20 research outputs found

    Trigger and readout electronics for the STEREO experiment

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    The STEREO experiment will search for a sterile neutrino by measuring the anti-neutrino energy spectrum as a function of the distance from the source, the ILL nuclear reactor. A dedicated electronic system, hosted in a single microTCA crate, was designed for this experiment. It performs triggering in two stages with various selectable conditions, processing and readout via UDP/IPBUS of 68 photomultiplier signals continuously digitized at 250 MSPS. Additionally, for detector performance monitoring, the electronics allow on-line calibration by driving LED synchronously with the data acquisition. This paper describes the electronics requirements, architecture and the performances achieved.Comment: Topical Workshop on Electronics for Particle Physics (TWEPP) 2015, Lisboa. 9 pages, 9 figure

    NIKEL_AMC: Readout electronics for the NIKA2 experiment

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    The New Iram Kid Arrays-2 (NIKA2) instrument has recently been installed at the IRAM 30 m telescope. NIKA2 is a state-of-art instrument dedicated to mm-wave astronomy using microwave kinetic inductance detectors (KID) as sensors. The three arrays installed in the camera, two at 1.25 mm and one at 2.05 mm, feature a total of 3300 KIDs. To instrument these large array of detectors, a specifically designed electronics, composed of 20 readout boards and hosted in three microTCA crates, has been developed. The implemented solution and the achieved performances are presented in this paper. We find that multiplexing factors of up to 400 detectors per board can be achieved with homogeneous performance across boards in real observing conditions, and a factor of more than 3 decrease in volume with respect to previous generations.Comment: 21 pages; 16 figure

    ELFE, a database to determine greenhouse gases and ammonia emissions factors from livestock

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    ELFE, a database to determine greenhouse gases and ammonia emissions factors from livestock. 20. Nitrogen Workshop. Coupling C-N-P-S cycle

    Reference procedures for the measurement of gaseous emissions from livestock houses and stores of animal manure.

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    In the ten years before the EMILI 2012 symposium, gaseous losses from animal farms became increasingly important in the m edia. The paradox of this tendency was the great number of publications, scientific or not, even though the emissions of most animal farms had never been measured. Therefor e, the development of reference tools to measure greenhouse gas and ammonia emissio ns was important. Such tools allow recognition and remuneration of the best pract ices and equipment. Accordingly, ADEME funded an international project associating several research and development organizations involved with the animal production chain. The project proposed an initial set of 18 procedures to measure ammonia and greenho use gas emissions from animal houses and manure stores. These were adapted to the diversity of animal farms found throughout the world. Some methods were compared duri ng a ?building? and a ?liquid manure? experiment. Results showed a high difference among methods (ca. 80%), much higher than the estimated uncertainty. Associat ing independent emission measurements, together with a mass balance of the system, is necessary for the reliability of further results. However, previously published references lack uncertainty estimates of measurements that conform to GUM 2008. In the coming years, this is one of the major concerns for measuring emission factor s. Uncertainty estimates should depend on the measurand (temporal: hourly, per batch, yearly; spatial: animal, house, national) and include the uncertainties associated with system representativity and temporal interpolation.Edited by MĂ©lynda Hassouna and Nadine Guingand

    Prototype electronics for the silicon pad layers of the future Forward Calorimeter (FoCal) of the ALICE experiment at the LHC

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    International audienceA Forward Calorimeter (FoCal) has been proposed as part of the ALICE upgrades for data taking from 2029 onwards. The FoCal will feature a sampling electromagnetic calorimeter segmented into 110 towers supplemented by a hadron calorimeter. The electromagnetic calorimeter will be composed of 20 passive layers of tungsten absorber interleaved with 18 active layers of low-granularity silicon pad sensors and two layers of high-granularity pixel detectors. Each pad layer will be read out by 110 silicon pad sensors of 72 channels, amounting to a total of 1980 sensors. This paper describes, from front-end to back-end, the electronics developed to instrument a tower prototype composed of 18 silicon pad sensors

    La base de données ELFE : vers une meilleure connaissance des émissions gazeuses liées à l’élevage

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    National audienceThe increasing demand for animal products is a major challenge for the livestock sector that must reduce its environmental impacts and ensure its sustainability. This sector has been identified as an important contributor to polluting gas emissions. Improving the knowledge on the origin and the magnitude of air pollutants and greenhouse gases emissions from livestock sector is essential to address climate change and to contribute to improve air quality with the evolution of breeding practices (feeding strategy, manure management, etc.). A consortium involving research and extension services partners was created to build a database called ELFE (ELevages et Facteurs d’Emission) with international data from literature references focusing on emissions of ammonia, greenhouse gases, particles and odors on the different steps of manure management of cattle, pig and poultry productions systems and their associated key variables. Around 350 publications (among 1 000 publications collected) are integrated into the database and provide more than 5 200 emission values. The ELFE database allows calculating average of emission and their standard deviation taking into account the diversity of livestock systems. These data can be used to provide emission factor for national inventories for specific livestock systems and also, to evaluate practices on gas emissions mitigation. This database can also be used to analyze the influence of key variables on the emission factor variability using multicriteria assessment (climate, building type, etc.). Moreover, this database propose a classification of emission factor into three classes according to the degree on which information about their most influential key variables was complete (>50 % ; 30-50 % ; 50 % ; 30-50 % ; <30 % des métadonnées renseignées) afin d’évaluer son niveau de description

    CONCERTO: Readout and control electronics

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    The CONCERTO spectral-imaging instrument was installed at the Atacama Pathfinder EXperiment (APEX) 12-meter telescope in April 2021. It has been designed to look at radiation emitted by ionised carbon atoms, [CII], and use the "intensity Mapping" technique to set the first constraints on the power spectrum of dusty star-forming galaxies. The instrument features two arrays of 2152 pixels constituted of Lumped Element KID Detectors (LEKID) operated at cryogenic temperatures, cold optics and a fast Fourier Transform Spectrometer (FTS). To readout and operate the instrument, a newly designed electronic system hosted in five microTCA crates and composed of twelve readout boards and two control boards was designed and commissioned. The architecture and the performances are presented in this paper