizado no âmbito do Mestrado Integrado em Ciências Farmacêuticas, apresentado à Faculdade de Farmácia da Universidade de Coimbr
Support and implementation of the government program in the agricultural sector for business entities subjects on the example of the Republic of Bashkortostan
The scientific article discusses the implementation of the state program “Development of Agriculture andregulation of agricultural products, raw materials and food markets in the RepublicBashkortostan”, which aims to ensure the implementation of planned production valuescommodity production volumes of the main types of products. Effectiveness of the implementation of measuresgovernment program is largely determined by the volume of involvement in the Republic of Bashkortostanfederal funds.In this regard, the importance of the work of signing agreements betweenThe Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Republic of Bashkortostan onallocation of federal funds to the republic.At the present stage, global changes are taking place both in the global economy and in the regionallevel.Therefore, there is a need for innovative and cost- effectiveproduction methods.One of the directions of public policyin the agro-industrial complex is the support of innovatively active enterprises, farmersfarms that can solve the main economic problems and the country’s recovery from the crisis andensure sustainable innovative development of the economy
Enhancing out-of-class independent learning in a cloud-based information and communication learning environment: insights from students of a pedagogical university
This paper addresses the challenges associated with students’ out-of-class independent work in an information and communication learning environment that relies on cloud technologies. The study utilizes survey data gathered from students at a pedagogical university to inform the development of a course titled “Educational Electronic Resources for Primary School” designed for future primary school teachers. The findings reveal several prominent issues, including the need for more explicit instructions tailored to the task requirements, limited experience in self-management, and a lack of intrinsic motivation. Students emphasized the importance of detailed instructions, either orally or in written form, and emphasized the necessity of careful time planning to ensure successful completion of tasks. Furthermore, the article discusses students’ learning activities and achievements in the course amidst the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. Drawing from this analysis, the study formulates key requirements for effectively managing students’ out-of-class independent work in a cloud-based learning environment. This research contributes valuable insights to improving the design and implementation of remote learning initiatives, enhancing student engagement, and fostering meaningful learning outcomes
Systematicity of students’ independent work in cloud learning environment
The paper deals with the problem of out-of-class students’ independent work in information and communication learning environment based on cloud technologies. Results of appropriate survey among students of pedagogical university are discussed. The students answered the questions about systematicity of their learning activity and propositions for its improving. It is determined that the leading problems are needs in more careful instruction according to features of the task completing, insufficient experience in self-management, the lack of internal motivation. Most of all, students recommend to provide the tasks with detail instruction (oral or written) and to pay attention to careful planning the time that is necessary for full completion of the task. It is pointed that such complicated requirements can be satisfied only by complex use of information and communication technologies as well as the automated system of pedagogical diagnostics. Some requirements for management of students’ out-of-classroom independent work are formulated as a result of this discussion