516 research outputs found

    Faculty Rewards and Education Portfolios: A Report on Faculty Perceptions

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    Many schools in the developed world have adopted portfolios in an attempt to address the scholarship of teaching. This is because of the atmosphere of “publish or perish” which pervades academia. Buying off teaching obligations with research dollars is an increasingly pervasive practice in many institutions and Faculty caught up in this system have generally gone along with it, focusing on the scholarship of discovery at the expense of the scholarship of integration, application, and teaching - little of which carries the financial consequence or peer recognition of sponsored research.1 Add to this the fact that many medical schools world wide have adopted teacher- intensive, integrated hybrid PBL curricula and the result is frustrated teachers who undergo occupational burnout. An ideal faculty reward system should support the priorities and mission of the institution e.g. if improving the quality of teaching and learning is a high priority, then the tenure, promotion, and merit pay system must support quality efforts to redesign the curriculum, improve courses, and increase the effectiveness of teaching.2 Education Portfolios are not widely used in this part of the world, and few Faculty have even heard of the term “Education Scholarship”. This study is a preliminary report on perception of the faculty rewards in place in their institution and their familiarity with the concept of education scholarship. A questionnaire was posted to Faculty of medical schools in Malaysia and also distributed to staff of the National University of Singapore, during an international conference. A total of 54 responses were collected from six institutions (14 were unidentified); representing a response rate of about twenty per cent. Thirty two were teaching in a hybrid curriculum; and 26 were clinical teachers. Thirty three had been in their respective institutions for more than three years.Faculty Rewards; Education Portfolios; medical schools

    Učinak adjuvansa saponina i montanida ISA 50 na imunološki odgovor teladi imunizirane pročišćenim antigenom srednjega crijeva krpelja Hyalomma marginatum isaaci

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    Immune status of calves, immunized with purified midgut antigen of Hyalomma marginatum isaaci, was assessed by standard immunological tests. Leukocyte migration inhibition test showed inhibition from day 21 post-infection in calves that received midgut antigen with Saponin as adjuvant (Saponin group) while significant inhibition was observed from 28 DPI in the Montanide group. Intradermal test revealed immediate hypersensitivity reaction within 15 m. and the highest skin fold thickness was observed after 24 h. of inoculation of antigen (14.50 ± 1.50 mm in the Saponin group and 12.00 ± 0.70 mm in the Montanide group). Similarly, a significant humoral response as judged by ELISA was observed from 7 DPI (P<0.01) in the Saponin group, with a peak value on 42 DPI, whereas the significant antibody was observed only on 21 DPI, with a peak value on 30 DPI in the Montanide group.Imunosni status teladi imunizirane pročišćenim antigenom srednjega crijeva krpelja Hyalomma marginatum isaaci procijenjen je upotrebom standardnih imunoloških testova. Testom inhibicije migracije leukocita dokazana je inhibicija 21. dana nakon invazije u teladi imunizirane antigenom srednjega crijeva krpelja u kombinaciji sa saponinom kao adjuvansom, dok je značajna inhibicija u skupini u kojoj je primijenjen montanid bila dokazana 28. dana nakon invazije. Intradermalnim testom dokazana je reakcija rane preosjetljivosti već za 15 minuta. Najveće zadebljanje kože dokazano je 24 sata nakon inokulacije antigena (14,50 ± 1,50 mm u skupini u kojoj je primijenjen saponin i 12,00 ± 0,7 mm u skupini u kojoj je primijenjen montanid). Znatan humoralni odgovor određen imunoenzimnim testom zabilježen je 7. dana nakon invazije (P<0,01) u skupini u kojoj je bio primijenjen saponin s najvišom vrijednošću 42. dana poslije inokulacije, dok je porast titra protutijela zabilježen 21. dana poslije inokulacije u skupini u kojoj je primijenjen montanid s vršnom vrijednošću zabilježenom 30. dana nakon primjene

    E. coli AB 1157 susceptibility test, MTT assay on MCF-7 and HeLa cell lines of root and leaf fractions of Viburnum Linn. species

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    525-530The aim of this study was to evaluate mutagenic bacterial susceptibility and cytotoxic potency of Viburnum coriaceum Blume and Viburnum erubescens Wall.ex DC in order to report the actual chemotherapeutic potentials of these two species. The methanolic (80%) leaf and chloroform root extracts of Viburnum Linn. Species were tested for their bacterial strain based cytotoxicity employing Agar diffusion method suing E. coli AB 1157 strain. Also, the MTT assay was carried out employing MCF-7 breast cancer cell lines and HeLa cervical cell lines. It was started with IC50 value determination of the selected test extracts from the results of bacterial strain based cytotoxicity. Upon increase in concentration up to 1000 µg/mL in agar diffusion cytotoxicity studies VCMLE, VEMLE and VCCRE had shown diameter of inhibition zone 10 mm, 9 mm and 10 mm respectively. Among other extracts, the VEMLE and VCCRE were selected to go ahead with anticancer activity by MTT assay. The potentials of extracts through cytotoxicity mechanism had produced 30-40% protection against cancer cell lines. It was concluded that VEMLE and VCCRE had produced the cytotoxic effect on E. coli AB 1157 strain. and were selected for the cytotoxic studies. The effects exhibited by the selected extracts may be due to the presence of diverse number of active constituents present in Viburnum Linn species also may be to the presence of unreported constituents