827 research outputs found

    Quantal Two-Centre Coulomb Problem treated by means of the Phase-Integral Method II. Quantization Conditions in the Symmetric Case Expressed in Terms of Complete Elliptic Integrals. Numerical Illustration

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    The contour integrals, occurring in the arbitrary-order phase-integral quantization conditions given in a previous paper, are in the first- and third-order approximations expressed in terms of complete elliptic integrals in the case that the charges of the Coulomb centres are equal. The evaluation of the integrals is facilitated by the knowledge of quasiclassical dynamics. The resulting quantization conditions involving complete elliptic integrals are solved numerically to obtain the energy eigenvalues and the separation constants of the 1sσ1s\sigma and 2pσ2p\sigma states of the hydrogen molecule ion for various values of the internuclear distance. The accuracy of the formulas obtained is illustrated by comparison with available numerically exact results.Comment: 19 pages, RevTeX 4, 4 EPS figures, submitted to J. Math. Phy

    Self-consistent approach for the quantum confined Stark effect in shallow quantum wells

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    A computationally efficient, self-consistent complex scaling approach to calculating characteristics of excitons in an external electric field in quantum wells is introduced. The method allows one to extract the resonance position as well as the field-induced broadening for the exciton resonance. For the case of strong confinement the trial function is represented in factorized form. The corresponding coupled self-consistent equations, which include the effective complex potentials, are obtained. The method is applied to the shallow quantum well. It is shown that in this case the real part of the effective exciton potential is insensitive to changes of external electric field up to the ionization threshold, while the imaginary part has non-analytical field dependence and small for moderate electric fields. This allows one to express the exciton quasi-energy at some field through the renormalized expression for the zero-field bound state.Comment: 13 pages, RevTeX4, 6 figure

    Calculations of exchange interaction in impurity band of two-dimensional semiconductors with out of plane impurities

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    We calculate the singlet-triplet splitting for a couple of two-dimensional electrons in the potential of two positively charged impurities which are located out of plane. We consider different relations between vertical distances of impurities h1h_1 and h2h_2 and their lateral distance RR. Such a system has never been studied in atomic physics but the methods, worked out for regular two-atomic molecules and helium atom, have been found to be useful. Analytical expressions for several different limiting configurations of impurities are obtained an interpolated formula for intermediate range of parameters is proposed. The RR-dependence of the splitting is shown to become weaker with increasing h1,h2h_1,h_2.Comment: 14 pages, RevTeX, 5 figures. Submitted to Phys Rev.

    Evidence for Antiferromagnetic Order in La2−x_{2-x}Cex_{x}CuO4_{4} from Angular Magnetoresistance Measurements

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    We investigated the in-plane angular magnetoresistivity (AMR) of T′% T^{^{\prime}}-phase La2−x_{2-x}Cex_{x}CuO4_{4} (LCCO) thin films (x=0.06−0.15% x=0.06-0.15) fabricated by a pulsed laser deposition technique. The in-plane AMR with H∥ab\mathbf{H}\parallel ab shows a twofold symmetry instead of the fourfold behavior found in other electron-doped cuprates such as Pr2−x% _{2-x}Cex_{x}CuO4_{4} and Nd2−x_{2-x}Cex_{x}CuO4_{4}. The twofold AMR disappears above a certain temperature, TDT_{D}. The TD(x)T_{D}(x) is well above Tc(x)T_{c}(x) for x=0.06x=0.06 (∼110\sim 110 K), and decreases with increasing doping, until it is no longer observed above Tc(x)T_{c}(x) at x=0.15x=0.15. This twofold AMR below TD(x)T_{D}(x) is suggested to originate from an antiferromagnetic or spin density wave order.Comment: to be published in Phys. Rev. B, Vol. 80 (2009

    Angular distributions of scattered excited muonic hydrogen atoms

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    Differential cross sections of the Coulomb deexcitation in the collisions of excited muonic hydrogen with the hydrogen atom have been studied for the first time. In the framework of the fully quantum-mechanical close-coupling approach both the differential cross sections for the nl→n′l′nl \to n'l' transitions and ll-averaged differential cross sections have been calculated for exotic atom in the initial states with the principle quantum number n=2−6n=2 - 6 at relative motion energies Ecm=0.01−15E_{\rm {cm}}=0.01 - 15 eV and at scattering angles θcm=0−180∘\theta_{\rm {cm}}=0 - 180^{\circ}. The vacuum polarization shifts of the nsns-states are taken into account. The calculated in the same approach differential cross sections of the elastic and Stark scattering are also presented. The main features of the calculated differential cross sections are discussed and a strong anisotropy of cross sections for the Coulomb deexcitation is predicted.Comment: 5 pages, 9 figure

    Effect of inter-wall surface roughness correlations on optical spectra of quantum well excitons

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    We show that the correlation between morphological fluctuations of two interfaces confining a quantum well strongly suppresses a contribution of interface disorder to inhomogeneous line width of excitons. We also demonstrate that only taking into account these correlations one can explain all the variety of experimental data on the dependence of the line width upon thickness of the quantum well.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figures, Revtex4, submitted to PR

    Electrically tunable g-factors in quantum dot molecular spin states

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    We present a magneto-photoluminescence study of individual vertically stacked InAs/GaAs quantum dot pairs separated by thin tunnel barriers. As an applied electric field tunes the relative energies of the two dots, we observe a strong resonant increase or decrease in the g-factors of different spin states that have molecular wavefunctions distributed over both quantum dots. We propose a phenomenological model for the change in g-factor based on resonant changes in the amplitude of the wavefunction in the barrier due to the formation of bonding and antibonding orbitals.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, Accepted by Phys. Rev. Lett. New version reflects response to referee comment

    Calculation of Dose Deposition in 3D Voxels by Heavy Ions and Simulation of gamma-H2AX Experiments

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    The biological response to high-LET radiation is different from low-LET radiation due to several factors, notably difference in energy deposition and formation of radiolytic species. Of particular importance in radiobiology is the formation of double-strand breaks (DSB), which can be detected by -H2AX foci experiments. These experiments has revealed important differences in the spatial distribution of DSB induced by low- and high-LET radiations [1,2]. To simulate -H2AX experiments, models based on amorphous track with radial dose are often combined with random walk chromosome models [3,4]. In this work, a new approach using the Monte-Carlo track structure code RITRACKS [5] and chromosome models have been used to simulate DSB formation. At first, RITRACKS have been used to simulate the irradiation of a cubic volume of 5 m by 1) 450 1H+ ions of 300 MeV (LET 0.3 keV/ m) and 2) by 1 56Fe26+ ion of 1 GeV/amu (LET 150 keV/ m). All energy deposition events are recorded to calculate dose in voxels of 20 m. The dose voxels are distributed randomly and scattered uniformly within the volume irradiated by low-LET radiation. Many differences are found in the spatial distribution of dose voxels for the 56Fe26+ ion. The track structure can be distinguished, and voxels with very high dose are found in the region corresponding to the track "core". These high-dose voxels are not found in the low-LET irradiation simulation and indicate clustered energy deposition, which may be responsible for complex DSB. In the second step, assuming that DSB will be found only in voxels where energy is deposited by the radiation, the intersection points between voxels with dose > 0 and simulated chromosomes were obtained. The spatial distribution of the intersection points is similar to -H2AX foci experiments. These preliminary results suggest that combining stochastic track structure and chromosome models could be a good approach to understand radiation-induced DSB and chromosome aberrations
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