10 research outputs found


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    A discussão apresentada foi construída a partir das experiências da equipe multidisciplinar do Programa Patronato Municipal de Francisco Beltrão - PR. Um dos propósitos do Patronato é organizar atividades em prol da escolarização dos assistidos, sendo que o Curso Preparatório para o Exame Nacional para Certificação de Competências de Jovens e Adultos - ENCCEJA é uma destas, tendo como objetivo oportunizar a conclusão dos estudos do ensino fundamental séries finais ou ensino médio. As duas edições anteriores desta atividade (2017-2018), evidenciaram que o ENCCEJA se apresenta como uma possibilidade de reinserção dos assistidos na sociedade, bem como uma oportunidade para que os mesmos deem continuidade no processo de escolarização formal

    Load balancing in modern network infrastructures — A simulation model

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    This paper presents a critical review of load balancing policies of network traffic loads composed of TCP/IP application protocols and applications and discusses the performance improvements sustained by such policies. The review introduces principles of network design of cost efficient networking infrastructures in an economy of scale suitable for global internet network traffic loads. Discrete event simulation modeling of a linear network architecture is used to study the effects of five network load balancing policies (Server Load, Round Robin, Number of Connections, Random, and Weighted Fair Queuing) against a baseline scenario of no-load balancing (NLB). The simulation study presented in this paper, clearly demonstrates that load balancing can lead to a reduction of application response times, improved CPU utilization for Server performance, and higher application throughput, thus improving network availability to the end user and the overall network resiliency

    Inspiring career development and employability among undergraduates through reality television programme

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    This article examines the social context of Career Development and Employability (CDE) in academic practice, and proposes an innovative and motivational framework for the development of students’ CDE skills based on the reality TV show, The Apprentice.The research work carried out involved participant observation and face-to-face interviews in order to understand perspectives and perception of career development and employability. The CDE framework is qualitatively and quantitatively evaluated from a sample of 58 participants in the context of the student experience. The student experience was asserted by increasing student motivation and engagement.The method used allows other academic subject disciplines to fit into the CDE frameworks. For example, business studies can adopt the concepts and the components of the frameworks in the respective teaching and learning processes

    Innovative assessment strategies in higher education

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    Assessment is an integral part of academic practice models and by no means the easiest from a pedagogical perspective. Assessment can change the student’s perception and attitudes towards learning and consequently the way in which they manage their curricular expectations and further career development. Learning outcomes indicate what is expected of students, help staff plan the delivery and provide students and employers with descriptors of the levels of knowledge and skills achieved. The challenge of any assessment method is to measure with rigour and fairness the level to which learning outcomes have been met. This communicates to students and employers, a sound mechanism for comparing the quality of the educational experience. The research aimed to design and implement an assessment model that recognises individual contributions of students within a team based on the work of the International Personality Item Pool (IPIP). The question being asked in this research was: “can the work of the International Personality Item Pool which measures Personality and Other Individual Differences be used to express an innovative, rigorous and fair assessment process of individuals and teams so that students are better prepared to develop their own careers mirroring the way individuals work in teams”. The methodology proposed recognises, measures and rewards the contributions of individuals, teams and teamwork efforts associated with engineering and technology business tasks as part of a career development and employability program. The research showed that through empirical and scientific methods that the proposed principles are a sound representation of an innovative assessment model that is rigorous and fair as it is based on scientifically proven constructs by the scientific community which enables academic practitioners to enable students career development within their academic study

    Prospecção Tecnológica na Área de Paisagens Sonoras (Soundscape)

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    The field of soundscape study, which considers the user's perception of the acoustic environment within a context, has been gaining strength in recent years, due to the need to overcome the approach to the management of urban environments based only on noise control policies. As a result, there has been an increase in the number of scientific and technological publications related to soundscape. The present work aims to present prospective scenarios linked to the development of soundscape on the basis of patents and science. Results of the technology prospecting in patent databases indicate that the developments related to soundscape themes are relatively new, considering that 44.4% of the patent deposits are concentrated in the last 5 years. Scientific production peaked in 2018, which coincided with the publication of the second part of the ISO 12913:2 standard, which deals with data collection procedures for assessing the soundscape.O campo de estudo em paisagem sonora (soundscape), que considera a percepção do usuário ao ambiente acústico dentro de um contexto, está ganhando força nos últimos anos, em função da necessidade em superar a abordagem do gerenciamento dos ambientes urbanos baseados apenas em políticas de controle do ruído. Com isso, houve um aumento no número de publicações científicas e tecnológicas relacionadas ao soundscape. O presente trabalho visa a apresentação de cenários prospectivos ligados ao desenvolvimento de tecnologias soundscape nas bases de patentes e científicas. Os resultados da prospecção tecnológica em bases de patentes indicam que os desenvolvimentos ligados a temática soundscape são relativamente novos, tendo em vista que 44,4% dos depósitos de patentes estão concentrados nos últimos 5 anos. A produção científica atingiu o percentual máximo em 2018, que coincidiu com a publicação da segunda parte da norma ISO 12913:2, a qual trata de procedimentos para coleta de dados para avaliação da paisagem sonora

    A Contabilidade na Era Digital: prospecção tecnológica para uma análise de tendências

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    This prospective work seeks to systematically investigate the technological developments of topics that are trends in the accounting and financial universe. The information presented through patent search focuses on demonstrating the evolution of patent family filings by year of publication, patent families by country of protection, the main market players from the list of major filers and the areas of domain of the researched technologies. The research was carried out by crossing the technological themes related to accounting by the terms “accounting” and “accountancy” researched at the Questel-Orbit® intelligence system. The research obtained the following results by researched areas: Data Analytics, Blockchain, Internet of things, audit/taxation and, finally, the use of artificial intelligence. The results were compared, analyzed and debated from the perspective of their impacts on the accounting area.Este trabalho prospectivo busca investigar de forma sistemática os desenvolvimentos tecnológicos de temas que são tendências no universo contábil e financeiro. As informações apresentadas através de busca patentária concentram-se em demonstrar a evolução de depósitos de famílias de patentes por ano de publicação, as famílias de patentes por país de proteção, os principais players do mercado a partir da relação dos principais depositantes e as áreas de domínio das tecnologias pesquisadas. A pesquisa foi realizada através de cruzamentos dos temas tecnológicos relacionados à contabilidade pelos termos “accounting” e “accountancy”, sendo realizada busca no sistema de inteligência Questel-Orbit®. A pesquisa obteve os seguintes resultados por áreas pesquisadas: Data Analytics, Blockchain, Internet of things, auditoria/tributação e, por fim, o uso de inteligências artificiais. Os resultados foram comparados, analisados e debatidos sob a perspectiva de seus impactos sobre a área contábil

    Tecnologias na Segurança Pública: prospecção sobre o uso de inteligências artificiais e outros dispositivos

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    This article conducts a technological survey about the artificial intelligence and Internet of Things (IoT) directed to its application in Public Security presenting trends that can improve information and develop the services provided by public security agents in Brazil. Technological trends are demonstrated through a technological prospection inside the patent bases: Lens, Questel-Orbit and the Derwent Index Innovation. The patent data were gathered together with bibliographical researches in the area creating a brief overview of trends about the use of the artificial intelligence combined with the Internet of Things (IoT) resulting in facial recognition devices, trigger sensors, radio frequency identification and another services that can be directly related to Public Security.Este artigo realiza uma prospecção tecnológica sobre o uso de inteligências artificiais e Internet das Coisas direcionadas à sua aplicação na Segurança Pública, apresentando tendências que poderão aprimorar as informações e desenvolver os serviços prestados pelos agentes da segurança pública no Brasil. As tendências tecnológicas são demonstradas por meio de uma prospecção tecnológica nas bases patentárias Lens, Questel-Orbit e a Derwent Index Innovation. Foram reunidos os dados sobre patentes com pesquisas bibliográficas na área, podendo ser traçado um breve panorama das tendências sobre o uso de inteligências artificiais aliadas à Internet das Coisas (IoT), resultando em dispositivos de reconhecimento facial, sensores de disparo, identificação por rádio frequência e diversos serviços que podem ser diretamente relacionados à Segurança Pública